judylmohr · 5 days
Quality vs Quantity: Where is the balance?
Quality vs Quantity? It's a balance that I'm struggling to find. What about you? #WritingCommunity #AmPublishing #AmWriting
Where does one draw the line between quality work and the quantity of work? It’s an argument that has been around since the beginning of human society… and we still struggle to find a balance. And for a writer, it’s a question of personal standards vs the desire to make money. Let’s face reality here. If you want to get recognized for your efforts in any industry, you need both. You need the body…
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judylmohr · 20 days
While waiting for feedback, LEAVE YOUR MANUSCRIPT ALONE!
While waiting for feedback, LEAVE YOUR MANUSCRIPT ALONE! Seriously! You will be doing yourself a favor. #writingCommunity #amediting
The work of a writer is never really done. We are constantly tinkering with that manuscript, because there is always something that could be changed to make it better. But eventually, there comes a point when we have to put that manuscript into the metaphorical drawer and leave it alone. When that manuscript is in the hands of another person, that’s the perfect time to ignore that manuscript.…
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judylmohr · 1 month
The Little Louie Effect
The Little Louie Effect: Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions are the right decisions. #pets
I believe everything happens for a reason. We might not understand the reason at the time, but there is always a reason. We may never discover the real reason for an event, but if we look hard enough, we will find the little lessons that make us see things differently. And sometimes, it’s the cruel fate that was issued to a little kitten that force you to realize that, even if the choice fills…
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judylmohr · 2 months
Obtaining Your Own ISBNs
Those #SelfPublishing would benefit greatly from sourcing their ISBNs. #AmPublishing #WritingCommunity
For those who are self publishing, if you are using portals such as Draft2Digital or Amazon KDP, it is highly attractive to use the free ISBNs available through those publishing portals. For some writers, the cost of the ISBNs is something that is not in the budgets. But those free ISBNs are not registered to you. They’re not something that you can take with you when using another publishing…
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judylmohr · 2 months
I'm where chain mail comes to die
Chain messages come to me to die a silent, but horrible, death. #socialmedia #platform
Frequently, I’ll see a post on Facebook (or some other social media feed, but mainly Facebook, because that is where I tend to spend most of my social media time) where the post is encouraging people to copy the post and paste it into their own personal feeds. It might be a “challenge” post, sharing a photo about something random. Or it’s a post about sharing some statement about being seen. Or…
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judylmohr · 2 months
AI-Generated vs AI-Assisted: Where I draw the line
If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about when I say ChatGPT… What rock have you been living under? Writers around the world (novelists, screenwriters, poets, short story writers, etc.) became concerned when ChatGPT exploded onto the scene in late 2022. No one really knew what it could do or how far it would go. And the market became flooded with AI-generated stories—most of which were not worth…
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judylmohr · 3 months
Accountability is a good thing… until it becomes reliability
#Accountability is a good thing… until it becomes reliability. Then your #habits are no longer sustainable. #WritingCommunity #writing
When you are first starting out on forging a new routine, external accountability can be beneficial. Like meeting a friend at the gym on certain days of the week. If you don’t show up, you get that phone call. “Where are you?” For writers, that external accountability can be used to help keep you on track with your self-imposed writing deadlines. Or it could be as simple as showing up for that…
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judylmohr · 3 months
My Amazon Nightmares
Amazon's bots made my #IndiePublishing venture a little more complicated. #AmPublishing #HiddenTraps
Some of you will already know about my Amazon publishing nightmare, because I’ve made mention of it on my Facebook (or I’ve spoken to you behind the scenes and have sought advice). But for anyone who doesn’t know… Mid-January 2024, Amazon’s automated systems decided that I’m a fraudulent and misleading person, and closed my account. It was a heartbreaking moment, because I honestly believed that…
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judylmohr · 3 months
18 Tricks for Getting Past Writer's Block
The more tricks a #writer has to get past #WritersBlock, the better. Here are 18 of my "go to" tricks. #WritingCommunity
