Cultists of Negation
Found another erased shard. Another near dead universe with an erased Looper, so the pattern is still present. I need to find out why. The World the shard was in was under control of an anomalous being of godlike strength. But it had to lie dormant every 100 years, which was the time frame i entered the equation.
The population seems to have figured out how to delay its rise back into reality, a series of rituals that require as most rituals of this kind do an sacrifice and a surgical precision to achieve the desired effect. It was very strange to see how this civilization evolved but i was sadly not able to give much attention to them as i had to find the shard.
It was hard finding it, they have used it as an primitive ritual dagger,how they found the shard, siphoned it and formed it in to a dagger of all things is beyond me, this whole situation enraged me maybe just a bit too much and i killed the cultists that were on that particular holy site. I didn’t mean to do that but after interrupting their little ceremony by stealing what they believed must have been necessary for it to work they got aggressive and tried to incorporate me into whatever they were doing. But i got what i needed. 5978 out of 7958. Just a few hundreds years and my hunt will end.
And i will get back what has been stolen from me.
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Finding the weakness of any given anomaly is very hard and sometimes a very trial and repeat procedure. So having an temporary immunity to whatever you are facing to find a permanent way to shut it down is valuable. But now comes the bad news.
If your a non-looper you sadly do not have access to the blessing of the 47th Ascendant. You may be able find a universe specific short term immunity to whatever bullshit the world is throwing at you but i couldn’t go over every single one of those since those are infinite and counting up. Sorry.
Now if your a looper then gosh you lucky person you have won the universal lottery (at least this time) and have been gifted with an big fuck you to the thing that is haunting yourself. The blessing of the 47th Ascendant can be granted to any looper every 30 days, blocking of any anomalous code from the looper that may try to attach itself to the looper. The anomaly cannot interact with the looper in any way, practically invisible and untouchable to the anomaly.
The blessing holds for 15 days , with an 15 day cool down. The looper will gain the stigmata of one of the ascendants for this cool down period, usually two scars going along the right arm in a parallel line (the stigmata of the 47th ascendant). Should one attempt to gain another blessing on the cool down period another stigmata will appear , this time painful and searing hot with no blessing gained.
Now there are very very few beings that can break the blessing of the 47th. Special cases that couldn’t be controlled by most loopers and most likely would have their universes wiped as they might be able to hop between universes and cross contaminate more beings until Billions of worlds are rendered inhabitable and unstable.
Should you find yourself in such an case then flag the universe to the 47th Ascendant and HOP TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. You do not want to be on a world that is being erased, your being completely erased out of existence very slowly and even more hurtful. No one can come back from a full universe erasure.
I know this might have been an very obvious thing to write an entry about for some of the loopers reading this blog but you cannot imagine how many of our peers just head into trying to reach their endgame without any idea of how the omniverse works. They may not even listen to the voices that try to guide them. Who knows what they attempt to do without trying to learn how to properly do their jobs.
I just hope i reach them so they have another ace up their sleeve. The Ascendant knows i needed it back a few millennia ago.
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Men in Suits
There are many anomalies out there in the wild omniverse. A few places are more of a unstable cesspool then others but no world escapes without 1 error.The men in suits are the most common one. If one is not careful with them they might just end up the deadliest. There are many many variations of them, but they all have a leitmotif that connects them , their looks and their basic instincts.
The most common of the men in suits its what i refer to as the “man in the woods”. A pure white faceless humanoid being in a suit. He likes to hide away in areas that are very dense and can be good to hide in. He usually doesn’t venture out of the woods out to much unless he has an target he really doesn’t want alive. His more abstract capabilities include messing with video equipment, inducing nausea, headaches, teleporting very short distances and short term memory loss.
His targets are usually younger people that go into the woods alone, which he seems to be able to control. After they are deep enough in the woods he will teleport him and his victim before returning after half an hour without his victim , no trace of the person in question remaining.
Should somebody see him while he is in the middle of “feasting” on somebody he enters an aggressive state , hunting the person who saw him to the best of his abilities. His only few weaknesses are incendiary rounds and armor piercing rounds made out of tungsten. He also he faces severe issues when trying to teleport in more modern environments (cause for this effect unknown) which may cause him to be unable to reach his prey. If that is the case, he will force the victim to go to an location it seems fit by messing with the victims mind until he is willing enough to do as he is told. Regular “feasting” habits then resume.
