Hello again and an update.
Okay, so most of you probably think that I’ve abandoned this blog and that’s only sort of true.
More or less, I’ve been super busy! Last thing I knew I was getting ready for the summer, and now I’m sitting here end of second semester of grade 12, with a new job and learning how to drive. Kinda crazy how life just happens all at once sometimes.
Anyways! I’ve decided that I’m going to finish ALL inbox submissions that I’ve put off thus far, as it wouldn’t be fair to all you lovely people who have all reblogged and liked all of my writing- you people mean the world to me :)
I don’t know if I’ll continue the blog after I’m done the submissions, because it has been a while since I’ve played stardew. But that’s up in the air right now, if anything I may get back into writing once I’m done.
Thank you all, and hope you’re all doing great! 💛
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YES! I so so agree, Not Another Teenage Movie Chris Evans is very Alex.
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Alex facecast- Chris Evans in the early 2000s
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Alex facecast- Chris Evans in the early 2000s
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❧ for Harvey? ☺️
❧ Harvey snores lightly in his sleep, if he’s on his back it gets to be a little bit loud. He uses the little nosestrips to help aleviate it. He likes to sleep with the window open most nights, and sleeps on his side kind of curled up. If he’s sleeping in the same bed with someone else, he likes to spoon (whether big or small). 
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Hey! Regarding the inbox...
It’s closed! I’m going into my culminating performance tasks for school this week basically meaning that I’m going to be very busy (and stressed) the next little while, so I’ve decided to close the box before it starts to get too unmanageable. Thank you guys for requesting/messaging/saying nice things, it’s the best part of having this blog :)
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Dang I was hoping Elliott and farmer would do it in the rocking chair
I feel like the rocking of the chair would get to be a little bit frustrating dontcha think?
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The Rocking Chair NSFW (Elliott/female reader)
a/n: Well, this is going to be absolutely filthy. It’s not too graphic, but it is still very much smut. So if you’re a youngin under 18, this will not be for you. Thank you to the anon who requested “something dirty with Elliott”, was a total pleasure. Well, hope you enjoy my first ever smut. It is definetly a long one. Happy reading!
Elliott sat up from a lying position when he heard his wife come in. He’d just made it in that morning from his work trip, and decided to lie down for awhile before she had come home. The busride back to Pelican Town had taken a lot out of him.
The married couple hadn’t seen each other in about a week or so, as Elliott has been off in Zuzu city to do press for his second novel. Seven days without seeing each other, seven days without touching each other. Seeing her walk into the room made Elliott feel a want within him, it was a yearning that was made stronger by her being in front of him.
“Hey,” the farmer smiled “I’ve missed you big guy.” The farmer had moved to sit between his legs, she loved how he looked right now. Elliott had stripped down to his boxers and white button-up, there was nothing more that she wanted to do than to eat him alive.
Elliott moved his hands to rest them on the farmer’s hips, rubbing languid circles on them. “Hello love, I have also missed you dearly.” He leaned into her and kissed her lips, at first softly but progressively more rough. The farmer was the first to pull away.
She laughed and tapped him on the thigh lovingly, turning to walk to the vanity where she could take her hair out of it’s messy braid. She threw her bandana on the rocking chair beside it, but not before turning around and soaking in how Elliott looked. He had become so dishevelled, with his cheeks flush and hair uncharacteristically unkempt. Getting him riled up was half of the fun.
When she turned back to the vanity mirror she could see Elliott get up and walk towards her. Him clearly getting frustrated with her coyness. He walked up behind her and pressed the front of his body to her back, she could feel his hardening length on her behind.
As she turned her head to the side to allow him to begin kissing her, she caught glimpse of the red rocking chair she had mindlessly thrown her bandana on. An idea came to her.
“Wait.” She turned around and put her hands on Elliott’s chest.
“Hm? Would you like me to stop?”
“No, no.” Reassuring him that everything was fine. “Would you like to do something fun?” She suggested, Elliott raised his brow for a moment, but gestured her to keep going.
“I’d like to present you with a challenge Elliott- but first, I need you in that rocking chair.”
The rules were simple, really.
The farmer explained that Elliott would sit in the chair while she lied on the bed. The both of them would touch themselves, while watching the other person. Whoever gave in first would lose- the other person getting bragging rights.
Now to Elliott this was, of course, easier in theory.
There he sat reclining on the rocking chair, it situated at the foot of their shared bed, his boxers discarded and cock in hand. The farmer on the other hand, was sprawled open on the bed using a purple vibrator he had bought her a whiles back.
How he hated that little purple vibe right now. The jealousy and arousal he felt rose up and mixed in his chest, everytime she let her head fall back and moan his name, he wished it was him coaxing it out of her.
But still he knew this was one the games she liked to play with him, and even though he could fold at any moment and take her, his pride kept him from giving in. The farmer on the other hand, was having the time of her life.
Just the sight of him was almost enough to push her to the end, but no, that was not the point of this “challenge”. His hair pushed back, the sweat beading on his face and neck and his throbbing cock in hand was a marvel to look at. How he could look so desperate yet sensual was beyond her.
It was hard to fathom that all of him was hers for the taking at any moment, but she yielded, wanting him to come to her first.
As the farmer’s back arched off the bed, Elliott decided that he had had enough. The full week of no contact would end with this, and the farmer would surely remember it.
Elliott stood from the chair, and walked to the foot of the bed. He looked down at the farmer, his demeanor changed. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the side. From there he leaned and took the vibe into his own hands, turning it off and putting on the nightside table. The farmer almost shuddered with anticipation.
“My dear, you have tortured me long enough. I give into you, do you want me to-”
“Elliott I need it, please fuck me.”
