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That awkard moment
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Looking for “The One.”
Shane says that I should make a post for our followers detailing my ‘front runners,’ so to speak. I’m defining front runners as guys who have potential for something more. They carry on a conversation, they don’t seem to be interested in sexting/hooking up, and we have some common interests. There aren’t many...Shane is having more luck than I am. But for those who are interested, I’m talking to the following gentlemen. (I’ve given them all nicknames because for some bizarre reason their real names all start with the same letter.)
Music Man: 28 years old, never married, and has no children. Music Man has a degree in psychology and is now a full time student working on his Master’s degree. He loves rock and metal music and plays the guitar. His first message to me was a comment on my favorite bands (I was a black nail polish alt kid in middle/high school, I’ll admit it). Right away he stood out to me because he replies with actual paragraphs and asks me questions- he really gives me something to respond to and the conversation with him has been easy and flowing thus far. I talked to him for about a week before he asked me out, and I agreed. Then he wanted to go out the very next day! We played mini-golf (his idea but my location selection), and then had dinner. He kissed me goodnight, which was very sweet, and I went on to work (I work nights). I wasn’t expecting to find someone I connected with so soon after starting the blog, but Music Man has great potential. I’m looking forward to going out with him again. 
Trucker: 34 years old, never married, one 6 year old son. This guy isn’t actually a trucker, but he works on diesel semi trucks for a living. He’s a supervisor at his job and he does something with computers- the electric systems in the trucks. He is a nice guy, but he doesn’t live in the city. He’s not far, but far enough to make it inconvenient to try to get together. Or, it would be if he had actually asked me out. He texts me every day and he replies to texts I send him, but he isn’t an impressive conversationalist. I feel like we’re having the same conversation on a loop. I’m not ready to cut him out completely. I think I’ll give him a couple days and if he doesn’t ask me out, I might just ask him. I want to see if he’s a better talker in person. 
That’s pretty much it for now. I have a couple other people I’m kind of feeling out, but I’ve really slacked off the last few days since I met Music Man. Hopefully I’ll have some more promising (or hilarious) messages to share this week! 
By Zara
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Is there a Prince Charming in my near future or just a bunch of Jokers??
By Shane
Ok, let me start off by saying it's been 10 days since I started my dating profiles on two separate online dating sites. After perusing endless messages looking for something that peaks my interest or seeing from their posted pictures that they are very attractive (come on now, don't judge me) I've responded to about 10 different men. Of those 10 only 5 of them have really been able to carry a conversation well enough to keep my interest and give me the desire to learn more about them. I have not met any of them in person yet but I feel like it will happen in the next few days. So, I'm going to break down each guy to you and tell you my thoughts about his intentions and what my opinion of him is. Then I'll update after we meet to see if they have changed and in what ways. Also if my opinion of them have changed. So here we go.
1. Cody Cody is a 39 year old single man with no children. He works in retail and lives alone. He started out as my number 1 prospect because he seemed to say the right things that soothed my fear of being played or used. Phrases like "I wanna take things slow" or "I would like to be friends first so we can know each other and then hopefully be best friends in our relationship". He would text me all day everyday and then one hour after making plans to see me later that night he just stopped answering my texts. I was ghosted!! Never have heard from him again.
2- Shawn. Shawn is a 41 year old "single" man with adult children no longer living at home. I'm still not convinced that he's actually single because he uses the term "roommate" and pretty much stops texting as soon as he gets home from work. He works in Sales Marketing at an upscale hotel. I am very attracted to him. He'll send me pics of him at work in his suit and my God he is so sexy. He has also sent the occasional UDP (unsolicited dick pic) and he does not disappoint. We've talked on the phone several times and have good conversations but it's very clear that he is just looking for a FWB type of thing. Unfortunately I am not looking for that sort of thing so I've scaled back on the amount of texting that we do because I don't wanna put energy into something that I know is a dead end. However, I'm not quite ready to stop talking to him all together.
