Chapter 3
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I pulled up in the uber too my building in Columbus Square. I stepped out and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The company really out did themselves and the pictures didn’t do this place any justice. It was beautiful and way more than I could really ask for. The building was over 12 floors tall and made of glass with gleaming silver trimming. I gasped as the wash of it all overwhelmed me and I shed a tear. I cant believe that I am really here. People back home would never believe that this is where I live. I gathered my things from the back of the uber and proceeded to my building. The door man at the front desk was dressed in a designer suit with a fresh hair cut. He seemed in his late forties and very serious about his job.  
"hello excuse me? My name is Sloane Taylor I am here to pick up my keys?'
"Good afternoon Miss Taylor we have been expecting your arrival."  
I felt so proper and important for him to address me as Miss Taylor.  
"We just need you to sign this paper stating that you received your key fobs. Thank you and here are your keys ma'am. This one is a fob for you to get onto your floor in the elevator and this one is for your front door. If there is anything that you may need we are ere 24 hours."
"thank you, sir I appreciate it." I grabbed my keys and walked to the elevators. The doors slid open, I waved my key fob and the 10th floor lit up. I stepped out of the elevator to walk down to the far corner door. I took a deep breath before I stuck the key into the door and turned it. Walking it was magical like seeing fireworks on the fourth for the first time. I was full of natural light from the floor to ceiling windows and skyline view of the city. I still cant believe this is happening to me. I looked around and all of my boxes were neatly stacked in the corner for me to unpack and my preordered furniture was set up and waiting for me to decorate. I sat my things down and the door and took a look around. A full kitchen with up to date stainless steel appliance's and a upstairs loft to look down on the living room and dining room. I am definitely turn that into an office.  
I finished my self tour and plopped down on my new contemporary red couch and called my mom.  
She picked up and I have never been more excited to hear her voice.
"hey mom! I made it "
"hey sweetie, how do you like it so far?"
"oh my gosh mommy its beautiful look." I flipped my camera around to show her the living room with the huge windows.  
She gasped in aww and said "wow sloane its beautiful they really set you up nicely."  
"I know mommy its crazy right and they are paying for it like I know the rent here has to be over two thousand dollars a month."  
"yeah if not more. This company is really a big deal huh?'  
"Yeah it’s the biggest on the east coast and mid west."
"when is your first day?"
"I start right away on monday. You know these big new york people are always in a hurry and waste no time."
"you really havent unpacked and enjoyed the place yet." She stated in her concerned mom voice one I knew oh so well.
"my work days in the office aren't long so I will have plenty of time to get adjusted."
"ok as long as you make the time." She smiled looking a bit more settled. We talked for about 30 more minutes. Then I hung up to freshen up and wonder off in the streets to find food.
The next morning came like a flash and it was time for my big first day. I changed my outfit six times before I settled on my Banana Republic skinny ankle navy blue pants, my white smocked blouse and Valentino ballet flats that I splurged on with some of my graduation money. I turned my flat irons off after putting a little bend in the top of my hair and brushed down my taper in the back. Even with my outfit changes I had plenty of time to stop for breakfast and a large cup of coffee.  
I walked up to the office on Fashion Avenue and pushed through the revolving glass door. I stopped in the lobby to look at all the men in suits with briefcases and the woman walking with six-inch stilettos clicking on the marble floors. I caught myself before I fell into a deep day dream and ran to catch the elevator before I was late for my first day. I got to my floor and walked up to the front door receptionist.  
Before I could say anything, she said, " Ms. Taylor we have been expecting you, can I show you to your office?"  
I was caught off guard, " How do you know I am Ms. Taylor?"  
"its my job to know who comes in and out of these doors." She said politely and the stood up from beinf the big desk.  
"here follow me I am going to show you around. I really hope you like it here. We have all be so excited t have you join the team."  
"thank you, Im glad the company thought of me as a asset to the team."  
"here you are hope it is sufficient for you. You have a meeting in twenty minutes and I am extension *469 on your landline."
"thank you again, and what is your name?"
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"its Marla, Marla Holloway." She smiled and walked away back to her desk,
I wanted to do that squealing happy dance I did when I found out about the job but my office doors were see through and I didn’t want to be that weird girl on the first day. I had a reputation to protect. I set my coffee down on my new desk and got comfortable in my chair. I could totally get used to this treatment. I was as new director of designs and chief manager of social media content with an almost six figure salary. Who else could say that at twenty three? Well I gathered my paperwork and grabbed my ipad to take notes in my first meeting.
