moncherifaerie · 3 years
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ n a v i g a t i o n ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
hi mes amies, please relax and immerse yourself into the world of imagination.
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my name is fae, i'm 19 years old, and i sometimes live in my imagination too much that i forget about the responsibilities of the real world. there is nothing wrong with escaping to your safe haven though.
ask me anything or send in a request here!
here’s a complete masterlist of all my work! --> COMING SOON
if you have any questions, feel free to ask at any time! i hope you feel some comfort through my writing. avec amour, mes amies. x
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moncherifaerie · 3 years
10/10/2021 update
hi guys, it’s been a long time since i’ve been on here. definitely a lot to update you guys on, definitely a lot of changes about to come.
first things first, i love how i posted in december 2020 saying to look forward for my new work but never uploaded anything! *insert clown emoji* i’m so sorry i didn’t upload any new content. it’s almost been an entire year since i’ve released anything and i really don’t have any excuse except for that life got ahead of me and all i had time to focus on was school and working. trying to keep up with my favorite groups and artists, etc. have been difficult. whenever i have down time, it’s always spent talking to my family, friends, and just catching up on content i haven’t watched yet. i honestly and completely forgot this account existed until i finally got the urge to want to write again.
with that being said, i’d like to talk about my content. i’ve always been the type of person to never wanna be put into a box. as much as i tried to strictly make my work about my favorite kpop groups and biases, it’s sometimes difficult to find inspiration for each member and force a concept or post that i feel happy or comfortable with. i put a lot of thought, time, and effort into each post and i make sure it’s up to my standards (which are high af). i never, and god forbid i ever begin, post anything that is considered “half-assed” in my book. i pumped out so many ideas and concepts and posts, etc. for content that i guess i kind of sucked all the inspiration out of me.
now that i am back, i can’t promise i’ll be back consistently as i’ve mentioned before, i have a lot of responsibilities on my back at the moment and just moving forward. when i get inspiration, i’ll be sure to be back as soon as i could to share my content with you guys.
my content and appearance on this account is also going to change. i’m not gonna be strictly writing kpop imagines because i have a lot of interests that go beyond kpop and i’ve love to connect with anyone and everyone about these interests. i’ve started getting into marvel and anime, i’ve been into kdramas, etc. idk if i’ll write anything about those subjects yet (except spoiler alert/sneak peek: i’m writing a loki laufeyson imagine) but just a name a few.
i’ll also be changing my username from teeniemoarmy to moncherifaerie. it’s what i feel most comfortable with and it’s kinda the more aesthetically pleasing name i was looking for when i made this account. i feel like it describes me and my personality more and i’m also able to write about anything and everything i want without feeling restricted.
i apologize if this was all over the place, but i just wanted to update you guys as we’re moving into a new chapter for this account.
avec amour, mes amies. lets get a move on. xx
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
it’s been well over a while since i last wrote something for you guys on here! i’m sorry for not writing for over a couple of months. once i moved into college, i was struggling with settling in, but i’m back now that my first semester is coming to an end and i’m overflowing with new prompts to write about!
please look forward to my new writing! xo
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
hey lovelies! i just wanted to come on here and give you guys an update. so basically this week is my last week of working at my job and also being home before i move out for college this coming weekend. i don’t know if i’ll be able to have any new updates coming soon, but i’ll let you know or surprise you with an update if i come up with something.
obviously with these new and exciting things coming in my personal life, it causes me to have to unfortunately take some time out of my social media life, so i’m sorry i won’t be able to have anything up anytime soon. when things die down and i’m fully settled into the swing of things, i’ll be sure to comeback and keep writing because i love doing it! please understand these circumstances and i’ll be back with something soon <3
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
fever - c.jh
pairing: choi jongho x reader / famous!reader
warnings: swearing
a/n: last installment to the jongho “fever” mini fic! it wasn’t meant to be a mini fic in the first place, it was supposed to be an imagine, but the post was soooo long that i just decided to split it up into three parts. i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do!
