heyitsmeyuhh · 1 year
The Hardest Part (Jean Kirschtein x Reader)
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AN: Hi all, sorry I’ve been MIA; school has been crazy, and I haven’t had hardly any time to work on creative things. I’m still working on Blood and Wine I promise, and eventually I’ll get around to Midnight City. I just wanted to sit down and bust this little short story out because I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently and I didn’t want to lose it. Let me know how you like it (or don’t like it)! I know its cheesy and not super realistic but its fiction, so I did it anyway haha.
Song Inspo: I Don’t Love You / Cancer (both by My Chemical Romance)
WC: ~ 4.7K
Content: Angst, mutual pining.
February 4th, 2016
I don’t love you, like I did, yesterday.
His guitar solo was always the highlight of the set (in his so humble opinion). Every person in the building was looking straight at him. Most of the fans were either dancing or gazing at him with lusty eyes. A few men around the periphery were glaring at him like they were jealous that their girlfriends were drooling over the band members. One couple in the stands were making out vigorously. His chest swelled with exhilaration.
And when he looked over, she was watching him, like she always was during his solo. His heart skipped a little and he played with a little more intensity.
She was breathtaking; he had no idea how he hadn’t always seen it. She had always been “just a friend” through the years of knowing each other; she’d come over to his place and they would hang out for hours working on sets, watching the latest episodes of whatever show they were fixated on, and just hanging out talking about anything. That isn’t to say he hadn’t fantasized about having sex with her a time or two. However, more than anything, she was a comfort to him, even when she wasn’t trying. On days he was anxious, she would sit with him, sometimes in complete silence. She would sit close to him while watching a movie, so their knees touched or let him sling his legs over her lap just to feel anchored to something. He could fall asleep with his head in her lap, her fingers stroking his hair gently. Other times when he was excited about something, she was the person he always wanted to tell first.
Tonight, the energy from the crowd was intoxicating, and her eyes were there to steady him again. They glowed like fire and if he didn’t know any better, he would think that she was in love with him. He knew she wasn’t, just wishful thinking; it didn’t stop him from imagining them together.
He hadn’t really considered dating her until he had been rejected by the only other woman in the group last December. Mikasa Ackerman, their drummer, was the definition of sultry; she pulled Jean in like she did with every man. But unfortunately, she was head over heels for Eren, their other lead vocalist. Jean couldn’t imagine why. She was gracious about her rejection and she hadn’t let it affect their friendship; she had just always loved Eren, Jean really never had a chance. The first thing he wanted to do was tell Y/n, to sob over a carton of Ben and Jerry’s like they always do watching some soppy romcom, but a nagging feeling told him to keep this one thing to himself. Y/n had asked if he was feeling okay; she always seemed to know when something was up with him no matter how much he tried to ignore it. Instead, he lied and chalked it up to lack of sleep. After moping for a few days, he had gotten over himself. He was more annoyed at pretty boy Eren for getting all the girls than he was about Mikasa passing him over.
Y/n tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and a jolt rocked through Jean’s spine. Nothing Mikasa had ever done was anything like what Y/n could do to him with just that one look. Jean would give up anything for her to look at him like that all the time. He could admit to himself that he had probably always been in love with Y/n deep down; Mikasa really only caught his eye because she was pretty and mysterious. But after the Mikasa situation, he didn’t really feel like threatening another one of his friendships, let alone the best one he had. He’d gotten off easy with Mikasa, but what were the odds of another rejection ending well? He wouldn’t tempt it. Instead, he resigned himself to memorizing every one of Y/n’s glances, savoring every accidental brush of skin, pretending like she was doing it on purpose, imagining what it would be like to hold her up against his chest.
As his solo ended, Y/n shifted her gaze from him and turned back toward her microphone to finish the song. His eyes lingered on her profile and he drank in the striking way the lights illuminated her features. Jean could live with this, for now at least.
February 8th, 2016
Y/n was in Jean’s hotel room like she was most nights on tour. Usually, they would be brainstorming ideas on how to make their sets more interactive and entertaining, but tonight they were settling in for a day off tomorrow. Both were drinking a beer, Y/n sitting at the head of the bed and Jean lying on his side, head toward the TV. He was absentmindedly drawing little shapes along her leg with his hands. Y/n couldn’t help but study those hands, veins tracing their way across the back of his hand like rivers. The skin where he traced tingled and burned, but she stayed as still as possible, as if he were a wild animal that she would scare off if she even moved an inch. His eyes had a distant look and his eyebrows scrunched up like they did when he was chewing on a deep idea.  
She had made the decision to tell Jean tonight about how she felt and let the cards fall where they may. Currently, however, she was distracted with the lines of his shoulders as he leaned on his elbow. His shirt was off, and she could see every muscle ripple as he shifted positions, shoulder tattoos on full display, winding down the natural lines in his arms. She made a mental note not to start drooling yet.
“Yeah?” He snapped back to the present and looked at her, his golden eyes sparkling in the crappy hotel room lighting.
A wave of apprehension washed over her, and for a moment she chickened out.
“Uh, what do you want to do for dinner?”
“I hadn’t really thought about it,” he said sitting up to face her. “What do you want?”
“I don’t know. There was a sushi place down the road that looked kinda good? But I sorta just want to eat in tonight.”
“I’ll call it in and go grab it for us,” Jean decided. He held the ankle he had just been tracing and kissed it before rolling off the bed to grab his phone. Y/n’s heart raced a little, but she regained her composure quickly. Jean had been touchier lately, which gave her the impression that he might like her too, but she couldn’t be sure. If she had her way, he would just ask her himself, so she could save the anxiety she had building up to this.
He brought the phone to his ear and a muffled voice came through on the other end. “The usual?” he asked turning to meet her gaze. Her eyes flickered from his chest back to his eyes and she could feel her cheeks warm a bit. She thought she could see a brief smirk cross his face, but it was gone so fast she couldn’t tell if she had imagined it. Y/n nodded and mouthed a silent thank you as he placed the order. She pretended to turn her attention back to the TV, though Jean’s bare torso was admittedly more interesting than whatever else was on. Once he hung up, he grabbed a shirt and assured Y/n he would be right back.
The minute he left, she let out a breath. She mentally kicked herself for backing down. Her eyes darted to the bedside table where the spare key card lay peeking out of the little check-in folder. She needed a pep talk. She swiped the card from the table and rushed her way over to Mikasa’s room.
Instead Eren answered the door.
“Where’s Mikasa?”
He stood there in some oversized hoodie and gray sweatpants. His hair was pulled back into a messy bun, strands of hair around his temples escaping to frame his face. Green eyes pierced her own, but the haze of weed dulled the focus.
“Out. She’s getting her drum set looked at and you know how much of a control freak she is about anyone touching the thing.” He leaned against the door frame, arms crossed casually.
“Shit,” Y/n muttered under her breath. She considered just calling the whole thing off, but she didn’t want to have wasted all that time she spent hyping herself up for this. She may not have the will power to do it again.
“I need a pep talk.” Y/n grabbed Eren’s sleeve and dragged him back into his apartment.
--- Y/n stood breathless in front of the couch, facing the other lead singer in her band.
“Yeah, Jean asked Mikasa out like two months ago. She didn’t tell you?”
The long-haired brunette was looking at her with inquisitive eyes, a lit joint slotted between his fingers. A tightness had formed in her chest like her heart had sunk into her stomach. As a matter of fact, Mikasa hadn’t told her. Quite the opposite actually. Her mind flashed back to a conversation made in hushed tones, the light scent of alcohol on each of their breaths.
“You should just tell him, honestly, or you’re going to be thinking about it forever and nothing’s gonna happen.”
“Plus, I think he might like you.”
Y/n had been basically in love with Jean for like two years now and nothing had happened. Granted nothing happened because she was too afraid to ruin their friendship. She figured that being friends with him and pining over him forever was better than being rejected and ruining the whole relationship and possibly break up the band.
But on New Year’s, she and Mikasa had stolen away during the party to the bathroom, giggling over something that couldn’t have been that funny. Y/n remembered whispering to her, trying to pretend like they hadn’t locked everyone else out of one of the two bathrooms at the house. They had a long conversation and eventually Y/n spilled her guts about her feelings for Jean, but how she couldn’t stand to lose their friendship if her confession went poorly. Drunk confessions were always the most honest; now she realized that she was ignorant to have taken Mikasa’s drunk advice. She had encouraged her whole heartedly to let him know how she felt; after all, Mikasa had made that her resolution too. She was going to kiss Eren at midnight. For some reason, she seemed to have completely omitted this little detail about Jean being in love with her instead.  
“I can’t believe she never told me.” Y/n felt like she needed to sit down. All at once, she was losing the people that were closest to her. Did Mikasa care so little about her that she pushed her into ruining her relationship with Jean? How could Mikasa not have warned her that he wasn’t interested, that he was in love with her instead?
“It was right at the beginning of December. We hadn’t started dating yet and I guess she just told him that she wasn’t interested. Honestly, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.” Eren took a long drag from the joint and puffed some of the smoke into the air between them casually.
“Yeah.” Y/n said half-heartedly. Suddenly she sagged like someone had slung sandbags over her shoulders. All her nervous energy left her body at once and she slumped into the massive couch next to Eren. She remembered that early December was around the time Jean had gone into his little slump. She did everything she could to try to pull him out but she couldn’t figure out what was going on. He wouldn’t leave his room, he didn’t seem to want to eat, and all he wanted to do was lie around the house. He seemed better after about a week, but now she wondered if he’s been trying to distract himself with her all this time.
“Who was I kidding anyway.”
He leaned forward to look at Y/n’s face. “Oh, shit you really do like him. This wasn’t going to be some quick fuck?” His expression was now serious, his mind combatting the haze from the weed. Y/n nodded dejectedly.
“Damn, I’m sorry you had to find out like that.” he huffed, slouching back into the couch next to her. “Well, Mikasa’s taken. Maybe you could still try talking to him.”
She shook her head silently; she couldn’t form words right now without choking down a sob. Instead, she grabbed the blunt from Eren and took a long drag. He looked at her with worry, she didn’t often partake unless there were special circumstances. Y/n didn’t notice and took a second drag before handing it back to him. She could feel time start to slow around her, and for a moment, this whole situation made her giggle; it wasn’t funny, but it was getting more and more ridiculous in her mind. Eren chuckled beside her, though he had no idea why they were laughing.
After what felt like hours, Y/n stood and made her way back to the door without saying a word. Eren remained on the couch but called over his shoulder.
“Hey.” Y/n paused at the door, looking back to meet his knowing eyes. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.” She shut the door silently behind her and she drug her feet all the way back to Jean’s room. Y/n swiped the card lazily, letting herself in and immediately walked straight to the bed and flopped face down.
Minutes later, she was awoken from her half-asleep state to hear someone enter the room behind her. She rolled over languidly to see Jean carrying a bag of takeout in one hand, and a single carton of ice cream in the other. His eyebrows furrowed, but there was a small smirk on his face.
“What have you been up to while I was gone? I haven’t been gone more than 45 minutes.” He chuckled a little and set the food on the desk. Y/n didn’t answer, instead she sat up and stared at his back as he organized dinner across the table.
He’s in love with Mikasa.
“I’m high,” Y/n said obviously. He chuckled again and nodded knowingly. She stood and pulled another chair up to the desk, attempting to recover the happiness she had felt just hours ago and accepting the fact that this was all their relationship would be. Her heart ached dully in her chest as she stole glances of him as he ate, the lines next to his eyes crinkling when he smiled, tongue occasionally darting out to lick his lips. It was all moving in slow motion, her thoughts drifted through her head like molasses. His eyes, caramel in the dim lighting, glided over her smoothly, and the corners of his mouth drew up.
“Are you tired?” He asked softly. Y/n nodded, and Jean stood, leading her to the bed. He pulled back the sheets and she tucked herself underneath. Jean folded the comforter around her and knelt down, face on level with hers.
“Sleep here tonight,” he stated, not asking.
“Okay,” she whispered. She knew she should have gone back to her room. She knew that this would just make everything hard on her in the morning. But at this point, she couldn’t gather the willpower to take care of her future self. She selfishly wanted to pretend just one more night that things were still normal. That things were going to be okay. “Stay with me?”
Jean smiled softly, his eyes droopy with sleep. “Anything for you,” he whispered back, kissing her forehead. He pulled back the sheets again and slid into the sheets next to her, reaching over to click off the lights. She slotted herself under his arm, head against his chest, drifting off to the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat.  
April 30th, 2016
The rounded booth they were at was tucked away in the corner of the restaurant, though the din of the room still reverberated around them. Mikasa was sitting next to Eren, her hand on his knee and his arm slung across the back of the bench seat. Y/n sat between her and Jean, with some of the other people from their team filling in the rest. She was attempting to stay involved in the conversation, but she kept drifting back to her own thoughts every few minutes, needing to be called back by someone when she was asked a question.
Since she woke up the morning after she had spoken to (and smoked with) Eren, she tried everything she could to shake her little crush on Jean. She tried focusing on all the weird idiosyncrasies he had, all the gross habits, all the annoying behaviors. The more she looked for these things, however, the more it highlighted the reasons she had fallen for him in the first place. He looked at her and listened when she spoke about things that made her happy or upset. He opened up to her about his dreams and aspirations even when he was embarrassed or bashful about his ideas. He made her laugh until her stomach hurt. And unfortunately, he always seemed to know when something as bothering her, even when she didn’t quite realize it yet.
Because of this, he had been prying her to open up about why she’s been more distant lately, and it broke her heart even more to keep it from him.
But she couldn’t tell him. She could never tell him. Because there was no point; deep down, he wanted someone else.
“Y/n? Did you want to go to that bar after dinner?”
“Hm? Oh, uh, I think I’m just gonna head back to my room actually.”
“Are you feeling alright? You seem really out of it right now,” Armin, their manager asked, concern radiating from his place across the table.
She could really use some of Eren’s weed right now.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’ve just had a headache all day.” Y/n gave a feeble smile and looked back at the spot on the table that she had been staring at zoning out a moment ago. She felt a soft touch grace her left knee and she flinched away, glancing up to meet Mikasa’s gaze. She had retracted her hand like she’d been stung and looked at Y/n with concern.
Y/n’s eyes flicked from hers to Eren’s, who had noticed the subtle exchange. He looked to Mikasa and back to Y/n with wide eyes, trying to silently apologize. Y/n was also trying to preserve her relationship with Mikasa as much as possible, but the betrayal was slowly picking away at the edges and she was struggling to maintain her composure. She felt like she had lost two of the people closest to her all at once and keeping her emotions off her face was sapping the energy quicker than she could handle.
Her face got hot as she realized everyone at the table had noticed what just happened. They continued their conversation out of courtesy, but their glances gave them away. Suddenly the air felt thick and she felt the room closing in on her.
“I need to get up,” she whispered to Jean. He scrunched his eyebrows, concerned, and he put his hand on her back trying to be comforting, but she straightened up, avoiding the contact. “I’m just getting a little overwhelmed, I need some air.”
He waved his hand so the others on the bench seat could let her out. He too slid out of the seat and offer her his hand. She took it briefly to pull herself upright and walked swiftly to the door. She pushed it open with her shoulder, stepping out into the brisk night and shivered. Her breath came out shaky, tears threatening to spill over her lashes. She took some deep breaths and swallowed down the lump in her throat; she wouldn’t let them fall, not tonight.
As she was trying to compose herself to go back inside, she heard the soft bell above the door of the restaurant. Lifting her head, she expected to see Jean there to ask her what was up with her again, but instead it was Armin, concern written on his face.
“Hey, are you sick? I can take you home if you need?” he asked worriedly.
“I can’t do this anymore, Armin.”
“It’s okay, I can take you back right now.’ He motioned to pull the keys to the car out of his pocket.
“No, I mean I have to quit the band.”
He froze. They stood there in the cold staring at each other. Y/n thought saying that would feel like the right answer, but instead it just filled her with more anxiety.
“Let’s talk about this in the car.”
They walked to the SUV in silence, closing the doors behind them to seal away the chill.
“What’s going on Y/n?”
“I just can’t do this anymore Armin.” She tipped her head back to stare at the ceiling of the cab, letting the tears roll back away from the brims of her eyes. She told herself she wouldn’t let them fall tonight.
“What can’t you do anymore? I don’t understand.” She was silent, continuing to stare up.
“Y/n I can’t do anything for you if I don’t know what’s happening,” he repeated gently. Y/n took a big sigh and finally turned to face him.
And then she spilled everything, all the thoughts that have been weighing on her since that night nearly three months ago. Every aching moment she spent with Jean, the betrayal she was desperately trying to ignore, and the futility of her pretending like nothing happened. The tears blurred her vision but remained in place. When she finished, there was a thick pause hanging in the air.  
“I see.” He finally broke the silence. “So, you want out after your last show?”
Y/n nodded.
“Okay. We should tell the others . . .”
“No!” Y/n interrupted, “I can’t tell them. If they know, they’ll try to convince me to stay and I don’t think I have the resolve to say no.”
“So you’re just going to disappear after? Just take off and never tell anyone you we’re leaving?”
“I was going to say goodbye at the show,” Y/n replied meekly. Armin sucked in a small breath.
“You’re going to blindside them then? Right there in front of the entire crowd?”
“I’ve been writing this song,” she whispered. “I think I’ve finally finished it. I was going to play it at the show. I can’t give them the opportunity to talk me out of it, and this will be sort of like my swan song to the fans.”
“What am I supposed to tell the media? What am I supposed to tell the band?”
“Once I’m gone you can tell the band whatever you want. Tell them the truth, an elaborate lie, I don’t care. I just want to be able to leave that show and move on with my life.” She rolled her head to look out the passenger side window. Fog was rolling in as the night deepened.
“You don’t feel like you owe them an explanation?”
Y/n took a deep breath, allowing just one tear to roll down her cheek. “I feel like I owe myself some peace.”
May 2nd, 2016
The crowd surged and undulated to the sound of the music coming from the stage. Every eye was on them and girls screamed for the attention of every band member. Two sweaty bras had been thrown on the stage already. This was likely the largest and most energetic crowd they had seen all tour. The audience was riled up for their last event of the circuit; the perfect storm to have one of the most memorable shows of their career.
