mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
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long battles, long hugs
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
y e s
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night watch
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
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On a night of boring patrols
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
I’m feeling very spiteful right now and have decided to take that out on characters so I don’t take it out on real people.
Anyways, let’s go look at one of my favorite characters to torment, Lila Rossi from Miraculous Ladybug.
Do I think she’s an interesting character? To a point.
Do I like her? Absolutely not.
Her main characterization is that of a narcissistic compulsive liar. So let’s try and flesh out her rationale for her characterization so that I feel a little more sympathy for her(cause right now, it looks like her only reason is that she currently doesn’t get enough attention from her mother, which in and of itself doesn’t seem like enough to justify her actions).
The mom(imma call her Maria) has an embassy job, which is unknown. So she could be a paper pusher or an ambassador for all we know. So Maria is now an official envoy with all the training and legalities that are required to be so. From what I understand, diplomats are fiercely guarded and often serve their home government for multiple years or decades, depending on their skill. So let’s make Maria highly skilled and useful to the Italian government in diplomacy with other nations. A diplomat often rotates through their position, staying for between 1-4 years based on need. So let’s say that Maria is called in to handle tricky cases that only last a year to two years, before returning to Italy until her next assignment.
Now, let’s collect all of that together in a single cohesive statement. Maria Rossi is a highly skilled diplomat who has been serving as a diplomats for several years and that often only stays in one place for 1-2 years. And she most likely takes Lila with her to better keep her safe.
Time for psychology! Children often forms their own little groups and it takes a while for them to accept newcomers, especially one that joins in the middle of the year. This mindset becomes more prevalent the older they get.
So Lila probably had very few friends at a young age, because she couldn’t stay long enough to form lasting bonds and the children took a while to warm up to her. But Lila is a smart kid, and she notices that at story time, the children who tell the best story of what they did were mobbed by other children. So she starts to do that, hungry for the other children to pay attention to her too. And it works! The other children flood her with attention, for a short time before they return to their groups. So she starts lying about things more often to keep their attention. But the children grow bored again, and return to their groups. So in the end, Lila Rossi thinks that the only way that she’ll be friends is to lie about bigger times more often and it works.
But then she has to move again. However she had figured out the secret to making friends and she starts lying immediately. Everyone surrounds her and begs to hear the story.
Inside, her head though, wires are being crossed as time passes. She hasn’t forgotten her original goal to have a few friends but she also craves attention so her original goal is pushed to the back. And eventually she believes that the only way that she’ll ever have the attention that she desires is to lie about everything and lie big.
In the end, Lila Rossi is a compulsive liar, one that is also heavily narcissistic. But it all started because she moved around too much to form solid friendships, and did what she could to make friends.
After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
chat noir starts a youtube. it’s filled with videos taken on his baton of him “experimenting,” except every test performed is just “what will happen to [x] object when i cataclysm it”
the results are always as you’d expect
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
written for @ladynoirjuly2020 day 6
Roses are red,’ Chat began. ‘Violets are blue—’
‘This poem is clichĂ©,’ Ladybug interrupted, crossing her arms and smirking, ‘and so are you.’ 
‘Cliche!?’ Chat cried with mock outrage. ‘I think you mean a classic!’ He leant into her space and waggled his eyebrows. 
Ladybug snorted and pushed him away. However rather than come back with a comedic reply, Chat’s smile dropped. He looked down at the rose he held in his hands. 
‘Hey, Marinette?’ he asked without looking up.
Ladybug looked at him curiously. ‘Yes?’ she said, wondering why he was using her civilian name.
Chat met her gaze and gave her a soft smile that lit up the night and made her heart pound.
‘I love you,’ he said simply. His eyes glimmered in the starlight.
Ladybug gave a soft laugh and shook her head. ‘I love you too, Chat,’ she said. ‘As I’ve told you. Every day. For the past seven years.’
Chat’s grin widened. ‘You know I never get tired of hearing it.’
Ladybug brought her hand to his cheek and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. ‘I know,’ she whispered as she pulled back. And heat rose in her cheeks as Chat stared at her with green eyes full of wonder. Even after all these years he still made her blush. ‘Now give me the rose, you silly romantic.’
‘Uh uh,’ Chat said, shaking his head with a smirk and holding the rose out of her reach. ‘You’ve got to let me finish my poem first.’