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after hours of mindlessly driving around with no specific intentions of stopping anywhere, you finally decided to head back to the hotel ateez were staying at to drop jongho off. the whole ride back to the hotel, you had a pout on your lips as he kept teasing you and doing aegyo in order to make you smile and laugh, which he successfully did.
you parked your car in the guest parking lot before out of the car and meeting jongho in front of it. it was like the two of you telepathically told each other that the night was still young and you didn’t want to leave one another yet. jongho wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he took his hotel keycard to unlock the entrance and take both of you up to his and wooyoung’s hotel room.
it was comfortably silent between the two of you again as you just enjoyed each other’s presence. there weren’t many peaceful moments in both of your lives so whenever you two could even get a moment of silence, it was like an unspoken mutual agreement to just keep quiet and just enjoy being with one another.
once the elevator made a ding, alerting you two that you’ve reached your designated floor, jongho held your hand and lead you to his hotel room. the moment you two entered the room, you flopped onto his bed (which was the one closest to the balcony) and watched as he dropped his belongings down before joining you on his bed as well. the two of you laid on the bed with jongho laid back and you cuddled into his side as he gently brushed his fingers through your hair.
“what time’s your flight tomorrow?” you asked robotically.
“at seven, but we have to get out of here by four-thirty or five.” he responded with the same monotone and robotic voice.
you hummed at his response before it fell silent between the two of you again. it didn’t last long as you heard a crash from the room beside you.
“wooyoung and san must be beating up yunho again.” jongho stated casually.
“y’all are so freaking chaotic, how could you say that so casually?!” you exclaimed and sat up beside him.
“well if you haven’t realized babe, i’ve been living with them for the past almost three years now! this is the usual for us!” he laughed out.
you joined him in laughing before laying back down and nestling yourself beside him again.
“not gonna lie, i would love to see what it’s like being on tour with you guys-”
despite you just finishing your statement, jongho still cut you off by covering your mouth and shushing you.
“shhhh, don’t say things you’re only gonna regret later on.” he whispered like anyone else would hear the two of you even though you were the only ones in the hotel room.
you couldn’t help the roll of your eyes as he was once again pulling sassy!jongho out from the bag. he usually wasn’t like this around other people and instead kept to himself and was polite and respectful or was full on chaotic when the other members were around. when he was around you, it was like he just had so many sides of him that no one else had the privilege to witness unless they were, well....you, and you couldn’t help that small burst of pride well up in your chest at this small fact.
“oh come on, applehead! i’m always spending all my time with you, i never get to see the other members anymore.” you scoffed and flipped yourself to the side dramatically.
“and that’s a bad thing?” jongho challenged you further.
“yes it is.” you responded, sticking out your tongue at him teasingly.
he let out a dramatic gasp before pouting and crossing his arms across his chest, “i want a divorce.”
you laughed then laid yourself on top of jongho’s body, causing him to uncross his arms and instead wrap them around you and hold you close to him.
“if you want a divorce, you have to marry me first, idiot.” you mumbled into his neck as the two of you cuddled into one another and had your eyes shut.
“i’ll keep that in mind for the next few years we’re together.” he noted.
you couldn’t help the dumb smile that suddenly appeared on your face, but you just shook your head and cuddled into jongho more.
as the night fell, the two of you grew more tired and finally fell asleep holding one another. you couldn’t help wanting to savor the moment and wishing it could just last the two of you a little bit longer. you knew this moment will be ripped away from you the moment you wake up because it’ll feel like one dream that you’d want to relive over and over again.
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
txt headcanons: your relationship as a decade
pairing: txt x reader / choi soobin x reader / choi yeonjun x reader / choi beomgyu x reader / kang taehyun x reader / hueningkai x reader
warnings: a bit of swearing because i have no filter, whoops
a/n: my head is filled with just “retro concept” because of bts’s “dynamite” comeback so i came up with this
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choi soobin - 90′s
i see a relationship with soobin being very domestic but playful as well. when i think about the 90′s, i usually think of the relationships in that decade being very youthful but also passionate. with all the times i’ve done now vs. then relationship comparisons with my teachers, they always talked about how the boys back then were forced to talk to the parents first before the phone was handed off to the girls. the boys always had to have respect and kind of have something going for them if the parents wanted them close to their daughters. i just think this decade best represents what a relationship with soobin could entail.
