likeafoxdm · 1 month
@calamitys-child well, how'd it go?
Adhd will have you too burnt out to eat or shower but give you the hubris to decide you can homebrew an entire d&d system on the back of a receipt
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likeafoxdm · 2 months
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Hand of Glory Wondrous item, uncommon This is the mummified hand of a hanged killer, cut from the corpse as it swung from a gibbet. A socket in the palm holds a candle, crafted using hair and fat from the killer’s remains. Lighting the hand takes an action. It burns for 1 hour before its magic is spent. If the hand is snuffed out, deduct the time it burned in minutes (rounded up) from its total burn time. While lit, the hand sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius. A creature that starts its turn in the candlelight must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, unless it lit the hand. On a failed save, its speed becomes 0, held fast in the cold grip of an unseen hand. As an action, the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. The effect also ends for an affected creature if it isn’t in the candlelight. Once the effect ends, or if the creature succeeds on its initial saving throw against this effect, it is immune to the hand’s magic for 24 hours.
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likeafoxdm · 2 months
D&D worldbuilding posit, for all WotC-canon and homebrew games: In days of yore on a plane whose name is forgotten, there was a mighty and much-gloried king called Gi’zhas Kreist. He wanted to be mightier and more-gloried yet, so he made a deal with Asmodeus himself, Lord of all the Hells. Asmodeus gave him the power to build a sprawling, interplanar empire, and promised that his name would be spoken until the end of time.
Gi’zhas Kreist was of course a shit king and an even worse emperor, and was eventually overthrown, his empire pulled down and eroded, all lost to history except maybe the stumped legs of a single statue in a desert somewhere…
And his name, which became and remained a curse throughout all the worlds. Because Asmodeus always follows through, and because Fuck That Guy. So anytime a character, PC or NPC, says something that in English would probably be transliterated as “Jesus Christ”, they are in character, and they won’t know it without a 30+ History check but they’re implicitly saying, “only this dead asshole should have to deal with the bullshit I’m dealing with right now.”
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likeafoxdm · 2 months
If I were to say that I was organizing an online Avatar RPG set during Roku's Era, and we already have a DM, would anyone be interested in joining up? Message me if so!
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likeafoxdm · 2 months
Saw a post talking about the difference between resurrection and Necromancy and I am firmly of the opinion that resurrection IS necromancy!
Dale Kingsmill said it more succinctly and with better sources than I have, so I'll let her explain
Necromancy for Good Guys || DnD with Dael Kingsmill
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likeafoxdm · 5 months
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I might've added the BG3 Art Book to my dnd assets stash
It' 100% does not have things like the 5e players' handbook + 5e’s character sheet, several gm guides, critical role's explorer's guide to wildmount, baldur's gate and waterdeep city encounters, 101 potions and their effects, volo's guide to monsters, both of xanathar's guides, a bunch of other encounters, one shots, and class builds
In no way are there any pdf’s relating to any wizard who may or may not be residing on any coast
(Edit that I’ve moved the folder to the new link above! So if you catch a different version of this post that link won’t work anymore!)
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likeafoxdm · 5 months
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A gashadokuro is a gigantic skeletal creature, assembled from the bones of a thousand separate corpses. Its coming is typically heralded by rattling ribs and chattering teeth, though they can be surprisingly stealthy at times.
Typically the only time a gashadokuro can be created is in the aftermath of a great battle, when the malice and resentment of so many people, killed before their time, can be harnessed to power an undead colossus. Fuelled by hate, the gashadokuro seeks vengeance on the living, and justice for the souls of those who could not be given proper funerals because they died on the battlefield.
Such a huge creature is practically indestructible, and notoriously hard to control. Many end up breaking free from their would-be masters, rampaging through the land until a hero rises with the strength to stop them.
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likeafoxdm · 5 months
start out with the usual “there are rats in my basement can you help” but make the entire campaign fighting rats and you discover an entire lost civilization full of rats until you finally defeat the king rat after months of rat fighting and then when you finally escape the rat hell the tavern keeper says “thanks” and gives you 15 cents
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likeafoxdm · 6 months
Curiosity question if you don't mind from a newbie dm. How do you deal with tpk as a dm ? Where you super stressed as it was happening or was it ok cause you could communicate with the players ?
this is the first time i've ever had a tpk happen. several things happened and several things contributed to the way i ran things and why i think my players are okay with the outcome and i'll talk about them now. some of these i think are tips that can be applicable to dming, some of them are just personality things, and some of them speak to group synergy.
i know this party well. i know the PLAYERS at this table that i was doing this campaign with well and we know how to communicate, 3/4 of us dm for each other and we are all typically good at knowing what each other will enjoy
we communicate well, even if it takes a minute out of session. for example, in another game we play where i'm a player some of the decisions i was making as my pc were bringing down another player, and while we all agreed at the start that it was okay, things changed, and so i changed the way i was playing my character and they're swapping out their pc for awhile to play a different character.
i think it's important to note with the two examples above, your mileage really will vary when it comes to communication with other people because one's capacity for interpersonal communication has nothing to do with their enjoyment of the game. likewise, you might have great friends but realize you don't enjoy playing d&d with each other. things happen.
