gh0st5bby4life · 5 months
This was written like a year ago- it was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo and I’m never going to expand on it. So here ya go!
Doesnt have to be Hijinks in mind- buuuuuttt she suits best ;)
Simon knows he’s deeply in love but pushes that fact away.
Simon riley x homie!hopper reader
You’re heavenly. Divine.
He’s certain of it, not a moment in his life had he ever believed he was worthy of such love and adoration. His father had proved that. And yet here you were kicking down his walls- no. Running into them and shattering them completely, with no care in the world. Ghost was nothing to you; not really- it was just a name. But Simon? Oh ho- Simon Riley was everything you ever wanted. Needed. He couldn’t believe, that he- the very man, his own father couldn’t bring to love, had won the affection of the worlds most heavenly girl.
Meeting you for the first time seemed like so long ago now, but when he thinks about it- it really hadn’t. He hates, and loves how quick and easy it is for you to worm your way into his hollow chest and plant a seed of love that you cherish and nurture so well. The very thing he didn’t realise he was missing this entire time, not until you. He hates how oblivious you are to his obsession with you, hates how much everyone loves you, wishing they could have you all to themselves. Finding his own time with you withering away at each knock on the door, every interruption means a new person to take your attention away from him. He dreams of taking you for himself. Away to luscious islands, luxurious holidays and most of all, spending all of your time together; alone.
He’d plead on his knees for you to run away with him- not that he ever needed to plead. He knew that all he had to do was to say those very scary words. The very words your dying for him to say. Wether it’s a whisper, a shout, a sign. Anything.
It’s still yet to come
So you play-
Continue playing around with the rest of them until he gets his head out of his ass and grow’s the courage to tell you that he’s sick of this game. But he’s scared- terrified that the minute he lets himself say it, you’ll dissappear; leave. Vanish into thin air- or explode into a million pieces because you’re just too divine to be real. Too good to be true.
So he’d deal with the games, he’d deal with the others. The sharing. Because it meant you would stick around. Means you couldn’t leave. Because he hadn’t said those words yet. Hadn’t uttered the phrase- the plea- the truth. Not yet
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gh0st5bby4life · 6 months
I miss my girl sweets but I have NOTHING to write for her. Maybe I’ll just rewrite her entirely?
Ghost sickly in love? With the Captains daughter…. Who doesn’t love that shit?
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
hijinks and ghost smut please?
Erm yes. You see I did write it, but I’ve lowkey lost it….. so trust their dirty lil shmut will be out done day😜
Just think- two idiots stuck in a cupboard kind of smut
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
hey i love your stuff so much (especially my girl hijinks) and i was wondering if i could be added to your tag list? your writing is so good it makes me feel all warm inside when i picture ghost in love with his silly girl (he deserves it) anyways sorry for the ramble :p
Ermagurddd thats literally so stinkin cute🥺 thankyou so much your kind words mean so much💖 ofc I’ll add ya to the listypoo💖 DONT EVER BE SORRY TO RAMBLE. I literally love reading everyones lil rambles
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
Are you still taking requests?
Forever and Alwayyysss- but also put in ur requests at ur own discretion cus ya gal might not do it🩷
🥹Sorry🥹 not
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
Sneak peak to badGal Jinkys.
Safe to say- she’s giving cunt
“Wandering how I know your name? Wasn’t very hard to get”
You turn quickly on your feet to Ghost, who refuses to react to you. His willpower wilting when he peaks a look at your deceivingly sweet face
“But you! Well, you were a little tougher Killer- but I got there in the end. It’s Simon right? Riley?”
Asking as if you didn’t have the answers in the palm of your hand
All of a sudden the safety of his mask feels meaningless, the fabric feeling a little too tight as it sticks to his sweaty skin. Your sweet sickly voice making him bow his head in frustration at being tied up like a fucking animal. Exposed to you despite the cover, as if he were some open book you were allowed to rip the pages from. How dare you even think you could utter that dead mans name. He wasn’t Simon anymore.
“I’m right right? I must say, count me impressed that you’re still standing”
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
I’m ill as per usual🤪 so have something small and Shitty- this is the early stages of Hijinks being part of ✨141✨
Not Ghost swaying a poor Ill Hijinks in his lap, gently talking to her in his lovely deep raspy voice lulling her to sleep. Not Hijinks falling asleep in his lap drooling on his shoulder because she’s so bunged up with a cold. Not Ghost keeping the hot water bottle staying put on her back with his large hand splayed out. Not Ghost’s insides fluttering as Hijinks nuzzles in closer to him- her breathe tickling his neck as he works on signing reports.
Not Price walking in and leaning against the doorframe with a smug smile on his face as he puffs on a cigar
“And you’re really gonna tell me you don’t like her?”
Not Ghost squinting at the cheeky fucker- a little embarrassed getting caught at being affectionate with Hijinks.