soobin = 90′s heartthrob boyfriend material
y’alls relationship is so innocent yet domestic at the same time
cuddles and hand holding uwu
he’s close with your parents
y’all could talk to each other for hours and not get tired of hearing the other’s voice
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choi yeonjun - 80′s
maybe this is a bit biased because yeonjun IS my bias, but i’m just gonna say it: i’m here to promote the relationship with greaser!yeonjun agenda. i swear i’m not a delulu and i know i’d never get into a relationship with this dude because i’m me (._.) and he’s HIM 🤩. but like could y’all imagine how cute dates to a drive-in movie or local diner would be? sharing a milkshake with him? i’ve always had a “good girl” image attached to me and yeonjun’s stage persona (yknow the one that has him all intimidating and scary AS FUCK), but the good girl x bad boy dynamic with yeonjun would be INSANEEEEE. i’m all for it and i want to see this happen. whoever ends up with yeonjun, i better see a danny and sandy from grease couple’s halloween outfit or else imma fight.
me promoting the greaser!yeonjun agenda
dates to a diner or drive-in movie
sharing a milkshake together
that good girl x bad boy dynamic got me ShOoK
yeonjun and his s/o need to have a grease couple’s halloween costume together (whether that’s sandy x danny, greaser x greaser, or badboy x nerd [something for the nonbinary pals too of course because we love and accept you here])
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choi beomgyu - 70′s
y’all are the chill hippie couple. i’ve personally always associated the 70′s with beomgyu whenever i see him because something about him radiates 70′s decade energy. maybe it’s because of his love for ABBA and growing up listening to it, the way he dresses sometimes, or his passion for guitar playing, something about him screams the 70′s for me. i can see the two of you totally going out to as many concerts and festivals as you could together. i also feel like beomgyu’s the type who’d totally be down for vanlife so if you two lived in a van together and traveled around together, that would be such a vibe. thrift shopping with beomgyu is also an adventure. y’all probably have the best fashion sense of the 70′s. or maybe this is just me and i wanna see beomgyu in flares.
concert and music festival dates with gyu
he’d always be playing his guitar for you
y’all would live in a van and travel anywhere and everywhere together
70′s decade fashion royalty
i wanna go thrift shopping with beomgyu because he’d probably be the best buddy for that 🥺
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kang taehyun - 50′s
we all know taehyun as the mature and “normal” member of txt, which is why i put the 50′s decade for him. i see a relationship with him being very chivalrous and domestic. (obviously all relationships with the members will be chivalrous, but y’all know what i mean) i just love the image of taehyun coming home after a long day of working and just sitting down with him and having a casual dinner and talk with him. a relationship with him is so refreshing and healing and y’all just figure it out as the day comes. i feel like an emphasis on respect for each other and communication is another thing that kind of inspired me to put the 50′s for taehyun. when i think about the 50′s, there wasn’t really much back then so you’d really have to rely on being honest and communicative with one another in order to have a relationship work then. not only was communication one of the big things, but those were kind of “simpler times” so i feel like it was a matter of you guys either found a way to entertain each other or nothing happened at all. i personally think this concept works best with taehyun.
domestic af
chill talks with taehyun over food = healing time for the both of you
taehyun will prove to anyone and everyone that chivalry is not dead
you two are very simple-minded and able to make even the most basic things entertaining and fun for the two of you
deep and meaningful talks with taehyun will always make you feel better + melt your heart
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hueningkai - 00′s
the 00′s was all about it’s bright and playful aesthetic, which perfectly matches hueningkai’s personality. he’s a big ball of energy that always knows how to have fun and bring a smile to everyone’s face. a relationship with him is like a rollercoaster (peep prod. kai) because you guys could be a softest, babiest couple out there, but then next thing you know y’all be the most chaotic crackheads anyone has ever come across. collecting cute plushies and stickers is definitely a you and hueningkai thing. they’re cute and make you happy so y’all have a whole bunch of them. i just wanna wrap hueningkai in a lisa frank blanket and cuddle with him if i’m being honest.
hueningkai is a happy virus
the only rollercoaster hueningkai likes is the relationship he has with his s/o
y’all can be cute little babies or chaotic mf crackheads, choose your fighter
you guys collect cute plushies and stickers because they’re fun and make you happy
wrap huening in a lisa frank blanket and cuddle him please
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
living younger - c.jh
pairing: choi jongho x reader / famous!reader
fluff, slight angst
warnings: swearing
a/n: part two of the jongho “fever” mini series! enjoy!
