omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
Arthur: What did James Watt invent?
Dilan (a History major): ...Watt?
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
-me trying to feed Vivien KitKat-
Vivien: my mouth felt sexually harrased
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
Dilan: We don’t have to take the grade anyway, so it doesn’t matter
Finn: Yes we do, if we manage to write the interpretation this year, then we’ll have to take it this year, if not then next year
Dilan: She didn’t tell that to our class
Finn: But to ours
Dilan: We’re in the same class
Everyone else: visible confusion
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
The whole game consists of Du-Dun and hAHA
Dilan about Yu-Gi-Oh
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
Well I live in ur head, so u should know why urs is so accurate, and yes, yes u should be
As to avoid some confusion, here are the people explained:
le me: local satanistic techsupport, always here for listening and mental support, just don’t expect advice from me, loves videogames (PC & PS4), but also books, stans Benedict Cumberbatch and everything Cyberpunk (yes i cried when Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed for a second time), in a relationship with satan, probably the most mentally stable person in this group, hasn’t seen the lion king, occasionally dms a round of pen and paper
Finn: is literally satan, cutest and most loving person, yet hella sarcastic, done with everyones shit, suffers the most from Dilan‘s bad word plays, huge star wars nerd, he literally knows every meme there possibly is, also loves videogames, currently lacking of general kids- and netflix-show knowledge, but we’re working on that
Ely: @1elysium , constantly suffering mom friend, yes she has heard every joke there is about red hair, no she does not appreciate getting burned, tells people to please not die, another huge star wars nerd, can confuse not-knowing people by nerding with Finn about it, and yes she has read every fanfiction about it there is on Ao3
Brian: @xettsstuff , the meme-lord with the grunge aesthetic, also a hella good cook, another videogame-enthusiast, very much enjoys annoying other people in civ, does not approve of me conquering spain tho smh, also a pretty great dm, we always get him to the verge of complete desparation tho, very much enjoys Dark Souls, even tho it makes him rage most of the time
Dilan: @dilllonon , most wholesome person you will ever meet, u do something for her? She will thank you approximately 20 times for it, at least, the biggest cinnamon roll, but whenever you expect it least, she will make a word play, so bad, that you will suffer for at least 3 workdays (yes she will apologize for it afterwards, multiple times), also obsessed with ethics and philosophy, especially Kant
Vivien: if there is a Kink, she probably knows and, by chance also has it, very protective over her waifus, can also draw them like one of her french girls, very much enjoys space and astronomy (not astrology), very offended on a personal basis, as soon as someone confuses those two, also enjoys watching trash on either youtube or netflix late at night
Tom: looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll that could actually kill you, might stab you in the side (no, not with a knife) and won’t stop until u either stab him back strong and fast enough or ur laying on the ground, begging for him to stop, can T-pose you, because the probability is high, that he’s taller than you, is the semi-rich one of the group
Arthur: if people were adjectives, then he would be: lost, he has the talent, to always time his semi-stupid question unintentionally right, which either ends in other people suffering or other people laughing so hard, that they can’t breathe, he also has a very eloquent way of speaking, which mostly makes the whole situation even more hilarious and/or confusing for others
Ria: the extrovert, she has socialising 100 and doesn’t hesitate to just talk to random people, also a bit hyperactive, befriends random people in Valorant, but is too shy to actually meet them in real life, very enthusiastic about Videogames in general, but can only commit to them over a certain time, can actually draw and make it look aesthetic
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
Hell yes, we will xD
As to avoid some confusion, here are the people explained:
le me: local satanistic techsupport, always here for listening and mental support, just don’t expect advice from me, loves videogames (PC & PS4), but also books, stans Benedict Cumberbatch and everything Cyberpunk (yes i cried when Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed for a second time), in a relationship with satan, probably the most mentally stable person in this group, hasn’t seen the lion king, occasionally dms a round of pen and paper
Finn: is literally satan, cutest and most loving person, yet hella sarcastic, done with everyones shit, suffers the most from Dilan‘s bad word plays, huge star wars nerd, he literally knows every meme there possibly is, also loves videogames, currently lacking of general kids- and netflix-show knowledge, but we’re working on that
Ely: @1elysium , constantly suffering mom friend, yes she has heard every joke there is about red hair, no she does not appreciate getting burned, tells people to please not die, another huge star wars nerd, can confuse not-knowing people by nerding with Finn about it, and yes she has read every fanfiction about it there is on Ao3
Brian: @xettsstuff , the meme-lord with the grunge aesthetic, also a hella good cook, another videogame-enthusiast, very much enjoys annoying other people in civ, does not approve of me conquering spain tho smh, also a pretty great dm, we always get him to the verge of complete desparation tho, very much enjoys Dark Souls, even tho it makes him rage most of the time
Dilan: @dilllonon , most wholesome person you will ever meet, u do something for her? She will thank you approximately 20 times for it, at least, the biggest cinnamon roll, but whenever you expect it least, she will make a word play, so bad, that you will suffer for at least 3 workdays (yes she will apologize for it afterwards, multiple times), also obsessed with ethics and philosophy, especially Kant
Vivien: if there is a Kink, she probably knows and, by chance also has it, very protective over her waifus, can also draw them like one of her french girls, very much enjoys space and astronomy (not astrology), very offended on a personal basis, as soon as someone confuses those two, also enjoys watching trash on either youtube or netflix late at night
Tom: looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll that could actually kill you, might stab you in the side (no, not with a knife) and won’t stop until u either stab him back strong and fast enough or ur laying on the ground, begging for him to stop, can T-pose you, because the probability is high, that he’s taller than you, is the semi-rich one of the group
Arthur: if people were adjectives, then he would be: lost, he has the talent, to always time his semi-stupid question unintentionally right, which either ends in other people suffering or other people laughing so hard, that they can’t breathe, he also has a very eloquent way of speaking, which mostly makes the whole situation even more hilarious and/or confusing for others
Ria: the extrovert, she has socialising 100 and doesn’t hesitate to just talk to random people, also a bit hyperactive, befriends random people in Valorant, but is too shy to actually meet them in real life, very enthusiastic about Videogames in general, but can only commit to them over a certain time, can actually draw and make it look aesthetic
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
Ely: ‚Our shower is not big enough for two people‘
Brian: ‚Already tried?‘
Ely: ‚Fuck you‘
-short moment of silence-
Tom: ‚I wonder... Arthur do you think two people fit into our shower?‘
(No they’re not in a relationship...or are they?)