“…she couldn’t sleep- kept annoying me”
Not Price snickering at the shit excuse Ghost gives him- walking away as he says loud enough for Ghost to hear
“Nothing wrong with admitting you like the girl Lieutenant”
Not Ghost sighing in annoyance. Not Ghost relaxing when Hijinks has subconsciously wrapped her fingers around Ghosts pinky. Not Ghost falling in love
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gh0st5bby4life · 7 months
I think I might finally have something ready to post in like 300 years.
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gh0st5bby4life · 9 months
Hijinks x Ghost Headcannons <3
Ghost x Fem!reader
I've been pretty all over the place for so long now, and I still will be- lol so here's a treat :)
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Hijinks steals Simons Phone and likes to encrypt it with funny memes- he hates it, but also loves it because it’s from her. Like when he’s on a long mission he finds his phone missing a week before leaving. Then finding it on his bed the morning of. And mid mission- or even when he’s at a safehouse able to sneak his phone it lights up with personalised messages and photos just for him. Some risky, some funny, some wholesome- and it makes him so happy to have a techsavvy dumbass like Hijinks as his.
Simon steals Hijinks jumpers (they’re all oversized) no elaboration needed
The pair can’t really sleep without each other. (Not very well at least) Simon obvs suffers from Ptsd and nightmares whereas Hijinks overthinks herself into a panic attack and is restless without him. I can imagine her really struggling one night, rocking back in forth stuck in her place in the corner of a room- mumbling panicked thoughts or trying to reassure herself but she just sounds crazy to anyone on the outside. Her tear stained faced shocked when she looks up at whoever poked her to see Simons eyes staring at her calmly and without missing a beat she falls into his arms where he cradles her until she quickly falls asleep. He likes that she is so comfortable and safe around him that she is happy to see his face and immediately fall asleep. Because lets face it that girl has been up for 43 hours already and is starting to go crazy. So of course seeing the one man that makes her feel the safest is enough to lull her into immediate peaceful sleep
They eat together everyday- same time. Routine! Hijinks might….not freak….but freak if she’s late or misses their lil lunch break together. Lunchtime is Simons favourite time because he gets to see his lil excited gremlin since breakfast.
When Hijinks and Ghost are in Manchester going about their normal life. The great question is. What is their normal life?- well Simon ALWAYS wakes up before her. She ALWAYS forgets to finish making his tea. and they ALWAYS go to the cute little cafe they’ve come to regularly visit on Tuesday. Ghost ALWAYS ties her shoelaces and Hijinks ALWAYS grabs a spare mask (just incase) She ALWAYS calls Price on Tuesdays, and Ghost is ALWAYS jealous (not in a toxic way, more playful endearing way) and They ALWAYS do something on a Thursday. Hijinks ALWAYS drives. Hijinks is actually Designated Driver most of the time. Ghost ALWAYS cooks her fave meal on Fridays. Hijinks ALWAYS gets excited every Friday for the same meal and it warms his heart dearly. And before they have to leave for base again they both ALWAYS tackle cleaning together- doing microlists of tasks so it’s easier and less overwhelming for Hijinks. (Don’t get me wrong she still gets sidetracked) but Ghost is so encouraging and gives her praise every. Single. Time.
Ghost plans everything. Literally everything- she’ll shoot a few ideas but she’s more of a “tell me where and I’ll be there” kinda gal. But Ghost doesn’t mind planning, he finds it quite therapeutic to do some research on things to do together or places to go. Now Hijinks does plan stuff- not all the time, but enough that Ghost doesn’t feel like he’s the only one thinking of things to do. But her mind is going 100mph that her plans can sometimes become…messy, overwhelming or…impractical. 3 things to do in the space of an hour and she hasn’t thought the journey through, plus they have other plans in the day too- Simon politely tells her that they have to change up the plans a bit, to which she’s pouty but understands once she realises how silly it was to overplan the day knowing she’ll get tired relatively quickly after the first part of their plans. She’ll giggle guiltily and hang over his shoulder whilst he cleans the schedule up and spreads it over their week instead of cramming it into one day.
But he’ll admit, she’s amazing at finding hidden gems. Restaurants down alleys, food carts with phenomenal food and people. Festivals out in nowhere- activities he didn’t think england could do. Beaches through hidden pathways. He’s amazed at all the random things she’s capable of finding, yet also not completely caught off guard. If anyone were to know the worlds secrets it’s definitely Hijinks.
He hates pictures. Hates being in them so badly, so that’s why there’s so many of just Hijinks infront of whatever thing they’ve come across/found alone. Or the photos that she posts anyways. There are plentiful of Simon standing awkwardly or happily- depending on the mood with Hijinks next to him smiling ear to ear or red in the face from having to have a stranger take the pic for them. The blush that creeps up his neck and ears from the compliments the strangers throw at them are endearing. Nodding his head in gratitude as Hijinks loudly thanks the strangers and coos over the photos
“Simon look! You look so cute!”