Ladybug stepped back and chuckled, then gestured at him to go ahead.
Chat fingered the petals on the rose. He took a deep breath. 
‘Roses are red,’ he began quietly, ‘Violets are blue.’ 
He offered her the rose and Ladybug took it, bringing it close so she could inhale its sweet scent but something glittering in the middle caught her eye. She sucked in her breath when she realised what it was. 
‘I’ll love you forever,’ Chat continued softly. Ladybug raised her head, tears shining in her wide eyes. 
Chat gently parted the petals to reveal the ring nestled inside.
‘Please say I do.’
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
chat noir starts a youtube. it’s filled with videos taken on his baton of him “experimenting,” except every test performed is just “what will happen to [x] object when i cataclysm it”
the results are always as you’d expect
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
Mood board for Chat Blanc❀❀đŸ€Ș
chat blanc moodboard:
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
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Who's gonna tell him
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
I was just thinking, and I realized that there is no way Kagami would let herself be a bottom.
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
Juleka: Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Kagami: I’m a knife.
Luka, from across the room: She’s a little spoon.
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
The Battle of the Century... Apparently
“Ok, are you ready?”
Ladybug giggled, Chat Noir’s gloved hands tickling her nose as they covered her eyes. “I have no idea if I’m ready or not, Kitty-Cat.”
She heard him chuckle and, after making her promise that she’d keep her eyes closed, he moved away from her. Ladybug picked up the sounds of hurried feet. Whatever this surprise was had gotten him excited.
A shiver ran up her spine and she wrapped her arms around herself. They were up high, probably the Eiffel Tower. Ever since the fateful day they’d become friends, and he’d given her the forever rose, any gift he’d given her had always been on the tower. It was one of his many adorable routines, yet another reason she loved him so much.
As she waited, it was difficult not to delve into detective-mode. But she refrained. For him.
“Ok it’s all ready now! Open your eyes!”
Ladybug didn’t need to be told twice. Following Chat’s instructions, she frowned at the sight before her.
They were indeed on the tower, as she’d thought, but he’d changed it. The floor around them was covered in a white, hard-foam fabric, like mats at a gym. Lanterns hung up, flooding the area with enough soft light so that they were visible to each other, but without being glaring. In the corner was a little cafĂ©-like table, where two large water bottles rested, the kind you’d use when working out. The windows of the souvenir shop had been boarded up.
“So? So?” Chat was beyond excited. He bounded towards her, grinning from ear to ear, and practically vibrating on the spot. “What do you think?”
His eagerness was infectious, sure, but damped slightly by the fact that Ladybug had no idea what was going on. “It’s great?” she tried, waving her hands as she saw Chat’s smile slipping. “I mean! I’m sure I’ll love it once you explain what it is?”
Chat blinked for a moment and then smacked his palm over his head. “Of course! Sorry! Yes! I should explain, shouldn’t I? Come here.”
He beckoned her into the centre of the mat-like material, taking her hand and pulling her towards him. Ladybug tried to concentrate on the semi-squishy feeling of the mats beneath her feet, instead of the mess her heart was making inside her chest.
The excitement faded from Chat Noir’s countenance, slipping into something quiet and contemplative. He let go of her hand and took a step back, not meeting her eyes.
Ladybug flexed her now empty hand.
“So, I know you’ve recovered from your- your- your wound,” he stammered out and Ladybug fought not to wince, not to bring her hand up to the gunshot scar on her abdomen. It was still so difficult to talk about. The recovery. The trauma. She’d been back on her feet and back to being Ladybug for two blessed months and already it felt so much better. But it wasn’t going to feel like normal for a long time. If it ever did. And Chat was the same, she knew he blamed himself for not being there to take the bullet instead of her. She knew there was nothing she could say to assuage him of such a burden, such an intense guilt.
They figured it out together, slowly, supporting each other in turn. It had taken a lot for Chat to even talk about his feelings regarding her near-death experience, he’d wanted it to be all about her, looking after her, making sure she was ok.
But they were a team, and Ladybug wasn’t going to let her partner suffer in silence.
Noticing he was struggling with his words, she reached out and put her hand on his arm. It’s ok, her touch sought to remind him, I’m still here. You didn’t lose me. I’m right here.
He picked up on the message, shoulders relaxing away from his ears as he exhaled. Finally, he met her eyes and she flicked his bell playfully. Chat laughed, and the mood lifted once more.
