iceiceminami · 4 years
Hey! Can U add me to the taglist for colorstorm please?
Absolutely :3 I haven’t updated in a few days, but you’ll get a tag next time I do!
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 39/?
Word count: 372
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0 @sunsethw4
“Welcome, Shouto Todoroki,” a low, raspy voice spoke.
A covering was pulled from Shouto’s head, allowing him to see that he was not in a place he recognized at all. He did recognize, however, one or two of the people that surrounded him. They matched the figures he’d seen on the news - those figures responsible for the recent attacks near UA.
He looked over each of their faces, trying to find and store as much information as he could about them. His arms were cuffed tightly behind his back and legs bound to the legs of the chair he was in.
“Nothing to say, I see?” The raspy voice spoke again.
Shouto’s eyes shot to him.
The holder of the voice was a scrawny-looking guy who was leaning against the wall towards the back of the room. His light blue hair peeked out from beneath the hood of his black jacket, and his hands were stuffed in his pockets.
“We don’t want to hurt you. Don’t worry.”
It was the voice from earlier. The one who called him “brother”.
Shouto turned his head toward the voice as it stepped out from a shadowy corner and showed his face. “As long as you’re cooperative.”
It was indeed the same person. Scarred skin, dark coat, dark hair.
Shouto’s brow furrowed as he looked at the man standing before him. He only had one brother. Unless this was-
“You’re wondering who I am, huh?” the man laughed, holding his hands behind his head. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
He stepped forward and pulled a chair or from under a table, dragging it in front of him until he could sit backwards on it, right in front of Shouto.
Shouto’s confusion only grew. This had to be some kind of hoax or weird trick. Brother. This guy looked and sounded nothing like Natsuo. Was there some other sibling he was not aware of? This couldn’t be... no. Touya was dead. There’s no way this could be him. This was definitely some kind of elaborate scheme.
“Shouto,” he said softly. “You hate him, too. I know you do.”
The confused look on Shouto’s face told the villain that he needed more information. So he obliged.
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iceiceminami · 4 years
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“the rain kinda fits our vibe right now”
Erasermic nation, how are we feeling?
Instagram.com/giuliartt [ also posted on Twitter ]
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 38/?
Word count: 368
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0
“Help me!” You managed through your screams.
Your breathing was labored and erratic. That in addition to the screams brought you to a weak, lightheaded state. Or maybe you were losing too much blood from the wound on your leg.
You looked around in a desperate attempt to find someone to help, but no one was there. The building you had left from and the building you were headed to both seemed miles away.
“Someone please,” you began to cry, weakly trying to wrap your leg in your jacket.
Cold began to overtake you as you called. In your head you were so loud that anyone on campus would be able to hear you. But on the outside, your voice was weak.
You tried to ground yourself. You felt the cold, bloody concrete beneath you. As you watched it, it began to spin. The mist in the chilled air coated your skin, but you couldn’t even feel it anymore.
“Y/n!” A familiar voice shouted from behind, but you couldn’t make out their face before you succumbed to your weakness and collapsed.
Next thing you knew, you were back with Recovery Girl. When you woke up, you couldn’t think straight. Your memory was blurry. But there were two things you vividly remembered - panicked eyes and a little blue marble.
You began to cry softly as you lay in the small bed. The lights around you were bright. There was a blanket over you, but you still felt cold.
“Hello,” a quiet voice spoke.
Recovery Girl walked up to you and laid a gentle, reassuring hand on your arm.
“I healed your leg for you, but you lost a lot of blood. You need to take it easy,” the nurse explained. “Aizawa and Nezu would like to talk with you when you’re ready, alright?”
You sniffed and rubbed your eyes. Though you tried to wipe away your tears, they just kept steaming down your cheeks and onto the pillow behind you.
“I could’ve saved him,” you whimpered, your lip protruding in a little pout.
The woman rubbed your arm. She knew you were still disoriented. “Just rest, dear,” she reassured you. “We will get this all figured out.”
Part 39
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iceiceminami · 4 years
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mic is accepting things
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 37/?