I could so imagine these two going backpacking- Hijinks being this bubbly friendly girl who makes friends with everyone she comes across. Ghost and Hijinks making a pact to change the story of how they met every time someone asks. (A lil inside joke between them) believe it or not tho Hijinks would thrive with the go with the flow vibe that backpacking is- the only thing that ever stresses her out is getting onto their plane/coach/train to get to the next stop. Ghost also thrives when Hijinks thrives- he very much is impacted by how Hijinks feels and if she is angsty then he gets angsty. Not as intensely but it deffo has an affect on him. She would deffo Send a pic of them everyday to Price and a pic of them drinking to gaz- always with the message “missing you xx”
Unbeknownst to her though Ghost managed to get Price to come join them for a week- where they have the greatest of fun😜😉 she deffo would struggle walking everywhere and demands to be carried on one of their hikes lol. But the waterfall they come across makes all of it worth it babyyy😉😉
Ghost kisses her forehead before he leaves the bed everyday-
Hijinks latches onto his arm refusing to let go in the mornings when she’s all cutesy and cuddly, but then retches away from him as soon as the morning zoomies hit lol.
Hijinks desperately wants Price to come visit them- but Ghost is realllllyyy grudgingly against it. Not really wanting to share her outside of work. Especially with his literal only real competitor. Hijinks doesn’t bug him about it though, because it’s a touchy subject.
Not Hijinks buying a plethora of knicknacks- an array of blankets, a collection of bowls- an abundance of food shaped utensils/crockery, filling the house with it all. And not Simon- this big burly man who only ever wears monochromatic dark colours and has a grumpy face and dark demeanor using all of these childish wholesome brightly coloured things in his day to day life. Picking biscuits out of the strawberry shaped jar in the kitchen. The carrot shaped spoon for his soup. The brightly coloured checkered blanket to cuddle under during movie night. And all of these cute quirky little figures/collectables/knicknacks in the background of pictures that he’s in. No. Not that at all
Simon rarely ever gets to see it. But he loves watching Hijinks interact with kids. If theres anything purer than Hijinks it’s children. And it absolutely melts his heart to the mushiest puddle ever. One time a kid had mistaken them as his parents in a supermarket, grabbing onto Hijinks’ hand bouncing with excitement about the toy in his hand. Only to look up horrified to find fhat it wasn’t his mother- his sweet little eyes tearing up in confusion and embarrassment when she locks eyes with scary Simon. But before he can even sputter out a cry Hijinks kneels down before him rubbing his sweet little hand and politely saying “that’s a pretty cool toy y’got there huh? Should we find your mummy and daddy to show them?” And a cute shy smile spreads over this little boys face- lighting up as he talks aimlessly about the toy to your listening ear before squealing at finding his parents. Pointing at the stress stricken pair “there they are! Mummy! Look- this lady helped me find you!” Some chitter chatter happens before Hijinks happily coos “never got your name little man?” And he toothily grins with a proud chest saying “I’m Toby!” And Hijinks forces the shock away as she happily ruffles his hair bumping his shoulder with her fist playfully “all the best boys are called Toby aren’t they?”
Simon loves candles. Fight me- but he can’t trust Hijinks with fire. Quite understandably though. She did almost burn down the flat one time. And also left the house with a candle still going all day- just to narrowly miss a disaster. So he has a box full of candles on a top shelf out of her reach- and only really lights them when she’s away, or having a relaxing bath. He is also a plant dad- but the majority of the plants they own are fake due to them not being at home very often. He actually leaves his handful of plants with a neighbour to look after them. (It’s a sweet older couple with a black cat named Simone)
Witterwy canon that Simon is a dog person, he likes the energy, the unconditional loyalty and love that they have. A dog would not betray you. And he most deffo has been thinking the older he is getting the more he realises he’s quite fond of the idea of getting a rescue dog- however theres no sign that either Hijinks or Simon are slowing down and retiring from work anytime soon so it’d be unfair to adopt a dog just to leave them behind all the time. So he most certainly spends an afternoon at an animal rescue centre helping out, getting a dose of daily dog life. But also he didn't mean to, but he definitely kept that lil weekly trip a secret- making Hijinks go totally crazy and follow him around only to melt at the sight of him walking up to the centre knowing damnwell what he's doing in there. She would stalk him for the day-think she's being slick, taking photos of him, giggling with the workers about the big hulky teddybear that's enamored with the particular three legged staffy. Simon being not shocked when he spots her laying down in a garden surrounded by 9 week old puppies, picking her up and kissing her forehead "found me then did'ya?"
