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Everyone thinks and believes that life as a parent is not easy. They have to work in the office, do the household work,look after the children,listen to their (child) problems and also help them find the solutions.
But life as a child is not that easy. Childhood is the most important state of a person's life. That's when the brain grows really fast. The brain of a child is similar to a seedling 馃尡. Just like sunlight and water help the seed grow similarly exercise like singing, talking, playing helps to boost up the brain connections.
The next important thing to keep in mind is what kind of environment your child needs
Here by environment I mean the emotional, social and the physical development. The kind of environment the child gets has a direct effect on their overall development as an adult.
As parents we all may believe that having a ideal family is not everyone's cup of tea. Every households have problems and disputes. But we may often not notice that these disputes can have a bad impact on the child.
The may feel traumatized. Some of you may laugh as i am saying that the child may feel traumatized. You may say that a child is too small to understand the family diputes but my dear readers, though the child is small he/she is quite capable to understand that something is wrong. The may overthink as to what's wrong with their parents, whe are they shouting, os it because of the child. Overthinking may slower the thinking process of the child.
They may loose interest in almost every single thing. So the first step is to determine the kind of environment your child gets.
In the next post I will write more about the challenges faced as a child.
Thank you 馃槉
Hope you guys like it.
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Hi guyzz feel free to join a group where we can talk about any thing. Share our problems and also help people find solutions.
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Today is the same day when we met.
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Today is the same day,
When we met.
We spoke for the first time,
And became friends.
I remember this day till now though you have gone,
But your memories are enough for me to move on.
Whenever I feel that I will cry,
I remember your smile.
Your smile makes me feel nice.
I still remember ,
When we used to fight and I
Cursed that you should have died.
I still remember when we used to fight,
I used to get annoyed
And hoped that you never entered my life.
Now that you are gone,
I miss your late night calls,
Our sweet fights and cute talks.
Now that you are gone
I finally realize how important you were
And that it was you who made life memorable.
Without you this life has no meaning,
Cause you were my everything.
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life is not a piece of cake.
life is not a piece of cake as people think it to be. many a times we face a lot of problems and the problems seem to have no solutions. Problems can be of different kinds, some may be caused by your family, friends husband or even by you. that is the time when a person needs someone who helps them find the solutions. sometimes the problem can be so big that you are afraid to disclose it even with your close ones, that is the time when a stranger can be of great help. it will be really great if you share your problems with me and i hope to help you find the solutions to your problems.
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