keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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there was a post going around twitter about how if bakugou took off all his weaponry stuff he’d just be wearing a sleeveless turtleneck underneath it and i was just… yes. absolutely yes. i’m a big fan of sleeveless turtlenecksss
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Touya’s childhood
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Saw that cat picture, immediately reminded me of Bakugo. Had to draw it.
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Chapter 6
‘Are we sure this is all of them?’ Ichirou said, looking anxiously around the room as her heart pounded in her chest,
‘We’ll just have to make sure we’re ready on the way down, now come on. We’ve gotta go save the others!’ Kirishima replied, ‘Since we got warped here, that must mean the others are also still inside USJ.’
‘But Kiri-‘ Ichirou started,
‘Chirou, we rushed ahead to attack, so Sensei was forced to hang back when they could have been sucking up the black mist. We need to take responsibility.’
‘And we are, but we-‘
“If you wanna go, go by yourself. I’m just gonna go murder that warp gate motherfucker.’ Bakugou finally spoke,
‘Now of all times, you come out with lines a little kid would say… plus physical attacks against that guy are…’
‘Shut  it!’
‘Both of you shut it!’ Ichirou barged in, hushing the two boys, ‘We need to help Aizawa- Sensei as soon as possible.’
‘What?’ Kirishima looked confused,
‘Didn’t you see- he’s against all those villains and eventually one of them is gonna sneak up behind him and he wont be able to use his quirk.’
‘But what about the rest of our class.’ Kiri replied,
‘I mean,’ Bakugou began, setting off an explosion at an approaching villain that had Ichirou’s ears ringing, ‘If he assigned these useless idiots to us, they oughta be fine.’
‘I think this is the first time I’ve seen you so calm, man.’ Kirishima smiled,
‘I’m always calm, you fucking hair for brains!!!’ Bakugou exclaimed as Kiri and Ichirou shared an amused look,
‘We need to get going. Do you agree, Bakugou?’ Ichirou said, rubbing at her sensitive ears,
‘As long as I still get to murder that damn warp gate.’ He replied,
‘Cool, I’ll set off first then!’
‘Wait, what do you mean?’ Kirishima looked anxious,
‘’M gonna run super fast- I’ll be fine!’ Ichirou said, already halfway to the door and completely ignoring Kirishima’s protests.
Unluckily for Ichirou, the destruction zone seemed to be located at the back corner of the USJ, meaning she had some way to run before reaching Aizawa. Okay girl, Ichirou thought at her wolf brain, we cant go too fast, need to conserve energy. Halfway towards her goal, Ichirou ran almost completely into Todoroki, who also seemed to be making his way to Aizawa’s battle.
‘Hey! Todoroki.’ Ichirou waved as she tried to slow down,
‘Hello, Sato.’ Todoroki replied,
‘You know Kirishima and Bakugou are probably right behind us, you could wait for them.’ The girl blurted, unsure of what else to say to her classmate.
‘So could you.’ He responded, bluntly,
‘Oh well yeah, I suppose I could. But I’m trying to run fast is all. For Sensei’
‘That’s helpful.’
‘Yes, yes it is. Bye then.’ Ichirou cringed inwardly at her awkwardness towards the handsome boy,
Ichirou finally stopped. Surveying the scene in front of her. Aizawa was being torn, practically limb from limb by the terrifying bird-like monster the villains had brought with them. His head being crushed repeatedly into the ground as he hung limp. From her insecure hiding space behind a tree, Ichirou could make out the silhouettes of three students in the water. There was another man, slouched over and seemingly weighed down by the arms decorating his body. He was the one who wanted them dead. Without thinking, Ichirou burst out from the tree, running at top speed towards the scene in front of her, ‘Sensei!” she screamed as she propelled herself into the air, nearing her target. Eyes flashed red as claws sprung from her fingertips. The villains looked at her, the inhuman brute raising its head to search for its attacker and in turn exposing its neck. Ichirou took her chance, bringing her claws down in the tender flesh as she heard a cry from the water behind her. Suddenly, the world around her snap, she was whipped from her trajectory as a huge hand enveloped itself around her body, tearing her away as she felt a seeming pain in her fingers. She couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t feel a thing except a the crushing pain in her torso.
‘NO!’ Ichirou cried out as her world turned upside down, ‘No, No! Stop.’ Her voice was hoarse and croaking as the blue haired villain made his way towards her.
‘Oh my, so brave aren’t you? Trying to save your dear teacher. The Symbol of Peace would be so proud.’ He laughed. A cold, heartless laugh as he reached forward. ‘I suppose we’ll have to make an example out of you then.’ Suddenly, the black mist appeared behind the villains head, ‘Shigaraki Tomura.’
Shigaraki turned away from Ichirou, and the girl didn’t think she’d been so glad to see a villain in a long time. ‘Black mist. Then is No 13 dead?’
‘I have incapacitated him. However, I’m afraid the students whom I could not scatter impeded me… and he was therefore able to escape with his life.’ Ichirou smiled through the pain, making eye contact with the students in the water. Tsuyu smiled back, though Ichirou could tell the girl was just as terrified as she was.
‘Its game over,’ Shigaraki groaned, ‘Its game over… for now. Shall we hop back?’
Hop? Ichirou questioned, and what the hell did he mean by ‘game over’
‘Actually, before that why don’t we use this opportunity to take the Symbol of Peace’s pride down a notch!’ The villain finished as he lunged at the students in the water,
‘No!! Stop!’ Ichirou yelled as she swung in the monsters grip, legs kicking as she tried to ignore the pulsing pain in her hand.
A hand covered Tsuyu’s face, but nothing was happening. Ichirou looked down at her teacher who seemed to be nearly awake. Was he erasing the villains quirk? Even in his state?
‘You really are a cool guy Erasurehead.’ Shigaraki said, defeatedly.        
Suddenly, a splash sounded from besides the commotion as Midoriya rushed forward.
‘Let go of her!’ He screamed as he aimed for Shigaraki’s head. He was going to use his quirk, break his arm- and then what? He was just as foolish as Ichirou had been.
‘Nomu.’ Shigaraki whispered, and Ichirou felt flying through the air impossibly fast, the Nomu still clutching her as he came to a stop in front of the boy. No.
Everything seemed to happen at once, Tsuyus tongue flew towards Midoriya as Shigaraki lunged forwards again, aiming his hands for Ichirou’s classmates faces. And all she could do was sit there, suspended in midair.