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“how do these look on me?”
you turned around to face jongho with the ugliest pair of sunglasses he’s ever seen but somehow you made them look like they were fresh off the runway.
“those look like shit, but you make them work.”
the gasp you let out as you smacked his arm and playfully lectured him about how someone in this universe worked hard on designing those sunglasses caused jongho to laugh, but wrap an arm around you and give you a side hug.
both of you discovered a small shop as you were talking a walk after getting breakfast at a local bakery. it was the type of shop to sell any and everything you could think of. although you didn’t have intentions to purchase anything, it didn’t hurt to just look around and somehow make this impromptu shopping trip an exciting memory for you two.
“hey lovely, do you like these?” you asked jongho as you tugged on his sleeve lightly over to where you were standing.
he looked at the assortment of handmade beaded bracelets you were looking at and saw you were holding two gray ones, one with a key and the other with a heart.
as much as jongho didn’t like the typical cheesy couple things that you sometimes pulled both of you into, he couldn’t help but love the idea of having just a small part of your relationship with him at all times. these bracelets were simple enough to be layered with the other accessories the stylists choose for the members to wear so he could even have a small reminder of you on stage with him too.
“yeah, we should get them.” he blurted out.
you looked at him with bewilderment in your eyes and immediately held the back of your hand against his forehead.
“should we get you back to the hotel? maybe we’ve been out on our adventure longer than we should be because you’re suggesting we get couple bracelets.” you stated.
jongho flattened his lips into a straight line as he blushed and took the bracelets from your hand, walking towards the counter to pay for them. you were hot on his tail as you let out a small laugh and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind.
“it’s okay, applehead, i know you love me so much.”
you and jongho were driving around mindlessly at this point with no intentions of actually going to one specific place. you stopped at a fast food drive thru to get food for the road then have been on the road for a while now.
you opened your mouth for him to feed you some of your food, only to have him shove a handful of fries in.
“fungho, whuff tha fuck!” you managed to muffle-yell through the abundance of fries that were gracefully hanging out.
he laughed at how you still managed to semi-audibly curse him out even with a bunch of food shoved into your mouth, but he still reached over to pull some fries out and feed them to you properly.
“and you were the one calling me a brat, damn.” you said with a huff and dramatic eye roll.
“um excuse me babe, but you were the one about to drive off without me! you were planning on leaving me in the dust!” jongho playfully argued back.
“okay, but even if i was to drive off without you, i would’ve turned around in five seconds to get you because i’d never leave you behind, bub!”
the playful banter between the two of you continued as you drove passed the mass of open fields and trees, following path of the sunset.
once the food you two ordered was finished, all the trash was squished into the takeout bag that came with the food and abandoned in the backseat. comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you listened to jongho softly hum along to the music playing through the car stereo.
“so do you know what’s next after this?” you asked out of the blue.
jongho chuckled and turned to face you, “aren’t you the one that’s supposed to know that since you’re the one that’s driving?”
you rolled your eyes as a small pained smile made its way onto your lips.
“i’m not talking about the drive, jongho.”
he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. he knew exactly what you were talking about but he didn’t want to talk about it yet. not now at least. not when the two of you were enjoying your time together and living life like a normal couple despite your lives being anything but normal.
“we’re making it work, baby. don’t worry. we’ll be able to be together again when we go back home and have nothing on our schedules.” he made an attempt to reassure you.
the slightly strained chuckle that left you caused him to fully divert his attention towards you and watch as your eyes grew slightly glossy.
“you know i’m going to be here for another two months while you and the members head to europe for the next month. then you’ll be back in seoul for a while and i’ll probably be back in seoul too but about a week for a few tapings before i’m on the road again and headed to australia.” you said to him.
the once comfortable silence shifted to just silence. jongho let out a breath before wiping at the one tear that slipped out from the corner of your eye.