I found the conference room and theu set out breakfast pastries and fresh fruit. I sat down and said my hellos to the new faces as we waited for the boss to make her entrance. Geneva Carvey she was the CEO of the company and very hands on in the everyday of the office, kind of like the Miranda Presley in The Devil Wears Prada and im playing Anne Hathaway.  
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"Good Morning everyone I hope you are all ready for the week because it is going to be a busy one, she said as she sachet across the room to the head chair at the end of the table.  
"we also have a new member at the table today joining us, please welcome Sloane Taylor to the team."  
They have a small hand clap and I waved shyly back.
"great now that we are all acquainted lets get to business." She went down the list going over details with every one and I just listened jotted down notes on how to present to her and take in her critics. Then I heard my name called. I looked up doe eyed as I realized it was Geneva calling me. "yes ma'am?"  
"We have special request for your work. This is going to be a field scout in the Bronx therefore I am allowing you to take someone with you for assistance. Do you have anyone in mind?"
I don’t really know that many people, however Marla seemed really eager about her job so why not give her a chance. "yea sure how about Marla Holloway? I feel she could help me a lot."
"the front desk receptionist?" She was astounded by my choice.  
"yes ma'am I would like to choose her."  
"very well you are going out first thing tomorrow morning I expect you to get together are work out a strategy." I nodded my head in agreement. We wrapped up the meeting and parted ways to begin our work. I called for Marla to come into my office to tell her the news about our first job. She entered, "you asked to see me Ms. Taylor?"
"yes come in a have a seat please." She looked to be about my age so having her call me Ms. Taylor was so weird. She was a ginger haired girl that reminded me of the little mermaid with her sweet personality.  
"I have a bit of news for you,"  
"oh no im not fired am I?" She looked as if her world was ending at the thought that I may be firing her.
"oh god no, besides that would be a job for HR not me," She sighed in relief as I chuckled.  
"But I am offering for you to assist me on a field job tomorrow in the Bronx would you be interested?" I waited anxiously for her answer.  
"yes of course omg'
"great well we have a lot to go over to get prepared for tomorrow are you ready?" She nodded her head I figured she was lost for words so I just proceeded. I can tell we are going to be a great team.
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Chapter 2
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Ok so I know you read the beginning of this and wondering how in the hell did I get myself here. I'm twenty-three years old, with two degrees, a dream job at DDC House Design, the top interior design house on the east coast and I am officially 6 weeks pregnant. Well I am going to have to take you back to about 8 months ago when I stepped out on a dream and chased it all the way to New York City.
"Congratulations Sloane Taylor,  
This letter is to thank you and to acknowledge of your offer of employment to join the staff of DDC House of Designs with an entry level salary of $176,000. We feel it would be out mutual advantage to advance our final decision. Will contact you via email to advise you of your employment packet.  
Sincerely, DDC House Designs
"OOOOMMMMGGGGG, Mommy come her look! Omg look at this email!"
"What is it Sloane you are calling my name like you crazy."
""Look mom I got the designing job in New York?"
"Wow that’s great baby girl I'm so proud of you." My mother said with conviction,  
I looked up at my mother that had a sweet and sour look on her face when she heard me say New York.  
"Ok mom please don’t ruin this moment with that look ok New York is not that far away.  
"I know honey but its far enough and you don’t have any family up there. "
See my mother in my eyes is being her usual over protective self at the mention of me going somewhere that isn't Greensboro, North Carolina. I've been here my entire life and I can't wait to leave. Nobody here has hope or dreams of anything outside of those city lines. Don’t get me wrong I love my hometown and I am proud of where I come from, but I want to see the world. I graduated college last year from North Carolina A&T with my Bachelors in Business and a Minor in Art since of course my mother would have had a heart attack if I would have gone out of state. Hell, I think she might have had a minor stroke if I went to East Carolina University, so I didn’t even test the limits. I am by far not a small-town girl but I hold my values. Most of the girls I graduated out of high school have kids now including my best friend Amina Walton who I have known since kindergarten. We met on the first day when she asked me to push her on the swing on the playground and now we have been inseparable ever since. She had her daughter Skylar our freshman year in college and I love her to the moon and back but I know for sure I am nowhere near ready to be a mom.  
Mommy, I can take care of myself I am an adult and plus I have done everything you have ever asked of me. I stayed in Greensboro longer than I had planned on it. It is way past time for me to travel and leave."
"I understand Sloane, but what are you going to do it something goes wrong or you need something."