‘Have no fear. For I have come!’ Ichirou could barely make out All Mights figure from her position, but she had never been happier to hear those words in her life.
‘Looks like we got a continue.’ Shigaraki smiled beneath the hand, ‘Drop her.’
At his command, Ichirou felt herself flung through the air, pain blooming throughout her body as she finally took in a full breath. Her sweet freedom didn’t last long as she was met with the back of her head cracking against a pure concrete wall, the rest of her body slumping to the rough ground. Fucks sake she thought to herself as she saw All Might pick up the other students through blurry eyes, ‘I missed the bus!’ The bruised girl giggled at her own stupid joke as she felt her eyes droop lower, ears pounding as she lay her head back.
‘Rou! Rou, can you hear me?’ A concerned voice brought Ichirou back to the real world,
‘She’s unconscious, shitty hair’ Ichirou felt herself shifted as a gruff voice sounded above her
‘You’re supposed to talk to them still! I read it in a book!’
‘Tch whatever.’
“Just let me carry her man!’ The other voice seemed to plead as Ichirou felt a hand grab her own, she groaned in discomfort,
‘Stop moving her, dammit! We’ll hurt her more if we move her.’
‘But that means she awake? Right? She groaned so she’s alive!’ Ichirou’s eyelids fluttered open slowly, barely able to make a move,
‘Wha- I. What?’ Ichirou could barely form a sentence as she looked up at the blonde angel above her,
‘You hurt yourself, okay? We’re taking you home.’ Ichirou nodded slightly at the boy carrying her in his arms, ‘Now go to sleep, runt.’
‘Kay, boom-boom’ Ichirou mumbled as she pressed her head further into the crook of the boys elbow.
authors note: Sorry this chapters kinda short, I wanted to save the next part for ch7 so hopefully that will be longer!! Also peep erasurdust 💘💖💝💗
Taglist @jazzylove
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Chapter 5
What kinda numbskull could think honest to god villains would be able to just waltz into the hero home base!?’ Ichirou could barely hear the voice call out behind her, ears thudding with the quickened pace of her heartbeat, desperate for what she had just heard not to be true. But it was true. Villains were here and they wanted to kill her classmates- and yet Ichirou could not open her mouth.
‘Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors..?!’ Momo asked, looking anxiously into the growing crowd of villains,
‘Of course we have some set up, but…!’ 13 replied, the pro hero them self seeming rather confused by the situation unfolding,
‘Is this the only part of the campus they’ve infiltrated, or are they attacking all others, too…?’ Todoroki began, Ichirou knew questioning the situation when so much at stake was a bad idea but she couldn’t bring herself to stop him, ‘Then that just means they have one amongst their numbers who has a quirk that can do that. An isolated space away from the school building… a time when there-‘
‘They want to kill us!!’ Ichirou finally cracked, interrupting Todoroki and distilling fear in the eyes of her fellow students, ‘I’m sorry, but I heard him say- the blue one. They’re going to kill us so All Might comes!’
‘Alright- thank you Sato. No 13, do the evacuation procedure! And try calling the school!’ Aizawa shouted back to the class as he braced himself for the inevitable battle, ‘Kaminari, you too! Try contacting UA with your quirk.’ Ichirou’s breathing had steadied by the time her teacher had finished barking orders, grounded by the firm grip of Kirishima’s hand on her bicep.
‘Sensei!? Are you gonna fight them alone!?’ Midoriya gasped as Aizawa reached the stairs, ‘Even if you suppress all of their quirks, there’s so many of them!! The battle style of ‘Erasurehead’ is to capture villains after erasing their quirks.’ He exclaimed as if he had studied the hero all his life,
‘A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeve.’ Aizawa turned back to the crowd of students, his gaze unreadable behind his goggles, ‘No 13, I’m counting on you!’ He called out before throwing himself down the stairs towards the awaiting mass of villains.
‘Alright, students! Follow me to the exit. Quickly!’ 13 shouted as Ichirou and many of her classmates stood frozen, terrified at the sudden realisation that they were facing a real threat- and their teacher had just thrown himself into the middle of it,  ‘Sensei will be fine- now we have to hurry!’ Ichirou felt herself pulled along by Kirishima’s strong arm around her shoulder, snapping out of the trance her fears had put her in, she looked up at him as they ran for the door, close to the front of the pack,
‘I’m afraid I can’t allow that.’ A deep voice sounded from the black mass as it exploded in front of the evacuating students, blocking their only path to the door and encasing them in shadow. in the blink of an eye- they had been trapped, ‘Greetings. We are the Villains Alliance. I apologise for the presumption but we took it upon ourselves. to enter UA Academy, base of hero’s.’ No worries, all is forgiven Ichirou thought to herself as she readied her claws, there was something human in the swirling abyss, there had to be- she just had to destroy it, ‘In order to engage with Mr All Might, the ‘symbol of peace’ we were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him, you see,’ Ichirou’s tail bristled at the intruders nonchalant words, she felt Kiri besides her do the same, shifting his feet into a fighting stance- had he already figured out how to kill the villain? ‘Was Mr All Might not meant to be in attendance at this juncture? Perchance has something happened? Ah well… setting that aside… this is my role.’
At those words, Kirishima and Ichirou leapt into action, spurred on by Bakugou who seemed to think he could defeat the villain alone, as usual. Together, the three aimed for the most likely solid area within the black mass, realising too late that this was an impossible task. Ichirou’s claws swung through air, barely denting the swirling shape that now seemed to be surrounding them. Kiri and Bakugou on the other hand, hadn’t seemed to come to the same conclusion as the dumbfounded girl,
‘Bet you didn’t think we’d be able to do you in before you had the chance!’ Kirishima yelled up at the glowing yellow eyes, not seeming to notice that his hits hadn’t left a scratch. Bakugou on the other hand looked just as confused as Ichirou felt, clearly the boy wasn’t used to his quirk being useless against an opponent,
‘That was quite perilous,’ The black mass said almost jokingly as it looked down at the three students, ‘To be expected, though you may be mere students you are also the hero worlds ‘golden eggs’’
‘It’s no use! Just run! Run, you three!!’ Ichirou turned as 13 cried out to them, meeting eyes with a frustrated Bakugou,
‘YOU WILL BE SCATTERED.’ Ichirou felt the pressure around her increase as the darkness became a storm, thrashing around the students violently, ‘AND TORTURED.’ Despite the terrifying knowledge, her eyes remained locked on Bakugou’ own, ‘AND SLAIN!’ the darkness fully surrounded the group of students and Ichirou felt her entire body pulled involuntarily into the black wall before her,
‘Ki- Kiri!!’ she yelled, grabbing out to him, hoping desperately that he would be there to ground her- but he wasn’t and in a spilt second,  Ichirou felt herself encased in darkness.