Word count: 321
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0
Shouto’s eyes widened at the villain’s words.
“Brother?” he whispered, his flame dying down.
Normally, in a situation like this, he would be able to make an attack against the enemy, but the surprise of the statement left him in shock.
“Stay calm,” another new voice sang. “This won’t hurt a bit.”
A tall, masked man placed a firm hand on Shouto’s shoulder just as you turned around to meet the voice. Within an instant, he was gone.
It was as if everything fell into slow motion. All of Shouto’s being was compressed into a small, blue marble, which was now almost suspended in mid-air due to the slowness of the situation.
Without a second thought, you lifted your sword in one hand to attack the villain and used your other in a desperate attempt to catch the marble. But with a swift turn of his cane, he was able to avoid you and knock you to your knees, causing your sword to slip and slice the back of your leg.
“I do apologize for that,” he chanted as he danced around you and leaned back up onto the building. “Just need this, and we’ll be going.”
The villain flashed the blue marble between his fingers before disappearing, along with the other, into a purple fog, leaving you alone in the eerie quiet of the morning.
You looked around yourself. You were still on the ground. Your heart was racing. Your breathing was erratic. Blood pooled around your leg. The sound of the mist in the air was not enough to drown out the screaming in your head.
You missed it.
You could have saved him, but you missed it.
Tears began to stream down your face as you choked back sobs of despair, but as you desperately lost control of your breathing, you screamed.
No one else was around. You didn’t know what else to do.
So you just... screamed.
Part 38
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 36/?
Word count: 423
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0
The next morning, there was a thin mist outside, joining the chilly weather in an ominous atmospheric duo. You and Shouto were on your way to class a few minutes early, as usual.
Although Aizawa told you that you shouldn’t worry, you still couldn’t help but feel uneasy. In a swift desperation for comfort, you grabbed Shouto’s hand and squeezed it, making him gasp.
“I’m sorry,” you yelped, pulling your hand away and tucking it behind your back.
“Is everything alright?” he asked, his face shrouded with worry for you. “You seem off this morning.”
Before you could stop to think about hiding your fears again, you shook your head sharply. You knew you should tell him you were worried. It just made you feel weak. Your classmates were strong heroes in training and together could take on a villain, but you were still anxious.
“I know you’ve been worried about the attacks around the school. Is that what this is about?”
You nodded, picking up the pace of your walk. You really just wanted to get to class, but he stopped you by taking your hand and standing still.
“It’s okay,” Shouto said softly as he squeezed your hand.
You turned to face him, but you kept your eyes closed.
“There are so many heroes on patrol around here. There’s no way villains are getting in-“
He stopped suddenly. The cessation of speech caught you by surprise, so you opened your eyes to see his gaze averted to an area behind you, his own eyes full of fear.
“Don’t turn around,” he said sharply but quietly.
His sharp tone and fearful expression sent you into a defensive stance. You quickly created a small sword using your quirk, but you kept your movements minuscule and held the bright sword at your side.
“You need to run, okay? Run behind me and don’t stop. Go get-”
“No!” You huffed. “I’m not leaving you. What is going on?”
“Well, well, well,” an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind you.
You heard a thud as someone jumped from a building onto the ground below. Your eyes grew in your head and you couldn’t help but turn around.
The figure stood up from a bent position. His eyes were a sharp blue, much like Shouto’s left eye. His hair was dark and unkempt, and his skin looked maimed and scarred.
Shouto quickly prepared a fire attack, but the other countered, a blue flame emerging from his hand.
“Long time, no see,” the villain laughed, a sly look on his face.
“... little brother.”
Part 37
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 35/?
Word count: 529
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0
“Who, though?” you wondered aloud. “We just got to school today. Why are they attacking when we’re not even here?”
Shouto shrugged. It was only a theory, but why else would there be several well-planned villain attacks right outside of UA? It made sense to him, and other than that one small detail, it did to you as well.
The first week back on campus passed, allowing you and your friends to settle back in to dorm life, and the next week brought with it your classes. Overall, things seemed the same as they were the semester before. The new rules, however, brought a bit of an ominous touch to things, and the cooling fall weather only added to it.
