omidesign · 10 months
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omidesign · 10 months
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omidesign · 10 months
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omidesign · 1 year
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omidesign · 1 year
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omidesign · 1 year
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𝑳’𝒂𝒊𝒓 ~𝑳’𝒆𝒂𝒖 ~ 𝑳𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆 ~ 𝑳𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒖
L ´air ; le souffle de la vie
la respiration oxygene la cellules
Inspire le Prana Lumiere blanche et expire
doucement .
The air ~The water ~ The earth ~ The fire
The air; the breath of life
Breathing oxygenates the cells
Inhale the Prana White Light and exhale gently
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omidesign · 1 year
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Ce mantra vous permet de vous purifier et de purifier votre relation aux autres.
This mantra allows you to purify yourself and purify your relationship with others.
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omidesign · 2 years
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Chotronette on Etsy
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omidesign · 4 years
“Il arrive d'être incapable de pouvoir exprimer ce qui bout au plus profond de nous. C'est d'une simplicité quand on le pense. Je me vois te dire tous ces mots mais une fois devant toi, il m'est impossible de te le dire. Réveil des blessures. Engouement ralenti. Et pourtant, preuve était ce soir là. Quelques instants d'énervements infondés et il nous était impossible de ne pas rire. Simplicité de retour. Lien inéluctable. Rien arrive par hasard. Nous sommes attirés par certaines âmes, et la tienne m'a frappé de plein fouet. De tout ce qu'elle pourra avoir d'éphémère, je veux jouir de cette rencontre tant qu'elle durera, découvrir la sensibilité de ton âme, la complexité de tes pensées. De tout ce qui te hante. De tout ce qui t'anime. Nous ne serons pas des pansements. Nous serons sûrement sur la retenue. Nous aurons sûrement encore peur. Mais nous serons.”
— motsàmaux
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omidesign · 4 years
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Best bois
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omidesign · 4 years
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omidesign · 4 years
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omidesign · 4 years
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Beginner Witch Tips
Read. Before you even think about practicing magick, you need to study. It sounds tedious, I know, but witchcraft is not a trivial undertaking. 
Start a grimoire/Book of Shadows/Journal. You’ll need a safe place to keep all of the information you’ve gathered safe, and a grimoire (as I call mine), is essentially a notebook for that exact purpose. It doesn’t have to be fancy (though you’re welcome to make it as ostentatious as you like), – it can be a bullet journal if that’s easy for you. Within your grimoire, you should keep all gathered information, spells, failures, successes, records of work you’ve done, etc,. Anything that pertains to your craft.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick a path. You might see a lot of witches who class themselves as one thing or another, e.g., storm witches, kitchen witches, elemental witches, spirit/divination witches; green witches; cosmic witches, and so on.That is cool and their prerogative, but you will also see witches known as eclectic. Eclectic Witches, are simply witches who choose to practise many different types of magick and forge their own path, instead of following only one, or following a pre-established path. Basically, there is no need at all, whatsoever, to label yourself. With many of us, our paths found us in time. 
Research paths, secular witchcraft and religious witchcraft.Witchcraft alone, is a practice. However, some paths are indeed religious, such as Wicca. Make sure you know the difference before you begin actively practicing and before you decide on your path, if you do choose to do so.
Carry a little notebook on your person.You can’t always carry your grimoire with you, so I personally like to carry a tiny little notebook with me, for those moments when inspiration takes me, or if something captures my imagination or attention. You can add it to your grimoire/BoS later.
Oh, and one more thing: don’t ever stop learning and reading and recording. Witchcraft is a path of continuous learning.
Things to Research:
Herb and crystal correspondences, e.g., such as color and planetary.
Sabbats (also known as “Witches Sabbaths”) and esbats.
The basic tools of witchcraft.
Altars (if you’re so inclined).
Lunar phases.
Divination, e.g., tarot, runes, pendulums. 
Witchcraft and deities (if you’re so inclined).
Traditional witchcraft practises, such as circle casting.
SAFETY! What is safe to use/burn/touch/ingest. There are lots of poisonous and potentially fatal plants and ingredients out there.
Easy/budget magick/witchcraft.
The history of witchcraft, including lore, myths and tales.
The importance and use of the elements in magick
Research cultural witchcraft. Make sure that your practice does not steal from closed cultures. 
Easy Practices for New Witches:
Grounding – grounding is the act of centering your energy and focusing it within yourself. You can ground yourself by being out in nature and using visualising techniques that tie your energies firmly into the ground (very traditional method), or by finding a quiet place that you are content in and meditating.
Sigil crafting/creation.
Dream interpretation.
Charging jewellery/crystals/objects/sigils.
Using glamours in makeup/cosmetics/everyday wear.
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omidesign · 4 years
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omidesign · 4 years
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omidesign · 4 years
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Google’s april fool’s joke is a single line of CSS and its infinitely better than Tumblr’s 
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omidesign · 4 years
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Arc en ciel de ma vie
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