“don’t worry about it. i know dating while we’re both busy with our own schedules is complicated, but at least we have times where we’re able to cross paths and be together. it’s what helps strengthen our relationship, love.”
as much as it hurt your heart that in a few hours you’ll be dropping jongho back off at his hotel only for him to get on another flight to another city miles away from you, you just had to accept that once again, the two of you will have to leave each other with another bittersweet goodbye until next time.
“i guess you’re right. we’ll just have to continue to make the most of our time together now before it’s too late.” you vowed.
“isn’t that what’s been happening this entire time or was it just me?” jongho faked offense.
you rolled your eyes and softly smacked his arm. the two of you laughed as this was just how your relationship worked. even though your schedules constantly clashed with one another, whenever you had time to spend together, you were able to witness a side that was put aside for the two of you to see only.
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
dynamite - j.hs
pairing: jung hoseok x reader
warnings: none
a/n: “dynamite” is officially out! stream the “dynamite” mv here! i’m so excited for this era! they all look so good like y’all, they are serving LOOKS with this retro concept, but we been knew we’d all be whipped for jung hoseok with this retro concept.
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“i still don’t understand why we’re doing this, we’re both not athletically inclined.” you said as you watch hoseok pay the employee for two pairs of roller skates then turn to hand you a pair.
“they were doing a retro night special tonight.” he responded with a small pout on his lips.
you laughed and wrapped your arms around him once you stepped off to the side to let other people get their skates.
“well, hun, they’re also doing a retro night at the club down the street where we could be doing something up our alley like having a night out with our friends and dancing all night without risking one of us breaking our faces.” you reasoned.
you saw him try to come up with an excuse as to why this rollerskating date would be good for the both of you, but you instantly ran a hand through his hair and smiled, reassuring him that it’s okay if you two try this out tonight. besides, it’s something new to the both of you and it doesn’t hurt to try something new once in a while.
that statement proved to be conflicting though as the second the two of you stood up, you both ended up taking each other down face planting into the carpeted floor.
“well this is fun, isn’t it, (y/n)?” hobi groaned out as he lifted himself up and helped you to stand while holding onto the side wall of the rink.
“oh yeah, the most fun i’ve had all year, sunshine.” you said both enthusiastically and sarcastically.
he laughed at your fake enthusiasm to what could end up to be a disastrous night. the two of you continued to laugh despite spending more time falling and flailing your arms rather than upright on your rollerskate-clad feet.
the two of you finally decided to make your way onto the rollerskating rink despite not having the confidence what so ever to step foot on the hardwood flooring. hoseok managed to somehow get both of his skates on the floor before he suddenly began moving forward at snail speed.
“(y/n), quickly! get on-get your feet on the floor now!” hoseok exclaimed as he attempted to stay still so he wouldn’t fall or move forward anymore while also turning back to see if you were on the floor yet and to reach out and take your hand in his.
“i’m trying to move as fast as i can, hobi! give me like five years to make it on there!” you exclaimed back as you kept hesitating the closer you got to the edge of the carpeted floor.
when you finally made it to the very last bit of the carpeted edge, you let out a small squeal and immediately stepped yourself forward, falling against hoseok and causing him to fall against the hardwood floor.
“sorry.” you giggled out as you watched him groan and smile painfully at you as he was faceplanted against the floor this time around.
“maybe we should’ve just went to the club to dance ahead.” hoseok admitted.
“are you kidding me?! that took you twelve million falls and arm flails to figure out?!” you exclaimed as you got off him and sat on the edge of the carpeted floor.
hoseok brought himself to sit beside you before he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss against your lips.
“i love youuuu.” he sang out with an apologetic look on his face.
you sighed because how could you be even the tiniest bit angry at him? that’s right, the answer is you could never.
“it’s alright, but that won’t stop me from saying i told you so.”
you both laughed as you tried to stand up and return the skates back before heading out and probably back home to have a relaxing night. instead, hoseok was once again met with the floor against his back and you on top of him.
“lets just tap out for a second and recover from our previous million falls.” he suggested.
“yeah i agree.”
