nova-radiance · 11 months
I love working on art, all except for the part where I have to work on it.
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nova-radiance · 11 months
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nova-radiance · 1 year
I'd like to wish a happy belated father's day to my dad, who got to spend the day with all of his kids (& his grandson) for the first time.
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nova-radiance · 1 year
having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and leave your house
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nova-radiance · 1 year
college orientation go brrrr
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nova-radiance · 1 year
You can control white people by giving them cheese
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nova-radiance · 1 year
love it when my bf makes everything better. I just had a shitty past 4 days, and within 5 minutes of being with him I felt all that lent up anger and frustration drain from me. we didn’t even do anything really, I just rode in the car as he went around looking for a job, and yet it meant so much that he brought me along because he knew how cruddy I’d been feeling and he knew all I wanted was to take a break from my family.
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nova-radiance · 1 year
need people to understand like if youre my friend you should bother me anytime. call me randomly send me something you think is funny ask for help with an essay i literally do not care. i love you
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nova-radiance · 1 year
I find it funny as fuck that now that Across the Spiderverse is out and companies realizes that people are frothing at the mouth over Hobie (understandable), they’re putting out merch. but like, it’s expensive merch. like upwards of $70 merch. and all I can think is “this is not what he would want”.
good thing the fans have for the most part collectively said “no” and people have just been making their own stuff. super cool to see it.
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nova-radiance · 1 year
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nova-radiance · 1 year
I'm finding it hard to be in my own home once again.
pretty soon I'm gonna be moving out and going to college, and already my family is thinking about what to do with my room. personally, I don't find it fair to have my room ripped from me like that. I understand I won't be here for months at a time, but it took me so long to get in this room to begin with, and I'm finally feeling comfortable here. but now that I'm going off to college it seems like they're trying to take the few familiar things I have from me.
actually, I don't feel like I've even begun to make this room my own. there's still plenty of stuff in here left from my brother that I just haven't gotten rid of, and maybe it's selfish to want to have stuff in two rooms. but my dorm really isn't going to be my own, and I can't take all of my stuff with me. you would think that not really being attached to the room would make it easier, but it just makes me want to cling on to it more because at least I have something, and I don't like having what little I have taken.
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nova-radiance · 1 year
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nova-radiance · 1 year
might just quit going to therapy all together
I get that even though they're mental health professionals, they still need to take care of themselves, but I've seen 3 therapists and I haven't been with any one of them for more than maybe three months.
funny thing is I haven't been able to talk about my abandonment issues with any of them
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nova-radiance · 1 year
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nova-radiance · 1 year
I’m not a fan of superhero movies but I always have to make an exception for the Spiderverse films. you can’t not love them, they’re a wonderful time and the art is amazing
anyways I have Spiderpunk brainrot now and I’m not really complaining
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nova-radiance · 1 year
white girls hunting me in packs
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nova-radiance · 1 year
my vacation had been wild so far
the other day I wanted to go to Cedar Shores with my boyfriend, his brother, and his girlfriend. however, because of whatever is going on with Canada they closed the water park (but not the amusement park because that’s cool I guess). Issue is, they didn’t post the announcement until after most people would have left to get to the park. so we spent an hour waiting on a refund and looking at other shit to do while we were in Sandusky (Sandusky is like a 3 hour drive from home and so the boys weren’t too happy about driving all that way and wasting 70$ on gas to not do anything)
we ended up going to Kalahari because they were still open, and it was a lot better. we spent like 6 hours at the water park, and I even got my boyfriend to go on a single water slide with me (a lot of queues for water slides are open and let you see the ground, but my bf is afraid of heights, and so being in queue really high up makes him freak out a bit).we also got to ride the lazy river a few times, and I got to see my boyfriend experience a wave pool for the first time (he waded all the way to the deep end and had no clue it was a wave pool until he noticed everyone looking at him and felt the first wave. when he turned around he freaked out, and it was pretty funny).
also shout out to the little girl in the lazy river who told me I looked pretty, I really needed that.
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