More abstracts version of the men in suits follow the same behavior of the “man in the woods” but have a more extensive ability and weakness list, as well as an different result of their feasting. For example the "highwayman” hunts only near abandoned roads and takes on his last victims appearance to consume his next meal. Should one see an mirror image of the highwayman it will show the beasts true form, a white pale men in a suit with nothing more then an wide , always smiling mouth. Should one wise up to the deceit the only correct response is to halt the vehicle and ask the highwayman POLITELY to leave, an request he has to follow.
An more benevolent men in a suit would be “the collector”. *His sole goal is to find children in the woods that have gone missing and would most likely die if he wouldn’t take them to his home, in which the collector has built an house to pardon the pun, house the children until they are able to return to the real world, their memories wiped before being left at the edge of the forest where they hopefully find their way back home.
There are many many more men in suits. More then one could ever catalogue. But a trend is that the men in suits get more and more powerful as time goes on. So if you are ever hunted by one you should keep an eye out for all the things that your personal nightmare can do. If you don’t figure out how it works it will eat you alive, over and over and over again.
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I need to write a bit about myself this time. Its been a long time since i started to write journal entries inside this , for me at least digital, journal that i hope and beg is seen by ANYBODY. Living in basically nowhere is a pain in the ass to be fairly honest, it may be what i have to do out of personal reasons i will not name. Doesn’t mean that i don’t feel a void in me that begs to be filled. I mean at this point i have lived for more then over 7.894.413.129 Centuries at this point (i lost count this is just a rough estimate from how many worlds i have been too and how many lives i have lived , take it with a grain of salt). Honestly its a miracle i am not absolute dead. I have seen too many of my old friends do just that. Felicie would have probably been close if i didn’t interfere, it was her last loop given by the 47th. I am not quiet happy how it worked out for us in the end, not being able to find any concrete weakness of Kevin's artificial anomaly , seeing how it even was able to mutate to control more then 25 people near our endgame goal of conquering the inhabitable side of earth. Not a elegant victory , a victory nonetheless. I am not sure if i want to log it yet since it really i wasn’t able to find a weakness that one could reliable abuse but i am absolutely certain i will see it again. Kevin seems to know a lot more about me then i initially thought, because he didn’t just know of JLS, he knew a lot of my contacts from the loopers bureau, even the ones like Felicie that have stayed off the grid for a long enough time to be forgotten. My priority may not be on him for now but that is only the case because i feel like he will inadvertently find me while i go and look for the shards i need to complete my goal. If he has come to the conclusion i have come to is unknown as of yet , the likelihood should be at a near 0 since i have come to learn for what the shards are used for and where to find them while the rest of the bureau don’t even entertain the idea of their existence. Fools. In the end the alchemist will prove them wrong , lets see who will be laughing then you ignoramuses. I have been able to surpass my old peers so much since i cut myself away from the 47th ascendant, maybe one day they will understand just how much she manipulates them all. The next entry i will log another of my old run ins while shard hunting. I think most of the people here will like it a lot.
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Entry 11
Last time i covered the most basic of basics that one could teach you abut exploiting the universe. Maybe you actually needed to use these exploits you must likely came across some way to execute them. If that is the case then i hope it went somewhat good for your first attempt! For those that are still alive and reading now comes a more substantial and sadly more vague lesson.
I cannot describe in full how anomalies come to be. I can explain detrimental anomalies and how to counter them , what their behavior is, the best way to fully erase them etc. But i cannot precisely tell you how you can CREATE one. This would sadly be one of the many downsides as my fate as an former looper that has an very closed off but still very TANGIBLE CONNECTION  to the 47th ascendant. She would most likely send me TO THE VOID on the spot before i could hit Enter. You might consider her the “creator” of the omniverse , more accurate to say would be driver, she has a lot of CONTROL of how things go but she doesn't have unlimited power. ONE of those ELEMENTs would be anomalies. That’s the reason loopers exist. Anomalies can be very dangerous and the knowledge on how to create them may lead to fates worse then death. Erasure of someones soul. Without a soul you will practically not exist, never have existed , and never will exist again. Without us to UNDERSTAND and combat them she wouldn't be able to finish what she deemed the ultimate GOAL. More i cannot say to this topic. This doesn’t mean there isn't a way to figure it out. Far from it. I have found a way to reliable create anomalies of my own that are at least 75 percent safe to USE. It just took a lot of will-POWER. Just a fair warning student. should you attempt to USE the KNOWLEDGE i gave you for more..... emotional reasons i have to sadly say that it wont work as intended. You can do many things with anomalies that you cant with EXPLOITS. Create near infinite resources, bring the recently deceased back to life, manipulate someones own thoughts , those are are very achievable with the right know how. But should something be completely erased from this world and the void, its gone forever. Death is temporary , erasure is far more substantial. This is spoken out of experience. So if your a looper or just an ordinary person trying to get back what the universe has mistakenly stolen from you? Think again. You may bring her body back. You may think it will be the person you know. But it wont be her. No mater how many times you attempt the same trick. Its best to move on and live on for their sake. Next Entry will be a more personal one. I need to get a few feelings out
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Entry 10
After helping feli out of our artificial created glitch we had one last talk before i had to leave again to go and do what i had to do. She was of course saddened and wanted me to stay with her and help if help is needed but i have my own problem to fix , it only grows bigger the longer i keep it waiting. So i have returned to the Beyond , waiting for some sign that i need to get moving.
