inkyocto · 7 years
I am so grateful. These conversations are forcing me out of my comfort zone, yes, but beforehand my comfort zone was an unhealthy form of communication. “Just don’t bring up problems and we’ll be fine” was my motto before I met you and grew to love you for who you are. Now I want to face any disagreements we have together with love and understanding, being able to talk them out with level heads instead of shouting and silence.
Thank you
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inkyocto · 7 years
Every time I watch a certain movie, I’m instantly thrown back into my desires to move to Paris, have a collection of tobacco pipes and tea sets, and do nothing but cook day in and day out.
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inkyocto · 7 years
Maggie’s sight focused on one particularly thick branch, with a patch of snow the size of a tennis ball. As she stared, the combination of sleep deprivation and a light from outside made it seem as if the patch of snow was a face. 
The closer she looked, the more it seemed to be a baby’s face with it’s eyes closed gently. The longer her eyes lingered, the baby’s face contorted, eyes opening to reveal a black pit, lips curling back as if screaming silently. Slowly, Maggie began to hear the ear shattering wail of the infant within the snow which caused her great grief. Maggie’s eyes began watering as a deep, harsh scream began in tandem with the infant’s.It stung her ears, and as she went to cover them she felt a wetness. Her hands had spots of blood on them. All the while, she couldn’t look away.
 A shadow on the thick branch moved, giving movement and body to the face, bringing it closer and closer to Maggie’s bedroom window. Her vision tunneled, focusing on the ugly face. A third voice, a young girl’s, chimed in at a lower intensity,
Let me in! Let me in! It’s so dark and cold, and you are so warm! Let me in!
Maggie felt hands on her shoulders. The last thing she remembered was screaming along with the cries from outside.
As she awoke, Deyvon was above her, eyes wide and concerned. She sat up, realizing she was in her bed.
“Maggie! Are you okay?” Maggie nodded. She looked to the window to see the face again, only it there was daylight outside, and the snow had melted.
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inkyocto · 7 years
Darlene grabbed Barbury’s shoulders with such a ferocity that from her nails blood trickled in the young girl’s dress. She looked down into her eyes, brows furrowed, and spoke.
“You are forbidden from the candles. If you are caught with matches, you will be lashed. If you are seen too close to the door they are kept in, you will receive soap in your mouth. You are not to perform the spell, and you are not to ever ask to do so again.”
Barbury’s eyes began to water, her breath quickening. 
“My Lady please! If I don’t-”
“You will keep your damn mouth quiet until I say it is your turn to speak. Now when I tell you that you cannot perform the spell, I mean it. You cannot. I won’t have an ill-gotten child to be brought into this world unnaturally. You know what happens to the unborn infants that have magic used on them.
“You will lose the child before it’s due, like Pepper predicted, and you will leave it at that.”
Darlene unhinged herself from the girl’s shouders. Barbury fell to the floor, clutching her stomach. She knew she would punished for screaming inside the house. She curled up on the ground, staring straight ahead at nothing, letting the tears fall across her nose and off of her face. Her first child, already doomed to the High Lady, not even given a chance.
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inkyocto · 7 years
Maggie practices written magick by drawing patterns and symbols onto her upper thighs with sharpies that she imbued according to a section titled Blessed Ink. 
 At first, it was simple spells. Small protection sigils and four word incantations to help her remember everything she had to do that day. 
Slowly, over the months, she realizes that she doesn’t have to follow the books to the letter. She comes to find that if she draws an animal on herself with her now magic pens, then she’ll find her day surrounded by them.
If it’s a rare animal it will pop up in conversations and on the news, but more common animals will flock to her and be unafraid to approach her. She learned early on not to draw insects or birds. 
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inkyocto · 8 years
Maggie is currently wrapped up in a few blankets, surrounded by candles mainly for warmth rather than ritual. She takes great care in not disturbing the dust around her, fearful that it might cause her companion to freak out and try to catch the small floating specks.
She reveals her hand from within her cocoon and traces it over a book. It feels coarse to the touch and radiates warmth. She hears the sound of tiny reptiles scurrying in the sand. Garvey snuggles in closer, leeching off of Maggie's newfound heat.