"not hard to find Sir"
Also canon that Hijinks managed to get Laswell and Lyn (whom they visit regularly) to adopt the doggo for Simon as a surprise. He’d be so heartbroken to find out that his favourite dog got adopted without him knowing, only to be a lil teary eyed thankful that the dog now gets to stay in his life permanently in some way! All thanks to sneaky sneaky Jinkys. She would totally snap a pic of him grinning with the dog excited in his lap😊 She's unable to contain her excitement and sends it to Price who will never get the image of Simon Riley Grinning- When they next see each other Price can't help but just chuckle everytime he looks at Ghost- staring at the mask and just imagining that cheesy funny smile. lol
AND LASTLY! Simon has bought a house, without telling Hijinks. and it just so happens to be her dreamhouse :)
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⭐️——————————————————————————————⭐️  Thankyou for reading ya lil skank👅 If you’re interested in being part of the taglist-or want off- just send me a message! <3
deakyspuff  -  ttzamara  -  tomhollandisabae  -  galagcica  -  dollop-of-cream  maowmaowme -  kryloxen  -  atlantic-sugar  -  bubs-world  -   lostath–l  -   thereeallink  -   johnwickmorelikejohnthicc  -   sant-riley    bunkvo   -  saga-seniorrr  -   wolfyland07  -  blarba-girl  -   scatter-mind001  -   hidden-wildflowers -   uwu-i-purple-you  -   wwwurmomdotcom -   constantwritingblock  -   digitalsins -   margarets-flowers  -   agspgrwasb  -   @oceandeepthirst2  -   southernbluebellereader -  devilsfoodcake22  @oxbunnehxo @grxywindd @thychuvaluswife @lonleybxtch
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gh0st5bby4life · 9 months
Hijinks being mad/annoyed at Ghost or Price so she makes one of them watch her take care of herself but they’re not allowed to touch it’s her little pay back
Tbh there’s nothing her two big burly boys can do to make her mad at them. Like they make her weak, so she’d easily give in if she even got remotely irritated. SOAP however….easy peasy all he has to do is look at her and they’re at each other’s throats. Lol
She’d make that fucker watch her come undone- maybe all over Königs tongue- or sitting in Keegans lap, or making out with Ghost- or getting fucked by Price- or sucking off Gaz- she’d do it intentionally so that Soap would catch sight of her every time. Smirking at him when he pauses in the room.
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gh0st5bby4life · 9 months
do you still write hijinx? if so will keegan ever get a turn with her if that makes sense? sorry to bother you🫠
Firstly- you guys never ever bother mee. Periodt☺️
Secondly- is that sumn you guys wannnntttt?😏
Lil Keegan n Hijinks action ayy- also I just totally have it in my head that Keegan is too shocked by the pairing of Ghost and Hijinks that he KNOWS she must be special for Ghost- a dead man walking to be so openly (in his own way) in love with Her- so he is like lowkey scared to even participate in her slut era- scared Ghost might chew him up and spit him out.
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gh0st5bby4life · 9 months
we missed u 👑
You did?🥺
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gh0st5bby4life · 10 months
Soo not that anyone’s really that botheredd, I’m still here as per usual- albiet not as often as I once was. STILL ERE THO LUV, just bit lazy, bit crazy. Been writing for other fandoms but errmm SCARED to post anything. The absence has made me…..shy 🤏🏼 I do acctually have headcannons ready to post- and the first part to a bodyguard!Ghost story cus….I just can’t seem to fucking finish one story. BUT I’m still here, I STILL have ur requests….that I feel terrible for leaving untouched😅 but is what it is babygurls😇 if yall ever wanted to just word vomit ur fantasies/questions/curiosities about Hijinks/Oddball/Sweets feel free to do so!- or don’t ☺️☺️ lots of love- yours truly
Someone who’s incapable of finishing anything😇 aka- me :)
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gh0st5bby4life · 11 months
Don't you think
Just playful horny Ghost x Hijinks lol
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!reader
slight breeding kink goin on- ;)I do not own any Modern Warfare characters Enjoy:)
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“No. go away”
His face says it all- he’s stunned at your rejection. You’re not usually this strong willed; against him of all people too.
“C’mon kid- don’t be like that”
“Like what huh? You said it”
“It was a joke sweetpea-“
You stupidly let his big arms snake around your waist from behind, shivering when you feel his hot breathe fanning over the shell of you ear. Biting back a smile as he tries to slither his way back in
“No- stoppit”
“Baby- c’mon I didn’t mean it, I’ll give you as many babies as you want yeah? We’ll have a whole herd of em- chase Soap away won’t they?”
You chuckle at the last bit, finding the image of many little Simons and you’s running around screaming as they tackle down the rest of 141. You decide to tease the man behind you, putting on a voice as your fingers trail up his arms
“What about Price?”
“What if I want Price’s babies?”
You stifle a giggle at the stiffness in Simons arms- how the grip tightens on you as if you’ll slip away and do the dirty deed just to spite him. Leaning back into him as you dreamily sigh
“He’d be soo good to me Simon~ don’t y’think?”
The pinch inside your thigh has a tiny noise coming from you, attempting to ignore the deep baritone of his voice which makes you clamp your thighs together, trapping his hand as he growls in your ear with doninance and authority
“Don’t think he would Kid- you know he couldn’t. Too committed to the work int’he”
Oof- low blow.
You grin at the sheer jealousy emitting from your favourite man- smiling like a cheshire cat as anger flows through Simons neck, forcing veins to pop out that you stare at as you rile him up
“You don’t think so Si? I think he’d be a great daddy!”
