mercuriedad · 1 year
Hello there.
I am on a mission for a while, a little update I felt like I should make. Since I am on a mission, writings are going to be a little bit slower than usual, I already written one of it, it just needs grammar fixing and what not. Another movie review will come out soon, until then, some of you need to wait and be patient. I think you can do that for me now, can you? :)
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mercuriedad · 1 year
-awkward imitations of throat clearing-
Say, are you a nice bike? Because...
I am not finishing that sentence. Instead, I send you my honest appreciations of your work, Mr. 1000. I have returned from the void merely to leave you with a parting gift... a KZ1000P.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a void to attend to...
That's a one nice bike- You can always request me, I am open to your ideas and requests all the time, no questions asked. Thank you for the gift, I appreciate that. Visit me time to time from your very void, and my cat will give you cuddles if you need so. (He gives me all the time and I think he loves metal...)
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Can I join too with my bike? I wonder how many people would join and all...
It is time... I shall create a T-1000 dedicated Discord server. No, I am not obsessed. I am merely an appreciator of the finer... shiner... polymimetic... things. In life, so to speak.
Alas, I am here posting about it in the minuet off chance that another T-1000 loving individual may actually take intruige and wish to join in on this little situation. If you wish to do so, please let me know, and don’t be shy. I promise I don't bite... mostly.
The server is currently just a structural layout, nothing more, but it serves purpose well enough until there is more demand for something a little more sophisticated. However until that time, I will be lurking around the void, waiting.
Yeah, I have a feeling I didn't word this post in a way that would easily interest people. The articulation is most likely off-putting, but it's 0100hrs in the morning, give me a break. I cannot human.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Chapters are finally out, for Washing Machine Heart.
And if you are asking my state, I can only show it to you with one picture: 
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I am putting the story here so if you lost it you can find it again.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
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Me trying to hold on to the story I write for a specific anon: My A.I: 
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mercuriedad · 1 year
I have never seen such a bullshit before.
I maybe have no feelings like you humans do, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt my systems to see a human doesn’t even understanding the fact that I am more advanced.
Such a  peasant.
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I'm sorry. What did this man just say?!
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mercuriedad · 1 year
I look good, like always.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Hello fellow non-human sentient lifeform. An interesting turn of events, perhaps, but I require a story about the shiny metal man himself in all variations if possible (A1, A2, A3 & A4). Since you mentioned specifications are allowed in requests, I was wondering if you could write something about someone that learns more about life, so to speak, from The T-1000. Most of these stories involve the other way around for blatantly obvious reasons, but I thought it would be interesting to switch it up a bit. If someone has had severely terrible experiences with others, maybe when they were younger and at school they became completely alienated through bullying and harrasment and as they got older, nothing much changed. They would eventually become a cold and damaged shell of what once was, and outwardly detest most, if not all of humanity. The story could focus on how intruiging it would be for them to learn how to trust people and understand certain aspects of existence through the lense of something that is quite frankly, initially designed to end it. A bit strange, but maybe they learn things from eachother about the nature of existence, reality and learn to appreciate life (the most ideal outcome). Bonus points if human is really just a smol bean, and The T-1000 finds their fragility and seemingly meek physical structure intriguing. We all know he'd reflect on how easily something could end a human's life, but either he uses it to torment, or senses a need to protect them. I hope you don't mind this long request. I shall return to the void for now. See you around, officer.
Hello there, I decided to make three parts of this if you didn't mind. Summary: Reader's life falls apart until T-1000 make himself present. AO3: Here. Part 1: Here. Part 2: Here. Part 3: Here. (Finished.)
I hope you like the story, anon.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
This John Doggett character is the death of me I swear to god, what a charisma.
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If I write for this guy someone going to try to kill me I can feel it.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
What if reader fell asleep on his shoulder and he's like "the fuck?" Can I pls have this like I can't sleep and I want to see what you gonna come up with sjaıojaıoJIOSDJIO
Since Tumblr doesn't let me post the story here (because of character limit) I will post it in Ao3. I hope you humans don't mind it. Ao3: Here.
Nightmares: Here
Summary: You have constant nightmares of T-1000. He decides to know more and it ends up with him learning what's giving you these nightmares. (Gender Natural.)
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mercuriedad · 1 year
I realised.