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inkyocto · 8 years
<p>Laying in this bed</p> <p>my knee aches from curling up </p> <p>8ams are here
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inkyocto · 8 years
I am in love. I have been in love a few times beforehand, and every time I knew I had doubts. They all eventually stopped being the person I was in love with, whether I had wanted it that way or not.
But I am in love, and there is no doubt. 
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inkyocto · 8 years
So it’s been a very long time for me to realize this, but I was not the problem.  I am not the problem. I’m just me. And I got hurt for being me because someone else didn’t like that I was me and not what they wanted. 
It’s not my fault that I got hurt. It wasn’t my fault, and I know that now.
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inkyocto · 8 years
I'm in a space where I know I'm about to get pretty bad again. I know there are signs there and it's going to happen but I don't want it to happen. I will enjoy today. I will enjoy this week. I will enjoy all of my time on this planet because there is nothing certain past it.
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inkyocto · 8 years
Time is fleeting and I feel an inconsolable rage simmering within my chest. It's only there because I started thinking about things that made me angry, which (surprise) made me genuinely angry. Mainly just a lot of thoughts about my father. And people who I no longer talk to. But mostly the spermer that gave me life. This emotion takes over me, and there's nothing I can do until I exhaust myself with being angry. I just wanna shout and explore the world to find new corners to shout into. Other than that I had a very lovely day with the love of my life and it was great. We got milkshakes and watches The Princess Bride.
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inkyocto · 8 years
I had an amazing day today. 
So this kind of started off as a dear diary type thing, but we’re gonna roll with it. 
My day started with waking up beside my beautiful boyfriend who was pressing up against me because it was cold. I got to wake up slowly, and when we actually got around to getting out of bed, there was breakfast (made by his mom). We went to see a waterfall and then ate and just hung around with each other and his mom and it was super relaxing.
This was honestly probably the best Easter I’ve ever had because it was so relaxing and wonderful and generally peaceful.
My point of this dumb thing is is that I’m the happiest I’ve been in a very long time and that every time I look at my boyfriend or just be with him I get a swell of emotions that are great and awesome and yeah.
I’m done with this dumb gushy “uwu” type post.
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inkyocto · 8 years
I was once convinced that I would be the happiest person in the world if I was with that person. I devoted all of my time to them, took myself away from friends and the public eye essentially to be with them. I had people seeing me and saying that they hadn’t seen me for months. It’s scary, in retrospect. I was willing to give up who I was as an individual for this person. I became a shell of who I was, unable to truly be who I was and constantly fearful that they would discover the real me. 
Luckily, they decided to do me a favor and end the relationship. I say that it’s a favor because if I had never gotten out of that relationship I would not be where I am today. I would not be madly in love with a good, honest man. I would not be drawing. I would not be going to classes. I would still feel that stifling emotions and pushing down my feelings is the best option in the world because no one wants to see anyone emote ever. I would not feel motivated to be better every day, to be a little kinder every day, if I were still with that person. 
I have been very sad for a long time. I never realized to what extent that I was unhappy until I found someone who has been able to make me feel happy about myself. They see and recognize every single aspect of who I am, and they deem it good somehow. They lift me up and not only with their presence. They have helped me see that, even on my own, I can be strong. I can be independent and creative and everything that I was before I met that person. He supports my dreams just as much as I support his. He helps remind me what actual happiness is; what it feels like and how a healthy relationship should be. 
Thank you. For everything.
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inkyocto · 8 years
I have never felt safer than I have inside your arms
I feel like the luckiest person ever. I feel like if you were to ever say “Hey, let’s go on a very long trip together” I would drop everything and join you in an instant. Regardless of whatever dumb education I need. 
I say this, but I would actually ask if we could reschedule because my education is important to me if only because I need to prove that I can do it. Which you know because I feel comfortable enough to tell you this. 
I have never felt safer than I have inside your arms, and I never want to feel other arms around me.
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inkyocto · 8 years
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inkyocto · 8 years
Today it's 54 degrees out or something. It's nice. I heard a cicada and now all I want to do is drink until I'm buzzed and sit in the corner with friends talking amiably and enjoying each other's presence and that's all I want right now.
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inkyocto · 8 years
I am truly blessed by you. Thank you for sticking with me even though I had repeatedly told you that it was your choice to stay or not. Thank you for just being with me silently. Thank you for knowing when I needed you, and for not entirely questioning why I was sobbing. Most of all Thank you for being you. I love you.
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