3. Brian. Brian is a 41 year old divorced man with 2 children in college and he lives alone. He owns his own roofing company and from all outward appearances seems to be doing well for himself. He is an alpha Male which I find very attractive. He is aggressive in his pursuit of me because he doesn't waste time playing games. He knows what he wants and goes after it. I am apparently what he wants. We have already had some conflict between us that resulted in a few cuss words being thrown out and it's always been about my lack of free time for him. He's very intense and there are so many red flags that should make me walk away. However, considering the type of man I've spent the last 4 years with, Brian's take charge-don't hold anything back-no holds barred approach is very appealing. My mind is telling me to stay away but I am so drawn to him.
4. Jim. Jim is a 37 year old divorced man with a 13 year old daughter. His ex wife has passed away so he had sole custody of his daughter. His daughter is actually the one urged him to start dating. "Dad, you need a lady in your life" is what she told him. He holds two degrees and is an IT tech. I am intimidated by him because he's very smart and unbelievably attractive. I find it hard to believe that someone like him is interested in someone like me. He assures me every day that he likes everything about me and is very interested in pursuing something with me. He has lived in this country for over 20 years and still has a slight accent. I'm also scared that our cultures are so different that it would pose problems if we were to start an actual relationship. I have a lot of fears and doubts about Jim because he just seems too good to be true. I think about him the most out of all the guys but words like catfished or scammed keep popping into my head. I hope he removes all doubts and truly is what he has portrayed himself to be but until then I'm proceeding with caution.
5. Bob. Bob is a 38 year old divorced man with a 7 year old son who he gets every other weekend. He is a plumber. He is HILARIOUS and the conversation is effortless with him. We talk on the phone several times throughout the day and text non stop. I find him attractive but he looks a lot like my daughter's father so it kinda takes me to a weird place in my head. He is very sweet and has already done several cute gestures to show me that he's very interested. I love being romanced but his attachment to me already makes me wonder if he's one of those guys who falls in (and out) of love quickly. I also wonder if there is going to be a spark once we meet. I feel like out of the guys listed, he and I would be the best suited but somewhere deep inside I feel like I may have already put him in the friend zone. I really hope I feel differently once we meet.
So there you have it. I often get into my own head too much and my judgment becomes cloudy so I would love to get any feedback or opinions. Who do you think sounds best suited for me? Who does it sound like my head, heart, and other womanly urges are pushing me towards?
Stay tuned for my next update! Wish me luck!
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Talking to Myself, I Guess
When they just can’t take the hint- by Zara
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The Ballad of Little Jim
By Shane
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Rolling in the Deep
By Shane
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Exchanging Dick Pics
A study of eggplants by Zara
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About Us
I’m a 31 year old bisexual female living in the Midwestern US. I’m divorced with no children. My best friend and her daughters have since moved in to my house which I bought a few years ago before I met my ex-wife. I went to college for my bachelors and I now I work full time on night shift in the public safety field. I’m an introverted bookworm who likes sunshine, Harry Potter, and good Chinese food. I hate large crowds, drunk people, and poor grammar. I’ve been single for 7 months. My dating profiles say I’m looking for long-term relationships, but who really reads those anyway? What began as an earnest attempt to meet Prince Charming has partially devolved into an entertaining dialog about online dating behavior. -Zara
I’m a 41 year old straight female also living in the Midwest. I’ve never been married, but I have three wonderful children- a daughter in her early twenties and elementary school aged twin boys. I’ve worked in the public safety field for nearly two decades. I’m an extroverted homebody, which means I like being social when I have time, yet I’m perfectly happy staying home with  my family. I recently bought a house and my mother lives with us in a converted basement apartment. I’ve been single for 3 years and have only recently tossed around the idea of possibly dating again, but not sure how to balance a social life with my home life. My dating profiles say I’m looking for new friends, but I’m realizing now that most men don’t have any idea what that actually means. It’s become entertaining to read the things that people feel comfortable saying to a stranger that they would (hopefully) never say out loud to anyone in real life. -Shane
The two of us are coworkers, friends, and sometimes partners in crime who are just trying to navigate this crazy world of online dating with a sympathetic ear and the occasional margarita. 
Unless otherwise stated, all screenshots on this blog are original posts from either Shane or Zara. These are actual conversations and messages we’ve received.  
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