nutmeag0707 · 2 years
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Mind is running away. Maybe I should listen to why it wants too.
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nutmeag0707 · 2 years
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Bring me the entire collection. The only self help books I’ll ever need.
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nutmeag0707 · 2 years
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PASTA Pasta, I see why you’re the most romantic food. The Italians got it right when they made you. Complex, yet simple like water.
You start off fresh, hard and fragile.
And change shape for the person that prepares you.
Pasta some people will lust for you terribly. They will break you in half, so you soften more quickly. Put the heat too high. Overcook you, for instant gratification. They devour and taste you only faintly. Pasta, you are already forgotten. But Pasta, the right person will dip you in the steaming water gently and let you slowly melt for them. Pasta, you trust they will strain you at Al dente.  season you to perfection so you can be kissed with each bite. Oh Pasta, how they will savor you and come back for more. Until next time...
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nutmeag0707 · 2 years
The moon has me all mixed up inside.
Still so calm on the outside.
This will all pass this is just some rose colored glasses.
None of this is serious, continue to forge ahead.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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I feel like my dreams are slowly coming true. There is still the little voice in my head that tries to hold me back but they are unsuccessful. I wonder if they will just go away completely one day. Probably not.
But I like a good fight.
I asked myself last night were they entertained did they have a good time?
What do I want express? What do I want to tell when I go up on stage? I want people to walk away talking. Questioning.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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The Cat and The Crow ~The punk rock cowboys
{I'm so alone tonight}
{My bed feels larger than ~ When I was small}
{Lost in memories~Lost in all the sheets~And old pillows}
{So alone tonight~Miss you more than}
I will let you know.
Miss the outline of your back
Miss you breathing down my neck
{They're all out to get you~Once again}
{They're all out to get you~Once again}
Insecure, what you gonna do?
Feel so small, they could step on you
Called you up, answering machine
{When the human touch}
Is what I need. What I need
What I need. What I need
What I need. Is you. I need you.
{Looked in the mirror}
I don't know
{Who I am anymore}
The face is familiar. ~But the eyes
%) The eyes give it all away (%
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
Rule of 3
Don’t let too many people have your heart when your young.
Find someone who’s boring but rich. He’ll teach how to take yourself more seriously and to appreciate the value of money.
Find someone who’s adventurous, a wild spirit, who drives a motor cycle and the wind is always at his back. This one will probably hurt the most. He’ll teach you how to live spontaneously, in every moment; to find the beauty in every moment.
Find someone who’s interesting. This one will probably not be your typical type. But they will test you mind. They will expand it in ways you never thought of before.
What these three will do is take your weakest insecurity and make you feel it until you strengthen it to be one of your assets.
Than your woman.
No need for heartbreak anymore.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
I was born with a flame that started in the bottom of my belly. It was so big and strong it caught my heart on fire.
Growing up I eventually met some burnt out people. Whether if it was because they had bad lives or crushed dreams they saw my fire as something they once had, something that would be lost forever. They felt the need to pour their tears out on it. They wanted me to become them; it was only fair.
My flame flickered slightly, but it still had some burn to it. On the other hand, There were people that I met along the way that were fire starters. They lit their matches and threw them in me enraging the fire to what I lost. Although they helped it still wasn’t the fire I had. There always was a firefighter on call to put it out.
Then I found you. Wicked smile, in a good way. Childish exuberance like I once had. Eyes that held all the compassion and innocence of the world.
You were the arsonist. You came by and lit me a blaze a blaze so strong no water can put it out. You used a special kind of fire. You gave me love again. Passion.
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After all love is the most subtle force life has to offer.
Thank you.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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Just because you had a shitty upbringing doesn’t give you the right to be shitty to nice people. They haven’t had the best past either and they still manage to get up everyday and be kind to other humans.
At this point you should have grown from it.
Everyone at this point in life knows that when someone for no damn reason just has negative things to say to you for just existing, it’s because they hate their own existence and want people to be more miserable than them.
Next time someone does that to you just leave. Just say “your being rude and I have zero time for rudeness so now is my cue to go.” If they make you out to be overreacting say “if I don’t ‘overreact’ you will walk all over me and that is something to react too. I’m nobody’s doormat”
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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It’s such a trend to be down to earth and positive and to manifest the best life you want. I think it’s impossible for everyone to be this “positive” I think a lot of it is people faking that they have their life together and that they have this zen mindset so they won’t seem like a huge asshole. When their actions show that they’re really an asshole.
These people have no time for you and the excuse is “I need a self care day.” When conveniently every time they’re needed it’s on their self care day. But when they need something from you, self care is done and over with.
What I’m trying to say is, I miss the camaraderie that people once shared. I miss the loyalty. I miss people truly showing that they’re vapid and selfish. Because at least you got the heads up early on. You weren’t shocked to find the wolf under all that sheep’s clothing later on.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people trying to change for the better and I believe humans can, but there are a lot of humans too lazy to ever change. I guess that makes that one quote true: “ You can’t teach someone loyalty you either are or you aren’t.”
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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I’m just really fucking selfish and really fucking lost. But someone loved me. Someone fucking loved me someone fucking loved me and I fucking love them too. God damn it I was worth something. I fucking learned something. I had my cake or eat it ...
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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Nobody does it better. Nobody does it half as good as you.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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I knew how you took your coffee
And your favorite songs by heart
I read all of your self-help books
So you'd think that I was smart
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave
You found someone more exciting
The next second, you were gone
And you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong
And you always say I'm never satisfied
But I don't think that's true
'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
But don't tell me you're sorry, boy
Feel sorry for yourself
'Cause someday I'll be everything to somebody else
And they'll think that I am so exciting
And you'll be the one who's crying
Yeah, you always say I'm never satisfied
But I don't think that's true
You say I'm never satisfied
But that's not me, it's you.
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold
All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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Her: do you love me? Say it! Do you love me?
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nutmeag0707 · 3 years
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Listen and attend with the ear of your heart.
- St. Benedict
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