larroganza · 4 years
Right back at you with your own shit ™
#quote #quoteoftheday #almostpoetry #bitchyquote #xoxo
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larroganza · 4 years
Trouble in the underworld
The veil was so thin between the two worlds that all the shades of being started spreading fear of a poisonous virus named fear.
Scared of being fearful, they intoxicated both realms and Persephone grew tired of the scarcity she was breathing in.
So Persephone decided it was time to go back to her Mother Demeter, to ease all pain in all worlds, heal both their wounds, soothe them with all the love she could.
But the two worlds were so terrified of each other they blocked her road with lame excuses, spit and explosions. 
They dragged her back to her urban tower where she never minded being isolated in.
Guys, what the fuck ? Why did you do that ?
All she wanted was to bring you spring. All she wanted was to kiss the trees so feverously that they would grow flowers back. And love, and love and love her sweet sweet mother through the summer.
You bunch of idiots. You scared idiots.
Don’t you know that no virus would have precipitated you to an early grave. Don’t you know that everything happens in perfect order. Because Death lacking love so much that she decided to finally take all them kisses we stole from her for way too long with our machines and life potions. We cheated and she got tired of it too.
So be scared, idiots. Be scared and cold, and grey.
Because Persephone stayed with Hadès.
And death is still horny.
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larroganza · 5 years
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What wouldn’t we do for love?
We lie, we cheat, we put on fake skin suits which are too tight for the glorious temple we shame by calling them ‘’body’’ while spitting on it as if enough lubrication would make it hurt less as we squeeze ourselves until the point of disappearance.
We hate ourselves so much in the name of love. We try to change those avatar we were giving randomly by birth. We break a rib or two just to make our back bench harder and our skin be firmer to become a prison for those bones. How can bodies so small contains ego so monstrously big?
And could they fall in love with the lies? The fakeness of those curves busted with rusty needles full of death just to make them thicker and softer on the eyes. I am a little bit confused. How can we be so thick yet so thin and still managed to stand straight, be quiet and to fade when needed?
I’m not jealous, I am just sad. Sad of the jungle this came to be. Exhausted of seeing those splendacious goddess tearing each other apart for attention, love and survival. Don’t we know better? Don’t we know there is enough for everyone to be fed, belly full of romance and lips wet from the sweetest fruit of their own self-love?
If that is what love needs, then I don’t want to be loved.
My breast might be shaped like two small peaches whom were torn up from the tree too soon. Somebody might have just taken a bite from it for there was not enough for me to be a woman like they expected me to be. Yet, these noble Venus mounts will one day feed stardusts resembling man, with sublime heart shaped like kings and raised with delightful respect for the queens who gave them breaths.
My belly might be a road too though for you to travel. A land were war occurred and left silver scars as souvenir for all the hate that exploded like bombs shredding the peel apart. No amount of loathe could make it go away for when I am disgusted that much by my own cage, I can’t go unnoticed and if I was to self-destruct it would be in an explosion that would ring everyone ears for the rest of this divine eternity.
I’m sorry I’m not typical. I’m sorry I’m not like everyone else.
I’m sorry I don’t want to be. Sorry I don’t want to fit in.
Sorry to disturb and scare you with my mouth as too wide as my ass.
Sorry that my assertiveness made you scared that between the sanctuary of my legs there would be sharped teeth waiting for the offering of making you less a man than you already aren’t.
I’m even sorrier that you were stupid enough to believe that you would ever be allowed near the cathedral of my flesh.
I don’t want your mortal love disowned of magic, made to be eaten as fast as the candy you tried to morph us into. I’m not something you can easily swallow and forget about. And neither is she.
She is as triumphant as me. As her mother and her grandmother still are. They are high priestesses wrapped up in wrinkles that should be celebrated and not knifed open, pulled up for your entertainment and for the weight of your pierced pockets.
How did you forget to worship every goddamn goddesses that dared to level themselves down for you, boy with tasteful lips who claimed to be man but lied when their prayers lasted less than even some minutes?
Boy, you are still a child and you should be careful. Careful of the toxic words you had the audacity to jerk out on the divine ladies you took for granted. If you just want to sink her you’ll soon find out she can summon demons that would make your worst fears seem like sweet dreams. I wish I could provoke you in a combat were I would fight for her honour and steal her from you. But she is not stealable for she belongs to herself and you tricked her into believing she needs you.
But she doesn’t.
And I don’t.
Did you forget we were privileges and not your property?
Now it’s too late to choke us up and dress us in fantasy. For we are not dolls, sugar or honey. We are wolves, warriors and deities.
We could do a lot for love, but we are not going to wait eternities for you to rescue us from that castle you build yourself just to be crowned a hero. We will shred the doors open with our own claws for we have nothing else because you say swords doesn’t belong in girl’s hands. Kill the dragon by biting in its scaled heart and choking him with its own tail or signing them lullabies until its dangerous heart burst open.
We don’t need to be saved or protect. We are witches who knows how to heal and cure and you are actually the ones who should be scared of us.
For one day we might find that loved you made look like a shiny diamond was in fact, war.
(By Alexe Bernard)
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