There were a couple of weeks without any villain activity outside of regular city goings-on. This stirred unrest in the police and pro heroes who had been closely monitoring the attacks around the school.
You didn’t really want to talk to anyone else about it, but you were really worried about the quiet. Something about it made you very uneasy. Anytime you were outside of the dorms, walking to class, you felt like you were being watched. But you were even afraid to talk to Shouto about it.
After class one day, Mr. Aizawa asked you to stay behind for a couple of minutes. You were a bit wary, wondering if you had done something wrong or if you’d been performing poorly in class, but once he began talking, your worry changed.
“Is everything alright, y/n?” your teacher asked you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion, which he quickly noted.
“You seem to be upset about something lately. Is there something going on in the dorms I should know about?”
“Oh, no,” you shook your head. “I’m okay.”
You tried to smile to show him that you were alright, but your teacher already knew his students too well.
“Seriously?” he mused. “If there’s something you’re worried about, you know you can tell me. We can figure something out.”
A sigh escaped you as you turned your gaze to the ground. Your shoulders fell, and you became fully vulnerable before him.
“I’m just... I’m really worried about the villain attacks and how they’ve all stopped all of a sudden.”
You clenched your fists, your worries overcoming you as you spilled them. Aizawa’s face softened. He could hear the fear in your voice.
“Every time I go outside, I feel like someone is watching me. I keep thinking the attacks were getting closer to the school for a reason, and I don’t want any of my friends to get hurt or even any of you and the other teachers.”
Aizawa sighed, but he held himself calmly to counter your rigid stance.
“We’re doing everything we can to figure out what’s going on, y/n,” he said softly. “And until we do, we will continue to take every precaution we can to keep you all safe.”
You nodded, shuffling your feet beneath you. You trusted him. His words helped you feel a little bit better, but the worry was still there.
“We will update you guys with any new information we get. I promise.”
Part 36
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iceiceminami · 4 years
Enjoying Colorstorm?
More is on the way!
Want to know more about the story? Feel free to ask me questions about it!
If you like Colorstorm and want to see more of that type of content, send me a dm or an ask, and I’d love to do it for you!
I like to write shippy things, soft moments, domestic bliss, and anything sweet! Plus a bit of angst here and there :3
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iceiceminami · 4 years
Colorstorm readers: OMG Cliffhanger! I can’t wait!!1! What’s next???!?
Me: I wish I knew
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 34/?
Word count: 338
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0
In Shouto’s room, you sat down on his bed and looked around. It looked the same as it had last semester - simple and clean. The style was very much him, and you loved it because of that.
The serenity that came with the natural colors, plants, and simple decor in the room gave you a small sense of the same peace you got when you were with him. You considered doing your room in a similar style, but it just wouldn’t be the same.
You found a packed bag on the end of Shouto’s bed and began to unpack it for him, laying out his shirts neatly.
“Have you heard much about what’s going on with the villains?” You asked him, not looking up from your monotonous work of laying out clothing.
“Not much other than what the news has to say,” Shouto shrugged. “I guess there’s not a lot to be known yet.”
He was sat on the floor, taking each piece of clothing you laid out and folding it neatly into a drawer.
“Hmm,” you hummed softly. Maybe that was true since Aizawa didn’t even tell you all much about what was going on. Maybe he didn’t really know either.
“What about your dad? Has he told you anything?”
Shouto looked up at you, his brow raised as if it say “really?”
“I doubt he really knows anything either,” he replied. “Wanna know what I think, though?”
“What’s that?” You zipped up the now empty bag and tossed it toward his wardrobe. “I’m curious to see if we’re thinking the same thing.”
“It seems like the villains are getting closer and closer to the school with each attack,” he explained.
You nodded in response. You were, in fact, thinking the same thing. “And it seems to be a group of villains. It’s not just each attack being its own thing. These are carefully planned.”
“I think they’re after something here,” Shouto said plainly, looking directly at you. “Maybe a student or teacher here at UA.”