Ichirou couldn’t see a thing, her eyes we’re open- she knew that much, and yet all she could see was black. It felt as if she was slowly being suffocated by the black void she had been sucked into, chest weighted down by some strange, warm pressure. A groan sounded from above her, Kiri? Who the hell was there with her? Slowly, she tried to move a free arm, cautious of her surroundings, her palm reached up feeling now resistance. Confused, she moved it closer, practically flailing in the air until she felt a hard solid above her. What the hell could it be? Was it a body? The villain certainly didn’t have a body so what was trapping her? Confused, she kneaded the form on top of her, pulling at the fabric that seemed to be covering-
‘You trying to get me undressed?’ A gruff, recognisable voice came from above Ichirou’s  head,
‘Bakugou! Get the fuck off me boom boy!’ She shouted, pulling her hand away from his back as quickly as possible,
‘Get the fuck out from under me- runt!’ He countered,
‘I cant! You’re too heavy dumbass!’
‘I’m not the dumb one here!’ Bakugou lifted himself up on top his hands and knees, looking down at her with angry eyes, Ichirou still couldn’t move, the leg between her thighs and the gauntlets surrounding her head caged her underneath the blonde boy,
‘Just move, dammit!’
‘Hey guys? Thank god I thought I was by myself! Oh-‘ Kirishima burst through the doorway of the concrete room, stopping when he noticed the compromised position his two friends were in,
‘Kiri! I was so worried! Are you okay?’ Ichirou cried out, finally pushing Bakugou off of her and rushing to the obviously confused boy, throwing herself into his arms,
‘I’m fine- I promise. A-are you okay puppy? You looked terrified.’ Kiri questioned as he pulled back to look his friend in the face,
‘No- well yes I’m fine! It was just scary the way he said he was gonna kill us and then I didn’t know what to do!’ Ichirou exclaimed,
‘You dumbasses done yet?’ Bakugou said, making his way over to the two, ‘Shitty hair, is there anyone else here?’
‘Not that I saw- just us!’ Kirishima replied,
‘You sure about that?’ Ichirou said as she looked out of the glassless window, eyes widening at the scene before them,
‘Villains? He really wasn’t kidding around when he said ‘torture’, huh?’ Kiri tried to joke, but Ichirou could tell he felt just as anxious as her for the upcoming battle.
‘Let’s get going.’ Bakugou pushed past his teammates and Ichirou could swear she saw the trace of a smile on his face.
The trio had made it halfway down the ruined skyscraper before they met the villains, unluckily trapped in a hallway and unable to use their quirks to full potential,
‘There’s so many!’ Ichirou exclaimed as more villains crowded up the stairs, racing towards the three students,
‘We’ll be fine- idiot!’ Bakugou shouted back to her, somewhat encouragingly, as they ran into a nearby room, hoping to get more space and distance themselves from their attackers, ‘Close the door, shitty hair!’
‘There isn’t a door!’ Kirishima called back as he surveyed the rest of the room,
‘Hey boom boy- you better not do what you did in combat training- that was dumb!’ Ichirou said whilst readying herself for what she was about to face,
‘Damn runt! I’m not an idiot!’ The boy yelled back,
‘really? Wouldn’t have guessed?’ Ichirou teased,
‘Why yo-‘ Bakugou began,
‘Guys! Watch out!’ Kirishima warned as the villains came barging through the door at an overwhelming pace, all of a sudden Ichirou felt her instincts kick in.
Fight or flight.
One of the pack leaders was making their way straight for Ichirou as she backed up desperate to find a way out of the situation, desperate not to have to let her instincts overtake her. But it was too late, the only possibly way to stall time was to- jump. And so she did, arms reaching up as if compelled by aa subconscious force and grasping onto the uncovered pipes above her- they didn’t feel stable but they’d have to do. The battering ram of a villain kept up its steady charge towards Ichirou, seemingly unfazed by her actions, the terrified girl drew herself up, arms tensed as she prepared for what would hopefully be a somewhat decent move. Without command, her legs threw themselves around her target, pulsing arms pushing away from the worn down pipes. Her feet hit solid ground, calf’s caging the thrashing man beneath her. In an instant, Ichirou’s hand was on his face, claws digging into his cheeks as she smashed his head into the floor. The thrashing stopped and Ichirou realised she was still holding the pipe.
As she stood from the unconscious body, the girl felt a slimy rope wrap itself around her forearm, she looked towards the offending object and used her bloodied claws to swipe at it. The glimmering rope snapped, and a blood curdling scream came from a woman with thick appendages growing out of her head. Before she realised what was happening, the woman had hurtled two of the ropes towards Ichirou, aiming straight for her blood-red eyes. The girl managed to grab them before she was hit and from this close, she could see the teeth, hissing tongues, beady eyes. Snakes. Running on adrenaline, Ichirou pulled at the scaly forms trapped in her clawed hands, in turn forcing the villain towards her. Even as the villain stumbled, more snakes flew toward Ichirou, aiming all over her upper body. A searing pain kept up from her shoulder as one of the snakes bit into her skin, heat flared through Ichirou’s body, urging her to grasp at the offending snake. Her claws ripped through flesh again and her opponent was sent stumbling from the impact. Ichirou ran after the stumbling opponent, crowding them against the wall as she flashed her claws, snakes scales surrounding her on all sides as she threw the villain to the floor by the writhing appendages, knocking over a smaller lizard-like being in the process. The snake-haired woman hit the floor, hard, a crack was hardly heard above the grunting screams of the other villains and the blasts from Bakugou’s quirk. The sound pulled Ichirou from her shrouded mind, clearing the wolfish haze as she realised what she could have just done. Bad idea.
‘Ichirou, be careful!’ She heard Kirishima shout from the other side of the room, a warning for the obstacle that was blocking the path. Ichirou turned to late, body not reacting to the trembling ground behind her. A huge shadow loomed over the girl as she trembled in her boots, ears twitching as she begged her eyes to turn back red. A muscled arm swung towards her head, Ichirou ducked, wolf instincts kicking in after what felt like far too long. Her balance faltered as she wobbled on her feet, arms flailing as she tried to grab onto something, anything to keep her upright. She latched onto the fleshy arm above her, claws biting into it as the huge, ugly figure above her let out a growl. Ichirou found herself brought up to eye level and she could almost taste the rancid smell of its breath. On impulse, Ichirou brought her knee up, catching the villain on the chin. Nothing much happened, so she brought her leg up again, this time kicking with her foot twice. The face before her twisted into a frown as she pressed her foot into it, trying desperately to get out of the monsters grasp. A booming crash sounded from in front of Ichirou, her vision blocked by the head of her opponent, it seemed much closer than before. Suddenly, Ichirou felt the villains legs give out as she sunk to the floor, legs crippling beneath the weight of the arm on top of her.