So why was Jean feeling so uneasy?
He was watching her sing just like he had been doing for the past year or so. The crowd was always captivated by her, even with Eren singing by her side; she buzzed with her own vitality that was hard to take your eyes off of.
Recently, though she seemed to have lost a little bit of her liveliness during her sets. The glow had left her skin, though this was imperceptible to anyone who wasn’t looking, anyone who didn’t know her like he did. Something was wrong, but she faked it well. She had been acting weird the last few months, but when he had tried to ask her if anything was bothering her, she just chalked it up to feeling under the weather. He didn’t believe her, but he wouldn’t push the topic further. In hindsight, he wished he had.
His guitar solo was coming up. She finished her line and he stepped up to play. He looked over, expecting for their eyes to meet on cue, but her gaze never left the crowd. Her expression was muted; there was less life in her eyes than there was before. Jean felt his eyebrows furrow slightly; she had never not looked at him, even since she started acting different. He played on without missing a beat, but his eyes never left her, silently begging for her to just glance at him. Panic rose in his throat; something was definitely wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on exactly why. No one else seemed to notice anything was off and it made every hair on his body stand on end.
As the music faded, Eren thanked the crowd and Jean hit his cue to bow and exit the stage, but instead of walking off behind him, Y/n stepped up to the front of the stage. She spoke slowly into the microphone.
“I actually have a little something I prepared myself planned for one last song.” Y/n finally looked over to him with a small shine gracing the rims of her eyes, smiling halfheartedly. After a little hesitation, Eren and Mikasa stepped across the stage to where Jean was waiting, looking at him questioningly. As if he knew what was going on; he couldn’t get her to open up about anything lately, he wasn’t in on this surprise. She seated herself at the piano.
A slow ballad shuddered from the instrument, her fingers deftly weaving her way through the song. Jean’s eyes never left her as he listened to her tell a story about the dying author saying goodbye to her family. That rising anxiety only sharpened and continued to drag its way through his chest.
Cause’ the hardest part of this, is leaving you.
A cold stab of fear pierced his heart.
He looked to Eren and Mikasa, who hadn’t figured it out yet, confusion thoroughly gracing their faces. They met his eyes, which seemed to confirm all three of their revelations. Jean was frozen in place, looking back to her, breath caught in his throat. He could see now that the glint in her eyes were tears that had escaped her delicate lashes. Jean could feel his own well up in his eyes, but he wiped it away quickly; he was desperate to see every detail of her clearly.
Her beautiful face was strained, and she kept her eyes on the piano. The crowd was oddly silent; not just because they didn’t know the words, but because they were also puzzled about this solo encore. They were enraptured though, every eye and phone camera fixated only on her.
The song came to a head and finally, after holding out all night, she finally gave him that glance he has been feverishly searching for.
Cause’ the hardest part of this, is leaving you.
The song reverberated through the stadium as it faded, and the crowd roared. She held his gaze, sorrow painting her striking features. Jean couldn’t feel his body. It wasn’t until she spoke again that the stadium truly understood what that song meant. She grabbed the mic and turned to face them.
“Thank you all for all the support and the love. Tonight, was my last show. I love you all.” Her voice was strained, but she held it together enough to give a wave as she left the stage. Jean, Eren, and Mikasa stood there dumbfounded as the lights dimmed and the curtain rolled down from the rafters.
Her figure disappeared behind the corner of the stage.
Jean was frozen. I’m too late.
24 notes · View notes
heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// Okay, this chapter may be a little scuffed, but here it is! Just a reminder, I have caught up to myself so there is no more written ahead. Essentially, this means that things may come out a little slower, but I’ll still have my taglist running if anyone wants to be a part of that! Have fun!
TW// Smut. MDNI, I’m going to have to start asking for age if its not posted! 
WC// >3.2K
Chapter 9
Their lips collided, and for the first time that night, Suna felt the coil of tension snap. At first, he moved slowly, savoring the taste of her lips on his. As he leaned into her, she parted her lips slightly. His tongue danced with hers, recapturing her lips with his teeth gently every time she began to pull away. One hand brushed past her cheek again to weave his fingers into her hair, the other wandered down to rest on her thigh, slipping his fingers just inside the slit up the side of her dress. He could feel her breath hitch slightly, and she leaned closer to him, propping herself on one arm. Her other hand slowly made its way to his chest, sliding her fingers under his jacket.
The growing warmth in his chest urged him to pull her closer and closer to him. He felt like it would be impossible to let her go now; his heart ached for every inch that she was apart from him. A wave of impulsivity washed over him, and he hooked both hands around her thighs to hoist her onto his lap, her dress riding up to expose the silky skin beneath. Her gasp of surprise shot straight to his groin as he captured her lips again, this time with more hunger than before. He felt desperate, as if this moment would evaporate in front of him if he slowed even for a moment.
His lips travelled down the curve of her jaw and to her neck, sucking softly. The thought of marking her as his was intoxicating, especially after the shit Ushijima pulled tonight. He moved with increasing fervor, nipping at the delicate skin crudely. Y/n tipped her head, exposing her neck further and moaning slightly at the contact. Suna’s hands slipped down along the gentle curve of her waist to her ass, pressing her down against the growing bulge in his pants. Her hands moved to his shoulders to stabilize herself and he could feel her start to rut herself slowly against him. This time it was his turn to let a constrained moan escape his lips and head fell back against the seat. His hands continued to guide her movements and he was actually worried that he might cum just from this before they even got back to the penthouse.
As if on cue, Suna could feel the car come to a gentle stop and a knock on the divider. He broke his eyes from her chest in front of him, panting slightly and looked up. Her pupils were blown, and her hair was now disheveled. She looked so exquisite from this angle that Suna didn’t think he could move.
After a moment, she shifted uncertainly under his gaze and he moved her off his lap and slipped out of the car, holding his hand out for her. Her touch was like fire and Suna nearly lost all patience on the walk to the side of the building and into the elevator.
The second the doors closed, his hands were on her waist again. He turned her so her back was against the wall and he pinned her against the cool metal with his hips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, one hand tangling in his now shaggy hair.
“Should we be doing this?” Her eyes transitioned from sultry to hesitant with the pause.
“Why shouldn’t we?” Suna breathed, leaning forward and reattaching his lips to her neck.
“I’m not really someone that sleeps with people that I’m not in a relationship with,” she said matter-of-factly. Suna could tell that she wanted to say more, but she bit her tongue. He pulled his head back and looked into her eyes, hesitancy hidden just under the surface.
Maybe I pushed her too far. Suna kicked himself for moving this fast with her, but he was getting desperate. Just her presence was enough to drown him lately, and he loses all logical thought around her. Even now, looking at her expression of uncertainty, all he wants is to wrap himself in her and never leave his penthouse again.
What is happening to me?
For a moment, he didn’t answer her. His thoughts swirled, and he couldn’t seem to grasp any one solidly. He was torn; he had always taken what he wanted without remorse. He was in such a position that he was always expected to take things by force. But with her… he had never felt so gentle. Despite wanting to fuck her like an animal, he felt strangely protective of her, and every time he thinks about the end of her contract, though it was months away, something stirs in him that he had never experienced before. His stomach curls up within itself and he can feel his heart begin to race. It all made him want to lock her in his room forever, just to escape that feeling of panic that rose in his throat.
But even with the questioning look she was giving him, he couldn’t sense any fear in her, and that was enough to tear his heart in two.
“What are you thinking about?” Y/n asked quietly.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, bunny.” He leaned his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. “I got a little carried away.”
For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, she shifted underneath him, and he could feel one hand cup his cheek gently. The elevator dinged softly behind them.
He leaned back and took her hand, leading her from the small cabin to the wide living area. He let her soft fingers slip from his hand and he went to the kitchen, slipping off his jacket and loosening his tie.
“It seems that you are occupying my thoughts more and more lately.”
“Me?” She asked, following him and leaning on the counter opposite him. He nodded. “Why?” Amusement danced in her eyes, lighting them with an enigmatic vivacity that entranced Suna once again. There was no sign of hesitation left, though she did seem to be hanging onto his words just as he clung to hers.
He was aware that this was the same position that they were in on the first night he brought her here, but that time she was prying him for information. Now he stands here in front of her, preparing to expose the pieces of himself that he has never bared to anyone.
He chuckled softly and smirked a little, stepping forward and closing the gap between their bodies. His hands ghosted her waist and he could feel her shiver. “Everything you do seems to enrapture me. Watching you dance the first few times… I couldn’t look away. Then, you avoided me for a while after Komori, but you came back eventually, and you even wore that diamond necklace I had bought for you.” Suna brushed a few strands of hair away from her neck, his fingers lingering on the soft skin of her shoulder, a pleasant tingling sensation shooting down his arm through his chest.
“I don’t really understand why I feel so drawn to you, bunny, and frankly it might ruin me,” Suna smirked softly at her look of subdued perplexity. “But, I’m allowed to make my own decisions as the head of my family.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want you, bunny. And if you don’t want the same, I’ll never mention it again. You’ll be in constant danger, being associated with me and my business, but I’ll keep you safe, and you’ll never want for anything for the rest of your life.” Her gaze had become agonizing and Suna felt like he stopped breathing.
Then, she craned her neck up and met his lips again. Suna’s chest felt like it was exploding, exhilaration bursting forward. He was toppling off the ledge, completely lost in her. If there had been an earthquake, he wasn’t sure he would notice. Her curves were only covered by a layer of silk, the warmth radiating through the thin fabric. He wanted it off; he wanted to tear it off her. Suna wasted no time moving his hands from her hips to cup her ass.
She broke the kiss again. “But, what about your reputation? Won’t this cause some kind of trouble for you?”
“Do you want this?”
“Do you want this, bunny?”
She paused for a moment, looking up at him. He held his breath. She nodded.
“Then it’s yours.” He ducked his head to her neck again.
“I just thought…”
“Don’t think,” he whispered against her neck. He lifted her to sit on the counter, ghosting his lips down her shoulder and across her chest. Suna slipped the thin straps of her dress off, leaving them dangling over her arms. His hands deftly unzipped her dress and allowed it to fall around her waist exposing her sculpted breasts. He moved his mouth to her nipple, licking gently and gazing up at Y/n’s reaction. Her head was tipped back, eyes closed, quiet, breathy moans escaping her lips. Suna pulled away with a small pop before moving over to the other side. As he worked, his hands continued to slide the dress further down her body, caressing the smooth skin of her waist. She wrapped her legs around him as he lifted her from the counter to slide the fabric past her hips. As he set her back down, the garment fluttered to the floor, all the while his lips never left her breast. Her arms dangled over his shoulders, back arching into his touch. She was left in nothing but a lacy black thong, black stiletto heels, and the diamond necklace.
Suna trailed his lips back up to her neck before cupping his hands on her ass, encouraging her to wrap her legs around him again. Their lips met again as he lifted her from the counter and carried her to his bedroom, kicking the door open. As soon as his knees hit the bed frame, he set her down on the silk sheets.
Before he could pull back, her hand slipped from his shoulder and grabbed his tie. Her stare had become intense and sultry; Suna had never seen this side of her before, and the look in her eyes surprised him. Her other hand began to push the jacket off his shoulders, and Suna shrugged to help it the rest of the way. Her hands worked fast to undo the buttons of his shirt, and he yanked at the neck of the tie to pull it over his head.
His shirt was discarded to a corner of the room as Y/n reached for the button of his slacks. Suna’s hand grabbed her wrists roughly, and pushing her back against the mattress, hovered over her, clasping both wrists with one hand above her head. He could see her back arch slightly, and her eyes became dark, encouraging him. His free hand slowly trailed up her bare abdomen, cupping a breast gently. One finger curled to flick her nipple and she sucked in a breath, mouth slightly agape. His hand continued its ascent until it settled lightly over her throat. He looked at her questioningly and she nodded for him to continue.
He cocked an eyebrow, fascinated in her change of demeanor now that she was in bed with him. Her confidence and deviance exited him, spurring him forward.
His hand pressed a little more tightly, but not enough to restrict breathing or blood flow. Just enough to see her eyes widen in excitement. He leaned forward, their lips meeting again, freeing her wrists, and propping himself over her. Immediately, her hands slid their way down his chest to his waist, and finally back to his belt. She released the clasp deftly and slid his slacks down his hips. Her hand ghosted over the bulge in his boxers and Suna couldn’t help but moan against her soft lips. Y/n smiled into the kiss and ran her hand more firmly up his hardening cock.
“Fuck,” he sighed out, craving more friction. Her fingers toyed with his waistband before slipping one hand in to grasp his length. Suna’s abs clenched, and he broke the kiss and grabbed her wrist.
“Not yet,” he whispered in her ear. As he said this, he began to kiss down her body, between her breasts, and licked a stripe down her stomach. When he came to the edge of the lace thong, he grabbed the edge with his teeth to slowly peel it down her legs. She reached for the clasp of her heel on her ankle before he swatted her hand away again.
“These stay on.”
Y/n cocked her eyebrow in amusement and pulled her hand from her ankle. Suna’s lips met her hip bones, peppering light kisses towards her heat. She squirmed impatiently, but remained in place, one hand carding its way through his dark locks. He tapped her knee, signaling for her to spread her legs, which she did with little hesitation.
“So wet for me, bunny.” His tongue liked a quick strip up her center, her gasp encouraging him to continue slowly. He moved his tongue in leisurely, methodical circles around her clit, watching her back arch of the bed and carding her fingers through his hair. A jolt of electricity shot from his scalp to his dick with her touch, and he moved his hand to slip a finger into her core. A small whine escaped her lips, and Suna smirked at the sound. He slipped another finger in slowly, curling his fingers in order to hear her sweet voice whine for him again and again. He felt like he could stay down here all night, tongue and fingers moving in tandem and Y/n squirming and writhing under his touch.
He could tell she was getting close when her heels began to slide their way up his back, toes pointed and thighs slowly closing in on his head. His pace quickened slightly, earning another moan from her beautiful lips. Her hand tightened in his hair, barely grinding herself against his face, until the coil snapped, and her body trembled in ecstasy. Suna slowed his movement, allowing her to come down from her high, thighs releasing his head and resting limp on his shoulders. He slipped them down to hover his body above her, chin wet with her slick. She leaned up to kiss him, tasting herself on his tongue.
“Taste so good, bunny,” Suna whispered into her ear. Y/n shivered and wrapped her arms around his neck. His cock was uncomfortably hard at this point, and he rolled his hips against her for a little bit of friction. Her hands made their way down his chest, grazing her fingers over his nipples on the way down. Suna groaned silently, but Y/n smirked a little at the reaction. Her hands found his waistband, and this time he didn’t stop her from slipping the soft fabric down off his legs. Her hand wrapped around his cock, and moved with languid, gentle strokes. Suna struggled to contain his moans, but with every movement of her hand, he was melting into her, his shoulders drooping and his head resting in the crook of her neck.
“Fuuuck,” he whispered, kissing her neck distractedly. His hips twitched into her hand and he could feel the pressure building in his abdomen.
Her thigh pressed into his side, signaling him to flip over onto his back. He followed her lead and she straddled his waist. Suna automatically slid his hands up her thighs, landing on her waist. She began to grind herself back and forth over him slowly, mischievous eyes watching his reactions closely. Suna let out a sigh and let his head fall back, eyes closing to focus on the feeling of her wetness sliding across his dick. He sat up, allowing her to continue her movements, but pressing her chest to his. She kissed him deeply once more before whispering to him.
“In the top drawer.”
She pulled away slightly to reach over to the nightstand, pulling out a foil wrapper from the drawer. Suna was about to take it from her, but she took the corner between her teeth and tore it open herself. Taking the rubber ring, she slowly rolled it down the length of his cock and without taking any more time, lined it up to her core. Suna’s hands slipped back up to her sides, and she lowered herself down, adjusting to his size with a prolonged sigh. He could feel himself bottom out and she paused for a moment.
When she started to move herself over him, Suna felt like he was in heaven. She was so warm and tight, his mind cleared, and he reveled in a moment of bliss.
“Shit,” a shiver crawled up his spine. “Feels so good… Just like that.” Y/n smiled slightly at the praise. She continued her pace pushing Suna to lie flat against the sheets again. His hands moved with her, helping her roll herself onto him. The heat built in his abdomen and his hips jerked up into her occasionally. Her movements began to slow, he could tell she was getting tired, and he thrust up into her at a quicker pace. She fell forward, bracing her hands on his chest. One of Suna’s hands moved to her clit and began to rub small circles, feeling her tighten around him. Their moans filled the room along with the sound of skin slapping together, driving Suna to move faster.
“Fuck, Rin, I’m close,” she whispered.
“Cum for me bunny.”
Her core squeezed, and she let out a small moan before she came, pulsing around him and throwing her head back. That was all Suna needed before he came as well, spilling into the rubber and stilling his movements.
She collapsed onto his chest and they both laid there, slowly catching their breath. He could feel himself begin to soften inside her and he rolled her onto the bed next to him, getting up to toss the spent condom and grab a warm towel from the bathroom. When he came back he slowly cleaned both of them, kissing her thighs and stomach gently as he went. His gentle touches caused her sensitive body to twitch with every caress, and she smiled lazily down at him. He moved down her leg leisurely, untying her heels one by one, kissing each ankle as he went. When he was done, he tossed the towel to the side and crawled his way up to kiss her lightly. Y/n had a tired smile on her face, and Suna’s stomach seized seeing her lying there in nothing but that diamond necklace around her delicate neck.
So beautiful, he thought.
He laid his head on her chest and she stroked his hair for a moment. Suna sighed; he had never felt so tranquil in his life. He nearly forgot about the stress of life outside of his bedroom walls. If he had the choice, he would throw it all away right now, never leave this room. How could everything have changes in just a few months?
He craned his neck to look up at Y/n. She smiled down at him, sleep beginning to cloud her eyes. He pulled back the sheets, and she rolled over to allow him to slip in next to her. She nuzzled up into his chest and his arm wrapped around her warm body.
They laid there for a minute, the rom again silent, and he could feel her breath even. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. She never moved, and he stayed awake for another minute just to watch her.
Is this what love feels like?
