iamnotrealhuman · 5 months
More Supernatural episode reactions;
EP 6: Genuinely horrifying and grossed me out- the skin just ugh.
EP 7: Very interesting, and I was invested, the reveal of the necklace was obvious but worked.
EP 8: Just ew.
EP 9: My heart hurts and I will not recover.
EP 10: DAD?!
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iamnotrealhuman · 5 months
I have begun watching Supernatural. And I would like to summarise my thoughts on the first 5 episodes.
EP 1: Holy shit wtf was that.
EP 2: Roy deserved that shit.
EP 3: That was genuinely horrifying and now I don't want to take a bath ever again.
EP 4: What do you mean she's burning?!
EP 5: He had dreams about it?! And isn't going to tell Dean?!
So yeah, enjoying it so far, looking forward to the next episodes and maybe I'll continue giving my scrambled thoughts.
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iamnotrealhuman · 5 months
I watched A Haunting in Venice and I have thoughts;
It was not as good as Murder on the Orient Express. Now, it wasn't a bad movie at all. The cinematography was amazing and the sound design was well thought through and added a lot to the suspense of the movie.
The twist of the movie felt very predictable due to the way they structured the story, and how much screen time they gave characters, etc. So while I did enjoy it, I was much more caught off guard by the twist in the Orient Express, and so I think I'll always favour that movie more than its sequel.
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iamnotrealhuman · 7 months
I finally watched Gone Girl, a long standing film on my list of things to watch. I was always put off by the two and a half hour run time, worrying that I would find the movie boring or a drag, despite it's high praises from the masses.
But I finally bit the bullet and watched it.
I most certainly was not bored. This movie has such a captivating sense about it, the way the story is told and the characters, it was sustainable entertaining throughout.
It may be one of the best written movies I have ever watched.
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iamnotrealhuman · 8 months
I'm terrible at watching shows when they are being hyped, so I have only just finished Queen Charlotte and I will be rewatching it forever.
I went into it thinking of it as more fiction than anything else, as I do with most historically based shows, and it makes it much more enjoyable.
The costuming was beautiful, the story was well paced and written, I liked the presentation of social issues that still plague us to this day, and I enjoyed the representation of mental health within the show, even if it is through the extremely prejudiced eyes of the 1700's.
I will now be watching Bridgerton.
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iamnotrealhuman · 8 months
I have begun watching Hannibal and I must say,
the sound design of this show is amazing, the constant anxiety it makes you feel with the writing and acting is so astounding.
Definitely can see this becoming a new binge series.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
A well paced thriller book is so damn entertaining to read, but I feel so rare to find. So when I do find one, I have to cherish it and read the shit out of it.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
Neil Gaiman really knows how to tear your heart out and stomp it into the ground huh.
I am in pain.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
walked two miles in the scorching sun in the middle of a heatwave today.
i wish to remove my skin and dip it in cold water.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
i'm currently reading The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell and i would recommend it.
so far i've found it very easy to read and follow along with, the pacing is decent, and i'm finding it incredibly interesting with the way the overarching story if being told.
it's been the perfect book to spark my joy of reading again after so long without it.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
i am consistently mad at the lack of fairy centred media in the world.
i will create my own and it will be glorious.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
my dad owns a copy of Good Omens (i have since unintentionally stolen it by borrowing it and never giving it back, he bought a replacement and doesn't care)
it is tattered and bent, the pages are warped and dirtied in some spots, and i think its so beautiful.
it is proudly my most favourite book in my collection, because it so obvious how much it had been loved. it had been read and re-read so much that the spine has divots in it and i love it.
what's more i love that my dad is so happy for me to keep it, i think he gets exactly why i love it so much.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
there's another layer.
i have just realized, since Nimona is widely regarded as an allegory for the trans experience and how it feels to be trans and transition and feel judged and such, this narrative also implies to the trans people watching.
no one is owed your story, nor do you need to sue it to justify your presence in this world to others.
you are you, and what an amazing thing that is.
those who would question that or demand an explanation do not deserve the joy of knowing you.
I love how the true story of Nimona's identity is never really revealed either in the book nor the movie, instead we get vague alludes to what could be the story, but also may not be.
because it doesn't matter.
because how she came to be or what she is doesn't matter, and it shouldn't. she is Nimona, and that is all anyone should ever need to love her.
perfect story writing right there.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
with all the advancements being made in artificial intelligence, i fear we are getting closer to the ever present question.
when does it stop being artificial, where is the line between an artificial intelligence and sentience and consciousness?
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
I love how the true story of Nimona's identity is never really revealed either in the book nor the movie, instead we get vague alludes to what could be the story, but also may not be.
because it doesn't matter.
because how she came to be or what she is doesn't matter, and it shouldn't. she is Nimona, and that is all anyone should ever need to love her.
perfect story writing right there.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
Half of my google searches may land me on some watchlists. Fear not, FBI agents, I am not a murderer in the making.
I am just a writer with a morbid curiosity and a need to make things factually accurate.
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iamnotrealhuman · 9 months
Is it strange to enjoy monotony? To crave a job that is a simple set of repeating tasks. I thrive in repetition, in simplicity and boredom. I'll simply step into my mind full of ideas while my hands continue to work.
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