You smirk at the twitch in his eye and the flex in his hands to stay calm at your incessant teasing. Jaw clenching to not rip you to pieces right here right now
“You’re a right wind up y’know that Hijinks?”
Your legs stutter at the use of your name- you’ve got him right where you want him
“Yeah? Maybe y’should do something about it….Ghost”
His eyes close at his codename- rarely do you ever use it, but when you do- he feels himself going savage
“I swear to god kid- I’ll fuck a baby into you right now”
Your hopeful eyes twinkle with mischief as you cup his cheek, lips hovering over one another. Your desperation reeking in the air
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⭐️——————————————————————————————⭐️  Thankyou for reading ya lil skank👅 If you’re interested in being part of the taglist, just send me a message! If I’ve missed you off of here pls lemme know!
deakyspuff  -  ttzamara  -  tomhollandisabae  -  galagcica  -  dollop-of-cream  maowmaowme -  kryloxen  -  atlantic-sugar  -  bubs-world  -   lostath–l  -   thereeallink  -   johnwickmorelikejohnthicc  -   sant-riley    bunkvo   -  saga-seniorrr  -   wolfyland07  -  blarba-girl  -   scatter-mind001  -   hidden-wildflowers -   uwu-i-purple-you  -   wwwurmomdotcom -   constantwritingblock  -   digitalsins -   margarets-flowers  -   agspgrwasb  -   @oceandeepthirst2  -   southernbluebellereader -  devilsfoodcake22  @oxbunnehxo @grxywindd @thychuvaluswife @lonleybxtch
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gh0st5bby4life · 11 months
We’re gonna be okay
Peter B Parker x fem!reader
Summary:  Pervy!Bestie!Peter sneaks into your room at night....and temptaion wins
TW: Cheating, Noncon-ish,  Dub-con, SMUT
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He swore to himself, and silently to MJ that he’d fucking stop this, but you’ve got the harshest grip on this man more than he could ever fathom. And the worse part was, you had no fucking idea. He could write down a love poem dedicated just to you, and wave it in front of your dumb pretty face and you’d still have no clue. His baby bug. His best friend. It was unhealthy how much he thought of you. It was incredibly unfair, he had a goddamn wife. You were at the wedding, and yet all he could think about was you. 
His intentions were pure that night- he just needed a friend, needed you - a rough night of saving lives and fighting crime had made him only want to swing into the arms of one woman- not his wife, not the other spiders, But you. You were usually up the moment he called, but you were out cold this time, insomnia losing this fight tonight. He thanks the stars that it was the peak of summer. Your body clad in nothing but one of his old shirts he let you borrow so many years ago. The blanket on your bed barely covers your lower half. Your leg sticking out as the blanket is tucked in between. He can see by your naked hip that you’ve tahnkfully ditched underwear for the evening. His body buzzing with delight at the mere thought of your most delicious parts hidden, only by a thin layer of fabric.  The front of his suit quickly tightening at the idea. He could take a peak. It wouldn't hurt. You wouldn’t need to know- just a quick lift of the blanket and then maybe all of his temptations might be pushed aside, after finally getting to see what he’s been craving these past couple of years. Maybe then he can carry on with this journey of faithfulness. Maybe
If you weren’t so fucking tempting. He can’t bite back the groan of lust as he slowly tugs at the blanket, inch by inch revealing more skin, licking his lips as the dip of your hip comes into view making him twitch- oh so painfully hard. He was fucked- really fucked. poor thing Mouth watering at the sight of your pretty cunt glistening in the dim moonlight shining through your bedroom window. It highlights how beautiful you are, and how unhinged he’s becoming. Because seeing you like this wasn’t enough- it’s not enough. Licking his lips at the thought of pressing himself against you- rutting his hips against his tight spandex just isn’t enough. Fingers tracing your soft plush skin as he wanders what you taste like. Must be sweet
Dipping his head and laying on his stomach to get a good view of the very thing he’s been unable to stop fantasising about. It was so wrong- maybe that’s why it felt so right. He shouldn’t do this- repeating the mantra in his head like it was the last thing to help him. As if his fingers hadn’t already dipped into the crevice of your leg, massaging your thighs slowly- savouring the softness of your plush skin. You fidget in your sleep, making the man freeze, not meaning to grip your thigh harder causing a tiny moan to come from your sweet lips. Unable to bite back the groan that falls from him he bites his knuckle as a last saving grace. One phrase running through his mind as he stares at your pussy
Fuck it
Moving his head to press a kiss to your pelvis, inhaling the smell of your core, humping the bed to get some form of relief. God he was going to hell
He didn’t care
Not when you’re spread out practically begging to be devoured. You buck your hips slightly at the wet kiss he does on the skin just above your clit, tongue licking and making circles- the sensation strong enough to elicit a reaction from you. And once he finally latches his lips onto your bundle of nerves your body involuntary jerks at the sudden pleasure. 