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
i currently have 4 writings queued to be posted over the next 2 days! i have one other idea that i’ve been having for the last few days that i’m definitely going to write at some point, i just need to figure out how i actually wanna write it and i’ll hopefully have it up for you guys soon! other than that, i think i’ll be done with posting tonight because i’ll be hyping up bts’s comeback, chilling out, and sleeping at some point since i have work tomorrow. i hope y’all enjoy what i’ll be uploading over the next few days and despite some of my works being queue, i’ll definitely have more writing for you in store than you expect.
have a goodnight and support bts, txt, and ateez always lol 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
getting close to 2.5 hours until “dynamite” drops! i hope you guys are as excited as i am! i am soooo ready for this retro concept! i also have a special imagine inspired by “dynamite” dropping at 12:05AM EST to celebrate the drop of “dynamite”! i can’t wait to see the video ELJRGNLQJKERNFJNE
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
thank you so much! and hmmm, i wonder who’s bandaids those originally belonged to? 🤔 *coughcoughTHEY’RESANNIE’Scoughcough*
a series of unfortunate events - k.ys
pairing: kang yeosang x reader / predebut!yeosang x exchange student!reader
warnings: slight swearing, mentions of injuries and blood
a/n: this is totally inspired by yeosang’s video from “code name is ateez”. this was originally gonna be about yeosang accidentally crashing into you with his drone, but getting knocked out by a drone…..i think would involve hospital and more serious matters 🤣😗😬 also (y/ht) stands for “your hometown”!
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it was summer break and you were traveling across the regions of south korea with your friends. as an exchange student from overseas, you never really got properly immersed into the korean culture since you always just focused on school (because the education here was HARD AS FUCK) and then spent time with your host family.
life in seoul wasn’t as different from (y/ht) as you were longboarding along the han river with your friends beside you either on their own bikes, skateboards, or just running on foot. the sun was out, white fluffy clouds passed by in the sky, and the breeze as you made your way through the park just felt like the ultimate summer feeling you’ve been looking forward to all year.
you attempted to practice your drifts and tricks, but the key word here is attempted. as you gained momentum and speed, you didn’t realize until the last second that someone else on their skateboard was coming towards your direction as well. the two of you collided before bringing each other tumbling down into the grass off to the side.
“jesus.” you groaned out as you sat up and rubbed at your shoulder that hit the ground the hardest.
“i’m sorry, are you okay?” the brown haired boy asked you as he quickly recovered himself and made his way over to you.
you let out a sigh and stood up when he stood up himself and offered a hand out to you.
“i’m okay, just a few scratches and a bit of dirt on my name now, but nothing i can’t handle.” you responded with some humor laced in your voice in order to ease the slight tension that settled between the two of you.
“but you’re bleeding.” he gestured to your leg that had a few cuts and scratches across them.
you were about to wave it off and reassure him that everything was okay, but he picked up both of your boards then led you over to a bench that wasn’t far off from where you two fell. he sat you down and kneeled down in front of you where he unzipped his backpack and pulled out a small ziplock bag with first aid supplies.
“no, it’s okay you don’t have to-”
he quickly cut you off by shooting you a sweet smile then proceeding to clean your injuries and put bandages on them.
“are these dinosaur band-aids?” you asked with an endearing laugh following your question.
you saw a light blush make its way onto his cheeks before he softly mumbled something to himself then responded to you.
“they’re my friend’s. he picked these up the other day at the convenience store because they were cute and they were the only ones we have in the dorm room i share with him.” he explained before plastering one last bandage on you then tapping your knee softly, “you should be all set.”
you stood up and took a hold of your longboard before turning towards him, “well i’ll let you know that i think these are cute. hopefully we can meet another time when we’re not crashing into each other.”
the most beautiful laugh escaped him as you felt the tips of your ears heat up from being in the presence of the most handsome boy you’ve ever come across.
“i agree, hopefully we see each other around? m-maybe?” he slight stammered out.
you nodded and were about to turn around to head back in the direction of your friends when he quickly stopped you by brushing his hand gently against your wrist.
“i never got your name.”
“it’s (y/n).”