“Dumb runt.’ Ichirou looked up to see Bakugou staring down at her, hands smoking and sweat dripping down his chest, ‘You do realise you had your claws in his arm, right’
‘What?’ Ichirou questioned, before realising her was right, ‘W- well whatever I was caught up.’
‘Caught up in looking stupid.’
‘Could you shut up! I almost wish you hadn’t saved me.’, Ichirou said as she tried to push the arm of her sore legs,
‘You’d be dead, dumbass.’
‘Wish I was instead of talking to you.’
‘Help me.’ The girl said, averting her eyes and holding out a hand,
‘Why do you think I’d do that?’ The boy asked, looking confused,
‘You literally just did!? Kiri!’ Ichirou begged, looking over at her friend,
‘Oh, don’t mind me- just enjoying the show!’ He replied, struggling to hide his smile, as he stepped over to his friend, easily lifting the arm and helping her shuffle out.
‘What do we do now?’
taglist : @jazzylove
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Chapter 4
The three friends gaped at the crowd around the UA campus, it was only the third day of school and already news reporters were circling the school gates.
‘Excuse me! You three there!’ a reported yelled as the students were noticed by the group ‘What’s it like being All Might’s pupils?’ Voices converged into one as more reporters hounded them for comments.
‘Come on guys, here.’ Kirishima put his arms around the two girls to the side of him, dragging them forcefully through the crowd, ‘He’s a great teacher, we’re really learning a lot from him!’ He shouted in the hopes of calming the crowd down, he succeeded partially, allowing the three to finally rush through the gates.
‘Oh my god that was crazy!’ Ichirou gasped, ‘I didn’t realise people would be so interested in All Might being a teacher!’
‘I mean, I guess it is pretty cool since he’s the number one hero,’ Kirishima said, looking back at the still restless crowd,
‘I hope they don’t use those pictures, you messed up my damn hair Kiri!’ Mina cried out as she tried to flatten the now frizzy mess,
‘Sorry Mina, I didn’t mean to- just wanted to protect you that’s all.’ Kirishima apologised,
‘Spoken like a true hero.’ Ichirou said, ‘I’m sure they wont use the pictures though, they’ll probably want some more candid photos.’ Mina smiled at her, slightly reassured.
‘Lets get on with home room notices…’ Mr Aizawa said calmly, ‘I’m sorry to have to spring this on you all, but we need to pick a class president.’
A ripple of excitement rolled over the class, finally they were going to be doing something school like!!
‘I wanna be class president!’ Kirishima cried out,
‘I love leader positions- Ill do it!’ Mina challenged
‘I wanna do it too!’ The girl in front of Ichirou said, almost everyone had raised their hands, Ichirou included, excited for the opportunity to prove themselves at UA.
‘BE QUIET!!’ A loud, commanding voice caused everyone to turn to the back of the room, Tenya Iida began to speak, ‘This is a task laden with responsibility where you must carry and pull everyone else’s weight! Just because you’d like to do it doesn’t mean you can!’ The tall boy had a point but he seemed to be taking the entire thing way to seriously, ‘It is a holy office that requires the great esteem and trust of those around you…! The only truly worthy leader will emerge from a democratic choice reflecting the will of the people! It must be settled with a vote!
‘But everyone will just vote for themselves!’ Kirishima shouted back,
‘Which is why the person who does earn multiple votes will be the truly appropriate person for the job, no?!’ Iida explained, Ichirou understood exactly what he meant, and placed a hand on Kirishima’s shoulder in warning.
In the end, almost everybody voted for themselves, and Ichirou wasn’t innocent. It was true that she didn’t really know anyone well enough yet to assume that they would be a good leader, though she was pleased that Momo had won vice-president, but she had also wanted to see if she could have won.
Midoriya stood at the class next to the taller girl, nervously shaking as he excepted his place as class president, ‘So then its president Midoriya and vice-president Yaoyorozu.’ Aizawa confirmed, stepping out of his sleeping bag.
The lunch rush cafeteria was just as amazing as usual; Ichirou and Mina took their seats with the boys at an empty table.
‘I’ve been talking to Asui quite a lot, she’s the frog girl who sits behind me,’ Mina explained to Ichirou, ‘I think she’s really nice, told me to call her Tsu- so I guess that means we’re friends!’,
‘That’s great, you’ll have to introduce me,’ Ichirou smiled at her friend as the two tucked into their noodles, ‘Sometimes Jirou turns round to chat to me, she so cool- her dad was in a band or something like that.’
‘She sounds awesome, there’s so many cool people in our class! I don’t even have a backstory.’ Mina sulked,
‘What do you mean you don’t have a backstory, you weirdo.’ Ichirou questioned,
‘Well, Kiri dyed his hair, and you don’t have a dad-‘ Mina started,
‘Hey, those jokes are only funny if I do them.’ Ichirou jokingly narrowed her eyes at the girl,
‘Whatever,’ Mina stuck her tongue out at her,
‘Besides, you saved those girls from that villain, that’s backstory.’ Ichirou motioned with her fork,
‘Don’t remind me of that! It’s so scary to think of!’ Mina covered her eyes, shaking her head,
‘Sorry Pinky, but you were so brave!’ Ichirou nudged the girl next to her,
‘Move up.’ Ichirou looked up at the recognisably gruff voice above her, her eyes met with Bakugou’s stern face. The girl smiled, sliding along the bench to allow the boy to sit next to her.
‘Baku-bro!’ Kirishima said, ‘Didn’t expect you to actually come sit with us!’
‘Don’t make a big deal of it shitty-hair.’ Bakugou replied, sending a glare in Kirishima’s direction, the boy put his hands up in surrender, Denki and Sero’s eyes widened,
‘Hey we got the same meal!’ Ichirou exclaimed as she saw Bakugou begin eating his noodles, ‘Mina got it too.’ She added, becoming nervous as Bakugou didn’t reply,
‘They’re pretty good.’ The boy mumbled as he finished his dish quickly, holy shit he eats fast- Ichirou thought to herself, turning to Mina who was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively back at Ichirou who faked puking to save face.