“Just f’me”
Peter is pleasantly surprised at how much of a deep sleeper you are- the more he devours your pussy the less gracious he becomes, his own groans of pleasure mixed with the wet sloppy kisses of your cunt are growing louder- he’s not sure he’s afraid you’ll wake up, if anything a small part desperately wants you to wake. Wants you to see him inbetween your legs, proving to you that you don’t need anyone, not your friends, not MJ, not Miguel. 
Just him
He doesn’t even lift his eyes to meet the sound of your voice, hoping you just fall back to sleep. 
“Pe-nggh- peter?”
Your moan only spurs him on. Fuck. He feels his tether snapping, the shift of your hips to move away only makes him pull you closer, grabbing your legs and locking them in his arms as he continues his assault on your pussy. Drowning out your voice with the wet sounds coming from your lower half. You gasp as he enters two fingers with no warning. Your hand flying to his arm to squeeze the bulge of his muscle- knuckles going white from how desperate your trying to groggily keep it together as he continues to penetrate you 
“Fu-Pete! Peter!”
You hadn’t told him to stop. 
So he keeps going
“Fuck- look’at ya- look at you taking my fingers babybug, look at you- fuck”
You both moan as he massages your warm gummy insides, hitting the spot as he curls his fingers- speeding up his movements, and adding the pressure of his thumb onto your clit as he fucks you; it’s too much. The pleasure builds so quickly that your orgasm blindsides you- the euphoric feeling making you feel dizzy as he doesn’t relent with his pace, his words muffled as he kisses your leg in a desperate attempt to hold himself together. You’re in a blissfull fucked out daze, that you hadn’t noticed your bestfriend pulling his cock out of his suit to slot the meat inbetween your thighs, the bulbous tip bumping against your clit everytime he desperately moves his hip. The delicious feeling of it snaps you out of your daze- clarity becoming clear as day once you realise what’s happening- attempting; albeit weakly to shuffle away from him, but it’s only futile- only because a part of you doesn’t want him to stop. Not when it feels so good, and it’s been so long.
“No-no Pete- nbghh, fuck- stop-stop!”
“Please- babybug, c’mon feel how good it is- d’ya feel it baby?”
Pathetically nodding at him, at the man you adore the moment you met him, you nod. Because yes- oh yes Peter it feels good. Guilty tears spring in your eyes- Hands squeezing his arm so hard you hope it leaves a handprint. 
“I-im…gonna cum Pete-r~”
You want him to say no, want him to tell you this was a mistake- This wasn’t meant to happen. That you’re bad people- but he doesn’t. He stares at you with stars in his eyes, as if you hold the moon in the sky for him. And who knows, maybe you do. Hunching over you as his humping becomes erratic, desperate for the both of you to release together-  holding your face whilst leaving wet sloppy kisses on your neck, savouring the sweet and salty mix of your skin. His loud shameful groans only push you over to your fateful edge. Feeling yourself clench around nothing, eyes rolling into the back of your skull when you reach your peak. Body  twitching and stuttering at the overstimulation only makes Peter reach his own end- chasing the addicting feeling as he lazily slides over your wet pussy. Smirking when he sees his own  seed spilled over your  pelvis. 
“Look’at ya. Fucking beautiful babybug- Aren’t you? Huh? Fucking perfect” 
His words make you swell with pride and embarrassment, his positive affirmations making your face heat up. But most of all despite the thrumming of your heartbeat, and the ringing in your ears- it’s the sincerity scaring you most of all. Scary that he meant those words, he was married. A light tap on your cheek brings you out of your daze- staring back at your best friend with a newfound light hanging over him
“Hey- hey, look at me, bug. It’s okay- we’re gonna be okay”
He’s scary, scary how convincing he sounds. That he really really believes everything is going to be okay.  Who knows…Maybe it will be, Maybe everything was gonna be okay. You want it to be, after…this, you want it to be okay- so you nod, pretty, glossy eyes boring into his blown out pupils nodding for him. Leaning into his touch as he kisses your forehead followed by delicious whispered praises. Just for you
“Good girl, such a good girl”
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gh0st5bby4life · 11 months
The idea of how many presents Hijinks gets on her bday from the 141 boys. What would each one get her? I could see Soap paying for a therapist session 😂
ANYWAYS- Sorry it took me like.....too long to reply to this. I got stuck on present ideas lol:)
I was gonna do König , Los Vaq bois and Laswell, but I thought fuck that, sooo here ya gooo sweetpea <3
So for context- Hijinks has never mentioned her birthday (tis a sore spot for her) but the date finally lets slip and the boys realise that for as long as they have known the girl, they all have never celebrated her birthday so they just want to make a big deal out of it for her.