In the meantime i will continue what i have done before the Felicie saga and just explain a bit more the behind the scenes machinations of the omniverse. And since we have talked about cheating the universe already why don't we continue with that.
Exploiting the universe
Exploiting the universe is hard. VERY hard. Its hard in the unstable green circle , harder in the back circle and hardest in the purple circle (if not nearly impossible without enough preparation). But in the most cases there are about 3 types of exploits that work most of the time
1. Infinite Loop Cycles: These counter the countdown to the reset of the current universe , usually by the looper of the universe being set in a life or death scenario (some being able to still move and basically become immortal by already being viewed as dead by the universe) that has an random chance of being resolved by an anomalous object that is or isn't native to the universe. These might activate accidentally , most are made intentionally. Just know that these can end with very weird consequences as the universe fails to calculate what will happen to the poor sod executing this exploit
2. Temporal Movement: Time travel doesn't quiet fit the bill for what you have to do execute this exploit but it is functionally about the same? So for this to work you need to do very very many preparations, as you must be sure that before you take your own life that you go back to the right time in the right body or else you will be in a world of trouble . Because for this to work you will have to self sacrifice yourself and have somewhere for your soul to go back to. Usually this is achieved by tricking the universe into making it think it calculated too fast and has created an error that happened because of its pace. If everything goes as intended you will keep your memories while everyone is blissfully unaware that anything ever happened
3. Short Term Knowledge Transfer: Imagine knowing everything that the universe knows as well for just a day. This is the goal of this little cheat, cracking open the vast expanses of the universes knowledge for you to write down and use for unique universe specific exploits , figure out something that could help you in your current goal or just to fuck with someone by predicting his every move. There is only a slight issue. The entire knowledge of the universe is a lot. Trying to not go insane with all of that crammed into your brain is pretty hard, but should you be able to do that you will have an pretty good upper hand against most of your adversaries.
Of course there are more specific universe exploits that are only executable in that world. But those are the most popular 3 that you will see used the most. Please don’t mix these exploits up with the anomalies that you can find in the most strangest of places. These can be reliable reproduced but are far more consequential and destructive. But these i will talk about a later time. For know this will be a big enough explanation for something that may help you. If you ever have to actually use these exploits then just keep your eyes open. The instructions will be there for you to find. Trust me.
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Countdown to -1
Entry 9
It just had to go wrong just before everything went right, as we were so close to  get to the win condition set up by the 47th the fuckers at the top who i tried to talk to about the “ Corrupting Devil” they sent out an army of them, made by the own civilian population that was just about to see the royalty for the first time up close without the filter of the authoritarian regime that controlled them.It was a slaughter, the royalty weren't prepared to fight in what they assumed to be non hostile environment. The Royalty had set up their forces along the old abandoned continents of this earth yes but they wouldn't have been able to send anybody in time before their own men got converted. The clock was ticking down so me and feli had to resort to cheating to win this unwinnable disaster of a task. Now Cheating the universe is far easier said then done , tricking the code running down near infinite amount of calculations into believing an 1 is a 999 is not an easy task. Much less to continue calculating the universe even when it was supposed to end a day ago. But i knew a way to force my will into it. Using Felicie as my catalyst for a endless calculation loop i used an medallion of luck as the catalyst for error ( a coin then when flipped would increase the god or bad luck of the user) . i shot her in the middle of the process , causing the whole system to lock up as it cant decide if she will survive the fatal bullet wound or not. I didn't waste any time after that, force erasing the little shit responsible from the timeline like the unworthy waste of atoms it was. I should have done this way sooner but my interest to see it working and find a natural way to defeat it was far greater then my fear of failing to actually defeat it. But after i erased it from this plane i figured out why i wasn't able to find a suitable way to destroy it was simple. The Truth serum wasn't an accidental creation, it was manipulation of a doomed project by an outside force. By Kevin to be exact. Somehow he found out about Felicie. My worries about him have only increased now that i know that he has the knowledge to create anomalies of his own. I will attempt to find out how he came to find this knowledge even if it means torturing it out of him
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Something new