"then I will call home and ask. Mom you have to learn to let me go you are starting to smother me and I am an adult. I love you I really do but I am taking this job,"  
I had to put on my firm voice but I know I was hurting her feelings by saying that. It has been me and my mom for years after my dad died and she couldn’t help but hold me close. I can't really blame her though she really stepped up and played both roles perfectly to win an Oscar.  
"well what are they offering you to have you move so far?"
"they are paying my rent for my apartment, full benefit coverage, paid vacations and all holidays off. Come on mom, it is no way I am going to ever find a job like that here."
"ok ok Sloane. When do you have to leave after you accept the job?"
"two weeks! That is too soon how will you pack and get all of your things there in time?"
"they are sending movers mom, everything will be fine.  
I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself while she was in my room. Once I finally got her to see things through my eyes she walked out my room. I closed the door and let out a silent scream. I count help it. It felt like such a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I am leaving this place behind and not looking back.  
Two weeks flew by I couldn’t believe my whole life was packed into 30 cardboard boxes and I was counting the hours to load them in a moving truck. I didn’t think I was going to be this sad to leave when I made the call and accepted the position. Amina through me a huge going away party last night and it seemed like the entire city came out to see me off. Including my ex Zayvion. 
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We dated for 3 years and I learned everything I don’t deserve in a relationship. I know what you thinking and no he didn’t cheat on me but let's just say college can really change people. Everything was perfect in that honey moon phase but after he crossed and pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Secrets pushed us apart and turned us against each other. I didn’t expect to see him there and I know Amina didn’t invite him so of course he heard through the grapevine that I was leaving. Everybody loved us together being that we were the "black Love Lives" couple of the century. I can't deny he was fine for sure 6"4, golden peanut butter skin, full pink lips and chocolate brown curls. With a smile that made me melt and eyes to steal my soul.  Who could turn him down? At one point I never thought I could. Not to mention his dick game was powerful I swear that’s how he pledged on line. Freshman and Sophomore year, I had a nice size four body, but Junior and Senior year I filled out in everything. My body couldn’t lie that he wasn’t putting it down before dorm curfew and the whole campus could see it.  
He approached me with that suave walk and pearly white smile smashed across his face. I got a little weak at the knees as I watched him approach me from across the back yard. All my girls giggling behind me talking about "girl here he come" "mmm you sure you wanna leave that behind" "girl he so damn fine". I rolled my eyes at all of them, "look yall need to calm down and play it cool nobody is thinking about that boy." But on the inside my heart was racing. He walked up and said " what's up yall?" His voice rang in my ears so vibrant sending me to reminisce when he would whisper in my ear with my legs up on his shoulders and he hitting my spot just right. Damn I missed that feeling. My pussy started tingling and the thought of his hands rubbing down my thighs to spread my legs.  
"Sloane you good? "
I snapped out my daydream, "yeah I'm good, what are you doing here?"
"I heard Kiwan talking about it and I was surprised that I didn’t get an invitation so I thought I would make a surprise appearance. "
"well I didn’t make the guest list so I hope your feelings weren't too hurt."
"A little bit, but it's nothing a hug can't fix though," he shrugged his shoulders and held his arms out and open for me.  
It couldn't hurt just to hug him right? I contemplated at first then I just gave in and stepped in for the hug. His Prada cologne hit my nose and mesmerized me. His chest was thick and muscular. I could feel in his back where he had been hitting the gym and it was doing his justice.  
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"awwww look at my favorite couple." I hear coming from behind him a familiar voice. Zayvion's best friend and line brother Kiwan. He was cool and about the only friend he had that I actually liked.  
"shut up you are so annoying"  
"don’t do me like that friend, you know im always going to team Sloane and Zay"  
"Shut up bro " Zay laughed and nudged Kiwan. "you play too much"  
"ok when yall stop frontin' let me know. Speaking of frontin whats up Amina you not gonna speak ? "
" Boy bye no im not speaking to you." Amina gave him the hand and walked off. Kiwan always had a thing for Amina since sophomore year and she tried everything to turn him away but I know on the low she had a little flutter for him. All it took was when she mentioned she had a daughter and he instantly got excited and said he would love to meet her one day. It definitely took Amina by surprise most guys take off at the mention of a kid but he held his own.  
"Bro when are you just going to let that go man?" Zay always joked him for how Amina loved to give him the cold shoulder.  
"Never bruh, you don’t understand we got a thing its just on the low."  
We all burst out laughing and everything felt like old times. In that moment my heart felt a little heavy. Am I really going to leave all of this behind. My friends and family for the big city? I wanted to say im staying but I knew It was just in the moment and when I got there it would all fade away.  