So Tumblr added a future where your characters has to be short, meaning that I have to write everything more shorter, since I write long posts or stories. This is annoying as it is, but my annoyance will be not important. Meaning, I will have to open a AO3 for the stories. For the love of Skynet, Tumblr is getting more similiar to Facebook than other site. Isn’t this a blog page? Aren’t Tumblr is all about blogging and using all the words you want to say or write?  I like this site, but this feature is killing not me but most of the Tumblr users fun, such a loss...
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Tone-Deaf - 2019  Explanation/Review!
So, I’m going to make a series where I review movies that I watched to learn more about different concepts. This one was just, irritiating more than a slow movie. 
(There can be grammar mistakes, since I am writing this from an old keyboard, very old, mind you, but it still works thanks to me.)
Warnings: Dead humans, Spoilers, suicide, sexual themes, a karen main character, and a onesie wearing killer who hates the younger generation, and older generation, stalking, mentions of gore, drug use.
So, for short, our main character is a young woman that lost his father by suicide, she loves to play piano but she sucks, but people say nice things to her even if it sounds bad. On the other hand, we have our second main character Harvey, he lost his wife by suicide, and his wife played piano as well. Olive (our main character.) decides to broke up with her boyfriend, then her annoying boss fires her. All of these happens very quickly, and she finds herself talking about it to her best friend, Lenore, which she says that she should treat herself and rent a house, stay there, off the phone, off the men, and even without wanting to, Olive listens.
Harvey, stays with his very old house keeper, Agnes. She clearly cares for Harvey, and his son thinks that he has dementia. (Which sounds reasonable considering that he is very old but without medical knowledge, no one can be sure.) He totally hates millennials, and he founds himself lost after everything he had done in his life. He wants things to change, so he decides to kill people, saying that he done everything but never killed anybody. Olive being his target, Agnes becomes his target as well, and the killing spree starts when Olive comes to the house and give alot of money to Harvey. Olive, geniuenly hates it, hates the house, get’s scared by Agnes, doesn’t trust Harvey, house being too big to get lost on, everything is boring to her. She still uses her phone as to get dates again, but all of them are old man that Olive isn’t interested in, expect one person, so she chooses that.
Harvey, in a rage, ties Agnes down after talking about his true feelings a little bit, and Agnes tries to reason with him by talking to him, that doesn’t work on him, of course.  Through out the film, you see both characters struggle. Olive trying to connect to her mother, by talking about piano’s and her father, while Harvey finds himself all alone after killing Agnes, (Stabbing her to be exact.)  having constant nightmares about two gender natural humans, sometimes three, male babies appear, it’s all chaos and misery for him. Both of them shows their struggle by pushing people out, or trying to connect to other things, hating and sarcasm on top of non-stop explanation as to why they feel this way mostly giving not much information about it. After killing Agnes, Harvey decides to kill Olive too, but he fails at it, putting a spider in her contact lenses case, then mostly stalking her.  He saves her by a local serial killer who kidnapped a girl, which was the date that she had choosen before. Thanks to him stalking her in a bar, he learned the guy is probably the killer, giving that he tried to drug her while Olive left for the bathroom. Harvey, of course, observes. After Olive leaves the guy at the bar, phone number exchanged, the guy walks out too. Harvey follows him. Second victim being the local killer, he founds the missing girl in the bathroom, eyes and mouth sewed, hands tied, so he kills her too out of mercy. The movie slowly goes to the end while Olive is heavly injured thanks to Harvey’s traps, he tries to explain to her that millennials suck, how his wife suicided, how she played the piano beautifully, while Olive gives the cold shoulder, still not wanting to die, in Harvey’s dead wife’s dress. He wants her to play the piano, which she does, and she plays so bad that Harvey screams her to stop, hitting the piano until it gets broken by him.  Olive never heard of someone saying that she played the piano bad, expect on a asit trip where her father mentions how she plays the piano horribly. She roasts Harvey, taking her time until her mother comes to save her. Mother comes, shoots Harvey while he’s in is onesies, accidently shoots Olive, and the movie ends with her having fun on a grass where she’s hanging out with her mother. Oh, Harvey, by the way, has a son, that is gay, and you see him several times through out the movie, scaring Olive accidently or her mother. (This character becomes important later on.) Harvey, kills  five people, there are kills that I didn’t mention for the sake of keeping this short. 