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy @sleepisfortheweakpooh @sakusakiyoomi10​
52 notes · View notes
heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// Who would have thought that smut was so hard to write (its not in this chapter, sorry y’all, I’m still struggling through it!). I can’t tell if you guys liked the last chapter or not, but here it is! 
Also, side note, I am still trying to work on the Bokuto fic soon if anyone is still reading... I finally have a break from school lol
TW// Murder, mafia stuff. Tbh I think this chapter is fairly mundane. Maybe a little drinking and drug use references. 
WC// >2.2K
Chapter 8
Ushijima held out his hand and Y/n met his to shake it. However, instead of meeting her halfway, his hand gently clasped her fingers and he brought them to his lips gently. Y/n’s face grew warm again. God you have to get this blushing thing under control. You’re embarrassing yourself…
“And your name?” … but, damn, I could get used to this; meeting all of Suna’s classy friends.
“Y/n.” He smiled and leaned back in his chair, resting one hand on the table to swirl the wine in his glass absently.
“So, I haven’t seen you around any of these events before. Have you two recently become acquainted?” He took a sip of the pale golden liquid in the glass delicately.
Y/n’s mind went blank and she tried to mimic his actions with her wine. Oh God, what do I tell him? I can’t just come out and admit that I work for him because my brother made some bad business decisions and idiotically traded me to pay off his debts. I didn’t even think about this. She tried to drag out her sip to buy some time, but every excuse that came to her mind was worse than the last.
“Right, I… uh met him a few months ago at his club…” She trailed off hoping that her silence wasn’t as painfully obvious to him as it was to her. Fortunately, the waiter walked by at that moment and she was able to break the conversation momentarily to order. She silently thanked him for pouring her more wine to occupy her hands.
“Ah, I see. And what do you do?” His questions seemed innocent enough, but Y/n felt like he was reading her mind about all the topics she couldn’t explain without completely embarrassing herself.
“Well, I graduated from medical school in the states, but I came back to practice here.”
Y/n hoped he wouldn’t ask whether she actually was practicing, but at this point she felt like she was just trying to draw out the conversation, desperately grasping for any way to steer the topic away from how she knows Suna.
Her prayers seemed to be answered when he took her answer at face value. “That’s interesting, Y/n, beautiful and intelligent. Admirable qualities in a woman.” He raised his glass as if to toast her and took another sip from his glass, emptying it. As if on cue, another waiter swooped over to fill his glass again as he held it out and was gone again in a second. The ethereal aura around this man was intoxicating.
“So, Ushijima, what do you do?” The minute the words left her mouth, a pang of fear gripped her chest. She knew better than to be asking people of his caliber questions about their profession. Oh God, now I’m gonna be swept off to some warehouse and they’re going to dump my body in some alley a few days from now with a bullet in the back of my head. Idiot…
But Ushijima only chuckled at the sudden panicked expression on her face. “I am somewhat of a business man like Suna is. We dabble in different markets, but our work is essentially the same.” Y/n signed heavily, allowing the tension to leave her body. Your imagination is too wild for your own good.
“I do enjoy my work, however, hard it may be. It allows me to attend events such as these and meet elegant, clever women such as you.”
Y/n could feel a small smile grace her cheeks at his charms, confidence building in her with his compliments, instead of diffidence. The longer she talked with him, the deeper his eyes felt, his gaze fixed on her seemingly enraptured. She examined his features distractedly; his strong jaw cut from stone, his arms clearly toned despite the suit that was concealing them, his chest broad and firm…
Suddenly, a hand fell on the table next to her, and she could feel heat radiating from someone close behind her. Her head jolted to the side to see a large ringed hand flat against the table next to her glass, familiar tattoos peeking out from under the sleeve of the suit jacket.
“Suna,” Ushijima regarded the man behind her with newfound formality and a terse stare.
“I see you’ve acquainted yourself with Y/n,” Suna replied. She could nearly feel a drop in the temperature.
“She is a remarkable woman, Suna, I can’t believe you haven’t brought her around here earlier. I heard you two met over two months ago,��� He shook his head and tsked a few times, “It is a wonder that you two met each other considering your business endeavors. She doesn’t strike me as an… ecdysiast.” The hand beside her clenched slightly, and Y/n glanced up to see an expression on Suna’s face that she had never seen before. Her heart stopped for a moment; his sage eyes seemed to be glowing, and though his facial expression was unreadable, she imagined that this is where they got the phrase “if looks could kill”.
Y/n squirmed a little in her chair, becoming increasingly unnerved at this sudden change in the tone of the conversation. Seeing Suna like this was alarming and the air around her became thick. Her breaths shallowed, and she leaned back into Suna subconsciously, desperately clinging to any comfort to ground her again.
When she looked back at Ushijima, the joviality that she had witnessed earlier was gone, as if she had hallucinated it. His eyes had become cold and were no longer reminiscent of the night sky, but instead dark pits come to envelop her whole.
“I see that the time has come for me to withdraw to my table, but it was a pleasure Y/n. I hope that I get another chance to speak to you again soon.” He offered his hand again, just as he did when he first sat at her table, but Y/n recoiled imperceptibly at his approach. She faked a meek smile, hoping he wouldn’t offend at her slight, but he retracted with a shrug and drifted off toward a dark corner of the room.
“Are you okay?” Suna asked quietly. Over the din of the room, Y/n almost missed it; she was shocked that she had been deceived by someone who had seemed so charming and personable. As she turned, he was sitting in his chair right next to her, leaning into take a look at her closely.
“I’m fine. Just a little shook up.” Y/n answered quietly. “Who was that guy?”
“Do not engage with him again,” Suna answered. “He’s…” he trailed off, leaving the end of the sentence hanging in the thickening air. Despite the hundreds of people around her, Y/n was chilled to her core, and she let out a little shiver. Suna stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, his fingers lingering over her soft skin.
A few moments later, the waiters brought out their dinner and set the dishes in front of each of them. Suna retracted his hand and thanked them as they left, his eyes never leaving Y/n’s. She took a deep breath and he grabbed her hand to give it a small squeeze before turning to eat quietly. She followed suit, though much of her appetite had vanished. Occasionally, Y/n would gather the courage to steal a glance at Ushijima and every time he was staring right back.
As they finished eating, the woman at the microphone stopped and the band quieted for her to speak.
“Alright, you cool cats, I’m gonna slow this next one down for you. Grab your ladies or your gentlemen and get out here for a little blast from the past.” As she finished, My Eyes Adored You by Frankie Valli began to flow from the band on the stage. One by one, couples made their way to the floor below the stage. Y/n noticed that each of the powerful families and their children remained in their seats.
“Would you like to dance?” She turned in her seat to the sight of Suna standing behind her, hand outstretched for her to take. Y/n couldn’t help but to admire his chiseled form for the second time that night and she sat there transfixed for a moment before she could get herself to squeak out an answer.
“Uh… Yeah, I’d love to.” She offered her hand and he led her to the center of the crowd. He slipped a hand on her waist, the other taking her hand and slotting their fingers together. She laid her other hand on his shoulder. Had she been aware of her surroundings, she would have noticed all the eyes on them, rocking slowly to the music. Instead, she felt as if the world had darkened around them. Her heart was beating a little faster, and she hoped that he couldn’t read the thoughts running through her mind.
She was absolutely bewitched by him.
They danced there, swaying in a circle for half the song. Y/n had laid her head on his shoulder, and his arm curled tighter around her, pressing their bodies together firmly. She could smell the cologne on his neck, a deep musky smell with hints of cedarwood and blackberry. His strong hand spread across the small of her back, and she felt as if she wasn’t in a room filled with dangerous people, dancing with a man who murdered someone in front of her only a few months ago. Here in his arms, she could almost forget that she is a debt still unpaid.
Lifting her head from his chest, she looked up into those mesmerizing eyes, attempting to read his expression. His features were soft, and for the first time since she met him, he looked almost happy. The corner of his lip quirked up subtly and a faraway look graced his eyes.
“Yes, bunny?”
She paused, not knowing how to proceed. She had the urge to blurt out everything that she was feeling at that moment. She wanted to tell him that despite everything that has happened in the last two months, he made her feel safe. Despite her brother’s betrayal and his subsequent capture, she trusted this man holding her so close. Despite the business he conducts, the danger he is constantly involved in, despite even the threat from Ushijima just minutes ago, she…
“I–” she hesitated.
Fuck, I think I’m in love with him.
“I’ve had a wonderful time tonight.” She sighed out her answer, restraining the confession that was so desperately trying to claw its way to the surface.
“I’m glad. I’m sorry that I scared you earlier, but I never imagined that he would show his face here.”
“I’m fine. I trust you.”
Suna smiled slightly, looking down at Y/n with softness. They danced to two more songs like that before retiring to their table for one more glass of wine. Y/n looked Suna up and down once again that night, and she couldn’t tell if it was the wine or the adrenaline or both, but she swore that he was looking more and more attractive with every minute. On her third glass of the night, Y/n was also finding it hard to steal glances discreetly. Suna seemed to notice as well, because towards the end of the night, every time she looked over to him, he seemed to be staring at her sultrily. Soon enough, the night was over and Suna was calling to have the car pulled around. They walked out as they had walked in, her arm hooked in his.
Waiting on the curb when they stepped out of the front was Ren, as if he hadn’t moved from earlier. He opened the door for them both and Suna offered his hand to help Y/n into the car. Before he slipped in, he whispered something to the towering chauffer and slid onto the bench seat next to her, shutting the divider between the cabin and the back.
“Suna?” Y/n asked breathily, wine coursing through her veins.
“I want you to call me by my first name; Rintaro.”
“Rintaro?” She batted it around in her head for a minute before proceeding with a small smile. “Rin. I like Rin better.”
When she looked over to him, his eyes were transfixed on hers in an expression she could only describe as shock. He seemed to freeze in time, though she didn’t miss the glance he stole at her lips for a fraction of a second. The breath caught in her throat and she too froze in place.
Time seemed to halt. She wasn’t even aware that the car was moving; she felt like even the air around her was still. His olive-green eyes were piercing her own and she couldn’t look away. The smile slipped from her cheeks as her brain raced in the quiet of the cabin. Suna’s hand tucked a small strand of hair behind Y/n’s ear but lingered next to her face. Y/n could nearly feel the heat radiating off his palm and she felt like if something didn’t happen soon, she would implode. His face did seem much closer; so close that she could feel his shallow, warm breaths on her skin. She glanced down to his plush lips, just to steal a glimpse, and when she looked up, his eyes were boring holes into hers.
“Yes, Rin?”
His hand moved to her chin, eyes fixed on her bottom lip, his thumb pulling it gently. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all night.”
“Then kiss me.”
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy @sleepisfortheweakpooh 
28 notes · View notes
heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// OMG, school has been crazy lately. Hopefully it will get easier in August but I have one more unit of difficult classes to get through! Anyways, here’s another chapter! I love hearing from you guys so feel free to comment or let me know how you guys are liking the series!
Also, side note, I may be trying to work on the Bokuto fic soon if anyone is still reading that so stay tuned!
TW// Murder, mafia stuff. Tbh I think this chapter is fairly mundane.
WC// 3.3K
Chapter 7
“I can’t agree to those terms Kiyoomi, you know that.”
Suna was sat next to the dark-haired boss in the balcony seats above a grand stage. A woman in traditional makeup was singing alone on the stage, likely something very emotional. Suna wasn’t paying attention.
“I think you know how this will end for you if we allow this to continue,” Sakusa answered solemnly. A woman in a tight black dress walked next to his seat with two drinks balanced neatly on the platter in her hands. He thanked her and turned back to Suna, who she offered the next drink to. Her full breasts were tucked carefully into her neckline to show enough skin for Sakusa’s guests to peek at when she’d walk by. Suna grabbed the drink off the plate without moving his gaze from the stage. Sakusa cocked an eyebrow inquisitively but said nothing before waving her away.
“We don’t even know what is happening yet. I’m not willing to disturb the fragile peace we’ve spent so long building over a rumor from a questionable source.” Suna took a sip of his drink and relaxed back into his chair.
“Just because you want to turn a blind eye to what is happening, doesn’t mean that my sources aren’t reliable. You know my information is good. This isn’t going to go away, and it’s going to keep getting worse unless we act.”
Suna had been meeting with Sakusa for the last two months about Ushijima Wakatoshi, the recently appointed head of the Shiratorizawa syndicate after his grandfather passed. Apparently, the issue with Y/n’s brother was rooted much deeper than some trivial prostitution ring. All the intel has been reporting that Ushijima has been attempting to recruit new members to poach business away from the other families. His plan seemed to be slowly smoldering at this point, but the underground rumors seemed to be rumbling about something big that could be happening soon. Suna was loath to believe it and has thusly been hesitant about stepping over the line to initiate all-out war. Half the families seemed to be waiting for him to make a move and he felt trapped between maintaining the peace he had worked so hard to cultivate and toppling over into another petty feud.
He was also reluctant because over the last few weeks he has finally understood some semblance of happiness.
Y/n was finally working as a dancer in his club, and Suna had been enjoying every moment of her twirling around in those tiny outfits. At first, she was avoidant of him; once the from the incident with Komori had worn off, she was convinced he was the monster he had been warning her about. Those first few weeks, he took every opportunity to remind her of this fact, and she had locked herself in her apartment any hour she wasn’t at the club. Despite his persistence, however, she eventually began to warm to him again, eating the occasional dinner with him, spending time at the bar after one of her sets, and even sitting out on his balcony to watch the sun set once. Throughout the last month, he would make a point to sit in the back of the club to watch every dance. She seemed to finally be enjoying herself and after each show she would walk back to where he was seated and have a drink with him. She’d ask how he liked the set and he would always answer with “you looked exquisite, bunny.” At first, she would look away self-consciously, but as of the last few weeks, Suna could see the blush that would grace her cheeks, and the imperceptible smile as she took a sip of her drink.
She was now coming up to his apartment to spend what little time he had in the building with him. Sometimes, she would stay for only a glass of wine, other times, she could lounge around for half the day while he worked. When she was bored, she would go out for a walk or shopping with some of his men and had finally been wearing some of the jewelry he had bought for her. Last week she walked in wearing the necklace he had laid out that one day after he killed Komori, and it took all his strength not to tear it off her delicate neck with his teeth.
That was another snag in his plans; Suna was thinking about Y/n more and more in his spare time lately. Occasionally, the image of her dancing in one of the stage costumes or lounging on his couch in nothing but the silk robe he had bought for her would creep into his mind, and suddenly he couldn’t focus on anything that was in front of him. The surreptitious thoughts that would invade his mind at all hours of the day would flood his every thought as evening fell, and he would often touch himself to the thought of her just to fall asleep. He hasn’t acted on any of these thoughts, God knows why, but part of it was that he was hoping that this stupid little conflict would fizzle out, so he wouldn’t need to drag her into it.  
A part of his brain, however, still told him that he was always destined to be alone; his work wouldn’t allow him to be close to anyone he cared about, lest they become a liability when he needed to choose between his empire and their safety. He needed to be ruthless. But, another part of him ached every minute he wasn’t with her and he felt as if his heart was ablaze when she looked at him with those big, trusting eyes.  
Suna sighed deeply and remained quiet, taking another long sip of his drink. He couldn’t admit that Sakusa was right. Not yet.
“Wait just one more week Kiyoomi. That is all I ask. If in one week this has not worked itself out, then I’ll accept your offer.” Suna stood to leave, and the dark-haired man stood to bow to him as he walked out.
The night was frigid enough that Suna could see his breath billowing out in front of his nose. Omimi was waiting for him outside and Suna slid into the bench lazily. The ride home was uneventful, and his apartment was quiet when he finally entered. The minute he was able to lay his head on the pillow he was asleep, Y/n weaving herself around the periphery of his consciousness.  
Y/n stood timidly in the elevator as it ascended to the penthouse. She had been spending more and more time in Suna’s apartment lately, which he seemed pleased with, but she couldn’t seem to shake her unease every time she went up. This nervousness, however, was no longer a product of her fear of the man, but instead had morphed into something akin to a high-school crush. Y/n, who knew she was a full-grown adult, was too shy and timid to express her feelings for another human being.
Likely the fact that he was a mafia boss had something to do with it. … Also, the fact that this could be considered Stockholm syndrome in some contexts may have been contributing. But mostly she just felt like she would just embarrass herself admitting that she may be falling in love with someone who only really needed her for a debt repayment plan. She, honestly, didn’t really want to deal with that rejection, especially when she still had several months left on her contract.
So, she resigned herself to admiring from afar.    
She had been utilizing this opportunity to shop around places she could never dream of affording, though she was nervous to actually wear the outfits at first. She had originally bought an elegant black dress that she had seen in the window of some place she had never heard of. When she first walked in, she had eyed the price tag and her chin almost hit the floor. She was about to walk out before one of the body guards grabbed the dress from her and brought it to the cashier. As soon as it was paid for, he handed her the bag without a word and followed her as she left the store. Y/n was so shocked (and honestly, a bit guilty) that she couldn’t get herself to go to any of the other stores and just decided to go home instead.
Once she had gotten to her closet, she hung up the dress gingerly, smoothing it out to avoid any small wrinkle. She thought about wearing it to work the next day, but for some reason, she felt a building sense of apprehension every time she looked at it.
The minute Suna found out she hadn’t worn it, he “requested” that she wear it to dinner.
Tonight, was no different; she was wearing a floor length emerald green dress with a long slit up the side to reveal her leg up to mid-thigh. Suna had sent Atsumu down about an hour prior to insist on her wearing this dress along with the diamond necklace Suna had given her that first morning. She smoothed her hands down the front, less to unwrinkle the fabric and more to clear the sweat from her hands. As soon as the ding from the elevator rang through her mind, the image of Komori flashed for a split-second and disappeared just as fast. She was no longer having nightmares… well, maybe a few.
She walked over to the table, surprised that there was no dining ware set out. Osamu was nowhere to be found, and Y/n was worried that she had misheard Suna about having dinner tonight; Osamu was always working diligently when she would come over for dinner.
“Ah, there you are bunny.” Suna’s voice rang out from behind her and she turned to look at him, confused. He was wearing a finely tailored black suit with a black button-up shirt and silky black tie. Wow.