Entry 8 I was VERY wrong in my assumptions of this universes anomalous being, or more aptly beings. It acts more like a viral “operator” (a terrible combination i couldn’t have thought of in 100 years) , turning whatever biological being it has physical contact with into an “imperfect” clone of itself, the now controlled individual slowly dying as their body tries and fails to withstand the copying process of the anomalous entity. It has a limit of 25 people that it can turn into mindless drones, but 25 copies of itself is more then enough to cause havoc among st whatever it perceives as an enemy. Felicie has been able to figure out one of its weaknesses. It despises static noise, unable to copy itself or use its superhuman strength as it retreats into a safe distance from the sound.Sufficient to say the royalty now come prepared with portable audio systems to stagger it on the battlefield but that trick doesn’t work with the regular soldiers on the battlefield. 1 year, 2 days, 12 hours, 6 minutes left until forced reset, we have made a good step forward in killing the “Corrupting Devil” as the royals and feli started to call it, but if we can reach felis endgame is still up in the air. Learning more and more about the (as usual in corrupted universes very dark) government that currently rules over this earth.Crooked to the bone down, keeping the sheepish population in check while the rulers and the elite are enjoying themselves in their personal castles. The usual bad world. They have invested so much energy and time into warmongering against themselves that they created the Corrupting Devil by a cocktail of stupidity, luck and the universe having a glitch, causing a “Truth-serum” to turn into something far more nefarious. Its amazing they were able to control the being at all. And that it fought for its creator country is even more of a surprise, they must have some way to control it. Perhaps its time to pay the person in power a visit, i am very interested in finding out how this thing works.
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Royal Affairs
Entry 7
I could not have been prepared when traveling to universe 700:33 that what i was about to enter was an world at the brink of extinction. The human population of the only inhabited planet nearly wiped out by an alien race called the royalty, an feline humanoid species that traveled to earth in hopes of finding an safe heaven from their dying planet. Very autonamous, they treat all life as royalty, everyone to them is a princess, prince or either such status, unless theatened. Now usually, Felicie, the looper of this universe, would make sure that humanity would survive so that they would reach their endgame to make the universe complete. This time was different. She was supposed to help the royalty conquer earth after they have been attacked by an anomalous being in control of the current goverment of the planet, an very durable, humanoid entity capable of replication (my first gueses as to the identity of this being either an Army of One or an Azmanian Hive).Its the first time i have ever heard of such an strange endgame for a universe, even when i was still at the Loopers bureau and that was about a milenia ago. Felicie already died a couple of times to it, could only describe it as an very tall man with red hair in an army uniform, doesnt speak but growls incessently. The short timeframe that the 47th ascendant gave us before all is lost wasnt long either. 1 year, 136 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes at the normal averages of 365 days per week, 24 hour days with 60 seconds. This will be tough, but hopefully i will be able to help felicie achieve her goal.
She is one of the few persons i still care about. I wouldnt want to loose her too.
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Please excuse my long absence dear reader. I had to help an associate of mine, felicie, with something outside of her expertise. Here is a drawing of me traveling to her from the beyond
Entry 6
The Beyond
The beyond is my home. An realm of pure thought, spanning the infinites of reality. It allows for easy travel between nearly every single possible universe (some exceptions may occur). It has been my residence for a millenia now. Removed from the cyclical flow of the rest of reality it always was, has been, will be and never has been. It knows when you need to go, where you need to go. As if it knew why you needed to go. You cannot simply enter the beyond. Luck is required, without a piece of the beyond that you aquirered from traveling to it you are bared from ever entering this realm. There have only been 5 more people inside the beyond with me. Now i am all alone.
I will try to keep it that way. I am so close to achieving my goals, i cannot be interupted now. Or all has been for naught.
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Entry 5
The omniverse is a strange place. Its a big 6 dimensional thing seperated in what can best be described as circles with the lesser and more unstable universes being on the farthest circle (the green circle). Followed is the more grounded worlds, the ones where there might be some mistakes and anomalies happening that deffinitly DEFFINITLY shouldnt but are far better to live in (the black circle) and in the innermost circle we have the worlds that are nearly unbreakable. They will continue their existance forever, looping their timeline for all of eternity with maybe 1-10 alterations at most (the purple circle). What all of these worlds have in common are Constants.
Think of them as a basic ruleset every single world has to fullfil or else it will autodelete into the void.