Suddenly, a loud blaring noise rang out through the cafeteria, ‘SECURITY LEVEL 3 HAS BEEN BREACHED. STUDENTS, PLEASE PROMPTLY EVACUATE.’
‘Evacuate!’ Denki exclaimed as the group left their seats, joining the crowd of teenagers trying to get to the school safety points,
‘It means someone’s infiltrated the school grounds!’ A voice shouted over the crowd, whipping the students into an even bigger frenzy. Ichirou was jostled into a wall by her upperclassmen as they raced to the door, finding it difficult to see her friends thanks to the tall 3rd years,
‘Mina! Kiri, where are you?’ She cried out, becoming stressed at the chaos of the situation as she was pushed into the wall again, face first this time. She had no clue what was going on. Her ears were ringing with the crescendo of voices and her tail was hidden between her legs in fear. Overwhelmed, she turned again, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mina’s pink hair, instead she was met by another wall.
‘Watch yourself, runt.’ Ichirou looked up to see Bakugou standing above her, ‘listen, this is those damn reporters, alright? Don’t go running around like a damn idiot.’
‘O-okay.’ Ichirou mumbled, dangerously aware of how close the two were, she was practically trapped by his strong chest,
‘The hells up with your damn ears?’ The boy questioned abruptly, noticing the way they twitched, moving independently in all directions,
‘Um, its just loud.’ Ichirou answered, her tail wiggling from side to side as she felt her entire body heat up,
‘Huh.’ Bakugou grunted, before promptly flattening the girls ears with his hands, dulling the sound and pulling her even closer to him. Ichirou’s eyes went wide at the sudden intrusion, the sensitivity of her ears causing the speed of her tail to increase rapidly, thrashing from side to side as she gripped the boys forearm.
Ichirou wasn’t sure how much time passed in this position, but she was soon taken out of her trance as Bakugou lifted his hands from her ears.
‘Its over.’ He stated, the somewhat dazed girl lifted her head from where she had burrowed into his front, she looked around noticing Iida being helped down from a doorway? How he’d got there she didn’t know- ‘He jumped.’ Bakugou stated as he took a step back from the girl, Ichirou nodded in acknowledgement as her arm dropped back to her side. Bakugou nodded back before sticking his hands in his pockets and turning to walk away.
‘For the foundational skill of heroics we’ll study today,’ Aizawa started as his class calmed down, ‘It was decided you’ll be supervised by a three-man team comprising of me, All Might and somebody else.’ Decided? Ichirou thought to herself, what were they going to be doing that needed three teachers?
‘Be the hero everyone need, whether it’s a flood or any other disaster’ The teacher dramatically revealed the activity, ‘It’s the trail of rescue!!’ Ichirou’s face broke into a smile, thanks to her wolf traits, rescue was surely going to be a strong point of hers.
‘Trail of rescue… sounds a bit difficult this time round…’ Kaminari pondered,
‘Cmon, dumbass, that’s what a hero’s whole job is!! I’m chomping at the bit!!’ Kiri replied, almost jumping out of his chair in his excitement,
‘As I was saying,’ Aizawa continued, staring down the two boys, ‘This time, it’s entirely up to each of you whether or not you wear your costume. Some of your costumes probably aren’t adapted to the task at hand, after all. The training area is fairly far away, so we’ll get there by bus. That’s all.’
‘I cant believe we’re going on a school trip!’ Mina swung Ichirou and hers hands as the two girls walked to the bus,
‘Same! I wonder who the somebody else Sensei was talking about is.’ Ichirou nodded in agreement as they came to a stop,
‘In order to get everybody seated smoothly on the bus, file into two lines according to your numbers.’ Iida, the classes new president, shouted to the waiting students,
‘Damn it, we cant sit next to each other! Why’d Iida do that.’ Mina sulked,
‘I think he’s pretty good, besides we’re close to each other so don’t worry.’ The other girl reassured as they parted to find their space in line. Ichirou was one of the last on the bus, but she soon realised poor Iida’s system had failed, no one was sat in their right places,
‘Rou!! I saved you a seat!’ Mina called from one of the benches at the front of the bus and Ichirou soon found herself sat between her and Kaminari,
‘So it ended up being this kind of bus anyway!’ Iida said defeatedly as he sat next to Mina,
‘Yeah there was no poi-‘ the girl began,
‘I think you did really well organising it Iida!’ Ichirou interrupted, sending a glare to her friend,
‘Thank you, Sato.’ Iida replied, turning to the girl,
‘Oh, call me Ichirou, we already have a Sato in this class.’ She said smiling and giving the boy a thumbs up,
‘Alright, Sa- Ichirou.’ Iida nodded his appreciation before turning to talk to Midoriya, Ichirou turned to her friends, who seemed to be in the middle of a conversation,
‘I’m kinda jealous of that kind of simple enhancer type quirk, though! There a lot you can do with one, and flashily too!’ Kirishima complimented Midoriya, ‘My hardening power isn’t bad for punch-ups, but I hate that its just not that flashy.’
‘Well , I think its an awesome quirk! Definitely a quirk that’ll be great use to a pro!’ Ichirou smiled at Midoriya’s reassurance, she was beginning to really like the strange boy.
‘Besides, Kiri, you know heroics has a lot about it that’s more like a popularity contest too, right?? You’re so nice I’m sure you’ll do great!’ Ichirou chimed in,
‘Yeah, like everyone’s gonna love Ichirou bc she’s like a teddy bear!’ Mina patted the girls head, rubbing at her ears as Ichirou leaned into the touch,
‘If we’re talking the double whammy of flashy and strong, you can’t not mention Todoroki and Bakugou!’ Kirishima added, deflecting attention,
‘Bakugou’s always fuming, so he wont be very popular.’ Asui mentioned, offhandedly, clearly not realising what she was saying,
‘The hell did you say! I’ll be popular, too!!’ The boy exploded from behind them, gripping the rails in front of him.
‘It’s only been a brief while since our socialisation has commenced and yet already we have been made apodictically cognisant of your personality, redolent as it is of a turd getting steamed in a sewer.’ Kaminari pressed the boy to further anger, Ichirou smacked his arm as she stifled a laugh,
‘Huh?! What the hell kinda vocabulary is that?! Ill fucking kill you!!’ Bakugou was practically bending the railing in anger, face scrunched up in a terrifying, but almost cute, fit of rage,
‘Damn Bakugou, you are one fouled mouthed dude.’ Kaminari continued, despite the fear in his eyes, and Ichirou had half a mind to smack a hand over the boys mouth.