Writer’s block is a real thing, and there could be any number of reasons for why it’s happening. You could be out of practice with the flow of writing. Your editing brain could be constantly clicking in and getting in the way of your writing brain. You could be fighting with characters who want to run away with the story, and you could be getting too many ideas from outside sources, distracting…
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judylmohr · 4 months
2023 has been a productive year
2023 has been a productive year, with a new book coming out early 2024! #writingcommunity #HiddenTraps
I have an annual ritual, where I look back over the year that has just been and reflect on the little wins. I look at the goals that I had set myself the year before and take the time to reassess my progress, shifting tactics if needed. Well, I can happily report that the year 2023 was highly productive. And 2024 is shaping up to be just as productive. I finished the fiction novel that I had been…
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judylmohr · 5 months
Nothing is set in stone
When it comes to an #onlineplatform and the #internet, nothing is cast in stone. #writingcommunity #socialmedia
When talking about a writer’s platform, there is one thing that I say over and over. Nothing is set in stone. A writer’s platform changes with the times. It changes and grows as a writer changes and grows. As the technology changes, so too do our online activities. And the past few months have seen so many changes within my own platform that I wanted to take the time and highlight how we have to…
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judylmohr · 5 months
I wish I knew... (2023 Edition)
I've learned so much over the years, but there are a few things that I wish I knew when I started. #writingcommunity #writerslife
In one of my writing groups, a newer writer has decided that she was going to write a blog about all the things that she’s learned while writing her first novel. And she asked what some of the other things are that the rest of us have learned throughout our writing careers. Well, I have to admit that I’ve learned so much over the years. But there is a list of things that I wish I knew when I…
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judylmohr · 6 months
The Thriller Writer Amongst Romance Writers
I value my connection with the local writing community. When I started on my writing journey, it was the knowledge and experience of other writers that helped me to see where I can improve and how to do it. I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without the other writers I’ve met over the years. It’s my support network, and when the self-doubt monster attacks, that support network is vital. Under…
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judylmohr · 6 months
We could have had a moon base by now
We could have had a moon base by now, IF we had continued the track for #space travel set in the 1960s. #technology
It’s fun to sit down with my son and watch the old science fiction TV shows and movies. I’ve successfully got him hooked onto Star Trek (and he informs me that Deep Space 9 is his favorite series from the franchise). We’ve binge-watched Farscape (by far one of the best science fiction shows… so funny). We’ve had discussions about Battlestar Galactica, admiring how the various way the 2004 series…
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judylmohr · 7 months
Is it a blurb or a synopsis? (Publishing term explained)
Terms like blurb and synopsis have different meanings depending on context. #writingcommunity #querytip #pubtip
There are some publishing industry terms that are designed to confuse us. It’s like the people who created the terms did it deliberately, determined to make all of us scratch our heads and question the sanity of those around us. Today’s term is doubly confusing, because it has different meanings depending on the context. Blurb and synopsis. Two words that can have the same meaning, but have…
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judylmohr · 7 months
Don't ask about the published works. Ask about the work-in-progress.
Why does the conversation with other writers always seem to turn to works that have been published? Can't we just focus on the current works? #writingcommunity #writerslife
I became serious about publication of fiction back in 2013, starting the process about learning everything that I can about what it was really going to take to publish fiction. In 2015, I chose to retrain as an editor. And every single day since I opened up for business, there has been this underlining doubt. How can I prove that I know what I’m talking about when I’m haven’t got the proof in the…
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judylmohr · 8 months
Every writer needs to learn to say "No"
Every writer needs to learn to say "no." Be that to an agent, publisher, an editor, or to family and friend. #writingcommunity #amwriting #amediting
On discussion panels for writers, there is always this one question that seems to come up: “If there was one bit of advice that you would give to new writers, what would that be?” Most of the time, you hear advice about not giving up and persevering until the bitter end. But there is something that I’ve learned that seems to have stronger importance in the publishing industry than anything…
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