Part 35
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iceiceminami · 4 years
Occasionally Eri decides she wants to do Aizawa’s hair. She braids it, puts cute little cat clips in it, even uses some temporary hair color to brighten it up. Eri never has a specific vision in mind, she just likes playing with her dad’s hair.
Aizawa loves letting Eri play with his hair. Because not only does it give him time close to her, but it also gives her control over something. After Overhaul took away all of Eri’s control, Aizawa does everything he can to give Eri as much control as he can. He lets her pick out her own clothes, he always asks before hugging her or picking her up, and he lets her do whatever she wants to his hair. 
Usually the masterpieces Eri creates are only seen by their family. Though Hizashi will often sneak pictures to send to Midnight. 
However, one day there is an emergency. 
Keep reading
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 33/?
Word count: 357
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha @uk1y0 || dm or ask me if you wanna be added to the list :3
“There has been an influx of dangerous villain activity very close to campus, and it’s only getting worse,” your teacher began.
Even before he started speaking, your entire class was silent. You could tell something was up when he walked in.
“As I’m sure you’ve seen on the news, it’s becoming more and more difficult for heroes to hold back the uprising of villains in the city. We don’t believe you to be in immediate danger, but UA has decided to implement some intensive safety measure to ensure you are safe.”
You had, indeed, seen the villains on the TV. With All Might around, it seemed nearly impossible for villains to cause much of a havoc. But you noticed he wasn’t around the hero scene as much anymore. Maybe his work as a teacher was taking up more of his time.
“You are to stay in the dorms at all times unless you are traveling to class or to the cafeteria, and stay in groups of two or more when you leave the dorms,” Aizawa explained. “Most visits to campus by non-students and staff will not be allowed, and the same goes for you leaving campus.”
At this news, some of the students began to groan in disappointment. You were also quite disappointed about the prospect of not being able to leave campus for family visits or fun, but you knew it would be for the best.
Once Aizawa had finished his announcement, he left you all to continue unpacking and settling back into your dorms.
“Well, there goes our plans,” you sighed as you and Todoroki walked out of the common room.
“We can just hang out in my room for a little while. Won’t be the same as a walk in the fresh air, but we can still be together for a bit,” Shouto suggested.
“I can help you get unpacked, if you want,” you smiled to him.
“I don’t have too much to unpack, honestly. I left most of my stuff here and didn’t bring much back,” he shrugged.
“Well, alright. Then we’ll just go back and forth between our rooms and unpack together.”
Part 34
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 32/?
Word count: 466
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @stickystrawberrysyrup @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha
Summer passed. Your days were filled with basic training, video calls and meetups with friends, fun summer activities and, most importantly, sleeping.
By the end of your break, you were so ready to be back at UA in your dorm where you could be surrounded by your friends every day. You enjoyed your time off at home, but there was something special about the atmosphere at UA.
As soon as you entered the gates at the school, you ran to the dorms and hugged all of your friends. Everything was the same. The hallways smelled the same, your friends’ smiles were all the same, the joy they all brought you was the same.
One thing you noticed that wasn’t the same, however, was an increased presence of police and pro heroes in the area. But you supposed they were there to welcome you back to school safely.
You quickly dropped your bags in your dorm room and ran back to the common room to catch up with those you hadn’t seen since the beach trip.
Since last semester ended, Shinsou and Denki had found out within days of each other that they were each other’s soulmates, which was only a bit surprising to you. The two seemed very different, but you were sure you’d seen Shinsou silently fawning over Denki a few times last semester.
Mina and Sero had also turned sixteen over the summer, but they still couldn’t see any colors other than the color of their soulmate’s hair, so they knew they hadn’t met them yet.
Kyouka’s birthday was just a few days ago, and she knew who her soulmate was. But she also knew their birthday would be next month. Much to her own heart’s dismay, her brain decided that she didn’t want to talk to them, or anyone else, about it until they also knew.
And on top of that, you and Shouto had only grown closer over the last few months. After he had entrusted you with fragile information about his past, you confided more and more with each other. The two of you had planned to take a walk around campus once you’d gotten settled into your dorms, but your plans were interrupted by Aizawa coming into the dormitory common room.