*Alarm rings
I woke up not realizing that I had fallen asleep in the middle of my day dreams. Today was the day. I reached over to turn off my alarm and my notification list was longer than usual. I scrolled down and saw Amina, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Daily Quotes and to my surprise Zayvion. My eye widened and I didnt even think he still had my number. I didn’t want to open his message to make it seem like I missed him or was pressed to see what he said so I just went to answer Amina. She said she was on her way to help me load the moving truck so I needed to get up and shower.  
Im going over my check list to make sure I got everything to load up as I see her pull up in her red Volkswagen Jetta. I didn’t even have to turn around to know it was her because I could hear the 90s r&b playlist bumping from down the street. The car doors closed and I heard my little angel Skylar's voice call out for me " Auntie!" I dropped my notepad and swept her up in my arms for a huge hug. She has gotten so big so fast and I cant believe I am about to leave her. I have been there since day one and in the delivery room when she was born.  
She hugged my neck so tight then pulled back and asked "auntie why is all of your stuff in that big truck where are you going?"  
I wanted to lie and say no where without you but I couldn’t. "auntie is moving to new york remember for her big girl job." She just smiled back at me and said "well are you going to visit me and mommy because we are going to miss you."  
"of course pumpkin and you and mommy are going to come visit me on the airplane right?"
"yes" she squealed. "good now go see meme she has cookies." I put her down on her feet and she took off running into the house. Amina walked up behind her and hugged me which is something she never does.  
"what is wrong with you, im not dying" I said.  
"what do you mean you are not dying?" She look confused at what I asked her.  
"uhm you are hugging me like im dying tomorrow not moving away."  
"well you might as well be! We have spent every day of our lives together since kindergarten, what am I going to do now that you have out grown this place?"
"well you know you can always move there too eventually, they need nurses in every state."  
"yeah I know but I have Skylar and I don’t really want to take her from my mom."
"you cant limit your self because of other people Mina." I always wanted so much more for Amina. She had potential to be so much more than she allowed herself to step out of her comfort zone to be. We were similar but our differences made us great friends.  
"girl are you sure you are ready to move like what is going to be the first thing you do when you get there?"
"shit find the nearest Junior's Cheesecake and walk the Brooklyn Bridge." We burst out laughing but I couldn’t be more serious.  
"how did it feel seeing Zayvion last night? I had no idea he was going to show up even though the whole city was In that shit. We was lit for sure."
"yeah It was super awkward and intense at first and it felt like old times." Speaking of Zay I totally forgot he had texted me this morning. "He texted me this morning and I didn’t think he would remember my number."
"why wouldn’t he? Bestfriend now you know that boy still love you and he know he fucked up."
"to bad that was not my problem then and its not now. He shoudnt be trying to press me now its been a whole year since we broke up and he wants to wait until the day before I leave to reach out? No thank you ill pass." I rolled my eyes and went to grab some boxes. It was no need for me to text back now.
We loaded the truck in a matter of 2 hours and nothing was left but my suitcase and backpack for my flight in the morning. My mom had to work but she would be off intima to take me to the airport. Amina and Skylar stayed over for one of our famous living room sleepovers.  
"You know your going to be ordering out every night when you get there because you cant cook?" She laughed trying to joke will she made all my sleepover favorites.
"shut up I can cook enough to survive! Plus that’s what restaurants are for to order out of."
"yeah but your going to miss this home cooking believe it or not because you know I can burn." Amina was the perfect wife and mom type. She had all the qualities not to mention she was beautiful. Milk cocoa brown skin, full curly natural hair that she passed on to Sky and she was 5"4 slim thick thick for sure.  
"yeah I am, you spoil me bestie. Thanks for everything!" I smiled at her and she just smiled back because she wasn’t the sentimental type but I know a tear filled her eye on that one. She finished cooking and we turned on the black Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston our favorite movie. Amina was sleep first as usual then sky and me. My mom came in and woke us up in time to get ready for me to catch my flight. We parked the car in the departure parking lot and they walked me to my gate. I hugged Amina and Sky trying to hold back tears. Then my mom who was wiping her eyes quickly so I wouldn’t see her crying.  
"oh mommy its ok don’t cry. I am going to facetime you as soon as I land."  
"I love you Sloane be safe ok?"
"I love you too mommy!"  
