lovinpages · 2 years
SPOILERS FOR THRONE OF GLASS (and Crescent City a bit too)!
I finished KOA. How do I even move on from this series now 😭
I absolutely can’t stop thinking about it! Rowan and Fenrys omg but all the men are amazing in this series. Yes, even Chaol in the last two books. But Rowan my goodness a new bookboyfriend for sure 😂
So here comes a dump of my thoughts on the last book.
- The first part of the book was the most intens for me. And the best part of the book too.
- I can’t stop thinking about how Fenrys and Aelin had this communication blinking thing I absolutely loved that! How she escaped and the first thing she did was go to Fenrys. But my god he couldn’t do anything for Aelin in there and still they found a way to be together, even though the pain they both had to go through. How he cried when he had to take the glass out of her legs… 😭
- I loved how she couldn’t really talk or touch Rowan after the escape. But when she had the chance, she went looking for wedding rings. It was such a beautiful moment.
- Rowan did everything he could for Aelin. How broken he was when she was with Maeve. Just how his pov was about her, it was all so amazing. His pov was my absolute favorite thing of the entire series. He would do anything to get to her, even if it would hurt him. Like cutting himself in his shoulder to get that piece of iron out, to get to her. It blew my mind. Not even sure how to describe it all. He is amazing in every way possible.
- Also it kinda bothered me how Aelin wouldn’t let Dorian help her. She never planned doing it together, she would safe him at that Lock even though they decided to do it together. She would just do everything alone, only sacrifice herself. It got irritating at some point. Aelin didn’t even think about what Rowan would have to go through if she actually died. Yes she would safe the world. But it felt like she only cared about that, about wanting the war to end. Rowan lost a ‘mate’ before. And if she would die, like she planned several times, he would have to live without her. He would do anything to solve it, so she wouldn’t have to die, but she only thought about ‘it was her fate’. Come on Aelin, think about the pain Rowan would have to go through?! It broke my heart when she just went in that Lock and Rowan could do nothing but just stand there and watch. HE HAD TO WATCH. How could she do it to him, just sacrificing herself and if it wasn’t for the Lock, it would be to kill Maeve. She knew she would die, and I can’t believe the pain Rowan would have to go through. She didn’t even let him talk or try to solve it so she wouldn’t have to. I don’t know what it was, but it irritated me.
- I never thought it would hurt so much that the thirteen died. What it did to Manon. 😭
- And how hard it was for Aedion that his father died. He would’t really talk to him, didn’t even want to be near him at first. But in the end he cared about him so so so much. I still don’t really get why SJM needed to kill him…?! It happened so fast and it wasn’t like he needed to sacrifice himself at that point?! The thirteen, they had no choice, if they didn’t sacrifice, everyone would die. But Gavriel, he just went through the gate, it closed, and he killed a bunch of Valg. But there were so much more Valg left, what was the point of going through that gate?! It felt as such an easy way to kill him, not needed at all. 😭
- And Connall. I wish we learned more about him. What happened in that throne room with Maeve, who Connall was to Fenrys (except his twin brother, that was clear).
- With this many pov’s, it would’ve been so much better for me if it was devided into two books. I wish we got more time with each couple. Elide and Lorcan, Aedion and Lysandra. I wanted to learn so much more about them together. I read that they’re both mates. But I didn’t really read that in the books. Not only do I want to know what Lorcan did with Elide OMG. But also Lysandra and Aedion. It was detailed at some points, but in the end it felt rushed and absolutely not complete, even though they got married. Talking about getting married. WHY DID SJM WRITE ALMOST NONE OF THE WEDDING SCENES. I wanted to read those sooo bad!
- It also felt so rushed when Aedion did the blood oath. It was so important to him and yes he was crying through the entire process (omg 😭) but still I wish they would talk about it so much more, make it much bigger than it was now.
- I just wished the book would’ve had more moments of calm with the characters. Not even sexy times. Of course I wouldn’t mind though 😏 but just talking with each other. Not talking about the war, but personal talks. Getting to know each other and telling secrets, spending time together. Sometimes it felt like we were going from one battlefield to the other. And planning, planning and even more planning. It got frustrating at some point which is sad because all SJM books are absolutely 5+ stars to me. And some books feel like they deserve like 18 stars but this one… I did rate it with 5 stars. But that was mostly for the first part of the book. Even though we get most answers, for such a complicated story, with so many pov’s and details, it’s still incomplete. Please please pleaaase let there be more. Crescent City 3 please?! With Rowan pov as well please?!?!