“Hang on, guys,” he spoke softly, holding his hand up to you and Shouto before you could walk out of the door.
He motioned for you both to come back into the common room and, because of the concerned look on his face, all of the other students gathered around him as well.
“I have some important information for you all, so I need you to listen carefully,” your teacher commanded.
“There has been an influx of dangerous villain activity very close to campus, and it’s only getting worse.”
Part 33
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iceiceminami · 4 years
Also known as
So far for colorstorm everything is TOO peaceful and im afraid something spicy will happen. I have an idea, how about adding LOV especially Dabi 🤔🤔🤔
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You never know what I’ve got up my sleeve 😏
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5 notes · View notes
iceiceminami · 4 years
So far for colorstorm everything is TOO peaceful and im afraid something spicy will happen. I have an idea, how about adding LOV especially Dabi 🤔🤔🤔
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You never know what I’ve got up my sleeve 😏
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iceiceminami · 4 years
A Shouto Todoroki x UA student reader mini fic
Part 31/?
Word count: 586
TAGLIST: @yoonbbyboy @sugarandsoft @grapesauze @pronerdypanda @mocha-focha
A/n: I can’t believe this arc got so long XD But I hope you all enjoyed it. If anyone has any little ideas for fun things to add into the story here and there, feel free to send me an ask! I’d love to hear your ideas :3
The rest of the week moved quickly, much to your dismay, but it was relaxing and enjoyable nonetheless. You, Momo, Tenya, and Shouto started Wednesday morning with a jog before breakfast and continued every morning for the rest of the week. It was nice to come in hot from the jog, grab a quick breakfast, then go jump in the cool ocean.
On the last full day of your trip, the teachers treated everyone to a bonfire and barbecue on the beach. They waited until dusk to start the fire so it would light the area with bright orange flame.
“I wish we could have one of these in the courtyard at school,” you mused as you sat down in the sand a couple meters away from the fire. Denki, Mina, Shouto, Ochaco, and Tsu all sat close to you.
“Just a never-ending bonfire?” Denki asked.
“No, Denki,” you laughed. “A fire pit. That way we can have a fire whenever we want.”
“Ooh, especially in the winter. That would be so nice to sit around the fire in the cold with some hot tea,” Ochaco added.
“And camping by the fire, maybe?” Shouto wondered aloud.
“Yes, that’s a great idea!” Mina shouted. “Winter camping, but we’re all just in the courtyard, unless we could convince the teachers to let us take a trip to the mountains.”
Aizawa happened to walk by with a plate of food as Mina mentioned that.
“I’m not letting you convince me of anything right now,” he argued.
Everyone’s faces dropped into disappointment.
If he were being honest, he was surprised this trip had gone so smoothly, but he was very proud of all of you for how well you did over the semester and was happy to reward you with fun and relaxation.
“As me again when it starts to get cold,” Aizawa smirked as he walked away.
The next morning, everyone was scrambling to make sure the houses were left neat and clean. Lucky for you, you had the organized Tenya and Momo in your group, so most of the housework was already split up amongst the eight of you and finished before Saturday morning.
The bus trip home was quiet. Each of you was torn between wanting to stay at the beach forever and missing home, but one thing was certain: everyone was exhausted.
You and Shouto both fell asleep, him leaning against the window and you against his shoulder. Despite him having showered, his hair still smelled like the bonfire from the night before.
As you fell asleep, your mind was racing with thoughts and memories of the last four months.
You’d taken the entrance exam and made it into UA. Not only that, but you’d made it into class 1-A.
You found amazing people to be your friends. They encourage you, love you, make you smile, and bring so much joy into your life.
You faced trials and trainings unlike anything you were able to do on your own. The hero training course at UA really was unmatched. But you grew stronger and more confident because of it.
You finished the semester at number eight in your class by working hard and studying together with your friends.
And most importantly, you’d met your soulmate, or so your beautiful colored vision told you. But here he was, a dear friend of yours, who you admired and trusted more than anyone else. It had all happened in such a short amount of time.
And you couldn’t be happier.
Part 32
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