Blackwashing anime characters who are supposed to be Japanese for Blacktober is just wrong. All of you are literally so mad when someone whitewashes a character, but you tolerate it when someone turns a literal Asian character to a black person.
Don't be hypocrites. Your inner racism is showing.
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Being cis is now a crime, apparently.
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Do you perhaps accept pennies?
pst. *appears before u in a dark alleyway* hey, pst. gimme 2 dollars
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"You gaven't played the game yet, so your opinion is not valid."
Bruh, I've played the game for 21 hours and watched a stremer play for another 21 hours because people keep saying that "you just don't understand the story."
It's the same freaking experience because the game is NOT AN OPEN WORLD GAME. It's a one-way storyline with only one ending. The theme is the same, the dialogues are the same and the scenes are the same. There's no alternate storyline here. Hell, there's not even easter eggs in the game.
Ellie is still broken and depressed, Dina and JJ still left her, Tommy and Maria are still separated, Abby and Lev are still alive, and Joel was still beaten to death by Abby with a golf club.
The emotional and mental impact of the entire game is still the same whether or not you play the game for yourself or watch it online. The only difference is that fact that you'll feel twice as shitty when the game forces you to fight Ellie as Abby and kill dogs as Ellie.
So stop insulting those who chose not to play the game and instead watched walkthroughs online. There's no freaking difference at all.
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“Wake up, kiddo.”
Ellie gasps awake, sweat rolling down from her forehead to the side of her face. She looked around and saw Joel sitting on the side of her bed.
“What are you doing?” She asked, sitting up while trying to ignore the migraine that’s trying to take over her attention.
“I was passing by and I heard you screamin’ and cryin’ in your sleep. You alright?” Joel asked as he looked at her, concern in his eyes.
Ellie stared at him, finally remembering the dream that she had.
But it didn’t felt like a dream to her.
It felt real, painful, terrifying and heartbreaking.
She felt like she was going to break down in front of Joel, but she kept it in and nodded at him.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” She said and Joel nodded back at her.
Joel stood up and went for the door, but Ellie decided that she needed to say something. Anything.
“Hey, Joel?” She called out just as Joel was about to step out.
“Yeah, kiddo?” He asked and she took a few seconds before speaking.
“I’m glad you’re still here with me.” She said, smiling slightly with the tears of joy threatening to fall out from her eyes.
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Guad, what do you think would happen if someone put you in a taffy puller machine?
Finally get those kinks out of my back
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Forget man caves and she sheds. The latest technology in gender specific places to relax is here: non binary barns.
reblog if you spend your downtime in a barn
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I feel like Gaud would taste the same as Tom Hiddleston and I don't know why.
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credit: @whale-sharks-tho
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some aesthetic words for your fic title! (pt.1)
alexithymia (n) the inability to express your feelings
cosmogyral (adj): whirling around the universe
euneirophrenia (n): the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams
scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait
anagapesis(n): no longer have any feelings for one you once loved
mangata (n); the reflection of moon on water
serendipity (n); finding luck without even looking for it
selenophile (n) the person who loves the moon
nyctophilia (n); love for darkness or nght, finding relax and comfort in the darkness
drapetomania(n); an overwhelming urge to run away
gumusservi (n): moonlight shining on water
clinomania (n); the excessive desire to stay in your bed
basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss
solivagant (adj) wandering alone
sehnsucht (n): the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what, a yearningfor far, familiar, non- earthy land one can identify as one’s home
redamancy (n); the act of loving one who loves you, a love returned in full
hireath (n); a home sickness to a home which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was, the nostalgia, the yearning, the grieve for the lost places of your past
 alamort (adj) : half- dead of exhaustion
viridity (adj): naive innocent
numinous (adj): describing an experience which makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted, the powerful personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired
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Me: *Comes out as AroAce*
Mom: Well, at least you'll prioritize your brain instead of your heart, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE
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Agender aroace wallpapers for @veryfishmusic
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Aroace Peridot icons bc Peridot was confirmed aroace recently
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It really do be like dat
me with romance irl/directed towards me:
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me with romance in books/shows:
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Made an aroace mobile background feel free to use!
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So beautiful 🏳️‍🌈
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Anyway I made some low-poly aroace wallpapers
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It really confuses me why there are people who act as if another person's gender orientation will have a great impact on their daily lives.
Do Gays have anything to do with economic downfall? Will Asexuals cause an influx in the stock market? Will Bisexuals cause a pandemonium? Will Aromantics cause terrorism? Will Trans people cause severe Global Warming?
The right answer?
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