‘We’re almost there. Settle down already…’ Aizawa ordered, before Bakugou jumped the railing and attacked Kaminari,
Bakugou kept his eyes trained on the poor boy, eyebrows drawn in a scowl. Ichirou looked at him subconsciously, wondering how in the world the boy could get so angry, that is, until his eyes flickered onto hers. She raised an eyebrow, snapping out of her thoughts quickly, but the boy didn’t reply, instead deciding to turn away as he so often did when their eyes met.
Ichirou’s eyes lit up as she finally saw the wide expanse of simulations the class would be training with, she shared a look with Mina whose own eyes were wide- the place looked like an amusement park!
‘Is this USJ or something?!’ Ichirou heard behind her, she had heard of the place before when researching UA as a school,
‘This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters,’ A voice came from the right, causing the student to turn and meet the 3rd teacher they’d be working with- the space hero 13! ‘It’s name is… the Ultimate Space for Jams!!’ they finished as the class burst in excitement,
‘I cant believe its 13!!’ Mina grabbed Ichirou’s hand and gripped tightly, gasping at the thought of meeting another pro hero,
‘I know! And they’re going to be teaching us!’ Ichirou added, just as excited as her friend to be learning from such an amazing hero.
‘Before we begin, just a thing,,, or two,’ 13 started again as the chatter died down, ‘I’m certain you’re all already quite aware, my quirk is called ‘black hole’ no matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, I’m afraid it will turn into dust.’
‘That’s a quirk perfect for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disasters!’ Midoriya shouted out excitedly,
‘Yes… it is, however, a power that could also be easily used to kill people. And in that way, it’s no different from the quirks of everyone here.’ At those words, Ichirou felt herself tremble, remembering how long it took for her to get used to her claws, how she would wake up scratched and bloody from restless nights, how she cut her friends, teachers, her own mother. ‘Naturally, in this society of super humans, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use enforced. Now, this lesson will serve as a fresh start! Lets get to studying about how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life! That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!’ 13 finished their speech with a bow and was met with a round of applause from the students, all empowered by the words.
‘All right, first things first…’ Aizawa began, seeming to be disturbed by something in the centre court, Ichirou couldn’t see very well, but there seemed to be a swirling black mass- by the looks of things it wasn’t part of the training course. ‘Huddle together and don’t move!’ He shouted back as figures began to emerge from the darkness, ‘13! Protect the students!’
‘Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam? Kiri said as Ichirou backed into him,
‘I really don’t think so- sensei looks nervous.’ Ichirou turned to the boy, speaking quietly as to not alarm the others.
‘Don’t move!’ Aizawa shouted back to the huddled children as he fixed his goggles, ‘Those are villains!!’ Ichirou’s suspicions had been right, she stepped back in realisation that these were the people the pro hero’s battled- and they were coming for her class.
‘Rou, can you hear what’s going on?’ Kirishima asked as he wrapped a protective arm around the girl who nodded in return, training her focus on the centre of the chaos.
‘According to the teachers curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr All Might was supposed to be here…’ Ichirou’s ears twitched at the unexpected voice coming from inside the black hole,
‘They wanted All Might,’ She relayed, ‘and I’m fairly certain that the black mass is actually a person.’ Kirishima and some of those around her seemed almost relieved that they weren’t the target,
‘You can’t tell me All Might… the symbol of peace… isn’t here…’ a dry rasping voice consumed Ichirou’s sensitive ears, it was a voice she was certain would haunt her forever, ‘I wonder if he’ll show up if we kill the kids?’
Ichirou tensed- they needed to get out.
a/n : its getting spicy y’all ft. Bakugou’s tiddies :)
taglist : @jazzylove
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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“Stop talking. I will win. That’s… what heroes do.” 
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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The Trio
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
The best picture of bakugou
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I dont take criticism.
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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they are here to inform you
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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I like these kids
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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Chapter 3
So, what do you all think All Mights gonna be like as a teacher?’ Denki asked as they got settled for their first class with the Pro Hero,
‘I still cant believe he’s really here, man!’ Kirishima swivelled around in his chair to face the blond boy,
‘Yeah, I heard he’s-‘ Ichirou started, only to be interrupted by a large booming voice,
‘I AM… coming through the door like a normal person’ All Mights voice resounded round the room as the students turned to stare at him in awe,
‘Its really him!’ Kiri said from beside Ichirou, still unable to turn his eyes away,
‘I know! And he’s so dorky too!’ Ichirou replied, finding the hero’s weirdness endearing,
‘I teach basic hero training.’ All Might explain as he took his classic stance at the front of class, ‘It’s a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You’ll take the most units of this subject! Let’s get right into it! This is what we’ll do today- Combat training!’
It felt as if the entire classes eyes lit up, this was what Ichirou had been expecting when she dreamt of UA, and finally they were going to complete their first real lesson on becoming a hero!
‘And to go with that are these!’ All Might gestured to the wall, which began to move, revealing cases containing what could only be their- ‘Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started.’ Ichirou met Mina’s eye, who looked just as excited as she felt at the prospect finally getting the hero gear.
‘Could you just move, we all need to get our costumes.’ Ichirou grumbled as she watched Bakugou struggle to get the case out of the wall, the boys face snapped towards her, eyes narrowed and teeth clenched, if looks could kill, she’d have been dead in an instant,
‘Damn runt, always getting in my way.’ Bakugou snarled, not moving from his repeated motions of jamming the case in and out violently,
‘Just don’t do it like that. You need to be calm, if that’s even possible.’ Ichirou raised her eyebrows as the boys tugs became more and more violent
‘Shut your mouth, mut,’ Bakugou replied, catching her eyes in a piercing glare,
‘Not a dog, remember.’ Ichirou’s scowled at the new nickname, it was one thing to have Kiri calling her a puppy,
‘Tch- whatever.’ The boy rolled his eyes,
‘Would you just move, I cant get mine till your done!’ Ichirou explained in exasperation, looking at the others who had already got their cases and were heading to get changed. The boy didn’t make a sound, instead he stepped back from the almost dislodged case, his breath heavy,
‘Thank you.’ Ichirou stepped in front of him, the feeling of his hot breath all too close to the back of her neck causing her heart to flutter slightly. She first grabbed at her own case, the one above Bakugou’s and pulled it down. The silver briefcase was surprisingly heavy as it fell into her grip, causing the flustered girl to stumble backward further into Bakugou’s chest. The boy gripped her waist to steady her,
‘Dumb runt.’ He muttered behind her, but Ichirou could feel his heart rate increasing,
‘Not a dog.’ Ichirou reminded him in a singsong voice as she reached forward again to dislodge the boys own case from where it was stuck, ‘There now try again.’
