Every day I feel its crushing presence Fill inside me As if someone blew up a big balloon and put it in my chest, tying the string around my heart to keep it in place. How can I ignore This hungry beast that gnaws at my consciousness, Throws a gauzy sheet over my eyes and holds it down so that my judgement is blinded? I can't It's impossible. Well, then, what do I do? Let it consume me. Let the balloon grow bigger and bigger until I can't breathe and my heart is squeezed dry. Feed the beast inside the flesh of my head, Allow it to chew on my eyes so that I will never see again. But I don't have to let it kill me. I could join it. Become it. Absorb it into the very center of my soul. What would happen then? Well, eventually I'd collect a bouquet of balloons So that a tangle of strings constrict my lungs. Cage the beast, throw it a few scraps here and there to keep it down. So I reach into the depths of existence, Calling out into the void of the all-knowing Nothingness And ask out loud, Which one will kill me first? Written 2/6/16
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Psychedelic Hands
Slippery hands A small waist Blackness at the edges, sparks. Closer, closer now A warm, fizzy soda left out in the hot sun. Quick breaths Why am I breathing so hard? Oh, that’s why More hands now, Fists on my shoulder blades that melt across my back. An inkling of a shudder A thought Deep blue, lots of purples, white pink As her face gets closer I feel at the base of my neck Blinding Clarity No more hands, now A step away Sparks come back, but differently A void between her and me, now Azure, bottle green A presence of Nothing The feeling of a Not There want Want A misty green field, naked feet scattering the blades of grass as they run.
Written 1/28/16
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Friendly-Like Love
I look at her and I consider the possibility of being in love with my best friend. Not the kissy, smoochy kind of love, just plain old love. Can I even do that? Can I even be in love with a friend, friendly-like? Or am I just making this all up in my head as I look at her and remember the times when we laughed so hard, smiled so wide. I don’t want to kiss her, so what am I describing right now? It’s hard to explain. Do you know that feeling that you get when you read a book that just blows your mind it’s so good, and then afterwards you just sit there with it in your arms and you are filled with just overwhelming adoration and affection for this dumb book that has changed you forever in such a good way? That’s what happens to me when we’re walking down the hall at school and we’re laughing so hard and I just look at her because she’s so pretty I’m so lucky to be her friend! Does this even make sense? She’s my life, and I love her so much, but as a friend. You know?
Written 1/24/16
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I once knew a girl who was made of strings and stars. Each string kept her tethered to her stars so she wouldn’t float away into space. Funny thing was, every time a star exploded, as they often do, she would’ve too close and the string would break, sending her closer to oblivion each time.
When I met her, she was all but a piece of rubble with only a few stars left. And so for a while I became her starfinder, traveling to he ends of the galaxies to find stars for her and tie them on. It was hard work, but it paid well. Sometimes, while I was traveling with a fragile star in my hands, the star would explode and pieces of me would go flying away. But I didn’t mind, because she was my best friend. Since then she has learned to collect stars on her own.
I often wonder how she is doing. How many stars does she have now? A lot? Has she found another starfinder like me? Often, I find myself collecting stars to bring to her, but then I remember she’s long gone now.
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Written 12/30/15
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I made another tumblr account
I made another account for the poems that I write. It’s @mypoemskeepmeawakeatnight and I would really appreciate it if you followed it!! Thank you! ☺️
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Written 12/26/15
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