what is it called when you dont really like your assigned gender (f) but most of the time its like meh, but sometimes you like being really fem with makeup and dresses n stuff but sometimes like wearing a binder and want to have short hair again abd sometimes cant deal with having a physical form all together?
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sometimes having a body freaks me tf out. like i feel both smaller and bigger than it. like i should just be able to step out of it. and i dont mean taking my brain out bc thats still not me. i'm not this body, i'm not this brain. i am something else(god that sounds pretentious). and sometimes the thought and knowlege that i have organs makes me freak out. and i've already been through 8 years of therapy and its still the same and noone i've ever talked to about this ever understood what i mean and it makes me feel crazy. idk maybe its bc i'm 24 and have pretty much been mentally ill for half my life and maybe something is fucked up permanently in my head now. i mean, its bound to be right?
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Reblog this to prove your blog was made before the February 2022 tumblr resurgence
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adult talk?
you ever get really horny for a couple of days and then you look at how far you are in your cycle and just go
'oh yeah, that makes sense'
no, just me?
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it might take time, a lot of time, but you will be beautiful and it will be worth it
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really wanna give my skin some 💫
extra texture💫
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so, last session at my therapist i said
"alot of ppl say that my generation(i was born in 99, so i wouldnt call myself genz, but also not milenial, but you get what i mean) is full of 'snowflakes' and stuff like that. when in reality, we are the ones who are just learning to cope with all the trauma from previous generations that was never dealt with. yes, mest of us have never 'been in the trenches' and shit like that. but not having been in war shouldnt be a fucking privilege in the first place."
she also said that we will finally change something for real. because this is OUR future!
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tw self harm
how do i get the comfidence to cut deeper again?
i wanna do it semi deep again, but i'm too much of a coward rn
this just sucks
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