“Ok so my brain is really annoying me,” Chat tried to explain again.
“Understandable, it is your brain after all,” Ladybug teased, laughing when he tapped her on her nose in admonishment.
“Let me explain or I’ll start talking about why Ouran High School Host Club deserves a season two again,” he threatened.
Ladybug threw her hands up in the air. “I concede, I concede! Please,” she bent forwards in a half bow, gesturing for him to continue.
He nodded, offering her a cheeky, triumphant smirk (one which she’d definitely have to get him back for) and continued. “Ok, so I know that you’re better. Logically, I know that right? But here’s the thing, whenever we’re stopping crime or dealing with the wild akuma, I keep
 I just keep freaking out. My brain goes back to the time you got hurt and I psych myself out thinking about it happening again even though I know you’re fine and it was a freak accident, and we were dealing with the worst evil we’d ever faced. I know all of this, and I feel better since we talked about it before,” he said, referencing the time she confronted him and they’d cried together. “The thing is though, emotionally I don’t think I’ve gotten the message yet. And I really hate it. I don’t ever want to see you as less than capable. Because you ARE, and I need to get over this.”
“I think you’re being too hard on yourself,” Ladybug shook her head. “I don’t mind that you’ve been more protective recently, I get it ok?”
“But I need to get over it,” Chat replied. “I made the mistake of underestimating you right at the start of our partnership, and I almost killed it before it began. I’m not going to do it again. So! Enter this idea of mine!” He opened his arms wide, spinning and yelling out loud. “Our battle arena! For one night only! The fight of the century! Ladybug Vs. Chat Noir!”
Ladybug’s jaw opened wide. She didn’t know whether to laugh or despair. “Our
battle area?”
Chat bounced on the mat, grinning wide again. “That’s right!”
“Let me get this straight,” Ladybug replied, pressing her fingers to her temple. “You’re scared about me getting hurt again, and your solution is to
try and hurt me?”
“Huh? No of course not! I don’t want to hurt you! We’re just sparring,” Chat looked appalled at the very idea. “I’m gonna give it my all and, when you inevitably kick my ass, then I’ll be able to recall it every time I get worried about you getting hurt the next time we’re up against real bad guys.”
He padded over to her, smirking again. “Come on, think of every bad pun I’ve ever made, every time I jumped into battle without thinking things through, every anime rant I’ve ever inflicted on you, the time I got high on catnip mid battle. I’ve had it coming a long time, so I know you want to try.”
“Try?!” Ladybug wrinkled her nose, feigning incredulity whilst trying not to laugh.
“Yeah, you’ve got to try, I’m not going to go easy on you, remember? That’s the point.” Chat poked out his tongue. God, she loved him so much.
“You know you’re insane, right? Just checking you know. You’re actually crazy,” Ladybug was definitely laughing now as she turned towards one corner of the mat, pulling out her yo-yo and getting into a fighting stance. “But fine. I’ll prove to your emotions that I’m fully capable, by kicking your ass.”
Chat Noir beamed at her, bounding over to the opposite corner and whipping out his baton.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, LB,” he said.
This was a birthday present for @edendaphne !!! HAPP BIRTH COLLABAE! <3
For context, this story is WDDM-verse, set 2 months after Ladybug’s full recovery from the final battle with Hawkmoth.
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
Marinette: Babe, can you pass me the butter?
Adrien: [reaches for the butter]
Luka: [also reaches for the butter]
*everyone freezes*
Kagami: [running in, with a stick of butter in hand] You needed me?
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
*Adrien*: I think Ladybug is very amazing, what do you think Marinette?
Marinette(internally): OH NO HE KNOWS
Marinette (internally): PLAY DUMB
Marinette: who’s Ladybug?
Marinette (internally: NOT THAT DUMB
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
Just so everyone remembers, dabbing Adrien is pretty much canon. Like he’s dabbed in MULTIPLE EPISODES PLUS THE GAME
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It’s cursed but beautiful
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
I really want the Rooster Miraculous’ weapon to be a gun.
Just like, Nathaniel transforms. Gun.
Chat noir and Ladybug are looking at Nathanael with shock.
Nathaniel ‘Cocks’ the gun
“I got this”
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mlady-bug-a-boo · 4 years
This is cursed and I love it
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the statue scene. but stupider
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