jino-stuff · 8 days
The fact that Microsoft Word has to be a subscription is upsetting. I already paid for it why do I have to pay again
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jino-stuff · 27 days
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Fueron, son y serán nuestras.
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jino-stuff · 28 days
My sister got Kidnapped by te AO3 monster for the first time!!! Ahjaahajsj poor girl, her soul has been claimed
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jino-stuff · 1 month
I will never get over the fact that "Stray Heart" by green day y "Lo que siento por ti" de Miranda! empiezan de la misma forma
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jino-stuff · 1 month
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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jino-stuff · 1 month
If I thought I struggled with ableism before I moved out then I wasn't at all prepared to the ableism I'm facing in a big city 🙄
Why are you so quirky? Why you move so much? Why you speak weirdly? Why you gesticulate too much with your body when you speak? Why are you so clownish? AAAAAAAA STOPPPP!!!!!
Stop fucking demanding me to be 'normal'!!!!
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jino-stuff · 2 months
Oat with milk (cold) and yogurt on top looks nice. Even the taste is nice BUT! is a sensory NIGHTMARE aaaaaaaaaaaahh why does it have that texture???
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jino-stuff · 2 months
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jino-stuff · 2 months
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jino-stuff · 2 months
después de ver como una cantidad indiscutible de carentes de materia gris festejaran el cierre inconstitucional de agencia télam tengo la desgracia de decir que el daño ideologico que sufrió en este pais no se va a arreglar en unos años por ahí nunca. la única forma es viendo (otra vez) como el liberalismo económico y etc etc rompe el pais al punto que el dueño de mercadolibre no pueda dormir tranquilo del miedo y eso significa que tendríamos que seguir sufriendo. mientras tanto si el pais explota (que con años de la derecha haciendote creer que te mereces pasarla mal porque los k etc va a ser un estallido del tamaño de una bombita de esas de navidad) obviamente a los que van a pedir que esten en la calle y pongan el cuerpo va a ser a los mismos que siempre lo hicieron (la izq, peronismo, sector obrero etc) que después de esto igual los caputo en unos 30 años van a verse otra vez metidos en la política si vamos a cometer el error de ser muy civilizados y no cazarlos por deporte asi se extinguen de una vez.
están festejando que la gente pase hambre. te dicen que soñabas alto con pedir una vida digna si te quejas de el "ajuste" que no le metieron a nadie excepto a nosotros. te dicen que estabas delirando grandeza porque pagabas barato el tren cuando había gente que ya con lo que salía antes era un martirio pagar y te putean si saltas molinete. ojo que este tipo de pensamiento solo se da cuando ellos estan en el poder porque la miseria y el vivir mal cuando gobierna otro es inaceptable y cuando gobiernan ellos una muestra de moral y sacrificio y esa falopa.
me rehuso a creer que me merezco ser miserable porque el futuro del pais depende de las cantidades de hialurónico que se mete caputo jr en los labios de petero.
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jino-stuff · 2 months
(Happy dance) I've been ☆hired☆
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jino-stuff · 2 months
hot take: even if the atla live action show wasn't a flaming bag of garbage, I would still tell people not to watch it because you need to stop encouraging them to REMAKE AND REBOOT THINGS.
make something fucking new. stop stewing in nostalgia. look to the future. if you can't leave the past, then die there.
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jino-stuff · 2 months
being neurodivergent is feeling your whole body buzz with potential as a million creative thoughts and desires and dreams swirl around in your head but you can't decide which thing to act on and then it's been 3 hours and all you've done is look at your phone and now you're exhausted and feel bad about yourself for not accomplishing any of the things you desperately want to do
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jino-stuff · 3 months
Having adhd is closing one window panel, leave the house, do whatever else, come back and realize that I never closed the 2nd panel...
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jino-stuff · 3 months
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jino-stuff · 3 months
My grandma has an airfryer and I'm literally using it for everything I eat
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jino-stuff · 3 months
I went to my grandma's house
We catch up
Drank coffee with my aunt
In my way back I was chased by a GIGANTIC BLACK DOG for almost five blocks... I was rescued by (and I swear I'm not lying) a decrepit cat that went ballistic on the dog... the dog left and I reached my house alive.
And for some reason children I've never saw before greeted me on the street
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