like i said my guy knows her the best, SO he knows she’s been looking at a camera- it’s expensive and she hasn’t even told him about it. So he just bought it. It’s been wrapped up for 2 months. A part of him is nervous, he hasn’t really had to do birthday gifts in years. He knows you'll like it. OF COURSE you will, he knows he could gift her a peanut and she'd be incredibly greatful and happy, because it's from him- but he can’t help but doubt himself nontheless. This guy wakes her up early on her birthday....1- cus he's nervous, not wanting to wait around all day until you've finally awoken from the dead 2- he's a lil bit excited....and also very impatient. But he does it with light kisses all over her body;) the tickling sensation over her neck almost wakes her, but not quite- grumbling incohenrently until he gets to her face, his stubble tickling her soft plushy skin and his lips grazing over her face makes her wake up immediately, smacking his face away at the itchy sensation. She's apologetic through her giggles- a playful grumpy look on Simons face as he tackles her back down to the bed kissing and tickling her until she yields. The pair having a soft morning, where he tells her to stay put and close her eyes- Forcing the wrapped present in her lap and watching as her eyes grow slightly wet. Her breathe hitching at the idea that Simon had gotten HER a gift (She's overwhelmed by the implication of The Simon Riley buying her a gift) *as if he wasn't just smooching her face off 5 seconds ago* lol ANYWAYS- her heart leaps out her throat seeing the camera she's been eyeing up- gaping at him in silence then Jumping his body to hug him so tight- spilling endless thankyou's in his ear. And much to his dismay she snaps photos of him ALL day, he will literally be doing something mundane and then hear the snap of the camera with a not so innocent looking Hijinks starng at him with a smile :)
-OOOF that was a long one...oopsie daisy
He's such an old man, has no IDEA what to get her at all- lowkey has conversations with Ghost to try and get some kind of plan going, but Ghost gives nothing away. Because these two bastards are always competing at who's better lol Anyways- Price will probably get her a piece of jewellery. A heart shaped locket that has a photo of Hijinks and Ghost in her classic ghost sheet costume from halloween. It has Price's initials engraved on the back though. (lowkey, just to rile Simon up) but she cries- full on has tears down her face as he gifts it to her in her favourite cafe drinking her favourite milkshake. The necklace is probably the most sentimental gift she has recieved in a really long time. And Price is just mentally patting himself on the back with how well he has done. lol But price is whipped so that dude would also do whatever she wants throughout the day lollll
He’s an asshole near enough all day everyday- but her Birthday? She gets whatever she wants, and he will do whatever to make her happy. Because deep down he adores her, even though he doesn’t act like it. Although yes this fucker so would be so sarcastic - "heres a therapy session pet" Anyways- ya boy buys her breakfast or cooks it and brings it to her bed. She’s in awe at how lovely he’s being, he even kisses her head with a ‘morning lassy- ye hungry hm?” And this dude has a HUGE family, this guys KNOWS how to make an individual feel special on their bday- so he’s so good at making Hijinks’ day feel like HER day. His niceness just makes her excited and esctatic. ANYWAYS once again sidetracked lol- HE BUYS HER GUITAR PICKS- theres this personalised case he had made for her , and a collection of guitar picks inside of it- some themed…like ones a skull, one is red tartan themed *like a kilt* and one says in small writing ‘smoking kills’ then just some random ones. But she’s so SHOCKED at how thoughtful the gift is, especially from Soap. She refuses to cry, because....fuck him? but gives him the biggest hug ever. Giving him a kiss that he just melts into. Bonus: this all happens on her bed so Ghost is also there in bed with her and he’s just nodding in approval to Johnny being nice to her. Finally lol
ma boi is such a softy, I think after he hears Hijinks say she hasn’t had a present in years or made a big deal out of her birthday he just wants to celebrate her So much, because she is amazing. He bakes her a fucking SIIICKK cake like impressive cake. But that’s not the present! She doesn’t really want any presents to be fair so he struggles to buy for her. HE DEFFO ASKS HIS MUM FOR HELP. But he settles on buying her fidget spinners, stickers (like big themed stickers) and he bought her a blowup dinosaur costume. When he gives them to her all wrapped up it makes her laugh and smile. “It’s nothing massive, but I thought it was funny”
“I Love it! Thankyou Kyle”
He’s so happy with how excited she is, and laughing when she immediately is like ‘help me put the costume on’ that dude takes SO MANY PICTURES of her in it and saves them as his wallpaper. The one he has is her scaring Price. PRICELESS
Also- Gaz bought himself a matching dino costume, so this dumbass pair would just be running around base in these things doing dumbshit, dance battles- chasing each other around. Visiting the military dogs, but turning around as they all just growl and bark at them. Scaring the generals- and annoying Ghost. lol
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gh0st5bby4life · 11 months
You needed me?
Miguel O'hara x Fem!reader
Summary: Lyla tries to play matchmaker lol
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Miguel has become besotted against his own will with the quietest of the Spider Society- you. A supposedly meaningless, weak human who’s only purpose was meant to be able to fix anything and everything all in a few seconds. A reliable asset when everything that made the society work relied on Tech- that had the habit of breaking….even in the super duper futuristic dimension that is Nueva York. You’d done nothing but be useful. And silent- barely uttering a word unless absolutely necessary. You hadn’t even introduced yourself when the time had come, Jess had done all of that for you. Miguel never missed the way you had gratefully nodded your head at the woman when your introduction finally wrapped up. Your presence always constantly in the background for Miguel, even though you shouldn’t of been- always quiet, always focussed and always at arms length from him. He’s not sure if he liked the distance or not at this point.