Bakugou rolled his eyes as Ichirou stepped out from behind the wall, briefcase clasped in both sweating hands. He pulled it out calmly as possible, it slid from the wall on the first try,
‘What was that? A thank you?’ Why your welcome boom boy.’ Ichirou joked as the boy snapped his head to face her,
‘The hell did you just call me, runt?’ The boy took a step closer to the girl, bending down slightly to reach her eye line,
‘Oh please, you got to give me a cute nickname, it’s only fair.’ Ichirou turned away from him, heading back to her desk where Mina was waiting excitedly,
‘My name is Bakugou. Call me that or nothing.’ He combatted, storming after her,
‘What if I just called you?’ Ichirou winked, enjoying how riled up the boy had become,
‘So damn hard to talk to.’ He muttered under his breath,
‘Oh I’m hard to talk to?’ she turned to him, her sensitive ears picking up on the comment, ‘Tch- whatever.’ She said, mimicking the boys low, gruff voice.
‘Shut it, brat.’ Bakugou rolled his eyes, throwing his case down on his desk with far more force than necessary,
‘Bye boom boy, good chat!’ Ichirou giggled before meeting Mina’s wide eyes, ‘What? Did something happen?’.
‘Um- yeah it did.’ Mina dragged the confused girl out of the classroom,
‘Is it about the costumes? Did you look at yours with out me?!’ Ichirou guessed as she was pulled down the corridor towards the girls changing rooms,
‘No I didn’t- don’t worry.’ Mina reassured, ‘This is about you, flirting with that pomeranian-looking, anger issues-having, God-complex abusing dick.’
‘Whoa! That was not flirting at all, its just funny to make him mad.’ Ichirou defended herself, still amused by her friends choice of insults,
‘Oh really so- ‘how about I just call you’- isn’t flirting? Weird, cos it kinda sounds like flirting to me.’ Mina poked her friend in the arm,
‘No it wasn’t- he set himself up! I was just trying to get a rise out of him.’ Ichirou tried desperately to explain herself, okay maybe she had been trying to flirt with Bakugou, but it wasn’t like he was flirting back,
‘Ichirou, look at me,’ Mina stopped walking, placing a hand on Ichirou’s shoulder, ‘I know you have a thing for troubled men-‘
‘I do not!’ The other girl exclaimed,
‘Endeavour.’ Mina deadpanned,
‘Stop it- he’s Todoroki’s dad!.’ Ichirou batted Mina’s hand away, carrying on walking, ‘Besides, Bakugou’s got the personality of a garbage truck, even if he is cute.’
‘Damn straight! Wait- what you think he’s cute ?’ Mina called to her friend as Ichirou opened them door to the changing rooms.
The girls of class 1-A were making their way over to ground beta, where All-Might was waiting to begin the first practical class.
‘I wonder what Combat Training entails.’ Momo pondered, eyes falling on Ichirou walking next to her whilst desperately trying to pull up her thigh high boots, ‘Hey, just leave them you look really hot- and at least its not as bad as mine.’
‘Well yours is sexy to help with your quirk- I thought I was going to have shorts!’ Ichirou explained, the boots were going to help her with her quirk, allowing her to feel the ground beneath her more accurately, but she hadn’t expected to basically be wearing a bathing suit,
‘Nonsense, you look really really cute, especially with all this fluff.’ Momo stroked a hand through the fur collar of the white jacket that contrasted Ichirou’s dark grey tail perfectly, ‘And you and Mina sort of match.’
‘Thanks Momo,’ Ichirou smiled up at the tall girl who smiled back.
‘Yeah we did that on purpose!’ Mina, who had been checking out the costumes of the boys ahead of them chimed in, ‘Did you guys see Kirishima’s final costume? He looks so cool.’
‘Mhm, he wouldn’t let me see the designs but it looks very manly.’ Ichirou replied jokingly as they noticed the boy rushing back to talk to them,
‘Ichirou! Mina! You both look awesome!’ Kiri shouted out excitedly, ‘oh- Momo, you um, you look great as well.’ A red blush spread across his face and neck as he took in the girls appearance, something Ichirou had guessed would happen to all the boys,
‘Thanks Kiri, you and the guys look great too.’ Mina replied as they carried on walking, Kiri falling into place next to her,
‘Yeah, I’m so excited to do more hero stuff, especially with the number one hero!’ Kiri pumped his fist in the air enthusiastically,
‘I know! We’ve been wondering what we’re going to do for our first class.’ Ichirou said,
‘Sero- the guy with the elbows- thinks we’re gonna do something like the entrance exam. But I don’t think we’ll be doing that again for a while.’ Explained Kirishima as they caught up with the boys at the entrance,
‘Hey guys.’ Mina waved excitedly, as Kirishima pulled them towards Kaminari and Sero, his new friends, ‘you look so cool!’
‘Heh- thanks.’ The black haired boy replied as he fiddled with the helmet in his hands, Denki was yet to reply, his eyes trained on the bare skin of Momo’s chest, Ichirou noticed and quickly shuffled herself in front on Momo, pulling him out of his trance,
‘Yeah- um yeah, cool. You all look great!’ Denki stuttered out, eyes widening at Ichirou’s scowl,
‘Let’s head in!’ Kirishima cried enthusiastically as the entire group reached the gates of ground beta where All Might was waiting.
‘Bakugou’s cheating!’ Kirishima cried as the class watched him head straight for Izuku in a surprise attack, ‘That’s not manly at all!’
Oh trust me, he’s looking real manly from where I’m standing. Ichirou thought to herself, watching the muscles beneath the blonds hero suit ripple as he felt the impact of his own blow, before shaking her head of the gross thought.
‘A surprise attack is a strategy, too’ All Might responded as Ichirou snapped herself out of her head, ‘They’re in The middle of a real battle now.’
‘Midoriya avoided it!’ Mina gasped, eyes glued to the screen, Ichirou couldn’t believe he’d managed it without using his quirk- though they had known each other for quite some time. Bakugou moved forward again, and Ichirou could see the determined grimace written across his face, despite that, Midoriya once again managed to dodge his rapid attack, this time using Bakugou’s own strength against him to flip him over into the ground.