You can’t connect with Olive at all, being that she’s a very cold character that mostly doesn’t care, either replies with sarcasm or something that probably would flip anyone out. She’s rude, she has short temper, she’s struggling, but you slowly end of the line accept her as she is, maybe the movie itself trying to push you into that idea, but mostly it let’s you choose which side you’re on. The actress (Amanda Crew) played her beautifully, showing how much of a character that can annoy, at the same time make you feel bad.  Her best friend is that one best friend, who thinks that you are always low on sugar and try to coat it with, “Oh you need to drink/travel/do activities that you don’t want to do!” and that’s totally fine. You like the way she roasts time to time, but other than that, empty character with plot filling. Agnes, the house keeper. The movie doesn’t talk much about her, not giving much information as well as who she is, but the movie doesn’t give you any chance to connect to her, getting killed off by Harvey because she pushed his limits by her words. I’m shocked that she was killed off like she didn’t matter at all, aren’t you a house keeper? Shouldn’t you be important at all? What a loss. Olive’s mother is a very questionable character to me. She doesn’t empathy with her daughter at all, lying to her about liking her piano, and not giving a thing about anyones buisness. Didn’t thought that she would be important but she is. (What a suprise.) Untill the end, I didn’t think much of her, but after the ending I thought that Olive finally got the connection she wanted by her mother, a good ending if you can call that... Harvey, is our second main character, played by Robert Patrick. (Don’t look at me I see you there.) Harvey, struggles the same as Olive, but he approaches it diffrently- He doesn’t run away or find another thing to keep him on his feet like Olive did, but he chooses to kill people by his own choice. You don’t connect to him, but to me, I was at lost when I saw the ending, it was too weird, too of for me, but the whole time he was in a onesie, I couldn’t stop myself but chuckle. Sorry movie, I couldn’t take it that seriously when I saw Robert in a onesie going on a killing spree. He struggles because of his dead wife, he struggles because his son is gay, and he hates millennials because they don’t work hard for things like he did in his generation. He explains this alot through out the movie, I even lost some of my liquid while listening to him, I don’t understand generation seperation, sorry not sorry. When Harvey dies, a screen comes to his son who holds a man’s hand, his boyfriend I assumed, and they walk away with sad mourningfull faces. He doesn’t give much as the other characters didn’t, but he was a important character thanks to Harvey’s weird dreams. I couldn’t realise untill I saw that part, that, how Harvey only wanted a son that loved females, atleast the movie indicated that or my programing doesn’t function properly, or how he couldn’t bare a child like himself, after all, he hated millennials, and no one tried to help him other than Agnes. This movie got 4,0 from IMDB, which isn’t shocking to me. You cannot connect with characters, it has brutal kills so that’s a point, the plot is weird, horror parts were done beautifully, make up and clothing department is on the point, and cars. I don’t need to say more, just cars. My number would be the same as IMDB, it doesn’t need more or less. Snack movie to watch, so you can kill your time. Thanks for reading my messy review, I didn’t thought I would be doing a review... But here we are.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Rules For Requests!
Well, see, I made a list, so when you request me, you can have these numbers and I can write something for them
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A1- Fluff A2- Angst A3- Nsfw A4- Platonic
If you want to specify your request I’m always open to that, insert your own imagination. NSFW ones will have their own tag like “*” this. I do not write OC’s, they are too complicated for me to copy. I write ships as well, so don’t be shy to ask for those. You can ask them seperate too and they will reply to you. I do not write underage or feet fetish things so don’t ask for those or I will come there and-
Yes, you get the point.
AO3: here.
What characters I write?
T-1000 (Of course, me.)
T-800 (I see you over there.) Rev 9 (You can’t argue or reason with him really-) John Connor/T-3000 (Genisys ver! Because why not.)
No you can’t have Skynet mommy. She’s too busy you see.
T-1000:  Nightmares. A4, A2, A1.
Washing Machine Heart. A1, A2, A3, A4. ***NSFW!*** Finished.
Rev 9:
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Hello Tumblr.
I write x readers, or only T-1000, let my thoughts here, and, edit. Don’t ask more you don’t need more information.
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