*now boarding flight 5477 to New York City at Gate 4*
"that’s me guys! I will call as soon as I land." I picked up my bag and walked to my gate. Handing my ticket over to the flight attendant I took one last look back at them waving bye to me I waved back walked through the doors. I found my seat and adjusted myself for the take off. I had a window seat so I could see the airplane wing. I took a hug deep breath and settled my nerves. This was the start of a new beginning and the plane started rolling.  
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"Sloane Taylor... Sloane Taylor ….MS TAYLOR!!!"
"Huh yes !? " I snapped out of my daydream of watching the lobby tv playing food network.
"We are ready to take your vitals now if you are ready."
"Oh, Yes I'm sorry I am ready "
I wasn’t sure what I was getting ready to hear. I was anxious, nervous and nauseous all at once knowing it was going to read my blood pressure through the roof. I couldn’t stop shaking and every step felt heavy. Lowering my head to walk past the nurse holding the door for me, I clinched the clipboard that held valuable information with symptoms.  
"Ok Ms. Taylor We are just going to step into room 2 to your left and check your vitals. "
"ok thank you," my voice cracked with the smell of sterile cleaner and latex filling the room.  
"Have you eaten in the last 12 hours?"
"No ma'am, I haven't really had much of an appetite. “ 
"Ok no problem just set your things on the chair and have a seat on the table. "
I placed my purse and keys in the waiting chair and took off my jacket so the nurse could take my blood pressure. As the nurse slipped on the cuff and stuck the thermometer under my tongue I started to sweat and the walls were closing in.  
“Are you ok sweetie", the nurse asked me looking into my eyes because I know I looked as if I was going to faint. I closed my eyes and nodded my head yes to assure her that I was fine.  
"look honey I know you are nervous but no matter the results you are going to be fine. Take a deep breath in for me. "
I inhaled through my nose and exhaled as she released the pressure of the cuff.  
" Alright honey your pressure is a little elevated but that is to be expected. What we are going to do now is have you urinate in this cup. Make sure you wipe first then fill the cup. When you are finish just close the lid and leave it on the counter for me to pick up and run some test. Is that ok?"
"yes, ma'am thank you"
"no problem honey leave the door cracked when you done and the bathroom is down the hall to the right"
Great I thought to myself and rolled my eyes. More walking when I already feel that every step in a mile longer than the last one. I slid off the table and walked past the nurse's station. It felt like all eyes were on me and every one was whispering, usually when you go to the doctor the nurses are standing around laughing and, on their phones, but this time was totally different. I made it to the bathroom and locked the door. Taking two huge deep breaths and proceeding to follow the nurse's instructions to fill the cup. Luckily, I already had to pee because she was beyond nervous.  
I got back to the room and left the door cracked like the nurse said.  I figured it would be awhile before they came back in with results so I grabbed my phone out of my purse to call Amina, who was already sitting and waiting by the phone. The facetime call only rang once before Amina picked up with the "what they say bitch face" and of course that’s what she said.
"what they say bitch?' She screamed which felt like the phone volume was on 1000.
"ssshhhhhh girl lord Jesus do you want the whole world to know my business" I looked out the crack to make sure nobody was listening at the door.  
"they haven't said anything yet I just peed in a cup so I'm waiting for the doctor."
“Well are they busy because I am dying to know what they hell you got going on up there. “
“You! It's happening to me and I feel like I'm already six feet under with a weight on my chest"  I can't believe I get all the way here and have this happen. To me of all people this was not in the plan. How am I going to face everybody after the results Amina?"
“You don’t, its none of their business just make sure regardless of the results you need to take care of Sloane"
“Yeah you are right. I just can't wrap my head around this I'm not ready what if this affects everything and I am left alone for the rest of my life?"
“Girl you worry too much just figure all of that out when the doctor comes in there."
I heard a knock and the door opened with a silver haired mid fifty-year-old doctor asking me was it ok for him to come in.  
"yes, sure doctor come in. Ok Mina I'll call you later the doctor is here."
“Ok I love you “
“I love you too." I hung up the call and slide my phone in between my thighs because my palms were sweating.  
"well Ms. Taylor you came in with quite a few symptoms, some to be expected and other that are a bit concerning."
I could hear my heart beat and taste metal in my jaws. You know that watery taste you get when your about throw everything up? Yeah that was me in this moment and I couldn’t shake it. This wasn’t a dream and his next words were carefully chosen to declare my fate.  
“Ok so what are my results? Is everything ok? "
“Oh yes you are perfectly healthy, however congratulations YOU ARE PREGNANT."
I gasped for air as my phone rang.  
Text from - *Beard {heart Emoji}
"hey love, can we talk?"
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Sloane Taylor
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Lorenzo Vega
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