“Am I early?” Y/n asked. Suna approached her, kissing her cheek and walking past her to grab his phone off the counter. Y/n’s heart was racing, and her palms felt sweaty again. Jesus, he looks so sexy…
“No, bunny, you’re just on time. I have Ren downstairs pulling the car around.” His eyes met hers briefly before slowly looking her up and down, licking his bottom lip. “Damn, that dress looks like it was made for you.”
Y/n blushed, feeling the heat crawl from her cheeks down to her neck. She had to turn her head away from him to salvage some of her dignity. “I didn’t realize we were going out. We’ve only ever had dinner here. I would have done myself up a little more.”
“You look exquisite.” Suna walked over, grabbing her hips to turn her gently toward him. The closeness of his body did nothing to quell her heart rate, and she was just hoping that he couldn’t hear it. She tried to maintain some form of aloofness in her gaze.
“Could you at least tell me where we’re going? I’d love to Google this place on the car ride and lament that I didn’t spend more time on my hair.”
Suna chuckled and offered his arm for her to take. “Unfortunately, we’re going to an event whose location is… sensitive information. I can assure you that you will be the most beautiful woman there.” Y/n hooked her arm in his as they made their way toward the elevator.
“Is this a business meeting?” Y/n’s voice was curious and hesitant at the same time.
“Somewhat. Some of it is a party. Some is dinner. I tend to have a bad habit of mixing business with pleasure.” His eyes were burning into hers and she could sense that there were more meanings behind that sentence than just context for this party-meeting. A small smile escaped the corner of her lips and when they reached the bottom, she attempted to regain her composure. Ren was out there waiting for them and swiftly whisked them away to their destination.
The outside of the venue was a run down, disgusting pub, and Y/n couldn’t keep the look of repulsed surprise off her face. This dress is going to be ruined just walking into this place. She hooked her arm hesitantly with Suna’s as he led her inside and to the back. He nodded at a man leaning against the wall casually who proceeded to knock on the paneling near his foot. The wall opened up to them like a gaping maw, and Y/n stood there surprised at the sudden change in architecture. Suna lead Y/n into the entrance behind him. She felt like they had been walking for ten minutes before they encountered another man who pulled back a heavy set of curtains.
Behind, there was a large speakeasy-type bar with tons of tables, and a small dance floor in front of the stage. There was a band at the front with an elegant looking woman crooning into the vintage microphone. Y/n hadn’t even noticed that she had paused at the top of the stairs to gawk until Suna tapped the inside of her elbow. She reset her face to look unbothered as they walked to their table, Suna smirking at her little act. He pulled out her chair for her before seating himself in the chair closest to her. The waiter poured them each a glass of wine from the bottle on their table and then left them alone.
Y/n pretended to look at the menu while she scoped out the room. There were multiple tables full of men with beautiful women, dressed in suits, gowns, heels, expensive watches, and more diamonds than Y/n had ever seen in one room at one time. There were champagne bottles in buckets on tables with labels in languages she couldn’t read, tiny appetizers on trays that looked like they would cost more than a full paycheck at her last job, and though it was more discreet than the booze, drugs ran aplenty throughout.
I have no idea what I’m doing here, Y/n thought as a wave of insecurity washed over her. Everywhere she looked, there was another woman more stunning than the last, each knowing exactly how to act, speak, and exist in a space like this. She looked back at the menu, realizing quickly that most of it was unintelligible to her. She put it down and leaned forward to whisper to Suna. “Why did you invite me out here tonight? Don’t you have like a flock of beautiful women that you can chose to be your arm candy on nights like this?” Suna’s eyes snapped to hers, but his expression remained unreadable.
“What makes you think you couldn’t qualify as my arm candy?” He cocked an eyebrow as he spoke and took a sly sip of his wine, looking at her over the rim of his glass. Y/n’s mouth fell open slightly at the mock insult before setting her jaw with a smirk.
“Aside from the fact that I only owe you my time and dance services at your club,” Y/n cocked her eyebrow back, “there’s a hundred women here that you could have asked instead of me who would have come prepared and are familiar with this kind of scene.” Her vulnerability began to spill forward; she was surrounded by people who threw thousands of dollars around like it was chump change. Most men at this event likely had enough cash on their person tonight to pay for a whole semester of her schooling. Y/n looked down at her dress framing her figure, feeling like an imposter who had snuck in without invitation.
“And yet, I didn’t bring any of them here tonight. You’re a smart woman, I think you can figure out why.” Her eyes snapped back to his, searing into her irises like fire. He had an intensity to his stare that pulled her in. Warmth crept up her chest and danced across her cheeks for the second time that night. She picked up her wine glass to take a sip just to break the electricity in the atmosphere.  She was surprised at his answer and as much as she hated to admit to herself, she was speechless.
Suna definitely didn’t miss it.
“That woman over there,” He gestured to a brunette in a long red dress two tables over as he leaned in to Y/n’s ear, “She’s an escort who came here with Ukei Keishin. She’s usually at about half of the events that we come to. The other half of the time he brings along a parade of women who he ignores all night to get drunk enough to leave about 2 hours into our meetings.”
“And her over there,” he waves his hand in the direction of an elegant, raven-haired woman in a powder blue silk dress, “That’s Shimizu Kiyoko. She’s with Tanaka Ryunosuke, though she’s trying to act like she’s not. She is actually the first in line to inherit the Karasuno faction from her father when he passes. His only child. But Tanaka is the son of one of the major dealers from Sakusa Kiyoomi’s family, and in our world, marriage is used more for alliance than for love. The heads of families would never allow the union unless one of them were to step down from their respective family business.”
Y/n’s shoulders sank a little with each consecutive description. Every story Suna told her was about restriction and obligation. All the mafia families seemed to care about was controlling their families and maintain all power over their lives. Sons become heads of family, grandsons become heirs to empires, and all the obligation trickles down as the cycle continues.
“… and I brought you because I have the freedom to choose who I spend my time with.” Y/n’s eyes met his again as he stared intently back at her, looking like he was about to say something else. Instead he paused, and his gaze shifted to something behind her. She looked over to see a tall, slender, man with curly dark hair tipping his head to beckon him over.
“I’ll be right back bunny, I have some business to discuss briefly.” He stood from his chair and paced around the table behind her chair to whisper in her ear. “Why don’t you go ahead and order for both of us, and I’ll be back in a moment.” The closeness of his frame and the warmth of his breath made all the hairs on her body stand on end.
As she skimmed through the menu, still unable to decipher most of the listings, a deep voice lilted behind her, “I would recommend the lobster. It’s delicious and I heard they got a fresh shipment this afternoon.”
Y/n looked up to meet the eyes of a tall brunette. He was wearing a midnight blue suit with his hair slicked back, making him look like some Greek god of the sea. His broad shoulders loomed over her like a cliff-side, and his eyes were so dark she thought his pupils were completely blown.
“Thank you,” she replied. “Are you one of Suna’s associates?”
“We’ve known each other for a very long time,” he said with a warm smile. Y/n gestured for him to sit in the empty chair next to her, which he took willingly, setting his wine glass down in front of him. She turned sideways in her chair to fully face him.
“And who do I have the pleasure of receiving a recommendation from tonight?” Y/n said, gaining more of her confidence back now that Suna wasn’t evaporating all self-assurance from her body.
“How rude of me, my name is Ushijima Wakatoshi, and the pleasure is all mine.”
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy @sleepisfortheweakpooh 
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// Gah! I’ve had such writer’s block writing the first intimate moment between Y/n and Suna (sorry, not in this chapter haha). I’m writing it one sentence at a time though. Slow and steady wins the race, am I right? Hope y’all like this one. It’s a bit filler-y, but still nice! I love feedback and messages so if you like it, let me know! I don’t bite :)
TW// Murder, mentions of blood, mentions of illegal activity.
WC// 1.9K
Chapter 6
Y/n woke up the next morning, back aching and eyes heavy. There was light flooding the room from the windows, but she felt like she could have slept for three more days. She rolled onto her side and scrunched her eyebrows at the décor. Her sheets were now black silk and there was a large mirror in the corner of the room. Her dresser was gone, and she could have sworn her plant was near the northern wall. 
Then the memories from last night flooded back in like a tidal wave. Everything. Especially the blood. She rolled onto her back again and covered her face with her hands. Just breathe, you’re safe. It’s all just a memory now. Y/n couldn’t tell how long she had laid there, but once her breathing had evened, she swung her legs off the side of the bed and stood. 
As she walked to the bathroom, she caught herself on the wall vision slowly narrowing. For a moment, she was worried she was going to pass out, but the blackness subsided, and she carefully padded the rest of the way to the sink. 
Looking at herself in the mirror, Y/n fully came back to her body. She wrapped the robe around herself tightly, now conscious of her nakedness under the silk. 
Wow, you look like shit.
Her hair was disheveled, tangled like a frame around her face. Dark circles rimmed her eyes and she looked like she hadn’t slept in a week. She felt like she hadn’t slept in a week…
The shower behind her caught her attention and the tension in her shoulders released at the thought of hot water pouring down her aching body. She turned the dials and looked for some towels, finding them along with soap, shampoo, and conditioner under the sink.
Thank God. She was relieved that she could thoroughly wash away the grime from the night before. She vaguely remembered a bath last night, but she wanted to scrub her skin until it was raw. As she stepped onto the ebony tile, warmth engulfed her and flooded her chest with reprieve.
Y/n stood under the water for a minute, allowing it to rinse over her face, her shoulders, her thighs. Everywhere the water ran, her muscles relaxed.
The soft ding of the elevator rang through her memory, and she could feel her core seize. Y/n’s eyes shot open and she stared ahead, unblinking at the shower wall. Images of Komori begging on his knees raced through her head. She could hear his screams as Suna snapped the tendon of his pinky; she could smell the metallic iron of his blood running onto the floor.
Y/n reached out her hands to stabilize herself on the shower wall as she leaned over and let out a silent scream. Tears ran from her eyes, mixing with the water running over her head. She couldn’t seem to inhale, and her sobs racked her chest. She made no noise and cried until she was numb again. 
Once she came back to herself, she finished washing and stepped out onto the bathmat to dry herself. The towel was so soft, and she had to force herself to abandon it and wrap the robe around her frame. Glancing at the vanity, Suna’s hairbrush caught her eye and she attempted to make herself presentable again. Her makeup was gone from the night before, and her eyes were now red, but at least she was clean. 
Get yourself together, she thought to herself. Don’t be so weak. It’s over now. 
Y/n padded across the hardwood floor to the double doors of Suna’s bedroom. There was a sizzling sound coming from outside and the smell of meat was wafting through the crack under the door. She carefully turned the knob and slipped out, instinctively crossing her arms and hunching her shoulders to keep the robe closed. 
Osamu Miya was in front of the stove, back to her, cooking over a skillet. Suna was outside on the balcony speaking into his phone, eyes closed and fingers to his forehead. Y/n bit her lip and tip-toed timidly to the elevator.
“Why don’t you sit down for breakfast? Suna will be done shortly,” Osamu called over his shoulder, keeping his eyes on the food. Y/n’s heart skipped at the address, freezing in place. 
“I’m not hungry, thank you.” Her stomach rumbled quietly, but she kept her arms crossed in front of her. 
Osamu finally turned around and looked at her, eyebrow cocked, an amused glint in his eye. 
“I – I also don’t have anything to wear…” Y/n felt awkward under this man’s stare, but all she wanted was to retreat to her apartment and go back to bed for the rest of the year. There was no judgement in his eyes, but she couldn’t help but feel like an animal in a cage. She wanted to explain why she shut down last night, but nothing came out. She knew she couldn’t run away, so she just froze and stared into his gray eyes from across the room. The sound of a sliding glass door to her right caught her attention. 
“Y/n.” Suna walked past the table to where she was standing. “I had a change of clothes brought up here. They’re in the closet, why don’t you go put those on and come back out to eat.” He had touched her elbow and started to guide her back into his bedroom. She stared back up into his eyes, but he avoided her gaze. Y/n walked over to the closet, turning to glance questioningly at him in the doorway. 
“Take your time, bunny.” He closed the door quietly, and she waited for a moment, shoulders sagging, before turning to make her way into the large closet. There were tons of suit jackets and button-down shirts with leather shoes lined up on the right. On the left, more casual attire, none of which looks like it has been moved in months. Not a single hanger was out of place and it was neatly pushed to the side to make room. Hanging in the gap, a black deep V-neck blouse with a dark tan form fitting skirt and dark tights. A tan, knee-length coat was draped on a hangar behind. 
These aren’t mine? Y/n had no other choice but to dress in what was provided. Luckily, everything fit just fine, and whoever picked these out had the thought to provide some dark tights and black booties. A few pieces of extravagant jewelry were laid out on the shelves as well. Y/n gently held up a necklace, gold with little diamonds hanging from delicate chains, but she set it back on the dresser as if it were made of glass. She had never held anything so expensive and it made her nervous to think that she might damage it. 
She left the room quietly just as Osamu was setting the table. Suna was sitting in the chair furthest from her; he had his elbows on the table, palms together like he was praying. His lips were pressed to the sides of his fingers, resting his head, and he was staring past the table, lost in thought. 
He almost looks sad. Y/n brushed the thought away and started to walk over to the table to join them. As soon as Suna noticed she was back, his face converted back to the expressionless default she still struggled to read. Osamu pulled out a chair for her in front of the other plate. 
“You’re not eating with us?” She questioned the gray-haired twin. 
“Not today, darlin’ I have some other stuff to do across town.” He gave her a little wink before he finished organizing breakfast. As soon as he wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing, he removed it, hung it from the oven, and left the apartment quietly. Y/n stared at her food wordlessly. It smelled divine, but she wasn’t sure she could keep it down at that time. 
After a few seconds she finally squeaked out, “I should probably get going. Saeko told me to be at the studio by 10 and I need to…”
“I already told Saeko that you can start tomorrow.” Suna interrupted between bites. “Eat,” he commanded, nodding at her untouched plate. 
Y/n stared at her food, feeling on-edge and very aware of the person she was sitting next to. His cruelty surprised her last night; she felt stupid for thinking that he had a caring side. But his gentle care for her after surprised her even more and left her particularly confused. The space between her shoulder blades ached from the tension while she picked at a few bites of food. 
“Why aren’t you wearing the necklace I got for you?” Suna asked a few minutes later, causing Y/n to jump at the break in the silence. He hadn’t looked up from his plate when he spoke.
“I… didn’t want to break it.”
Suna huffed out a laugh and Y/n noticed a slight smile. It was brief and had she not been watching him carefully, she would have missed it.
“You don’t have to wear it, but I’d like you to get used to having nice things.” Y/n nodded, and the conversation stalled again.
“What am I going to be doing today, anyway?” She finally interjected into the silence.
“I arranged for a masseuse to come in, along with some people trained in acupuncture.” Suna finally leaned back in his chair and looked at her. Y/n’s eyebrows scrunched. “I know last night was hard for you.” Well that’s… thoughtful.
“Why did you kill that guy? I thought you said you would let him go?”
“My responsibilities require me to do some terrible things, sometimes.”
“But, did you have to kill him?” Y/n allowed some tears to slip past her lashes again. “There was no other way to do it?”
Suna’s voice became stern, and he leaned forward to grab her chin gently. His olive-green fox eyes stared at her with intensity.
“No. Komori had made his choices, and I had to make mine. I don’t expect you to understand, but I do need you to remember that I am not a good guy.” Y/n eyes dropped to his wrist, tattoos peeking out of his sleeve.
“I have been lenient about you asking questions. All I ask now is that you save them for when we are alone. I don’t want to have to reprimand you in front of my men, understand?” Suna asked softly. Y/n nodded, and he released her chin, sitting back in his chair.
They finished breakfast and Suna ushered her into the elevator. They made their way down to her apartment and when the doors slid open, Y/n gasped. The open areas had been transformed into a resort style spa; a massage table was arranged with countless bottles of oils and fragrances. There was a small area set up for an old woman to play calming music on bowls and bells. Flowers adorned every clean surface. Y/n stepped out and a man walked around the corner to hand her another robe, this one soft and fuzzy. She turned to look back at Suna who was still in the elevator, leaning against the doors to keep them open.
“Take the day to relax, bunny. I have some business to handle today, but I’ll be back tonight.” With that, he stepped back, and the doors swallowed his figure.
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy @sleepisfortheweakpooh
46 notes · View notes
heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// Alright y’all, get ready for a pace change! I loved writing this chapter the most so far! I hope you guys like it too! I tried to imply a lot of the trauma from the last chapter in Y/n’s actions and thoughts, so hopefully that comes across clearly! Still open to feedback if anyone wants to message me :)
TW// Murder, guns, blood, lots of mentions of illegal activity.
WC// 1.6K
Chapter 5
As the three of the men move to fulfill their boss’ orders, Suna led Y/n through the doors of his room and into his bathroom. Her gaze was unfocused, staring ahead of her but not truly seeing anything. She could feel her feet moving, but her mind was focused on the scene that just unveiled itself in front of her. Of course, she had seen someone die before; she had rounded in hospitals and ERs throughout her medical training. She just had never witnessed the act of taking another person’s life out of rage. She ran through the events over and over in her head: how Suna had backhanded the man on the ground, how he severed the tendon of his finger, and how he so casually shot him in the chest. Out of reflex she had tried to save the man; at that point she started to disconnect from her body. Her movements continued, but her mind had halted.
  When she snapped out of her stupor, she was sitting on the counter of a bathroom. Suna was standing in between her legs with a soiled wash towel. She could feel cool water evaporating from her cheeks and her tears drying in the corner of her eyes. He had paused a moment for her to come back to the present, staring at her with… softness? She couldn’t find the words to describe what she felt, so she just slumped forward, head resting on his shoulder, and allowing the tears to flow freely again. She sobbed hard, anxiety creeping up her throat and threatening to smother her. Violent images flashed behind her eyes and she couldn’t stop the panic from overwhelming her completely.
  Suna let her cry there until she stilled, expending the last shred of energy she had left. She could feel him lean her back from his chest, blood from her cheeks marring his white shirt where she had been. She raised a hand to wipe at the dark stain, guilty that she had ruined something so pure, but she realized her hands too were covered in blood. Her eyes carried themselves down his arm, finally noticing that he was also soiled in gore. She reached for his hand and examined his wounded knuckles. She slipped the rings from his fingers, setting them on the counter gently. Her actions were focused and tender, unable to concentrate on the complex emotions that swirled in her head. In that moment, all she knew was that she wanted something to fix rather than destroy. His hand remained still in her grasp while she worked in a trance. She washed the blood from his skin and examined the cuts that had nearly coagulated. Once she was finished, she stared at his hand in her lap, the unfocused thoughts creeping back into her head. 