i think something any ttrpg player can keep in mind is that just because you like someone doesn't mean you like playing a 4 hour board game with them once every two weeks and viceversa. just because you get along to play a game doesn't mean you need to be best friends with someone you don't feel that close to outside the game.
some actual thoughts of mine regarding tpks and what happened in session that i feel like made it a successful session instead of something that felt horrible and unfair
i did not make the encounter with the goal to kill my entire party or even to kill one of them. i wanted a hard fight, cr is hard to balance, usually you have to punch way above your party's weight class to have a fight feel scary and challenging. that is what i was doing. the fight was very winnable. it just came down to roll of the dice. i think they could've taken them down but that's just not the way it turned out. the encounter itself did not feel hopeless, that is important. the alternate to this is i am not against, as a dm, flagging that a fight IS hopeless and that the party should flee. that is run very differently than how i ran this encounter, i was not signposting for them to run, i thought they would win.
when the first player dropped and then rolled a nat1 i asked them this: by raw this is failing two death saves, however, if you want this to be an automatic death you can choose that. i do not want to choose for you, i want you to make the choice that is fun for you. pc death is not fun unless you have fun with it. and then to keep a bit of mystery, i direct message'd them where i thought we could take their pc's story if they died / what the 'resurrection quest' could be. the player ended up deciding that auto death could be fun.
at this point, i did not know that i would successfully knock the other two players. and when it became clear that i could and was on the cusp of it, i asked them both something similar. do you both want to roll death saves and fight to the last breath or do you want to die. here's what will happen. they were excited by the death option.
my players chose to tpk. their characters did not, narratively they did not, the challenge was fair but hard and they failed narratively. failure should never be the end and should not be a punishment. the story moves forward. i presented an idea for where the story could go from the failure and they were enthusiastic about it.
after session i also checked in with the group and said, hey if you get second thoughts about this let me know and we can retcon that fight. i do not want to play a game that is not fun for you. as it stands now, they're all really excited about the idea of clawing their way back from the grave whenever we pick up a new story arc with those characters again.
and that's really what it boils down to for me as a dm whose spent a lot of time as a player in the game. pc death is not fun unless the player is excited about it. if they aren't okay with it, it will not be fun for anyone involved.
the game is about roll of the dice, the game is about story, the game is about mechanics and challenges and puzzles, but most of all it is about having fun. so if something is not fun, you don't have to do it.
i could talk forever about how i feel like there are some dms who take so so much pride in their intricate plots and ideas that they keep secret to their last breath without actually collaborating with their players which i think is actually a detriment.
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likeafoxdm · 6 months
More reverse Dungeons & Dragons adventures:
A wizard has become trapped at the bottom of their own dungeon, and magically summons the party to free them  
The party must resurrect a dragon, who had served as guardian of a nearby town before dying in a bizarre accident  
A clan of famed goblin artisans are relocating their village; the Queen has hired the party to ensure that the site the goblins choose is within her territory  
The party must create a magical artifact in order to prevent the death of a benevolent deity  
A local population of endangered Golden Owlbears is suffering from the depredations of an unknown trophy hunter; the party has been asked to put a stop to it  
The party must find a non-violent way to get rid of an unwelcome princess who refuses to leave
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likeafoxdm · 9 months
Let me examine closer *my eyes turn purple and blaze with spiritual power* oh yeah no that’s an egret not a heron, it’s got black legs
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likeafoxdm · 9 months
Mechanically speaking, I like to give them a spidersilk cloak that they can use as a net, using a bonus action, Restraining a target on a success, similar to the way that duelists of the past would use Cloak and Rapier. The cloak is sticky like a web, so I bump the escape dc to 14 or so. Gives even the low cr drow a bit of an extra trick up their sleeve.
Please send me your Drow headcannons and homebrew, I'm prepping a new D&D campaign for some friends, with drow as the main antagonists.
While I absolutely adore the dark elves, I'd like to give them a bit more character so they stand out from the other low CR enemeies, and feel like a threat, regardless of the party's level.
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likeafoxdm · 10 months
every friend group should include a bimbo,
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a mean bisexual,
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an even meaner lesbian,
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and he/theys,
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a token straight that's on thin ice,
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an astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized,
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and a short king.
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likeafoxdm · 10 months
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“Rumor is that an ancient curse looms over this set of three isles...any human that sets foot upon this island will be drowned!“
Welcome to another phased battlemap! This map set features a group of islands being quickly enveloped by giant waves and disappearing.
If you reverse the order of the maps, it could also be islands emerging from the sea.
The map specifications include:
- Dimensions: 3000x4000 (100 PPI)
- Grid Size: 60x80
You can download all 8 maps for free here.
Find my entire map archive here.
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likeafoxdm · 10 months
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So, it seems like WOTC hired an AI artist for their latest book (Glory of the Giants). The "artist" (in their social media) openly advertises themself as an AI "artist".
I guess the whole OGL mess and sending the Pinkertons wasn't enough, they had to reach a new low. Fantastic timing, gotta say, all while GenCon (the biggest TTRPG con) is currently ongoing.
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likeafoxdm · 10 months
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likeafoxdm · 5 years
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Talia, the Triton Barbarian! I love this lady so much!!
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