“well, it was nice meeting you, (y/n). i’m yeosang, the one responsible for the series of unfortunate events that happened to us.”
the small smile and teasing tone in his voice made you laugh and you couldn’t help standing there for a little bit to talk to him as both your and his friends stared at the two of you from two different sides of the park in disbelief.
a/n: i’m sorry this was probably shorter and cheesier than it was intended to be.
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
gotta let it go - c.jh
pairing: choi jongho x reader / famous!reader
warnings: swearing
a/n: this turned into a mini fic without it meaning to, but hopefully you guys enjoy this!
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a tapping noise came from the balcony attached to jongho and wooyoung’s hotel room. the noise woke up the eldest of the two as he grumbled and made his way over to the covered sliding doors to see what little pest was disrupting him and his sleep. when wooyoung slightly pushed the curtains to the side and saw you sitting on one of the chairs out there, he tiredly and playfully flipped you off as he walked over to jongho’s bed and pulled him by the leg to get out of bed.
“jongho, get your ass up. (y/n) wants you on the balcony.” wooyoung grumbled.
jongho snatched his leg away from the boy’s grip before shoving him with his foot to leave him alone, but wooyoung wasn’t gonna let him get away with it as your persistent tapping on the glass doors continued.
the two roommates sleepily wrestled each other, but since this required jongho to wake up at this point, he accepted defeat and walked over to the balcony and slid the doors open to meet with you.
“(y/n), what are you doing? what time is it?” he asked as he scratched at his head but still slumped his body beside yours.
“it’s about 2:35AM, but that’s besides the point.” you said casually, waving your hand, “lets go out.”
jongho looked at you with hazy sleepy eyes. going out? at this hour?
“come on jongho! it’s just a small adventure and you could sleep for a majority of it because we’ll be driving for a while.” you attempted to further persuade him.
he sighed and rolled his eyes but nonetheless went inside of his hotel room to grab a hoodie, his shoes, and bag before meeting you on the balcony again.
“i can’t believe we’re actually doing this.”
“you’ll love it, don’t worry.”
the feeling of the car suddenly stopping woke jongho up from his sleep and he looked in front of him to see a sandy and gravelly paved way. was this what you wanted to show him at the crack ass of dawn?
“come on, it’s starting soon!” you said excitedly as you pushed the car door open then slammed it shut.
jongho followed right behind you and watched as you opened the trunk of the car to reveal a pile of pillows, blankets, and a stash of snacks set up with a view of the bustling city far off in the distance. he has to admit, this had to be one of the best experiences he’s ever had and it’s definitely worth waking up at 2AM for.
you climbed into the back of the car and smiled at jongho as he once again followed your lead and got himself comfortable underneath the blankets you brought along with you.
“what gave you the sudden burst of energy to plan all this out, babe?” jongho inquired.
you shrugged and nestled yourself closer to his body as the two of you ate snacks and watched the sun rise together.
“i just thought about how this will be one of the few times we’ll be able to be together, so why not make the most of it?” you responded.
a comfortable silence fell between you guys as the sun greeted this side of the world with a peaceful and brisk morning.
as jongho opened his mouth to ask if that was all you wanted to show him, you immediately shut the bag of chips the two of you were snacking on and through it into the half empty bin of snacks.
“come on! get back into the car!” you exclaimed, jumping out from underneath the blankets then running into the driver’s seat once again.
jongho jumped and quickly followed behind you, shutting the trunk, and making his way towards the passenger side. before he could open the door though you slowly released your foot off the brake and caused the car to slowly move forward and onto the pathway again. jongho ripped the passenger door open and playfully glared at you before squishing your face in his hands.
“you are such a brat!” he declared once he had his seatbelt buckled and the two of you are on the road again.
the evil laugh that left your lips brought butterflies to jongho’s stomach and despite the tricks you played on him, he couldn’t help the endearing and loving feeling that filled his entire body as he watched you drive to your next destination.
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
a series of unfortunate events - k.ys
pairing: kang yeosang x reader / predebut!yeosang x exchange student!reader
warnings: slight swearing, mentions of injuries and blood
a/n: this is totally inspired by yeosang’s video from “code name is ateez”. this was originally gonna be about yeosang accidentally crashing into you with his drone, but getting knocked out by a drone.....i think would involve hospital and more serious matters 🤣😗😬 also (y/ht) stands for “your hometown”!