“Y/n,” Suna interjected. She lifted her eyes to his, the green of his irises mesmerizing her and pulling her out of her spiral. “Let me clean you up.” Y/n nodded weakly, allowing him to take the lead. He knelt in front of her, unstrapping her heels one by one. As he stood, he helped her slide off the counter and back onto her feet. She swayed slightly, causing him to hold her hips for stability. Her hands made their way to his chest to steady herself, leaving more stains on the perfect fabric. Suna’s arms gently snaked their way around her back and unzipped the form fitting dress she had been so excited to wear, now ruined. Her eyes never left his, though she could feel the loss of the fabric as he guided her to step forward out of the discarded material on the floor. He walked her to the ornate bathtub in the corner and directed her to sit on the edge while he turned on the water. He helped her out of the remainder of her clothes as it filled. 
Her head fell forward, staring at the tile beneath her, feeling the horrifying memories slip away like water between her fingers. She could see red mats staining her hair, but she couldn’t seem to understand why. The red from her hands was also congealing and she stared at her upturned palms in confusion.
When did this happen?
“Here, bunny, let’s get you in the bath.” Suna was standing in front of her, offering his hand to her. His shirt had red on it too, but he seemed fairly clean otherwise. She noticed his knuckles were bruised, small gashes with dried blood spoiling his smooth skin. She took his hand to step into the warm water and sank down, allowing it to envelop her shoulders. Her eyes rolled back, and she rested her head against the edge.
Moments later, she could feel a hand lifting hers and she opened her eyes to see a shirtless Suna softly scrubbing the rouge liquid from her skin. Her eyes travelled down the muscles of his shoulders as they worked to clean her up, dark ink decorating his skin on either side from chest to wrist.
“Yes, bunny?”
“What happened? Why are we covered in blood?”
He paused for a moment, staring back into her tired eyes. She wondered if she had overstepped; she did remember the condition against asking questions, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember what had happened once she stepped off the elevator earlier. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll explain later. Just focus on relaxing for now.” He continued to wash her arms, her neck, her hair. The water of the tub slowly tinted a very faint pink as the evidence of the last hour was wiped clean from her body and mind. Once he was finished, Suna helped her stand and wrapped a towel around her shoulders. He guided her into his room and onto his bed. Y/n watched as he disappeared into his closet, returning with a black silk robe that he traded for the towel. She gratefully wrapped it around her and watched as he gathered his soiled shirt and her clothes to throw into a basket near the closet. Once he was finished, he sat on the bed next to her. 
“Yes, bunny.”
“Did you kill someone?”
He paused. “Yes, bunny.”
She nodded and sighed, understanding now why she felt so confused and exhausted. However, she knew that the moment she returned to her apartment, the anxiety would creep back in, and she’d be up all night. Even now, sitting on the bed, she could feel the memory scratching back to the surface. Y/n shoved it back down for a few more moments of peace. She reached out and traced Suna’s tattoos with delicate touches, down his bicep, the inside of his elbow, across the muscles of his forearm. A tall tree wound its roots around his arm, twisting and tangling until finally reaching his wrist. He sat there motionless, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched her fingers trail across the art that graced his skin. 
“Did it hurt?” she whispered.
“At times.”
She stared at his shoulder, her hands stilling, and he followed her gaze to the small, round scar near the end of his collar bone. She reached out to graze her fingers across it gently. 
“That was worse.” He answered the question her eyes were asking. 
“What happened?”
“I was shot.” The image of Komori falling back onto the floor flashed in and out of her mind. 
“By who?”
“His name was Ukai Ikkei.” An intrigued look lit up in her eyes as her pupils bored into his own. She wanted to know more, but she didn’t know how much he was willing to give to her. He seemingly took the hint and continued. “I was fifteen years old and my father was training me to assume command when he decided to retire. Ukai thought it would be an easy way to bring down our family, so he cornered me in an alley and tried to put a bullet in my chest. Luckily, he didn’t hit anything vital.”
She traced her fingers over the scar again as he spoke, the rough tissue hidden by the intricate lines of black. His soft voice lulled her panic, despite the gory subject. They sat in silence for a moment, Y/n debating whether to ask one last question. Suna never moved a muscle. 
“Yes, bunny.”
“Should I be scared of you?”
He sighed heavily before removing her hand from his arm and placing it back in her lap. His gaze was intense, and despite his attempts to keep himself level, sadness was hidden deep. “Yes.”
Y/n felt nothing. “Can I ask one more thing of you tonight?”
“Yes, bunny.”
“Will you stay up with me? I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.”
“You’re going to need to try,” Suna murmured, tucking a damp strand of hair behind her ear. 
“I don’t want to be by myself,” she admitted, the real reason for her request. 
“Lay down here.” Suna pulled back the sheets of his bed and she crawled under as he pulled them back over her. “I won’t be far.”
“No!” She grabbed for his wrist suddenly, startling him. “Don’t leave.”
“I’ll just be in the kitchen…”
“No,” she tightened her grip, “please.”
Suna swallowed hard and hesitated for a moment, before pulling the covers back again. She scooted over to the other side and he got in next to her, propping his back against the headboard. She curled up into his side, head on his chest. 
He’s so warm…
“Suna?” she whispered, eyes closed, hand on his chest.
“Yes, bunny?” he answered, tucking an arm around her as she relaxed into him. Her breathing evened and she never finished her thought.
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy
34 notes · View notes
heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// Hey everyone! Life’s been crazy but I’m still making progress when I can! This chapter is starting to get really exciting and I can’t wait to hear what y’all think! Message me or comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
TW// Murder, guns, blood, lots of mentions of illegal activity. 
WC// About 3.9K!
Chapter 4 
Y/n stood onstage, alone, bright spotlight in her eyes. She couldn’t see the house, but sometimes that made her nerves better. Today, she was just elated to be doing something she never thought she’d have the opportunity to do again. She had given up dancing when she went to medical school; not enough time for hobbies. Last night, she had stayed up into the small hours of the morning coming up with a few routines to show to Saeko, the stage manager. Now, she was positioned center stage, waiting for her song to play through the speakers.
As soon as the music began, Y/n started her routine. She could tell she was a little rusty, especially since she had to push her bedroom furniture out of the way to have near enough space to practice last night. She twirled and leapt through the song, unaware of the expression of the stage manager sitting in the chairs below. She could feel the eyes of the wait staff, the bartenders, and the others on her, but she had no idea what they thought of her performance. She left everything she had on the stage and soon the song was over. Y/n held her ending pose, panting from exertion, until she heard Saeko speak up.
“That was very good, but do you have something a little more… sexy?”
She hated it. Have fun serving drinks for the rest of the year, she scolded herself internally.
Y/n was expecting this reaction; she knew she needed to impress right off the bat, and she knew her more risqué routine was not as technically challenging. However, Y/n was disappointed that she didn’t get a more enthusiastic affirmation of her skill. She walked offstage and donned a pair of stiletto heels. She grabbed a chair from offstage and centered it, facing the tiny audience. She sat sideways with her legs crossed, one elbow propped over the back of the chair and the other bracing her as she tilted her head to face the ceiling.
She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
The dress is Chanel, the boots YSL. The bag is Dior, agent Provocateur. Y/n hit all the beats as she danced around her chair. She made sure to accentuate her ass as she popped it out, back straight, leaning over the prop. Her knee was straight when she kicked, and her heels helped to keep her toes pointed, elongating the lines of her legs.
My address today, LA by the way. Above Sunset Strip, the hills are the way. She brought the dance down to the floor at the front of the stage. She worked her way through a center split that she was surprised she was still able to do all this time later and rolled on her hip to help her to the edge of the stage.
My rings are Webster, it makes their heads twirl. They all say “Darling, what did you do for those pearls?” Y/n sat on the lip of the platform, holding her arm out to show off fake rings, twirling her hair around, and covering her mouth in faux surprise.
What? She turned, feet on the stage, knees bent. I am a good girl. She slowly lowered herself backwards, so she was lying flat on the stage, back arched as much as she could muster.
The instrumental continued and she swung her legs back around, so she could drop down to the house floor from the stage. She could finally see the people in the crowd watching her, some standing at the bar, some seated at the tables. Saeko was right up front and Y/n also noticed Suna in a barstool at the very back. She did a few turns before making her way over to one of the tables near Saeko, making sure to swing her hips with every beat. Two men, likely bouncers, were slouching in their chairs, watching her hungrily.
B.H. I adore, Rodeo l’amour. Breakfast Polo Lounge and poolside for sure. Y/n danced at the table between the two, making sure to hold eye contact with each as she swayed and arched. As she left their table, she caressed the side of one man’s face and let her hand linger until she walked away.
The Chateau for cocktails, the Courtyard at nine. Y/n made her way to Saeko’s chair. She kicked her leg in a big arc over the woman, eliciting a shocked look at the closeness of the performance. Y/n rested her leg on the armrest of the chair and leaned back, hand on her forehead, simulating a swoon.
Dan Tana’s for dinner, the Helen’s divine. She moved away from Saeko, walking with long strides into the center of the lounge, continuing to pose and adding another hair twirl to the end of the verse.
You know I have found the word’s going ‘round. Y/n made her way to the bar where Suna sat, enraptured by her performance, but trying to hide his captivation behind a façade of indifference. She took some satisfaction in finally getting an upper hand on him and in that moment, she decided to alter the ending of her routine. Y/n vaulted herself, so she was sitting on the bar top.
They all say my feet never do touch the ground. She leaned back, supporting her weight on her elbows, peddling her feet in a circle, accentuating the length of her legs for the man sitting directly next to her. She rested a foot next to his leg on his seat, crossing her toned legs.
What? She leaned forward, close enough to feel his breath on her lips, gently grazing his jaw with her curled finger.
I am a good girl.
She mouthed the line as she pulled away from the stunned mob boss. She gave a cheeky smile as she walked back to the stage, turning only to mouth the repeated line back to him and wink. She made her way back to the stage to finish her routine with a few poses and returning to her original position for the final beat.
The house was quiet as the music echoed off the stage. Y/n held her pose for a second longer before she stood to face Saeko. The spotlight had dimmed, and she could see her expression, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly agape. Many of the workers had similar expressions, but some stood and clapped.
When Saeko stood, most of the audience dispersed. She walked to the edge of the stage and looked up at Y/n.
“You start next week. Choreo is tomorrow at 10.”
- - - Suna stood to walk outside before the music could end. He could hear the bouncers and some of the wait staff clap once the song had finished, but he was out the door before he could hear any more.
That little stunt she just pulled… No one pulls those kind of power moves with him, even if it’s just petty seduction techniques. He tried to think of a way to punish her, but at the same time he had to admit to himself that the last little move was sexy.
Fuck, he thought to himself as he made his way to the car. Ren opened the door for him on cue. If he had just witnessed that little display, he covered his emotions well. Suna slumped against the bench seat, frustrated in more ways than one. He signaled the dark-haired driver to take him to his apartment before sliding the divider between the cabin and the driver closed. He’d send the car for Y/n later. Right now, he needed to leave before all his men could see how painfully hard he had become with just one little dance. 
What the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve seen your girls dance hundreds of times. Of course, he thought Y/n was sexy; he took an interest in her at one of his clubs for Gods’ sake, but something about her just made him so… aware of every little move she made. He didn’t think she would have taken to her job so fast, he actually expected way more resistance from her. But when she wanted to be a dancer, he couldn’t resist the thought of her on his stage. 
But no one stands above Suna Rintaro. Ever. 
Her long legs popped into his head, close enough for him to have reached out and touched. If only he could have pulled her into his lap right then and ...
As soon as the car stopped, he opened the door himself. Ren exited on his side, unsure what he should do now that Suna was already up. 
“Go wait for Y/n and bring her back to her apartment when she’s done. I have some business to deal with in an hour. Don’t let anyone up until the Miya’s come back.” Ren nodded curtly and got back into the car. Suna entered and rode the elevator to his apartment, not stopping until he reached his room. Suna slammed the door, admittedly harder than he had intended, and leaned against the solid wood. He stripped off his coat jacket and dropped it on the floor before unbuttoning his shirt, the room feeling much hotter than it should have. He flopped onto his bed kicking off his shoes as he went. His hand drifted to his waistband, cock restrained by the tight fabric. He undid his belt hastily and raised his hips to slip the edge of his pants off his thighs. Suna slipped a hand into his boxers, palming himself slowly. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, the way her hips swayed around that chair, the length of her long, smooth legs as she kicked around Saeko, the way she smelled when she closed the distance between them and had him melting like putty in her hands…
He stroked himself quicker, the frustration of her winning one over on him bubbling to the surface. Suna prided himself on always being cool, calm, and in control, but she spends less than twenty-four hours with him and he’s already running home to get off. His heart rate quickened, and he could feel the coil tightening in his stomach. Suna’s phone buzzed next to him, but he ignored it, continuing the pace he set. 
Picturing Y/n sitting on that bar top, caging him in with her leg, he imagined hooking his hands around her thighs and pulling her onto his lap, her shocked expression flashing across her beautiful face as she lost control of the situation. He’d kiss up her neck, her throwing her head back until he’d grab her hair to pull her lips to his. She’d be so needy, begging him to fuck her on the bar top; she couldn’t wait…
He released onto his chest, sighing heavily as if he had been holding his breath. He relaxed into the sheets more, feeling his cum dripping down the side of his abdomen. His frustration left his body, replaced only by euphoria.
A few minutes later, he stood and stripped off his soiled shirt. Striding to the bathroom, he wetted a cloth before wiping down his chest. Suna finally checked his phone once he had cleaned up the mess. 
MA: Sakusa’s man is on his way over. He’ll be there in thirty minutes.��
SR: Send him up. I want you, Osamu, and Shinsuke here as well. 
Suna pulled out a new set of slacks and a fresh shirt. He buttoned it halfway and rolled the sleeves above his elbows. His next job was going to be messy, he knew, but he couldn’t have Sakusa’s man knowing that. 
Suna had made peace with all of the factions five years ago when his father was murdered, and he stepped in as the head of the Inarizaki clan. He was only 23 at that time, but he had been learning the business since he was 12. Sakusa Kiyoomi, the head of the Itachiyama family, had been running his division for at least three years before Suna had. He was known to be cool-headed and calculating when making decisions, and he avoided escalation at near any cost. Suna often worked closely with him, though their business endeavors rarely overlapped. Sakusa was mostly involved in drug trades on a large scale, while Suna focused on the “entertainment” industry. They had made a deal at some point that Suna could be a middle man to deal on his own turf, as long as he was free to make a profit on the wholesale product he got from Sakusa. If one of Sakusa’s men stepped out of line, Suna need only go to Sakusa to discuss restitution. 
And that is why Komori Motoya, part of the Itachiyama family, was currently being ushered up Suna’s elevator to his personal apartment to “discuss” amends. Apparently, Komori has been dealing in prostitution rings on his turf and paying people to help lure Johns to his girls. Suna wouldn’t be so concerned about this little dalliance, except that there have been women disappearing and being found dead in allies and streets months later. The cops have been sniffing around his clubs a little too much after one of his girls ended up suffering the same fate. 
Y/n’s brother has apparently been making his money advertising for this business venture. Except, instead of paying his debts, he was caught sending his sister in to steal from him.
Suna straightened himself out in the bedroom mirror before grabbing a gun and tucking it into the hip of his waistband. Walking out into the kitchen, he poured himself a small glass of vodka and knocked it back. Alcohol always soothed his trembling hands when he was about to kill someone; better to aim and better to convince his men that he really was the cold-hearted yakuza boss everyone said he was. Easier to keep his people in line without being challenged. He poured himself another glass.
About twenty minutes later, he heard the hum of the elevator as it was making its way up. He waited patiently, palms pressed firmly into the island. He could hear the ding, but he wasn’t expecting to hear the click of heels across his floor as someone exited. Suna glanced around the corner to see Y/n in the tight-fitting dress she wore for her routine today. His temper threatened to break through at her un-announced arrival, but the sight of her in that outfit dampened the fire in his chest almost immediately. She had a look of elation about her, but the veil of apprehension she wore made her stride less confident. Seeing him, she curled back in on herself slightly and averted her eyes. “What are you doing here?” He was going to kill Ren.
“I just wanted to come here to tell you that Saeko liked my routine. You left so fast that I didn’t really get a chance to…” She bit her lip and thought hard about what she was trying to say. “It seems inappropriate to thank you given the situation, but I appreciate that you are trying to make me at least somewhat comfortable in this arrangement.” She said the last part in such a low tone that Suna almost didn’t catch it. Her head remained low and her eyes were glued to the floor. 
Suna could hear the elevator descend from his floor again, and he knew that it was too late to send her back to her apartment. He rolled his eyes and sighed imperceptibly; she was going to need to see what was about to happen. Half of him wanted to protect her from what he was about to do, but the ruthless side knew that she needed to see that he what a monster he truly was sooner or later. Especially if she was going to be waltzing around, sticking her nose in his business dealings. 
He strode over to her and crooked a finger under her chin to look up at him. Her doe eyes could have any man melting in her fingers, but Suna remained composed, his expression cold and uncaring. 
“I am pleased that you will be enjoying your new position bunny, but I’m afraid that this arrangement will not be as pleasant as you hope it to be. I have obligations which require me to be merciless, and you just walked yourself into one. I had hoped to keep you away from this, but it’s probably best that you know what I do before you get too comfortable.” He removed his finger and stroked her cheek gently. Her expression flashed through confusion, realization, and thinly veiled fear, but her eyes never left his and she did not step away from him. Suna smirked imperceptibly; she was looking to him for help.
“Now that you’re here, I want you to watch, but I’d like you to be out of the way and silent when I do my business. The more you know at the beginning, the less you’ll suffer in the long-run.” Suna removed his hand from her cheek and gestured for her to take a seat at the couch in the living room. No doubt this was going to be messy, but she would probably be safe from the majority of it there. She sat cross legged on the leather chaise, looking anxious, but hiding it well. He stood, keeping his back to the elevator and adjusting a rolled sleeve as the doors opened. 
