guccithin · 4 years
Ok so I’m now 194lbs I woke up 1.8lbs lighter , going to try and not binge or restrict too much cos that makes me binge , had some of the same pasta I had yesterday, still not a fan of it , now eating some weed brownies and a can of coke and a tin of peaches so hopefully I won’t binge , Defo going to freeze the pasta cos I’m not a fan and I don’t want to waste it , really wanna go all out on a McDonald’s binge but I’m not going to my birthday is in 12 weeks tomorrow I’m going to do all I can to get to 150lbs by then , definitely hitting the treadmill at midnight seen as I woke up at 6pm and didn’t sleep til 7am going to tire myself out so I sleep at a normal time and hopefully lose some more weight
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guccithin · 4 years
I don’t no what’s wrong with me I always plan a crazy strict diet on no carbs and then always binge less then a day in , started off well today with protein water and tuna for late lunch but then binged on ice cream and 2 cans of normal coke and ended it with some biscuits and tea .... tomorrows another day and I need to get my fat ass up and stop being afraid of going out
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guccithin · 4 years
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Weighed in at 0.4lbs less then yesterday which I’m glad about , I’m forever coming up with excuses to not stick to a diet or healthy plan , I’m waiting for my phone to charge so I can do my 10k steps , had a protein water for breakfast and having a meal of 2 tins of tuna light mayo and some sweetcorn , I don’t no why I keep thinking carbs will kill me when I’m actual fact staying this big will kill me , and it’s my bday in 13 weeks I wanna be at my goal weight of 130lbs by then but I probably won’t be il do my best to get there tho
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guccithin · 4 years
Everytime I start a diet I fuck up and I’m sick of it I’m giving myself 12 weeks to do an intense workout plan I’m also “seeing” someone new and the other day during sex he said “this pussy Is all mine u can’t fuck anyone else” it’s weird cos we’re so not each other’s types I mean I’m a fat ugly short mess and his the body building type of guy covered in tattoos and so muscular it’s nice seeing someone and him not being crazy and stalking me but I feel like il fuck this up cos I seem to fuck everything up
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