- Crescent city must be a book of at least 2000 pages my goodness how is she gonna bring everything together with so many amazing stories?!
- But okay about tog: I still don’t really get what Maeve wanted. Yes she wanted the keys but why? And what does it mean that she’s a Valg queen? Was she possessed by a Valg? Was there a person before the Valg? Where did she come from, who was she? Or was she and Erawan and his brothers a Valg in the other worlds, and was there never a person to begin with? I still don’t get it. And the gods too, I don’t understand it all. It was such a complicated story. Amazing, but complicated. And how that all ended… it just didn’t feel as strong as the rest of the story.
- Also. If that Lock was made to lock Erawan. Why didn’t they lock them in there. Why did he had to be killed, what was so important that someone from Mala’s family had to die, and in the end not even locking Erawan with it, but needed to kill him? The gods had to be locked… but the story was about Erawan who was locked when Evalin (or what was her name?) made that mistake. That also was a bit weird to me. Only because of a mistake, the whole world was in danger, only to safe her mate? And now Aelin can’t be safed for her mate? That whole Lock part was so confusing in this last book. I still don’t really get it, and it feels incomplete somehow. What happened exactly, why were Erawan and Maeve in this world, why did they create the Valg, who were they, where did they come from, why did they need to be locked, where did that portal came from in the first place, how did they get in this world? What are their exact powers? What did the gods do, where did they come from, why couldn’t they help and safe them? I do believe I just missed some things in the book, I mean it’s so complex and so much. But still, I missed something in this entire story.
I loved the entire series. It was such a strong story. But the ending of it all, it wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t a bad ending, it was written well, and I can’t really tell why it feels incomplete, rushed, as if it’s missing information. I love everything that Sarah writes. Absolutely everything. But a complex and strong story like this one needs an incredible ending, which it just wasn’t to me. This book was the least of the entire series somehow. And that makes me a little sad. I loved that series so much. I started caring about everything so much.
I have to mention that I read KOA in two days though 😂 which is a LOT of information in two days hahahah so yeah I definitely need to reread them and see what I missed the first time. Sometimes I just read stuff online and I’m like omg was that even said in the book?!
Okay for now this is it. Applause to everyone who made it to the end of my ToG feelings dump 😂 I’m sure there will be more soon 🤣
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lovinpages · 2 years
I’m reading Throne of Glass for the first time! I just finished book 2 and my god what a book. I just wish she would talk to Chaol, at least let him explain something. I really hope there’s another reason why they didn’t talk about it, why Celaena almost killed Chaol, why she didn’t want to talk to him at all anymore and won’t forgive him. I would be heartbroken too like Celaena, but it also breaks my heart to read how Chaol is devastated and doens’t even get a chance to make it up to her. Please give me an explanation SJM, because I loved Calaena and Chaol together!
Now on to the Assassin's Blade, but I mostly can’t wait to read book 3 because I want to know everything about this weird situation between Celaena and Chaol 😂
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lovinpages · 3 years
I was just thinking about how Cassian was in control of the Crown and when he was forced to kill Nesta, he did everything he could and used every power he had to kill himself instead of her 😱😭❤️
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lovinpages · 3 years
It still breaks my heart when I think about how much Nesta really believed she didn’t deserve love, happiness and friendship. The magnitude of self-loathing was extremely painful and in all honesty, she didn’t do anything to warrant self-hatred to this scale. She really thought she was irredeemable and no one thought to tell her otherwise. She was never the villain in any story.
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lovinpages · 3 years
Something I keep wondering about is how the Inner Circle votes over Nesta. How they analyse and judge her over and over again. And when Nesta finds out, I can’t help but get so angry with all of them. How they hurt her like this, and then just say they’re doing it to protect her. Not even think about her feelings.
Protecting someone doesn’t mean you can judge them as much as you want with an entire group. When the people she loves, make her feel they hate her. They make decisions about her, that will have an enormous impact on her life. She doesn’t even get a say in it. They don’t think about how all this makes her feel. And when she gets so incredibly angry with everyone she thought loved her… she gets abandoned. Yes, she said too much.