A brown-haired man was shoved out of the doorway, stumbling and falling to his knees on the shining marble flooring. The Miyas stepped out behind him and grabbed under his arms to drag him across the floor behind Suna. Shinsuke Kita exited last, the doors sliding closed noiselessly. Y/n kept her eyes locked on Suna’s, glancing behind him only for a moment before finding his gaze again. 
“Hey, let go you bastards. Just wait until Kiyoomi hears about this,” Komori growled through clenched teeth. He had a large bruise on his forehead and blood trickled down from a wound beneath his hairline. 
“Do you think I didn’t consult him before dragging you here.” Suna replied, ice running through his veins. His eyes were still focused on Y/n’s fearful ones before turning to face the traitor. He could see her peek around him to look at the man on the floor. A quiet gasp escaped her lips, but she remained silent. Suna advanced towards the man in front of him. Komori was on his hands and knees, too petrified to rise to his feet.
“I had a call with Sakusa yesterday. I want to preface this conversation with the fact that neither of us abide by insubordination.” Suna slowly circled Komori who was now trembling in fear and anger. He swallowed hard and kept his eyes on the boss. “Your plans have been causing me some trouble with law enforcement recently. I’ve had cops investigating my clubs since Sakura was found a few blocks from the Itachi flower shop. You do remember Sakura, right? She was one of my girls at The Fox’s Den. I don’t appreciate you stealing my girls and disposing of them so… disrespectfully.”
“I didn’t know she was…” Suddenly the back of Suna’s hand struck Komori across the face. His rings had caught his orbital bone and blood poured from the wound under his eye. A spray of droplets landed at the feet of the stoic Kita Shinsuke. 
“You will not speak.” Suna readjusted his rings and Atsumu handed him a handkerchief to wipe the blood from his fingers. “An informant gave me your name, and Sakusa has approved of your disposal. You will be made an example of.” Kita stepped forward, pulling a tarp from his surgical bag and setting it aside. Komori started to panic, attempting to stand, but the twins grabbed his shoulders and held him down on his knees. 
“Please, wait! I can pay you back. I swear!” He continued to beg for his life while Suna glanced back at Y/n. She was alert and petrified, back straight sitting on the edge of her cushion. She met his eyes, but he turned back to face the dead man. Once Kita was finished with the tarp, he retrieved a roll of leather from the bag. Unfurling it on the table revealed a variety of knives, capable of inflicting different levels of violence and pain. 
“I thought I told you not to speak.” Suna nodded and Osamu kicked the man in the gut, causing him to double over. His breath caught in his throat and he went silent. “I have some questions that I need you to answer, and if you satisfy my curiosity, then maybe I’ll allow you to leave.”
Kita grabbed a short slender knife and handed it to Suna. “How many girls do you have in your possession at this moment?” Komori looked up from where he was bowed on the floor, anger flooding his demeanor. He remained quiet as he stewed in his rage. 
Suna stepped on one of his hands that was spread on the floor. Komori cried out, but Suna took the knife to the edge of his hand, severing a tendon. The man on the floor screamed louder, and Suna backed off his hand. Blood was beginning to pool in small puddles on the floor, staining the beautiful marble. “Let me ask you one more time. How many girls, Komori?”
The captive straightened up but remained on his knees. His sneer had grown, and his eyes gleamed with insolence. “You think you’re so tough, but I can see right through you Rintaro. You’ll never live up to your father’s greatness, and you’ll run this faction into the ground.” He finished his rant by spitting in the boss’ direction and flashing a rueful smile.
Suna’s rage boiled through his veins with every syllable, his level-headed demeanor cracking for the first time. The moment Komori finished his last sentence, his composure snapped. He reached across his body for his gun without hesitation and fired a round into the man’s chest, watching as he slowly fell backward onto the floor. A scream ripped from the woman behind him, and before he could turn to her, she rushed past him and knelt next to the traitor. Immediately, she checked a pulse and had her hands on the center of his chest, pumping his breastbone with quick compressions.
“Oh my god, I think he’s dying, someone call an ambulance!” She continued her actions while Suna stood above the man’s body. Y/n checked for breath sounds before plugging his nose and breathing into Komori’s corpse. 
“Come on, someone call somebody!” Suna let her continue her chest compressions until she finally looked up into his cold, unfeeling eyes, tears streaming down her face. There was blood smeared across her cheeks and her tears carried the red down in slender rivulets. Her compressions slowed to a stop and she leaned back on her heels. None of Suna’s men had moved a muscle and she finally realized that they were never going to let him go. They had brought him here for an execution, not a negotiation. 
Suna kneeled down, next to her and wiped some of the blood from her cheek. Her eyes were locked on his, unblinking and motionless. Her mouth hung open in disbelief, but his expression never wavered. 
“Shinsuke, clean up this mess,” Suna murmured, eyes fixed on Y/n’s stormy ones. He stood slowly and offered her his hand. She grasped it weakly and rose on shaky legs. Shock was evident on her face and she didn’t seem to know what she was doing. “Send his body to Sakusa. He’s expecting this delivery. Atsumu, Osamu. You may go. Make sure Ren is downstairs; I have nothing more for you two today.”
Taglist: @ur-moms-car @gojoscumslut​ @szoluvr @honey4ven @ntimacy​
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN// I’m back with another! Grad school is kicking my ass though so these may come out way slower than I would hope. But again, I have up to chapter 6 right now and it gets really exciting! I hope everyone is liking it so far too. Any comments or feedback are always welcome, and I’m hoping my taglist is working! You guys have been so supportive already and if anyone ever wants to talk, I love interaction :)
TW// Mention of blood, violence, and burlesque dancing. Not much else I think.
WC// 1.7K+ (kinda small but the next few chapters are longer).
Chapter 3
Suna sat in the back of the car texting his men when she finally came down. The door was opened by his Omimi Ren and she slid onto the bench seat next to him. She was wearing a white blouse with a tan pea coat, black leggings, and unassuming tan booties. Her hands were in her pockets and she leaned on the window, staring out to the street as they made their way to his club. She looked like she hadn’t slept, dark circles ringing her grey eyes.
“So, what am I even going to be doing? I’ve never worked in a bar or restaurant before.” Her gaze never left the window.
“I guess that depends on your talents,” Suna returned her coldness. “We’ll have you run with the servers and the bartenders today and I’ll decide.”
Y/n didn’t answer, and the remainder of the car ride was draped in silence. Suna pretended to fidget around with his phone, but in reality, he couldn’t keep his attention off her. The curve of her hips in her leggings was distracting, and the way her hair framed her slender neck enticed him. The fact that she didn’t immediately greet him with fear today was also a plus, but the fact that it was replaced by apathy and fatigue was just as bad.
In truth, he could care less what she did to work off her debt to him. All Suna ever wanted from the beginning was her. He wanted to run his fingers up the sides of her waist, he wanted to kiss the delicate skin of her neck, and he wanted to ruin her, in every sense of the word. But for now, he was content to watch her walk around The Fox’s Den in a tiny outfit, serving drinks or bartending or whatever it is that she’d end up doing.
When the car pulled up on the back side of the building, Suna exited first and walked around to Y/n’s side. He offered his hand for her to stand, but instead she helped herself out of the car. He expected a sneer or an eyeroll, but all he was met with was indifference.
Inside, the servers were bustling around, setting tables and polishing glasses before the first show of the day. The bartenders were cleaning their workstations and preparing the bottles for later. Dancers roamed around the tables, practicing their routines for rehearsal. Y/n perked up slightly at the vibe of the club.
“I thought you said I was working a strip club?” she whispered to Suna, her resentment towards him seemingly forgotten.
“This is a burlesque club. The dancers have routines and perform more… legitimately than my girls at the club you frequented.” Y/n looked at him, interest apparent in her eyes. She walked ahead to get a better view of the stage, eating up the girls rehearsing for the night. Suna’s mind flashed with an image of Y/n dancing on stage and he turned swiftly to sit at his usual spot at the bar, hiding the hardening bulge in his slacks. The lead bartender, Ojiro Aran, handed him the books for the club wordlessly, a knowing look drilling into Suna.
“If you have something to say Aran, then say it.” Suna flipped through the pages of transactions without meeting his gaze, pretending to be unbothered.
“Are you going to introduce us to this pretty young thing?” He was drying a pint glass when Suna’s head whipped up, glaring harshly at the large man. Aran’s smirk said it all; he knew exactly how to press his boss’ buttons without crossing any hard lines.
“She’s off limits. I’ll introduce her once she’s gotten her fill.” They glanced back at her, watching her mesmerized with the dancers. She had her hands on the back of the chair in front of her, leaning slightly forward. They finished their routine and Suna could see her reluctantly rip her eyes from the stage and walk over to him. He pulled out a barstool for her and she took a seat.
“Y/n, this is Aran. Aran, Y/n,” Suna said shortly. Aran gave her a slight nod and continued to dry the pint glasses. Y/n also gave a quick nod and a small smile. “So, Y/n, I’m going to have you running with Aran tonight to give you a feel for bartending. You can run with Kiyoko tomorrow to see the serving side and then…”
“I want to dance.” She said it so matter-of-factly that it seemed more like a demand than a request. Suna was about to tell her no when a thought of her on stage flashed though his mind again. A warm sensation surged through his loins at the notion of her dancing in his club, dancing for him.
“I danced all the way through college. I’m mostly trained in contemporary, but I know a bunch of different styles and I would consider myself a fast learner…” She continued to try to justify her case, but Suna was barely listening, still caught up in his fantasy. By the time he snapped out of it, Y/n was finished rambling and staring at him expectantly. He turned back toward the bar wordlessly, taking a long sip from his drink.
“You’ll have to audition. I can set you up with Saeko tomorrow morning, but be warned, she is not very forgiving. You will have one chance with her and if she is not impressed, then I will have to choose between the other two options.”
Y/n, for only the second time that day, looked happy. In truth, Suna didn’t want her to be miserable during her stay with him. If all went well, he may get a few nights with her out of it; he always loved the implied perks in his agreements. But for now, doing small things to get back into her good graces was no skin off his back. They spent another few hours at The Fox’s Den, him spent managing his books, and her drinking in every movement of the dancers on stage. When they arrived back at the apartments, she practically bolted off the elevator before disappearing into her room and slamming the door.
The short ride up to his suite just upstairs was miserably quiet. Suna entered after the ring of the doors and made his way to the dining table. His apartment was larger than hers but included many of the same elements. The major difference was the décor; the tile, the walls, and all the furniture was sparkling white. There were accents of dull color in the tapestries on the walls and in the rugs under the sofa and dining table, but the main focus was the large rouge bouquet of flowers as the centerpiece, the sister of the arrangement just downstairs.
There was a reason that he chose this color for his own dwelling; blood was much easier to clean when extremely visible. Suna was a heavy advocate for doing business in his flat, mainly because many of the cops he has in his pocket know it’s strictly off limits. Of course, the fabric items often needed to be laundered or discarded when soiled, but those were easily replaceable.
He motioned for Osamu in the kitchen to pour him a drink and sat heavily in one of the chairs at the table. The silver haired twin opened a new bottle of red wine and set the glass in front of Suna before sitting across from him with his own. “How was she?”
“She wants to dance.” Suna answered before taking a long sip. Osamu’s eyebrows cocked, and a small smirk appeared behind his wine glass.
“Well, it seems to me that this deal is turning out better than expected,” he said, letting his eyes twinkle with mischievousness.
“It appears so.” Suna leaned back, eyes betraying him, but face remaining stoic. “What’s going on with her brother?”
“He hasn’t said anything of substance yet, but we have Kita working on him. When I left, I think he was at his limit.” Osamu paused for a moment. “What did you tell her?”
“That we had him. Skipped over the ‘why’ part.”
Osamu paused mid-sip and stared. “You have a soft spot for her,” Osamu realized, setting his glass down carefully.
Suna didn’t reply, avoiding his associate’s eyes. I can’t have a soft spot for her. That would require me to care. Osamu stood from the table and walked over to the window, wiping his mouth. “It doesn’t matter he’ll be dead soon anyway,” Suna replied
“If the guys hear that you’re going soft, boss…”
“I’m not getting soft,” Suna replied sternly. Osamu turned back to look for any hint of a lie, but Suna’s face had returned to the stony expression he had kept previously. “If she knew that we kept him for information, I’d never hear the end of it from her. She’d beg for his life and there was nothing I was going to do to appease her, and she’d likely be more distraught than she was last night.” He stood from his chair and approached the other at the window, gazing out across the expanse of the city. “I still want her to work off his debt to me, but if I told her we were planning on disposing of him, then she’d do something reckless. I don’t want to have to clean up the mess from both of them.”
Osamu nodded, knowing the boss better than anyone; Suna was typically ruthless, cunning, and above all else, self-interested. People don’t cross Suna Rintaro without paying a heavy price, and he didn’t care what kind of damage was left in his wake. But with her, Osamu could see that there was something he was trying to hide behind his fox-eyes.
They stood at the window silently for a few more minutes before Suna received a text from Atsumu.
MA: It’s over. We got the name.
SR: How’s the clean-up?
MA: Almost done. The butcher is always tidy.
Suna locked his phone and returned it to his suit pocket. Kita Shinsuke, subtly named The Butcher, never really made much of a mess of his clients. Osamu understood and took his cue to leave. Suna retired to his room, neatly removing his suit. A soft, rhythmic bumping was emanating from the floor, and Suna allowed himself a small smirk. If she was any good tomorrow, he was looking forward to spending more time actually watching the performances at his establishment.
He dialed the number to Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Tag List: @ur-moms-car​ @gojoscumslut @szoluvr @honeyr4ven​ @ntimacy
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
If I can get through studying tonight I’m gonna try and work on getting the next chapter out… but I can’t sit still for more than 10mins 🤦🏼‍♀️ send help
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x Reader)
AN // Another one!!! Guys I’m actually on like Chapter 6, but I need to make sure my story is tracking with what I wrote previously and sometimes I go back to edit some things in the beginning, so just know that there are definitely more to come! Also, it’s pretty slow burn-y but we have some nice moments coming up in the next few chapters! Please feel free to message me with your thoughts! I love feedback :)
TW // Mention of drugs, some violence and blood, suggestive language, hand around throat for a moment. 
WC // 3.8K+
Chapter 2
Y/n sat quietly in the car all the way to the apartment, sitting next to the large man who had helped assault and kidnap her brother. Her back was stiff and aching, but she never allowed herself to slouch back into the bench seat. Every nerve was on fire and she felt like she was about to jump out of her skin any moment. Her mind was racing a mile per minute and she couldn’t focus her thoughts on anything for more than a few seconds. Despite, all this, she remained still in her seat, looking out the window.
“You were very lucky tonight, I hope you know that.” Y/n turned to face the blonde bodyguard. “I have never seen Suna in a generous mood, save for today.” He was staring straight ahead, a flat expression across his face.
Y/n turned to look back out the window until the driver finally stopped in the center of the city. The bodyguard exited the car before holding his hand out for her. She slid across the seat and took his hand before standing to meet the bright lights of the street.
She stood before a towering high-rise that seemed to go on forever. The neon lights and bustling people were dwarfed by every building on this stretch. The glass walls that encapsulated the ground floor revealed poker tables, slot machines, and the entrance of a strip club attached to the building. Hundreds of people walked through the doors, down the street, and around the casino, completely oblivious to her. She couldn’t help but tip her head back and marvel at the sheer size of the building.
“This way,” Atsumu gestured to a door off to the side of the building, keeping one hand on the small of her back. He pushed a button next to the door, and a loud buzz signaled their admittance. He opened the door for her and ushered her inside. The room she entered was completely antithetical to the liveliness outside. She stepped into a quiet hallway, lined with hardwood flooring and a rug with a large tree and intricate vines winding throughout. Traditional tapestries were hung on the wall and there was a table across from the elevator shaft with vases and a small bamboo plant.
This can’t possibly be right. I’m going to be living here?
Atsumu rang for the elevator and they waited quietly side by side. Y/n was still on-edge, but her nerves had started to calm. She couldn’t tell if she was becoming more comfortable with her new situation, or if she was just exhausted, but she could feel her shoulders drop down from her ears.
Soon they were entering the elevator and they ascended without a word. She noticed that there were very few buttons, but the ride still felt like it lasted ten minutes and she was starting to wonder what exactly she had gotten herself into. Eventually, they reached the floor and she stepped out directly into an apartment.
What the fuck?
The living area was open concept and connected with the dining area and kitchen. Large floor-to-ceiling windows spanned the length of the western wall and wrapped around to face the north. The floors were marbled black stone and the furniture was dark to match. There was a recessed area for the couches and TV in the living area and in the corner was a large dining table with a beautiful arrangement of blood red flowers in the center. The kitchen featured stainless steel appliances and a large island.
Y/n stepped into the center of the space, mouth agape. There’s no way I’m going to be living here. She slowly took in the scene, barely processing her own thoughts. Her heels clicked along the floor, the sounds echoing off the walls. She walked up to the windows to see a large balcony overlooking the city. Through the sliding glass door, she could see over the railing and down to the street she had been standing on minutes ago. We have to be on the twentieth floor at least!
She stayed out on the balcony, steadying herself and trying to organize her thoughts for the first time that night. She took several deep breaths, finally realizing that she was trembling. She knew this was just the response to the adrenaline coursing through her, but she couldn’t help but mentally kick herself for not being stronger. Y/n wasn’t sure how long she had been out there, but by the time she was steady enough to walk back inside, it had started to rain.
“This is… Is this where I’ll be staying?” Y/n asked Atsumu who was now sitting lazily at the dining table, texting on his phone. He looked up at her questions.
“Yes, Suna made it clear that he wanted you in the apartment below his. Is it not to your liking?”
“No, no it’s beautiful!” she interjected. “I just don’t understand, I thought I was supposed to be reconciling a debt, not living in an apartment that costs more than my education.”
“Like I said, Suna was in a generous mood tonight. I can’t tell you what he was thinking, but his orders were to bring you here to stay. We have some others bringing your clothes and personal belongings here soon.” He went back to his phone, grimacing slightly.