1. There must always exist planets that can be habitated
2. There must always be a humanoid inteligence on said planet (i believed for the longest time that only humans could exist but there were some cases of avian humanoids and lizard humanoids)
3. There must always be a conflict that said inteligence has to overcome. Note: the conflict might not be able to be resovled thanks to the near endless amount of civilizations that can occur on said planet
4. Humanoids cannot remember previous lifes unless they are the designated looper of that universe. Said looper has the task of using his expirience of past lifes to resolve the conflict of said world
5. The universe will auto reset if the looper takes his own life, restarting from his previous life until he fixed the problem at hand
Now the more abstract rules
6. Every world needs to have a way of making cheese. It does not matter which animal as long as there can exist milk reliably
7. There will always come a period of time known for cold weather
8. There will always be a sport called football or a linguistic equivalent of football (soccer does not count for some reason)
9. There will always be video games or an equivalent and the games company valve will always release a wildly popular videogame called half life that will get praise for being a all time classic, while also always having an large and comical delay between sequels.
10. The webcomic Homestuck will always exist with around 7500-11500 pages and having the same story of a worldending game (i know gross oversimplyfication but explaining that thing will take longer then explaining the omniverse so lets forget about that).
11. J.R.R Tolkien will always create Lord of the rings and its spin-offs.
And everything else? All up to random chance. So as long as whatever it is your complaining about isnt listed above then be happy ( or sad) with the knowledge that it was a new expirience and that it was all just random chance
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Entry 4
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I believe i need to explain a bit more to the uninitiated as i cant guess how much the people that read this blog know about the rules that govern reality and how to bend them as efficiently as possible. So beginning with the basics we have this handy dandy rune that i have displayed as my icon. This is convergence, a rune depicting the circles of reality with the intend of moving one "thing" to another. It can be anything, some writing, some physical object or a living being. As long as enough charge is being applied when drawing the rune it will 90% of the time work. There might be some restrictions in the inner worlds of the circle as they have far FAR stricter rules and mechanisms that can activly enforce them. I for example use it to spread my word to as many places as i can, so that everyone who can perceive my messages can see them and perhaps even send some back and ask questions. For the next few entrys i shall explain more rules of reality and how you can survive when reality does not.
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Entry 3
And as i finally start writing more in this journal it might be time to write the things down that i actually intend on remembering myself. While this journal is meant to be mostly for people looking for help of things the understand it might end up beneficial to note the things i do that might be of interest for my future self. As for today, it has been a rsther slow day, drifting in an endless void in a Mansion made purely out of fragments of long dead pasts has lost its appeal after about year 4768. No shards have crossed my sight, the sea of broken worlds has seemed to stabalize itself and the worlds that are currently finishing their first few cycles and nothing has really forced my hand to intervene. All in all its been calm, and while that is admittedly a nice change i cant seem to shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. But i suppose that cant be helped,i am stuck with nothing to fix, the worlds are all running without any (major) anomalies and i just have to wait it out and watch. All alone. Fantastic.
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Entry 2
The reason i started logging the things i see in my trips. A rarefound specimen of shapeshifter not found on many worlds, extract knowledge out of the beings they strike a deal with. Somehow capable of rewriting portions of reality in currently inhabited world, my invastigation about how this process works is still ongoing but it seems that it always ends up a monkeys paw for whomever actually accepts a deal with these devils.Always humanoid, two tentacle like appendages that can pull people closer to sign his contracts. Always needs a signed contract to be able to cahnge something. The one i drew however has been extremly interesting to me. He goes by the name Kevin, he seemed to know one of my previous lifes and was able to tell me how i died. And of JLS. I tried terminating him with an firearm but they seem to be able to either regenerate their body or withstand physical damage, using any spiritual talismans didnt have any effect either. But he did retreat from me once i started to go into prayer of the 47th divine. He backed away in a dark mist, havent seen him after i left that world for good. I have to keep my eyes on this one, i dont know what other things he has come to know about me.
Category: Physical
Effects: Changing Reality ( limitations unknown)
Strong against: Physical damage, spiritual objects
Weak against: Prayer
Advice: Keep your distance from him, have a prayer in the back of your mind to recite back at him.
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Entry 1
I have long contemplated starting a journal for my expeditions into the unknown , it was an idea i was toying with since the first day i started my search in the endless worlds of the green void but after my most recent encounter with an particularly ... nasty foe i have taken it upon myself to record what i know for certain for the sake of myself and any people comming across this little haven in search for answers. My name is Amira Savchenko , or at least that is what i still remember it being and i have met beings of such unimagionable power that trying to explain them all in detail would drive a ordinary person to insanity. But i am not a ordinary person , and after i am done with explaining the stories i have to tell you my dear reader , whomever you might be , will understand how i have gotten this far .
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