kandolight · 5 years
My Secret Budget Fashion Hacks PART 2
Secret Budget Fashion Hacks PART 2
These are my fashion hacks for shopping to get the best discounts and sales for trendy items. I made a post earlier about my fashion hacks that go into details of saving money also. You should check that out too if you like this post!
Watch Fashion Videos
You’re probably thinking “Really? How does that save me money?” But just checking out a few fashion videos, magazine websites or your favorite…
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kandolight · 5 years
My Secret Budget Fashion Hacks PART 1
My Secret Budget Fashion Hacks PART 1
There’s some things I’ve learned that I really want to keep to myself but it does no good to keep my secrets.
We all want to stretch our coin and we know we should save money. I know my weakness is clothes and shoes when it comes to my budget. I’ve spent stupid amounts of money on designer items, fast fashion and tailored clothes. I’ve known I’ve had a problem when I moved out to go to college…
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kandolight · 5 years
Going to a Jeremy Scott exhibition: Moschino designer
Going to a Jeremy Scott exhibition: Moschino designer. View my video of his works!
This Jeremy Scott exhibition is at the Dallas Contemporary and running until March 17, 2019. I wanted to show some of his iconic works and did not take pictures or record of everything. These clothes are showing us a story of him being at the beginning stages of his artistry to then build his brand that brought him the recognition as the iconic fashion designer we know today. He change the high…
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kandolight · 5 years
What I'm selling on my depop
What I’m selling on my depop
Seems like everyone wants to reorganize and clean out their house. Well I guess I’m one of them. Little did you know that I’ve had a habit of clearing out my closet 2x a year. I know I don’t get a attached to clothes and I don’t like spending money on clothes but the real problem was that I kept spending more money on trendy pieces. I don’t think I’ll get into a capsule wardrobe or into those…
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kandolight · 5 years
Sticking To A Health Routine
Sticking To A Health Routine
It’s a new year with good healthy intentions. However, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your body positivity and sustain the healthy momentum that your new year intentions, you should make exercise a part of your weekly routine. You also know that exercise can help you stay slim and tone your entire body but your past workout attempts have always found a way to fall off track. If…
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kandolight · 5 years
Thrifting Tips For Beginners
Thrifting Tips For Beginners
Being fashionable and on trend doesn’t mean you need to buy everything new. You have to remember trends are a cycle and most trends are old ideas brought back to life. If you haven’t gone thrifting and need to save some money, I got your back. Read my tips on how to thrift to find your new staples and upcoming trends.
Stay Open Minded
Before doing anything, you have to stay open minded. Some…
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kandolight · 6 years
Smart Snacks
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Prepare your day with these smart snacks tips to keep your tummy happy and full.
Eat Healthy First – If you pack fruits or veggies in your bag, you’re likely to snack on it. You’re even more likely to eat them if you dress them with your favorite dip or with peanut butter. Just make sure your dips are a portioned out correctly.
Pack In Protein – Research shows that having protein can keep you…
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kandolight · 6 years
Use meal replacements the right way
Use meal replacements the right way
Many of us are always running around busy in life and are always finding time saving tricks. Having a meal replacement is an easy option to aid in losing weight, maintaining energy and keeping feeling full. Meal replacements are now easily accessible at convenience stores and can easily be made at home. Many companies market them as protein shakes, healthy smoothies or a dietary supplement. It…
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kandolight · 6 years
Antioxidant Boost
Antioxidant boost recipe
There are days and sometimes weeks of not being 100% of energy. Sometimes you just need a boost that could really jump start your mood, energy and life. Here’s a simple and fast recipe.
Start with brewing a 200 ml or 6 oz cup of the Morning Fabuloss Tea.
In a blender, add 3-4 cups frozen blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, a store bought mixed bag of berries will do. You can also try a…
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kandolight · 6 years
4 ways to detox everyday
4 ways to detox everyday
Our lives are stimulated with different pleasures and negative stresses every hour and every day. We sometimes keep up the fast pace and we burn out our bodies and minds frequently. You can help eliminate some bad habits and substitute good habits by detoxing everyday. See what you can do within a day and try all 4 within a week.
1. Filter water
We are primarily made of water and we use it…
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kandolight · 6 years
Superfoods To Try
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The word “superfood” can be very misleading and also very intriguing.  There are new studies and discoveries of how different plants can give you the best value payoff.  Everyone has different needs for their bodies and daily lifestyle.  Just adding a teaspoon of one of these can help supplement your bodies needs and open up a new routine. Some of these foods can boost energy, balance moods and…
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kandolight · 7 years
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Galveston getaway
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kandolight · 7 years
Detoxing 2016 Out Of Your System
Detoxing 2016 Out Of Your System
When you can’t see results on weight loss diets, it might be that you weren’t cleansing your body of toxins in the process. With the combination of malnutrition, stress and toxins, your body struggles harder to lose weight. Detoxing your body is a process that takes effort and understanding of your body’s needs. Here are a few tips to avoid the early days of detox pitfalls.
Quit Too Soon
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kandolight · 7 years
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kandolight · 7 years
I've been asked how I go on my juice fasts and how I'm able to maintain my weight. Check out some of my tips in the link 😊
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kandolight · 7 years
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If you get a chance, try @cinnaholic cinnamon buns. It's there's so much frosting and toppings to choose from! I've eating their buns 3x in 4 days. 😬 It's not Christmas but I've been so glutinous. (at Cinnaholic Richardson Heights)
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kandolight · 7 years
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Bucket List Visit all 7 Continents Go sky diving Travel for 6 months straight Make $250,000 a year…
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