And everyone understands Feyre when she’s incredibly angry with Rhys and the rest of their family for not telling her about the danger of the baby being born. She gets her space to be angry. But Nesta? No, they just make all the decisions for her and she doesn’t get a say in it. She doesn’t get the space to be angry. She just has to accept it and deal with it. They don’t think about her feelings and trauma’s. They say she only thinks about her own trauma’s and not theirs. But they all did that themselves too. The only one who really tried, who really understands her is Cassian. And later, Emerie and Gwyn too. But I can’t get over how awful the rest of the Inner Circle treated her. Yes, in the end Nesta needed the training and work in the library that they forced her to do. She needed to be away from the city. But I think they never had the right to make all of the important decisions for her besides that. To analyse her behavior like that. They don’t even try to understand why she is so hurt. And I get why she was hurt. I mean who wouldn’t get hurt when people you love (and you thought loved you too) analyse you and make every decision for you without telling anything about it to you. Until you find out some way.
No, the only thing that was more important was how they felt. And the worst part is that Nesta forgives them without any doubt. She blames herself, not them. But I think they’ve treated her awfully too. Yes, Nesta was awful. But she did apologize to everyone in the end. She forgave them, but they didn’t apologize. They even didn’t accept her apology out loud, but just said some wise words as a reply, nothing else. And Nesta didn’t say a word about how she was treated. She only thought about her own behavior and how bad that was. She only blames herself.
She heals herself in the end. Yes, the Inner Circle made the right decision about making her go train with Cassian and work in the library. But everything else came from herself and the girls she met later. From Cassian. Not from the rest of them. And they still expected her to apologize. But apologize themselves? I wonder if it even crossed their minds as they think they handled everything perfectly… it makes me look at them differently. It makes them look arrogant in some way to me. I believe it’s not fair and I am so happy that she found a true family in Cassian, Gwyn and Emerie. And found a home, not only in the House, or with Cassian, but also in herself.
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lovinpages · 3 years
If Halt, Will or Maddie, Horace or Gilan dies I’m pretty sure the book will have a flight through the living room.
Okay, I don’t know why, and I’m probably being completely stupid right now. But can someone please tell me WHY I feel like Flanagan is going to kill someone in Escape From whatever-the-Castle’s-name-is.
I don’t know why. I just feel like someone’s going to end up dying, and I don’t know who, and it terrifies me.
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lovinpages · 3 years
Saw a review of ACoWaR that stated how it's a huge disappointment that no major characters died and SJM doesn't kill her favourite characters. Now I'm not blaming people who want this but personally I'm so glad that SJM did no such thing. We have a lot of tragic sh*t to deal with in real life. When I'm reading a book like this, I'm trying to be happy and making a major character die is not something that makes me happy (in most cases). Seriously, if Rhys actually died, I would've stopped reading the series and pretended that I never read it in the first place 🙂
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lovinpages · 3 years
Anything you read after a SJMaas book is like soft and boring, feels like crap because my god SJM is a goddess writer it’s SO GOOD 😍😳❤️😂
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lovinpages · 3 years
So I just have to write about some thoughts because I just finished ACOMAF. I feel like I could write an entire book about how the ACOTAR series make me feel, but okay no one would read that, so I’ll just dump it here. Congrats to everyone who reads this till the end. It’s a lot 😂
I love how Rhys and Feyre can speak to each other without anyone else who can hear. Even when they’re not using words. Not even using their special bond. Like when Feyre asked the king of Hybern to break their bond and Rhys played along with her all the time. She made it look like she wanted to leave with Tamlin for everyone else there, except for Rhys. He knew what was happening and did everything he could to help her even though it destroyed him inside. As he did so many more times. He just made her High Lady of the Night court and had to see her go with her ex-fiancé who locked her up and acts like he possesses her. His mate. He had to let her go and he did. I mean like, how much trust can you have in a person?! How strong is your relationship when you can survive something like that together!
I just love their entire relationship. From the very beginning. And the way SJMaas let’s you love that even more with every page you read about them. How Rhys knew that Feyre was his mate and still let her leave with Tamlin when Amarantha was dead. How he had to see her die, and then take off with another man. And he already knew what kind of a person Tamlin is, but he still let her go becuase he knew it was best for her at that moment. He was absolutely broken when he got home and when he came to pick her up at her wedding, he still acted like nothing happened. As if he was okay and strong. Even though he died inside.