Y/n sat in the chair next to him, folding her hands in her lap. She stared at the stern face of the bodyguard until he looked back up at her with chocolate brown eyes. He looked tired too, but he was relaxed, confident, and there was a little glimmer of mischievousness behind his veneer of solemnity.
“Can I ask you a question?” Y/n probed meekly.
“Yes, but I can’t promise that I can answer,” he returned.
“What does Suna really want from me?”
He paused and took in a deep breath. His eyebrow cocked, and he smirked before his phone rang. He looked at the screen and answered, “I think you should ask him for yourself.” He stood from the table and approached the elevator. As soon as he stopped in front of it, the doors slid open silently, and Suna strolled inside, rolling the cuff of his shirt sleeve, revealing the edges of two symmetrical tattoo sleeves. Atsumu greeted him with a low bow.
“She’s got questions for you, Boss,” he quipped, before meeting his twin in the elevator and disappearing. Y/n was left alone with her new captor.
She remained seated as he walked over to the fully stocked wine rack in the kitchen. Suna uncorked one of the bottles and poured two glasses of a deep red wine before walking over and sitting at the table where Atsumu previously sat. He slid a glass over to Y/n before removing his jacket and slumping back in the chair. He tilted his head over the back, so his face was pointed straight to the ceiling, eyes closed, letting out a long sigh.
Y/n could see that his expensive suit was disheveled; he no longer looked like the suave, clean-cut man from the club. His collar was unbuttoned, and he had loosened his black tie, so it no longer lined his neck. She could see flecks of red staining his sleeves and knew he had been rolling them to hide it from her. Y/n’s eyes wandered down his arm to his hand, delicately laid on the base of the wine glass, ornate ink curling down his arm and tapering at the edge of his wrist. His knuckles were bruised, and traces of blood were still smeared across the back of his hand. A sick feeling in the back of her throat threatened to choke her, but she was surprised that this was not worry about her brother, only about herself. Of course, she was concerned about his well-being, but she trusted that Suna would leave him alone. Lately he was acting strangely, and though she wanted to admit it, she knew it was because of the drugs. She had indulged him a few times, knowing he had been barred from the club, but she was planning to cut him off soon anyway. She just hadn’t found the courage to do it just yet. She knew he would be pissed and she didn’t want to lose the last bit of family she had left.
“Why aren’t you drinking your wine?” He asked, unmoving.
“It’s a bit difficult with my brother’s blood smeared across your hand.”
Suna smirked but he didn’t move. “If it makes you feel better, some of it is mine.”
“It doesn’t.” Y/n looked away from him and towards the elevator. She had expected him to keep some sort of bodyguard with him, but they were alone in the apartment. I could just kill him right here and now. They didn’t even pat me down for a weapon. I could kill him, and this would all be over. She looked back at his slouched form, neck exposed, eyes closed. The carotid is only about 4 cm from the surface of the skin, I would only need to…
He interrupted her thoughts in that moment when he lifted his head and looked straight into her eyes. They flicked up from his neck to look at him as well, but he had caught her, almost as if he could read her thoughts.
“You wouldn’t be fast enough.”
“What?” she gasped. How did he know?
“Even if you could kill me, you’d never make it out of the building alive. You may not even make it off the elevator.” He looked to his glass and swirled it a few times before casually taking a sip. She sat there stunned, unable to form words.
“Do you think I would be sitting here with you alone if I thought you were capable?” She sighed, looking away and releasing the tension from her shoulders. She knew in her heart she couldn’t do it either. Analytically, she knew multiple places on the human body that would require minimal effort to fatally wound a person, but she didn’t have the stomach to kill anyone, not even the man who owned her for the next 12 months. She took a large drink from her wine and Suna smirked.
“So, Atsumu tells me you have some questions for me,” he said before taking another sip of his wine, “I thought I specified that you are not to ask questions.” Her eyes focused on the vase of flowers, hearing Suna huff out a quiet laugh.
“You have my attention.”
Y/n faced Suna again, trying to read his expression, but he stared back at her with intensity in his olive colored eyes. “I don’t understand what you get out of this deal.”
“That’s not a question, bunny,” he purred, sitting up and leaning an elbow over the back of his chair.
“What exactly benefits you here?” Y/n huffed indignantly.
“You’re wondering why I would forfeit the money your brother owes me for a year’s worth of free labor?” he asked condescendingly. “Because your brother is a good-for-nothing bottom-feeder and I know I would never see a dime of that money. Plus, its expensive to dispose of people.” He threw back the last of his wine and stood up to pour himself another glass in the kitchen. Y/n was a little taken aback by the insult to her brother, but she said nothing and followed.
“Well, I guess that makes financial sense, but why keep me here? Why offer to provide for me and spend all this money on someone who is supposed to be making up a debt?” Suna poured another glass of the wine and leaned back on the counter, legs crossed and his free hand in the pocket of his creased pants.
“I like to protect my assets. You’d be of no use to me if you were suddenly without an income and couldn’t pay to survive, or if someone were to break into your home and murder you in your sleep. Or if, God forbid, you were stupid enough to try to run.” He cocked an eyebrow, amused. Y/n mimed his posture and leaned against the island across from him.
“But, all this seems to be a little… extravagant, don’t you think?” She still couldn’t quite read him, mischievousness hiding behind his eyes, but he held his straight expression.
“Well, first, I wanted you close. My apartment is the penthouse upstairs, so you’ll be constantly monitored.” He noticed the thinly veiled look of realization crossing her face before proceeding. “And, second, if you decide to use some of this newfound privilege to buy a nice dress or some jewelry sometime, then I get the chance to look at a beautiful woman whenever I want. Money is no object to me at this point, so there really is no downside for me.” He brought the wine glass up to his bottom lip, but he didn’t take a sip, instead holding eye contact with Y/n intensely. She thought she could see lustiness in his eyes, but at that point she was more focused on the anger bubbling in her stomach.
Money is no object to me… Those words echoed in her head, picking at her composure with every syllable. Her brother’s face flashed in her mind, and though she was disappointed in the choices he’s made over the last few months, she still loved him. The vitriol in her throat erupted before she could catch herself.
“Well, if money means nothing to you, then why the fuck am I here?!” She had placed her wine glass on the island behind her roughly and pushed herself up from the counter. “Why does my brother’s debt mean so much to you?”
“It’s the principle, bunny,” he said calmly, without elaboration.
“You beat the shit out of my brother for the principle?!”
Suddenly, Suna lunged forward and grabbed Y/n’s neck with his free hand before she could react. His face never changed expression, and somehow, he kept his wine stable as he gripped her aggressively. Y/n gasped, fear flooding her veins as she stared up into Suna’s foxlike eyes.
“There’s something you will learn about me very quickly; I do not tolerate disrespect. Your brother borrowed money that I expected him to pay back with interest–” he leaned forward to hiss in Y/n’s ear. She could feel a shiver radiating down her spine, – “but instead, he decided to try and cheat me. So now, I have you.” He released her neck and Y/n instinctively rubbed the spot where his hand had clutched the delicate skin. He took one step back but remained close enough to feel the heat radiating off his body. He took the hand that had grabbed her throat and he brushed the backs of his fingers gently across her cheek. She tilted her head back to look him in the eyes once more. “Do you understand, bunny?”
Y/n nodded slowly, lost for words. His touch had every nerve in her body on fire for the second time that night. She tried hard not to let her terror show, and she turned unsteadily to make her way back to her chair. Suna remained in the kitchen checking his phone. Soon, a small jingle came from the device and he peeked at the screen. A brief scowl crossed his face, subtle enough for Y/n to miss had she not been hyperaware of him in that moment. He carefully slid it back into his pocket.
“Your stuff will be up momentarily. I have arranged your room back this way if you’d like to follow me.” He walked toward the northeastern side of the apartment, past the living area to a small hallway that led to a set of double doors inlaid with frosted glass. Y/n followed gingerly, keeping a larger distance between her and her shadowy new boss. He opened both doors before ushering her in ahead of him.
The eastern wall was lined with the same floor to ceiling windows as the main area. A large four-poster bed was on the opposite wall, facing the magnificent view of the city lights. Dark mahogany hardwood floors spanned the room and a large rug was laid out in the center. The furniture was minimal, but Y/n could see one large dresser and a nightstand next to the bed. She walked into the door on the other side of the room to find a sizable bathroom with a walk-in shower and a large vanity supporting an ornate mirror.
What an extravagant prison.
Soon, there was a faint ding, and a knock on the doorframe outside the bedroom. She turned to see the silver haired twin holding a plant, and several men behind him with a dolly full of familiar items.
Y/n ran over to the man with her plant and took the heavy pot from him carefully. She could feel a knot well up in her throat, vision becoming blurry, so she turned to set Verne the Fern down beside the large window. She crossed her legs and sat facing outward, trying to control the emotions clawing to the surface. Until now, nothing seemed real, but seeing the entirety of her life rounded up into a few boxes and uprooted from her home made this whole experience hit her like a brick to the face. She was caught off guard and wanted a minute to compose herself.
Y/n could hear the men behind her dropping off her stuff and quickly scurrying out of the room. There was a quiet, heated murmuring in the corner, but Y/n couldn’t turn around yet. The tears slowly dried in her eyes and she waited to feel the heat behind her eyelids to fade before standing and assessing the damage.
She stoically began to unpack the boxes, taking out her essentials and leaving the other items packed. Suna and Atsumu remained in the room once the last man left, watching her carefully. Y/n ignored their gazes and moved around the room, opening drawers and organizing her new room.
By the time she had finished, the two men had retired to the living room. She could see them sitting on the couch, speaking in hushed tones. Y/n caught only a few words of what they were saying; “goddamn”, “fool”, and “bastard”. She slipped out of her room hoping to eavesdrop closer, but the two men stood up and faced her immediately.
“Um, I’m done unpacking…” Y/n mumbled, failing to think of anything substantial to say. Suna nodded and Atsumu bowed to her before exiting. Gesturing to a spot near him on the couch, Suna took a seat on the edge, back straight and elbows on his knees. Y/n walked around and sat on the furthest cushion from him, feeling her nerves start to tingle again.
Something is wrong. She could feel a growing anxiety clawing its way up her throat. “What’s going on?”
“Your brother tried to run as soon as we let him go. I don’t think he knew we were going to be collecting your things, and he tried to run. My men caught him on the way out the back door.” Suna answered. Y/n tried to focus on the sound of the rain, soothing her rapid heartbeat and calming her mind, but tears still spilled over her cheeks, dripping from her jaw. She looked down to see little dark dots forming on her jeans. “Are there any questions you would like to ask me?”
Y/n closed her eyes, grimacing at her brother’s stupidity. “Is he dead?”
“No.” She sighed, and her shoulders relaxed slightly.
“Can I see him?”
“I’ve had my men take him to a secure location.” She looked back at this man, hurt apparent in her eyes, but his face remained unmoved.
“You said you would leave him alone!”
“I said I wouldn’t kill him. Like I told you before, bunny, I protect my assets.”
Y/n paused, mind racing. “Who are you?”
Suna paused for a moment, “Suna Rintaro, head of the Inarizaki clan.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, and a pit opened up in her stomach. Fear gripped her heart again and she felt the blood drain from her face. She stood from the couch slowly, lightheadedness enveloping her, and her vision narrowed. She stumbled toward the bedroom and into the bathroom. She collapsed to her knees and vomited into the toilet, coughing and gagging until she was dry-heaving and shaking. Weak and drained, she flushed and leaned back against the wall. Y/n stayed like that for several minutes, trying to organize her thoughts and slow her breathing.
What have I gotten myself into?
No. What did he get me into?
She tried to get her feet underneath her and slowly stood from the bathroom floor. Suna was still in the living room when she emerged, a glass of water waiting for her on the coffee table in front of him. She once again sat on the couch, sipping the water slowly and slouching back into the cushions. The two sat there silently until Y/n had gathered the last shreds of courage.
“So, what happens to me now?”
“Well, your brother paid his debts with you as collateral before he ran. I expect you to keep your end of the bargain, unless you’d like to follow in his footsteps.”
“I have debts too, you know. Mine happen to be legal, but I can’t pay them if I’m not making money.” She had no strength left for tact and at this point she was becoming numb to her fear. She had nothing left and now she was ensnared in a web that she could see no way out of.
“Your lease will be taken care of, and you need not worry about a car or…”
“I have debts from school. About half a million dollars’ worth. US dollars.” His surprise was masked, but she could see it peeking through his unwavering gaze. “I went to medical school in the states before I came here. My brother and I moved here after I graduated so I could practice here, but plans changed.” Y/n finished off her glass of water and gently set it back on the table. “I plan to go back there someday. Is there no way I can work for pay instead of all of this –” Y/n gestured to the apartment, – “overindulgence.”
“You don’t really have a lot of room to make demands at this point,” Suna answered flatly.
Y/n sighed. What’s the point?
“You should get some sleep. I’ll have you familiarize yourself with your new responsibilities in the morning.” Suna stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen, removing his jacket from his chair. Y/n didn’t move, and he soon left her alone in the apartment, the rain finally stalling and leaving her alone in complete silence.
Taglist: @ur-moms-car​ @gojoscumslut @szoluvr @honeyr4ven
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine Masterlist
Suna has been watching her from the VIP lounge in his club for weeks now. Unfortunately, she’s been caught in his web and you’ll have to kill him to let her go. Especially, after he finds her worming her way into his cold, black heart. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Midnight City (Bokuto x F!Reader)
Blood and Wine (Mafia!Suna x F!Reader)
The Hardest Part (Jean Kirschtein x F!Reader)
AN - Hey everyone, I figured I’d make a quick masterlist now that I have more than one fic that I’m working on. Just for everyone’s knowledge, my asks are always open if you have any advice or requests! 
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
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Blood and Wine (mafia!Suna Rintaro x reader)
AN// Hey y’all, I’m back! I recently started a grad program, so I’ll be posting when I can. I’ve been so excited to post this story because I feel like I had so much inspiration for it, but I wanted to get a few chapters in so I didn’t have to keep going back to edit the details as I went. I’ll try to update my other story when I get more written, but I’ve been so focused on getting this one up and going. Feel free to message me if you guys want to! 
TW// Mention of drugs, some violence and blood, some suggestive language. 
WC// 2K+
Chapter 1
He had been watching her closely for a few weeks now, eyes drifting down her neck, her chest, her ass. She drifted through his club, unaware of his predatory gaze looming over her. She had been coming here regularly for a few weeks now and she always played the same game: she’d let a few guys buy her drinks, she’d pretend to drink them, and then she’d slip into the corner to buy drugs before immediately leaving.
He always observed her little ritual, wondering what a girl like her was doing buying drugs, let alone in a club like his. Suna Rintaro, head of the Inarizaki clan and owner of over half of the adult clubs in the city, was intrigued by this pretty little nobody. With just the flick of his wrist he could get anything, or anyone that he wanted. In the beginning, that kind of power was intoxicating. Now, he’s just bored. There’s no fun if there’s no chase, and he’d lost the need to chase anything years ago. She was the first thing to spark his interest in a very long time.
Suna sat above the house in the VIP area and drank up her body, her movements, her sultry smile. She would often flirt with the Johns who were buying her fruity little drinks, but Suna could see the distaste on her face when they would turn away. It gave him a sick sense of pride, knowing that she has rejected every last one of them, a covetous sensation slowly bleeding into his black heart every time he saw her. She gave him a sense of excitement when he watched her, one he hadn’t felt since the other yakuza factions had ended the turf wars and drawn territorial lines for the sake of peace. He had the same feeling when he put a bullet in the brain of Ukai Ikkei, former head of the Black Jackals.
Tonight, Suna saw her walk over to the same corner that she had bought from for the last few nights. She pulled a wad of cash out of her bra and slipped it to the dealer between her index and middle finger. She looks like a pro, he thought with a hint of admiration, but this feeling passed as he cocked his head in her direction, signaling his men. As she slipped the tiny plastic baggie into the same spot she had retrieved her money, Suna could see Miya Atsumu grab her arm and whisper something into her ear.
He rose from the couch and walked to the railing of the platform with his drink. He stood, back to the stairs as he swirled the vodka around in the cup absently. He could hear a small struggle as the twins made their way up to where he was waiting, quiet grunts coming from the struggling girl. No one in the club was paying her any mind, the bass of the music pounding over all other sound. The two men dropped her on the floor behind Suna, and he slowly turned as she stood.
She was just as gorgeous in person as she was from afar. Her slate grey eyes met his cool green ones with anger, challenging him. Her bleached blonde hair was disheveled from the struggle, but it hung around her shoulders and down her back like a cascade. She had a sharp jawline leading down to a slender neck and full breasts, lined by the skin-tight black bodysuit she was wearing. Suna’s eyes devoured her figure, but he kept his expression level.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she spat at him, facing him with no hint of fear in her eyes.
“I could ask you the same question,” he answered flatly.
“I was having a good time until your little goons dragged me up here!”
“Goons?” Atsumu asked, looking at his brother, clearly offended. Suna glanced at him sideways and he shut up again.
His eyes shifted back to the girl. “Don’t lie to me, I know why you come here,” Suna raised his eyebrow expectantly, “Y/n.” Her eyes flashed with a glint of fear, and he could see her façade starting to crack.
“How do you know my name?” she leaned back imperceptibly, subconsciously putting some distance between her and Suna, but she didn’t step back. She glanced around to Suna’s men scattered around the VIP lounge, confusion and suspicion replacing her anger.
Suna turned to the silent twin and gave a slight nod. He turned to leave, and the blonde moved behind Y/n.  Soon, Miya Osamu came from the back room, wrestling a scrawny man to the floor. He put his boot on his back and grabbed a fistful of hair to yank his head back to look at the group. The bump of the music in the background was loud enough to drown out the man’s grunts, but the scream ripping from her throat was clear to Suna.  
“No!” she tried taking a step toward her brother, but Atsumu grabbed her arms to hold her in place. “Let him go, what are you doing?” She kicked and struggled, but she couldn’t overcome the strength of the blonde twin behind her.
“Calm down, bunny, you’ll ruin that beautiful skin of yours if you keep struggling.” Suna ran the back of his fingers down the soft flesh of her arm and she jerked back away from his touch.