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
As to avoid some confusion, here are the people explained:
le me: local satanistic techsupport, always here for listening and mental support, just don’t expect advice from me, loves videogames (PC & PS4), but also books, stans Benedict Cumberbatch and everything Cyberpunk (yes i cried when Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed for a second time), in a relationship with satan, probably the most mentally stable person in this group, hasn’t seen the lion king, occasionally dms a round of pen and paper
Finn: is literally satan, cutest and most loving person, yet hella sarcastic, done with everyones shit, suffers the most from Dilan‘s bad word plays, huge star wars nerd, he literally knows every meme there possibly is, also loves videogames, currently lacking of general kids- and netflix-show knowledge, but we’re working on that
Ely: @1elysium , constantly suffering mom friend, yes she has heard every joke there is about red hair, no she does not appreciate getting burned, tells people to please not die, another huge star wars nerd, can confuse not-knowing people by nerding with Finn about it, and yes she has read every fanfiction about it there is on Ao3
Brian: @xettsstuff , the meme-lord with the grunge aesthetic, also a hella good cook, another videogame-enthusiast, very much enjoys annoying other people in civ, does not approve of me conquering spain tho smh, also a pretty great dm, we always get him to the verge of complete desparation tho, very much enjoys Dark Souls, even tho it makes him rage most of the time
Dilan: @dilllonon , most wholesome person you will ever meet, u do something for her? She will thank you approximately 20 times for it, at least, the biggest cinnamon roll, but whenever you expect it least, she will make a word play, so bad, that you will suffer for at least 3 workdays (yes she will apologize for it afterwards, multiple times), also obsessed with ethics and philosophy, especially Kant
Vivien: if there is a Kink, she probably knows and, by chance also has it, very protective over her waifus, can also draw them like one of her french girls, very much enjoys space and astronomy (not astrology), very offended on a personal basis, as soon as someone confuses those two, also enjoys watching trash on either youtube or netflix late at night
Tom: looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll that could actually kill you, might stab you in the side (no, not with a knife) and won’t stop until u either stab him back strong and fast enough or ur laying on the ground, begging for him to stop, can T-pose you, because the probability is high, that he’s taller than you, is the semi-rich one of the group
Arthur: if people were adjectives, then he would be: lost, he has the talent, to always time his semi-stupid question unintentionally right, which either ends in other people suffering or other people laughing so hard, that they can’t breathe, he also has a very eloquent way of speaking, which mostly makes the whole situation even more hilarious and/or confusing for others
Ria: the extrovert, she has socialising 100 and doesn’t hesitate to just talk to random people, also a bit hyperactive, befriends random people in Valorant, but is too shy to actually meet them in real life, very enthusiastic about Videogames in general, but can only commit to them over a certain time, can actually draw and make it look aesthetic
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
I mean I’m not the one that was compared to a salami, soo...
As my friends and I always talk bullshit that is sometimes actually funny, I thought to myself ‘Lena, why not make a Blog, because people might actually enjoy and/or share your suffering from the stupidity of others’
So here we are, please enjoy our collectively shared one (1) brain cell and try not to suffer too much from the amount of bad wordplays
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
At least I’m not the person still doing ‚Thats what s/he said‘-jokes
As my friends and I always talk bullshit that is sometimes actually funny, I thought to myself ‘Lena, why not make a Blog, because people might actually enjoy and/or share your suffering from the stupidity of others’
So here we are, please enjoy our collectively shared one (1) brain cell and try not to suffer too much from the amount of bad wordplays
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omens-and-stupidity · 4 years
As my friends and I always talk bullshit that is sometimes actually funny, I thought to myself ‘Lena, why not make a Blog, because people might actually enjoy and/or share your suffering from the stupidity of others’
So here we are, please enjoy our collectively shared one (1) brain cell and try not to suffer too much from the amount of bad wordplays
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