Then, when her week was over, he had to let her go, again. And he did, without showing anything of what that did to him. Because of her. All he did was for her. I can’t even imagine how he must have felt when Feyre decided to stay with him instead of going back to the Spring Court. How angry he must have been at Tamlin but still show nothing because that was best for her. The moment they finally get together as Feyre found out they are mates… how he told her everything and cried, showed all of him. How she kisses his tears away as he had done for her before. They are so incredibly perfect together I can’t even handle. They understand each other and will always be there for each other, no matter what time it is, no matter if it takes everything in their power. For example to wake him up and see him so very broken, naked, and still be there for him in the best way there possibly is. Or Rhys being there for her when she threw up, he didn’t leave, he stayed with her and held her hair back, brought her to the bed when she fell asleep.
These books are so amazing. I mean, the talent SJM has to let us read a story and get to know the personalities so good that we can feel everything they feel. We can fall in love with them (I mean come on, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel are too perfect) and I can impossibly say goodbye to them. They live in my head rent free 😂 thanks to SJM. What a talent. Every detail in these books are just perfect. Her books are a gift to us and the characters will live forever in our heads (at least they will in mine lol)! Not even talking about the rest of the plot and how it is so brilliant. I will write about that later because I will need to get that out in words too, just to even try to move on with my life 😂
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lovinpages · 3 years
Just finished ACOMAF. I think I died like 110 times while reading this book. O. M. G. What are you doing to me SJ Maas?! 😱😍😭❤️🙈😱😭❤️😍
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lovinpages · 3 years
People underestimate what Rhysand went through his whole life.
Here’s what we know so far;
-The person he thought to be his friend caused and helped his mother and sister to be killed.
-He had to dig his own mother’s and sister’s graves himself.
-Ianthe tried to force him to have sex.
-He had to gave up everything he has to protect his court, people, family and friends. Gave up his own honor and pride. Accepted to be Amarantha’s whore. Raped and enslaved for 50 years.
-Witnessed his mate’s neck snap and died.
-Then watched his worst enemy have his mate and love of his life.
-Witnessed his mate’s wasting away day by day.
-Sacrificed his life and died to save the whole Prythian.
-While trying to build a happy family, he learned that his wife, baby and himself would die and witnessed his wife's death for the second time.
If you find these things easy to get through, there’s nothing to say.
We have been witnessing a man who has suffered serious trauma constantly struggling with new challenges from the beginning of the series. So please stop judging and blaming Rhys for his every move or every single wrong thing in the series. Yes, he definitely made some wrong decisions and obviously he will continue because he didn't even have a minute to heal and recover from his traumas. As soon as one was finished the other started.
And remember that he was never portrayed as the good man of the series, he was the villain of the first book, and then it was made clear that he is a morally gray character.
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lovinpages · 3 years
Friendly Reminder
You’re perfect. Aelin would be proud of you. Rhys would wait a thousand years for you. Aedion would think it an honor to fight at your side. Amren would tolerate your presence. Dorian would trust you. Mor would be your friend. Sartaq would ask you to come back with him. Cassian would use his wings to protect you. Rowan would save you. Azriel would have to be tied to a tree to stop him from coming for you. You would fit right in to the Inner Circle and the Cadre. And they would love you unconditionally. 
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lovinpages · 3 years
This art is absolutely gorgeous 😍
Rhysand and Feyre || Credits: katbdraws
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lovinpages · 3 years
So Duncan sent Horace to Nihon-Ja to learn the country’s weaponry and swordplay. Absolutely fine explanation, sounds legit, nothing wrong with it. 
Except what if this was only the official coverstory? What if Duncan had actually a different motive altogether? 
What if Horace is actually of Nihon-Ja descent? And Duncan sent him to Nihon-Ja not to experience the weaponry, but the country itself? 
Duncan wasn’t blind - he was perfectly aware of the direction into which Horace and Cassandra’s relationship was going. And he knew like no other how little time and opportunity kings/king consorts have to take recreational trips. 
So he sends Horace to Nihon-Ja to give him a chance to get to know his roots, his backgrounds, his culture. To help him better understand who he is, before he becomes Cassandra’s King Consort. 
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lovinpages · 3 years
When Rhys and Feyre came back from their special adventure in Mor’s house - chapter 55 - they were officially mates and everyone knew exactly what they were going through. Cassian helped Rhys immediately blow off some steam and when Feyre and Rhys had another intimate moment, no one was being awkward or weird; they just gave them their space and left. Because they knew what was happening to them.
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lovinpages · 3 years
the truth about the acotar series is that it was always rhys and feyre’s story 
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lovinpages · 3 years
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