That was all he needed to hear. He climbed onto the bed and crawled atop of her, his wide frame shadowing hers. He thrusted into suddenly and deeply, taking no time to tease or prod at her. The farmer let out a guttural moan. Both of them were beginning to feel desperate.
The room was filled with sounds of skin slapping on skin, and the wanton moans of both Elliott and the farmer. They both kissed open mouthed, as she wrapped her legs behind him beckoning him in.
The farmer had reached her edge when Elliott had slid a hand down and began to rub at her clit, she was overwhelmed with the pleasure that filled her.
“Ah! Ah, oh Elliott I’m coming.” She cried out as she held onto his arms for dear life.
“It’s okay I’ve got you, I’m not close behind.” He managed to get out, almost while gritting his teeth.
The farmer clenched around Elliott one last time, making it all too much. He spilled himself inside her, grunting and moaning the farmers name as he did so. When he gave out from supporting himself, he lied on top of the farmer- both of them feeling the blood rush in their ears and basking in the afterglow.
After a few moments the farmer began to laugh, rubbing her hands up and down Elliott’s bare back. It took Elliott a beat but he began to chuckle too, nipping at her shoulder before rolling off of her. She curled up beside him.
“Sorry to tell you Elliott, but it seems to me as if you lost.” She looked up at him and laughed.
He looked down at her for a moment, kissing her forehead and shaking his head.
“And what was it that you said earlier? Oh! I remember- does ‘fuck me please’ sound familiar?”
With that the couple fell into their usual banter and teasing, the farmer poking Elliott in the side which made him let out a laugh. Eventually when the farmer had fallen to sleep, Elliott beamed down at her, feeling all the love in the world. He was so happy to be home.
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I love it! I am going to say though, personally I’ve always pictured Shane more as this Dermot Mulroney! Especially in Shameless (although, I suppose it would make Shane quite older). He really just embodies that older, rough around the edges guy to me.
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Just saying…you guys should definetly send me your Stardew face casts…here are mine for Harvery and Elliott respectively.
Keep reading
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❖❤ for Harvey!
❖ Harvey’s hands are average size, but his fingers are a little bit thicker and his palm is fairly wide. On the top of his hands and fingers he also has a good amount of noticeable hair on them, because he’s an overall hairy guy. His hands are always clean because he carries around a little bottle of hand santizer just out of pure habit. 
❤ Harvey is a guy who loves kissing, especially as a way to say hello. Be it the nose, forehead, chin, neck he loves to kiss it all. If anything though, his favourite way to show affection is to have the farmer in his arms. Whether for a quick hug or a cuddle,he adores it and absolutely doesn’t mind. His gestures of affection often come across as very nuturing. 
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❧ for Sebastian ? So much Sebby love tonight
❧  Sebsastian likes to sleep on his back with his arms down to his sides, it helps his back- as it gets quite sore from programming on his computer or even working on his bike. When someone else shares a bed with him, he loves the feeling of them resting their head on his chest. That extra sense of security always sends him straight to sleep. 
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Hey! Nsfw is okay, it just came to me that I’ve never mentioned it. Working on an elliott one right now actually. But yeah! Nsfw requests are totally allowed.
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the 90′s aren’t dead they just live on through sam
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linus rasmodius and farmer threesome where farmer pegs rasmodius and linus watches -not kate
You know..one day I will write a SDV pegging fic but today is not that day.
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Oh my!! That’s an amazing coincidence, this kind of blew my mind. No worries @alienapplepi3, I’m glad we shared a mini serendipitous moment :)
❧⌆❖ for Sam please! I love your blog btw :)
Awww thanks anon! You’re just too sweet :D
❧ Sam sleeps with his leg sticking out of his covers because he tends to overheat. When he’s sleeping with another person, he’ll usually be the big spoon and throw his leg over the other person. 
⌆When Sam is nervous or overwhelmed, he’ll kind of space out and make guitar chords with his hands. He usually does this while mouthing lyrics or a rhythm to a song he’s writing.
❖ Sam has really long fingers and his nails are always cut nice and short so he can play guitat. Sam’s hands are quite a bit rough and calloused from playing guitar. He also has a scar on his left pointer finger from the time he had to get stitches because he cut himself while trying to cook with his mom.
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✭❖✑ for Sebastian? Don't feel pressure to do all of them if you don't want to!! (I love your blog so much!!) Take care :)
thank you!! the kind words always make my night 
✭ One of Sebastian’s favourite items is his computer. He spends most of his day on it (as he’s dependant on it for his job), and he’s put a lot of money into it to get all the bells and whistles. Although he has enough money to opt out and buy a new one, he really has grown attatched to it.
❖ Sebastian’s hands are kind of skinny, but they’re a little on the rough side (just little knicks and bruises on the regular). His hands get pretty dry in the winter, so he’s always applying lotion. They always smell nice because of this.
✑ Sebastian likes his hair when it’s windswept, and the feeling he get’s when he looks out onto Zuzu city from afar. He likes the smell of fuel and the feeling of rubbing his hands on his jeans after working hard. 
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❧⌆❖ for Sam please! I love your blog btw :)
Awww thanks anon! You’re just too sweet :D
❧ Sam sleeps with his leg sticking out of his covers because he tends to overheat. When he’s sleeping with another person, he’ll usually be the big spoon and throw his leg over the other person. 
⌆When Sam is nervous or overwhelmed, he’ll kind of space out and make guitar chords with his hands. He usually does this while mouthing lyrics or a rhythm to a song he’s writing.
❖ Sam has really long fingers and his nails are always cut nice and short so he can play guitar. Sam’s hands are quite a bit rough and calloused from playing guitar. He also has a scar on his left pointer finger from the time he had to get stitches because he cut himself while trying to cook with his mom.
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Just saying...you guys should definetly send me your Stardew face casts...here are mine for Harvery and Elliott respectively.
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