“Don’t you ever call me that,” she threatened darkly. He set his jaw and continued.
Suna began to walk slowly between the two siblings. “Unfortunately, you see, we can’t let him go. The last time we did that, he decided to use his sweet sister to spend my money on my product.” He kneeled down on one knee in front of the man, powerless on the ground. “I can’t have that again.” Suna’s arm wound up behind him and he struck the man in the face, ripping his hair from Osamu’s grasp. Y/n screamed behind him again as he stood slowly, cleaning the blood from his fingers with a handkerchief.
“What do you mean your money?” She looked at Suna with wild eyes. Her chest was heaving from the exertion, and her hair was tossed back over her slender shoulders. Suna walked right up to her, inches from her chest, close enough to notice the heat radiating from her body. He nodded for the second time at Atsumu and he released her arms, but not without her yanking her arm from his grasp.
“Well, bunny, I’m sorry to inform you but your brother here owes me a lot of money. Gambling debts, most likely, but I don’t stick my nose in other people’s financial decisions,” Suna’s eyes glanced at her breasts, again, the small baggie peeking out from under the lining of her bra. He smiled slyly and continued. “However, I had come to collect, and when I confronted him a month ago, he seemingly disappeared. That’s when I noticed a pretty little girl spending time at the bar before buying–” he slipped two fingers into the hem of her shirt and slipped out the baggie of white powder–“drugs.” He waved it a moment in front of her face before sliding it into the breast pocket on his suit. She looked down, avoiding eye contact.
He walked in a semi-circle around her slowly, like a lion toying with its prey, as he continued. “It was quite obvious that someone like you was not deep into hard substances, so you really do stand out when you come back for more. That’s when I did a little digging, and what do I find, but your brother, skipping out on his debts, but still finding enough to ‘buy’ my product.” Suna looked to the side, where the dealer from earlier was hiding in the shadows. He motioned for him to bring over the bundle of cash that she had paid him with earlier.
By this time, the man on the ground had begun to struggle and plead incoherently. The blow to the face had knocked out a front tooth and his check was too swollen to allow him to speak properly. His eye was beginning to darken, but he persisted. Osamu grabbed his hair again and slammed his face into the marble flooring, spattering droplets of red across the beautiful white. Y/n shrieked for him to stop, but her feet were glued to the floor where she stood.
“How much have you paid in the last month?” Suna asked calmly.
“I don’t know, please just stop!” She cried.
“How much?”
“¥170,000,” she said hesitantly.
“¥170,000,” he repeated. He walked up right behind her, leaning over her shoulder to whisper in her ear. “Did you know he owes me over ¥5.5 million?”
A shiver rippled down her spine and tears formed in her eyes, her tough demeanor finally cracking completely. He could see the panic written on her face as he prepared to dispose of her brother. But, he wasn’t a complete monster, despite his reputation, and he turned to Atsumu and ordered him to escort her from the bar while he took care of the dirty work.
“Wait, please, I’ll give you anything!” She turned to face Suna, looking up at him with her shining silver eyes. “Please don’t kill him.” Suna could hear the man groan, Osamu having yanked him up by his hair to a standing position again. Blood had dried on his nose and mouth, and his cheekbone was clearly shattered, leaving his eye to swell shut.
Suna was no stranger to family member’s begging for their loved one’s life, but for some reason he was taken aback by her offer. His eyes darkened, and his voice deepened. “You should be very careful about what you offer to me.”
“Please,” she begged, her eyes pleading with Suna, unaware of the power she was willingly sacrificing to him. He noted the silence emanating from her brother, making no move to protest her bargain.
Suna set his jaw and grinned imperceptibly. His shoulders rolled back, and he towered over the girl. He reached up and grabbed her chin roughly. She winced but held eye contact with the dark figure looming over her.
“Well, then, this is an interesting proposition. Atsumu, what do you think this girl has to offer me that could be worth 5 million?” The blonde shook his head but remained silent. “Osamu?” The silver-headed twin did the same. Her eyes grew more desperate, but never left his.
“I see, well, lucky for you I am more resourceful than these two here. I have an idea of how you can pay your brother’s debts, but first,” Suna’s wrist twisted and he turned her face, so she was looking at her brother. “I want you to look at the man who sold your soul to the devil.”
He could feel her tense in his grip, but she held firm, watching as Osamu dragged her brother into the back alley to beat him again before releasing him. Suna could feel a wetness on his fingers as her tears finally slipped from her beautiful eyes. He turned her to look at him again and released his hold on her.
“Now, here are my terms. I own a burlesque club a few blocks from here. I want you to work for me there for one year. You will live in an apartment of my choosing, with access to an escort at your pleasure. All your needs will be provided. If you skip town, if you miss a shift without approval, if you so much as think about reneging on this deal, I will hunt your brother down and bury him alive. Do you understand me?”
She looked at Suna confused but nodded. He seemed satisfied until she interjected, “Only one year?”
He turned back to look at her. “Only one year,” he confirmed. She seemed to relax a bit, but her tension was still clear.
“What’s the catch?”
“No catch, but you will follow my rules without impunity. You will obey my orders, you will not ask questions, you will not involve authorities with any of my business dealings, and you will not fraternize with any clients.” She closed her mouth and nodded slowly.
“Good, I will send my men to collect your things from your brother’s house and they will meet you at the apartment. Atsumu, if you please.” He signaled Atsumu to walk her back down the stairs and out the front door to the driver waiting outside. Suna, satisfied with his transaction, picked up his glass again and downed the rest before exiting through the back.
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
Soooo, I started a mafia!Suna fic because I have hit a wall on the Bokuto one. I promise I’m not gone, I just had some inner conflict over starting a new story while I’m working on another. I decided I’m just gonna keep writing when I figure out how to get to the next plot point in the Bokuto fic (I have plenty to write I just have to get the characters there!). Just thought I’d update the few people who are here ❤️
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
Midnight City - Chapter 7  (Bokuto x F reader)
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AN // Soooo... This has barely been proofread and I literally finished it minutes ago. I wanted to put it out now though, because I’m glad some people are liking it! Again, these will likely be coming out a bit slower, because I caught up with myself and I don’t have anything pre-written, but hopefully I’ll have a little more inspiration in the next chapters. Any feedback is always appreciated! 
SFW // WC 1,238
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Chapter 7: Pink Skies - LANY
Y/n scrolled mindlessly on her phone, though her mind was not focused on the content on her screen. Pictures and videos from her friends back home floated upwards, but she was hyperaware of the environment around her. The light from the window streamed into the small café, feeding the numerous plants spread around the floor. She was tucked into the corner to draw as little attention to herself as possible. Most people here were fixated on their laptops or on books and the occasional newspaper.
Her phone buzzed momentarily, and his name popped up at the top of the screen.
Hey, I just parked, I’m walking over!
A warm feeling spread across her stomach and she felt a little fear rise up in her chest instinctively. She pushed it down, excited to see him, but also nervous about finally revealing her face. It felt very intimate and honestly, she was craving human contact.
A few minutes later, the bell above the door rang. She turned, and he stepped in, slowly scanning the shop for her. His hair was gelled up again, dark roots peeking out from his silver tips. His eyes seemed brighter today, the ochre shining with a golden tint. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his black and white track jacket, and he had a plain black mask across his nose. His eyes met hers and she thought she could see his hair stand up straighter as he crossed the café towards her.
“Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here.” He said as he slid into the chair across from her, smile apparent underneath his mask. “Have you ordered anything yet?”
“Not yet, I was waiting for you to get here. I figured since I invited you here I’d treat you to coffee too.” She leaned forward a bit, “What would you like?”
He raised his eyebrows, seemingly a bit surprised, but he didn’t say anything. He looked at the menu for a moment and settled on a plain iced coffee. Y/n strode to the counter to order before making her way back to the table with both of their drinks. He thanked her and removed his mask before folding it and placing it carefully on the table. His eyes met hers imploringly.
You can do this, you can do this.
Y/n sighed heavily and reached her hands up to her ears. She slowly peeled the loops of her mask from behind her ears and lowered it to the table.
Bokuto’s breath caught in his throat.
Her all too familiar stormy eyes looked up at him from her lashes, lowering her mask to the table. She had a beautifully sculpted nose with an upturned tip, full rounded lips, and a sharp jawline that perfectly framed her face.
His jaw dropped, and his mouth hung slightly agape before the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile.
“You… You’re so… I …” His mind went blank and he sputtered out sentence fragments without filter before settling on, “Wow.”
She ducked her head a little, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks, but Bokuto noticed and shook his head to reset his thoughts.
“What I meant was… You’re even prettier in person than I had imagined.” Now he could feel the blush creeping up his neck, but he refused to break eye contact with her. He took a sip of his coffee to clear his throat. She glanced down at the table again briefly and tried to hide a faint smile. Bokuto struggled to think of anything else to say, but the butterflies in his stomach threatened to escape and he couldn’t focus on anything other than forcing them back down.
“Thanks, I… um, haven’t met up with anyone in person in a while, but I feel like I know you so well already. I just wanted you to know that I feel really comfortable around you.” Y/n said quietly. Though she was talking in hushed tones, her confidence never left her voice.
“I feel really comfortable around you too,” Bokuto said. He hesitated a minute, knowing what he wanted to say next, but feeling like he was about to give a piece of himself to her.
“I’ve felt so alone in this city, and I feel like you have been the only person who has understood me. I tried talking to my teammates, but they don’t really get it. They’re all excited to be in a new place and have adapted to the fast-paced tempo of this city, but…” He thought for a moment about his next few words. He wanted to make sure he was precise in his wording, so she would truly know what he was feeling.
“You miss home?”
He sighed, “Exactly.”
“I get that,” she leaned back in her chair, eyes focused and understanding. She nodded to prompt him to continue. Bokuto spent the next few hours with Y/n, spilling his pent-up feelings out for her to absorb thoughtfully. She never interrupted, and he never felt judged or misunderstood. Her gaze was soft and unassuming and the more Bokuto said, the lighter his chest felt.
Before either of them had realized, two hours had gone by.
“Wow, I can’t believe we’ve been here this long already,” Y/n murmured, peeking at her phone. Bokuto looked down at his and it read 11:14 AM. He felt his mood deflate a little, before she spoke again. “Are you doing anything after this?”
“No, today’s our rest day so I’m technically supposed to be home, but it gets a little suffocating in there sometimes, so I’d rather be out.”
“Would you want to walk down to the park for a little? I could show you the cool antique shop around the corner too?”
Bokuto was secretly hoping to spend the day with her and he was relieved that she was the one to ask him. He was concerned about pushing her too hard on her first outing, so he wanted her to guide the itinerary for their first meetup. He nodded excitedly, and they left the café.
They walked silently for a few blocks before Y/n spoke up again. “I was thinking. You feel like you aren’t connected to this city because it’s unfamiliar and kinda individualistic, and I want to finally put some roots down and meet people aside from the barista at the coffee shop. I could maybe be like a guide and help you explore the city at your own pace? And in return you could be my friend?” She cringed internally at how the last sentence sounded coming out of her mouth, but she left it at that, feeling like she couldn’t have been more accurate about what she wanted.
You really just asked him to be your friend? What are you, in fourth grade? He’s gonna think you’re fucking weird, she chided herself in her head.
Moments went by before he answered, but for Y/n it felt like minutes.
“You’d do that for me?”
Y/n looked at him and stopped walking. He turned to meet her eyes and she swore she could see his eyes shining. She smiled gently.
“As long as you agree to hold up your end of the bargain.” She raised an eyebrow and held out her hand. He stared down at it for a moment and met her eyes again. Her gaze never wavered.
His hand met hers, their fates intertwined.
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
Hey all, thought I’d update ye who may be reading my stuff! I have hit a bit of a block on my story, and I’m literally in the middle of a huge life shift, so I just wanted to let you guys know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I’m just stuck on how to proceed with the next chapter. Hopefully I’ll figure it out soon but I’ll keep you all updated as I go!
Feel free to message me at literally any time. I thrive on tiny anonymous interaction. The fact that I have more than 2 likes makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside ❤️
- Tay
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heyitsmeyuhh · 2 years
Midnight City - Chapter 6 (Bokuto x F reader)
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AN// Hey y’all, I’ve got a lot of change coming up in my life right now and I’m going through some stuff, so my posts might come a lot slower in the next month or so. I have a little bit of block on the next chapter as well, so I’m basically caught up at this point, but I wanted to get this out for you guys. Any feedback is always appreciated. <3
SFW // WC 1,300
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Chapter 6: Daft Pretty Boys - Bad Suns
The referee blew the whistle moments after his block had shut down the hit from the other team’s opposite. Elation filled Bokuto’s chest and he ran to the middle of the court to celebrate with his team. He was aware of Y/n’s presence in the gym, though he had yet to find her. His confidence in his play was only boosted, knowing she was watching him in his element. His pride swelled, knowing she had seen him score the winning point, and he stood up straighter. However, he soon felt an arm drag him away from the middle of the chaos.
“I found her!” Hinata bounced around excitedly as Bokuto’s heart jumped. “It was her, in the beanie.” The small middle pointed behind him into the stands.
Bokuto slowly turned. He tilted his chin and immediately met her slate gray eyes. He felt like time stopped and he stood there staring at her for what felt like several minutes. She gave him a small wink.
Oh shit, it’s her. Wait, it’s her!
He hadn’t got a good look at her before, but he definitely recognized those eyes. His mind flashed back to the image of her standing up after grabbing her squished bag in the grocery store. He had been stunned at that moment too, but back then he thought he’d never see her again. And here he was, gazing up at her again, heart in his throat, praying that he could keep looking into those eyes.
“Bokuto, get over here we’re lining up!” He turned to look at Akaashi glaring at him expectantly. He turned back to look at her again. She held a small slip of paper between her fingers and waved it at him slyly before tucking it in between a gap in the railing where she was standing. She turned gracefully and faded into the crowd of people, another fan quickly taking her place. He felt his chest sag a little and he jogged over to the back line to thank the other team.
As soon as coach was finished talking to the team, he rushed out to the lobby and looked around for her. He darted up the stairs to the spot she left the note and plucked it out of the balustrade.
I’ll be outside if you want to come find me. – Y/n
A warm flood filled Bokuto’s stomach and he skipped down the stairs two at a time. The fans had thinned, some waiting back hoping to get pictures with some of the players, but he rushed past them, unwavering in his pursuit to get out of there.
He burst through the doors of the gym, scanning through the remainder of people waiting for their rides and loitering around. The sun was starting to set, and the deep blues of the sky cast a soft shadow over everything. He walked out further onto the empty sidewalk stretching around the building. He could see a girl in a beanie leaning against the corner of the building, mask over her nose with her hands slid coolly into her pockets. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and to collect himself to finally meet her face to face. He tried to think of what he wanted to say, but in that moment, she turned to meet his gaze once again and all thought evaporated. She cocked an eyebrow and walked around the corner, out of view.
He started walking, finding it difficult to move his feet, excitement flooding his body. He was walking on air and couldn’t seem to get there fast enough.
As he turned the corner, there she was, standing there in a gray beanie, hair braided down each side of her shoulders, a black mask hiding her face from view. His breath stopped, and he struggled to find any words to say to her.
“Hey,” he murmured.
“Hey.” She gave him a cheeky smile under her mask.
“I’m glad you came.” He tried recovering some of his lost composure, but he couldn’t keep the stupid grin off his face.
“You seemed to be doing really well out there. It was a really exciting game.” She cocked an eyebrow and tilted her head.
Why is she looking at me like that?
“And I found you!” He beamed and shifted to his other foot, failing to keep his fervor inside.
“Oh, don’t think I didn’t see your little friend on the bench, you cheater,” playfulness dripping from her voice. His eyes went wide, but he leaned into the banter.
“I don’t think we agreed upon any rules for the game. I was just utilizing my resources.” He held his hands up as if to surrender, smiling innocently.
“I think I specifically said that you have to find me. You don’t look like a redhead to me.” Her cheeky grin hadn’t left her face.
“Ah yes, but it was my idea to try calling you, so I basically found you myself.”
She snickered and shook her head. She was still leaning on the wall behind her and he stepped a bit closer.
“So… now that we’ve formally met each other in person, would you want to get something to eat later?” He tried to act as smooth as possible but realized he and nowhere to put his hands. He reached up to rub the back of his neck as he leaned against the wall next to her with his other shoulder. He tensed his bicep reflexively.
“Don’t you have stuff to do with your team?”
Oh yeah.
He ran a hand through his hair. “Shit, I forgot about them.” He exhaled sharply, pushing himself off the wall and peeking around the corner.
“Uh, yeah, I have to take down the net, but I’ll be done in like thirty minutes. I could give you a ride back?” Bokuto started to feel antsy, hoping desperately that their conversation would continue.
“I have my car here actually,” His heart sunk. “But, I’m free for coffee tomorrow morning?”
“Yes, definitely. Can I text you later?”
“Definitely,” she smiled.
“Hey, um… Before I leave, do you think I could see the face of the neighbor I’ve been dying to meet?” He raised his eyebrows pleadingly.
“Tomorrow,” she answered, winking.
“Okay.” He felt like he could do a backflip, but instead he backed himself down the sidewalk towards the gym, holding her eyes for as long as he could. When he finally turned to walk in, he could feel his body relax, not realizing that his muscles had been wound tight. He turned one last time watching her walk toward the parking lot, swaying with every step.
“Bokuto, where the fuck have you been?” Atsumu was staring at him, holding one of the poles from the net. His team all turned to look at him and he gave them an apologetic smile.
“Sorry guys, I was talking to a friend outside and lost track of time.” Half of his teammates rolled their eyes and continued to break down the net. Bokuto grabbed the rest of the equipment from the gym and stored it in the closet before leaving. His drive home was focused on the image of Y/n standing in the bleachers, watching him win the last point of the game. The wink she gave was burned into his retinas and he couldn’t remember a single minute of his drive home. Akaashi and Suna exchanged questioning glances; Bokuto was never this quiet, especially after winning a game. They both silently decided not to say anything, and all three men made their way up the elevators, exiting one by one to their apartments. Bokuto’s eyes lingered on Y/n’s door as he entered his apartment, impatient for the night to pass so he could look into those beautiful, laughing eyes again tomorrow.
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