The entire class gasped in shock as the boy tried to catch his breath, the smaller boy was saying something that seemed passionate, thought the class couldn’t hear. Bakugou got up from the ground to face the green haired boy, small explosions emanating from the palms of his hands,
‘Excuse me, Ichirou?’ A soft voice came from behind her, forcing her head away from the entrancing battle, it was her partner Ojiro,
‘Hey! I’m guessing you want to talk strategy for our match?’
‘Yeah, it’ll be pretty tricky since we don’t actually know who we’re up against yet but we have pretty similar quirks so I think we could work something out.’ Ojiro explained,
‘I agree, we’re both fairly agile thanks to our tails so we’ll be alright when it comes to hand to hand combat.’ Ichirou commented,
‘So maybe we should try and get in close as soon as possible, if we’re hero’s that is.’ Ojiro built on Ichirou’s idea
‘I’ll be able to sense them around the building if we play our cards right, but if we’re villains,’ The girl pondered, struck from her thoughts as a large explosion lit up the screen behind her, she could feel the tremors of Bakugou’s enhanced quirk even from this distance.
‘We cant do the same as Bakugou, no matter how well its going for him.’
‘Yeah, we should stay at base where there’s space to move.’
‘Sounds good.’ Ojiro concluded as the two turned to face the screen again
They ended up being villains, facing the slightly terrifying team up of Shoji and Todoroki as their hero’s.
‘Do you think we should hide maybe? Or protect the bomb more?’ Ichirou said nervously, looking around for something to better protect them with,
‘If we hide, we might not get to the bomb in time,’ Ojiro explained, ‘And I’m sure we’ll be fine protecting the bomb,’ Ichirou smiled determinedly at the boy, throwing him a thumbs up,
‘Now lets start the second indoor person-to-person combat training match!’ All Mights strong voice could be heard through the loud speakers as the villain team readied themselves,
‘I can feel them, on the ground floor,’ Ichirou relayed to her partner as her ears twitched, ‘only one is advancing- its cold, I think its Todoroki. We need to be careful.’ Ojiro nodded as the two steadied themselves. ‘Can you feel that?’
‘Feel what?’ The boy turned to her, Ichirou could sense the building around becoming cooler by the minute,
‘It’s getting cold, I think he’s incasing the building.’
‘He doesn’t want us to escape?’
‘I’m not sure- wait no watch out!’ Ichirou jumped up to grab at a pipe above her head just as thick sheet ice burst through the door, covering the floor and trapping Ojiro’s legs,
‘I’m so sorry!’ Ichirou said as she dropped onto the now icy floor, boots thankfully giving her enough friction to move with good agility.
‘It’s okay, this quirk is-‘ Both head turned towards the door and they heard Todoroki steps echo through the corridors, Ichirou steadied herself for a fight,
‘I didn’t get both of you huh?’ Todoroki assessed the situation, his blank expression not giving away any feeling of confusion, ‘We’ll fight then.’ An icy blast was sent Ichirou’s way with no hesitation, she slid behind the bomb to offer herself some protection, knowing there was no point hiding from him, Ichirou realised she would have to fight this in close combat- she silently hoped Todoroki was less suited to the style. The room was almost bare, there was no way she’d be able to sneak up behind him, but hopefully she’d be able to gain some height advantage. Popping out her claws, Ichirou used the leverage to pull herself up the wall, a strategy she counted on Todoroki noticing, he inevitably did as he shot ice towards her which stuck to the walls as she skilfully dodged each rapid attack until she decided it was time to strike. Now having scaled almost halfway round the room, she found herself promisingly close to the stoic boy and decided that this was her chance. Mustering up all her strength, she pushed off from the wall, using Todoroki’s ice block as leverage to knock the boy to the ground, pinning him under her with her body weight, thighs clenched around his waist.
‘Gotcha!’ Ichirou said, smiling as she reached for the capture tape at her side,
‘I think you’re forgetting something,’ Todoroki finally spoke as he twisted his wrist in her grasp,
‘Oh yeah?’ Ichirou replied, taking the bait as the boy beneath her conjured up an icy blast from his finger tips, somehow aiming it right at the stunned girls abdomen and forcing her sprawling across the floor and against the wall, ice surrounded her stomach and blocking her from moving in anyway other than flailing her arms slightly. Todoroki touched the bomb, ending the match,
‘That was really amazing- its no wonder you were a recommendation!’ Ichirou exclaimed, getting up off the floor as the boy used heat to get rid of the ice he’d encased the building in, Todoroki nodded his appreciation, crossing the two rather bewildered students as he headed out the door,
‘Heat too?’ Ojiro mumbled as the they followed him,
‘Well, he is Endeavour’s son, plus the whole- y’know,’ Ichirou gestured to the two sides of her head in turn, ‘It kind makes sense.’
‘Yeah, I guess you’re right.’
The forth battle was in progress, Todoroki had obviously won MVP of Ichirou’s match which had left her quite salty- the girl had thought she’d done well but she guessed that losing a teammate had put her behind. Ichirou looked around the room her, averting her attention from the battle as she heard the quiet clanging of metal hitting the floor. A dejected Bakugou sat on one of the boxes, grenades lying at his feet, his lips drawn into a scowl and his eyebrows furrowed. He’d expected to win against Midoriya, there was a clear childhood rivalry between the two that was understandable, both boys were extremely powerful.
Ichirou wanted badly to go comfort him, another embarrassing downside to her quirk- she felt responsibility fo her pack (well class) as people with animalistic quirks often did. Thanks to her mother having no experience with the quirk except for the time she’d spent with Ichirou’s ‘dad’, most of what she knew was from visiting the hospital every time she nearly scratched herself apart or bit her tongue almost in half that one time.
Deciding on a relatively decent excuse of needing water, the girl made her way to the back of the room and grabbed her water bottle. She stood away from him, whilst still letting the seething boy know she was nearby, and fixed her attention back on the fight. Bakugou was mumbling to himself, something so quiet that Ichirou didn’t think it polite to listen. They stayed like that for the rest of class, silently acknowledging each other’s presence. Ichirou wasn’t certain as to whether Bakugou actually wanted her there, but she sensed his heart rate decreasing steadily and his breathing begin to calm.
a/n : sorry she’s an endeavour simp 🥺 i promise its for ✨character development✨
tagliat : @jazzylove
4 notes · View notes
keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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4K notes · View notes
keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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7K notes · View notes
keig-hoe-takami · 3 years
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someone please collect this lost child
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