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it was summer break and you were traveling across the regions of south korea with your friends. as an exchange student from overseas, you never really got properly immersed into the korean culture since you always just focused on school (because the education here was HARD AS FUCK) and then spent time with your host family.
life in seoul wasn’t as different from (y/ht) as you were longboarding along the han river with your friends beside you either on their own bikes, skateboards, or just running on foot. the sun was out, white fluffy clouds passed by in the sky, and the breeze as you made your way through the park just felt like the ultimate summer feeling you’ve been looking forward to all year.
you attempted to practice your drifts and tricks, but the key word here is attempted. as you gained momentum and speed, you didn’t realize until the last second that someone else on their skateboard was coming towards your direction as well. the two of you collided before bringing each other tumbling down into the grass off to the side.
“jesus.” you groaned out as you sat up and rubbed at your shoulder that hit the ground the hardest.
“i’m sorry, are you okay?” the brown haired boy asked you as he quickly recovered himself and made his way over to you.
you let out a sigh and stood up when he stood up himself and offered a hand out to you.
“i’m okay, just a few scratches and a bit of dirt on my name now, but nothing i can’t handle.” you responded with some humor laced in your voice in order to ease the slight tension that settled between the two of you.
“but you’re bleeding.” he gestured to your leg that had a few cuts and scratches across them.
you were about to wave it off and reassure him that everything was okay, but he picked up both of your boards then led you over to a bench that wasn’t far off from where you two fell. he sat you down and kneeled down in front of you where he unzipped his backpack and pulled out a small ziplock bag with first aid supplies.
“no, it’s okay you don’t have to-”
he quickly cut you off by shooting you a sweet smile then proceeding to clean your injuries and put bandages on them.
“are these dinosaur band-aids?” you asked with an endearing laugh following your question.
you saw a light blush make its way onto his cheeks before he softly mumbled something to himself then responded to you.
“they’re my friend’s. he picked these up the other day at the convenience store because they were cute and they were the only ones we have in the dorm room i share with him.” he explained before plastering one last bandage on you then tapping your knee softly, “you should be all set.”
you stood up and took a hold of your longboard before turning towards him, “well i’ll let you know that i think these are cute. hopefully we can meet another time when we’re not crashing into each other.”
the most beautiful laugh escaped him as you felt the tips of your ears heat up from being in the presence of the most handsome boy you’ve ever come across.
“i agree, hopefully we see each other around? m-maybe?” he slight stammered out.
you nodded and were about to turn around to head back in the direction of your friends when he quickly stopped you by brushing his hand gently against your wrist.
“i never got your name.”
“it’s (y/n).”
“well, it was nice meeting you, (y/n). i’m yeosang, the one responsible for the series of unfortunate events that happened to us.”
the small smile and teasing tone in his voice made you laugh and you couldn’t help standing there for a little bit to talk to him as both your and his friends stared at the two of you from two different sides of the park in disbelief.
a/n: i’m sorry this was probably shorter and cheesier than it was intended to be.
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
8/21 10:30AM KST Press Conference HERE
8/21 12:30PM KST Countdown Live on YouTube HERE
8/21 1PM KST Dynamite single & MV release HERE
8/21 7PM KST Comeback Spot Live on Vlive HERE
Comeback Goals HERE
Guide for streaming and answers to questions you might have HERE
Countdowns to schedules named above and more HERE
Real time updated schedule + automatically converts time for you HERE
Please get ready everyone and visit the links for ‘ESSENTIALS’ early so you are informed and aware of what to do. And share these links with other ARMYs so we can work together. To another eraaaa. Light it up like dynamite ~
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moncherifaerie · 4 years
my san “camera shy” imagine reached 101 likes?! uHM THANK YOU?! thank you guys for liking my writing. i’ve been trying to write as much as i could for you guys and i cannot believe that there are so many of you that are enjoying the works i’m putting out. in a span of a few days, my writing has accumulated almost 400 likes and i just can’t believe it. thank you guys so much for the love and support and i’ll keep writing if you guys keep reading and enjoying it. i’ll keep working hard 💜💜💜
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