He’d made it the most blatant rule, for anyone especially newbies was to be as far away and as far from annoying for him. So why was he so angry that you was doing just that. Never coming to him to report anything ever. He hated he could trust you to do your job, and to do it properly where he never needed to check up on you. Not once.
He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t hoped for an accident to happen just so he had the excuse to talk to you, shout at you, push you back in a medbed and degrade you for being so careless. Weak- stupid human.
But you weren’t. Weren’t as weak as he may think.
If there was anyone who’d pick up on his slight curiosity of you. It would’ve been Lyla.
The damn AI that probably spoke to you as much as she spoke to him
“She’s real cute y’know Mig’s- single too”
“Get out of here- I haven’t asked for you”
“You don’t neeeed too~ plus she actually needs you to come help her”
That brings his attention to the AI, all of a sudden feeling flustered, and a little unprepared. He hasn’t really spoken to you- or at least in the same room as you since your first day here. You had avoided him like he was a maneating zombie hungry for flesh. For your flesh to be specific. You had outdone anyone for not seeing him the longest here. And he wasn’t happy about it
“Uh-yeah where is she?”
“Just on the floor above you-“
And swoosh- just like that he had leapt and left, walking with big strides to get to you as collected and quickly as he possibly could. Ignoring the spiders that would make way for Miguel O’hara with passing greetings, some fleeting questions and some curious eyes. Bugs don’t make his akin crawl. Everyone’s curiosity does. Tweaking his neck as he makes his way up, hands threatening to sweat as he knows he’s getting closer to you. His heightened sense able to start smelling your sweet perfume. Vanilla. It’s always fucking Vanilla
“Oi Boss! Look I dunno how this happened yeah- but-“
“Hobie not now”
“But- oi where you goin in such a rush mate? Look I lost the little stick thing yeah, or well actually it broke”
“Get lyla to make another one”
“Why’re you in such a rush Boss?”
And then it clicks.
Hobie can also smell you too- finally putting two and two together
“Ahhh- I get it I get it- she’s nice init? Alright I’ll get out ya hair, but hey!”
Miguel sharply turns- fingers twitching at his delay to get to you
“Don’t scare her- easily spooked that one”
Miguel scoffs- scare you? What did he even mean by that? He wasn’t scary.
He wasn’t scary.
Not that he could even ask the idiot anyways as Hobie decides to swing away after his ominous speech. Scary?
Refusing to let himself get in a foul mood before arriving to you he shakes off the venom lacing his brain, the anger poking in his sides as he straightens up and walks calmly. Your scent becoming stronger and stronger as he approaches you. There you are. On top of two crates, legs dangling as your bent inside an alcove that’s spilling with wires. He’s not too sure what you need his help for, but he wasn’t going to complain. At least not about that. More likely to complain about what the hell you’re doing instead. Swinging up to your position and standing perfectly behind you. His eyes shamefull drifting to your backside as he understands how well those shorts compliment your rump. Hands twitching to touch you. But he refrains.
Don’t scare her
He shifts awkwardly, unsure how to engage your attention, when he realises he could just say hello.
His annoyance starting to bleed through at you blatantly ignoring him, fingers still working the wires all tangled together pushing buttons he didn’t even know existed. He wraps a hand around your ankle; just to get your attention.
Bad mistake
He’s kicked back as you scream out bloody murder when you jump out from your nook. But your foot twists, and before you can even fathom who snuck up on you, you’re toppling over the crates as the ground comes closer and closer into view. Nose almost grazing the ground as you stop falling. Eyes and hand frantic as you twist and thrn to see who’s the culprit of both scaring and saving you. Twisting your body and seeing that it’s the last person you expected to see. Miguel
Your heavy breathing is all you and Miguel can focus on, before he jumps down, pulling you up from his web and into his arms where he lets you steady yourself. Hands bracing either side of his arms as your wide eyes stare at his face. What on earth?
“Wha- why”
“I’m uh….I didn’t mean to scare you”
You nod
Still speechless.
Coughing as you realise your still holding onto him. Jumping back as if you just got stung by hot flaming water.
He stares at you. Thankful for the mask, because he’s gaping at you. Is that all you have to say? It’s okay? Is it? If that were anyone else they would’ve at least questioned him.
“You needed me?”
“I do?”
“You-…. but Lyla said”
You groan at the mention of Lyla. Indicating to Miguel that all of this was a mistake. A god damn stupid mistake
“…I said Michael…..sorry”
He deflates a little, annoyed and Lyla, knowing full well she had done this on purpose. He hadn’t made her perfect for no reason.
“Right I’ll just-“
“You can help me though”
This is the most he has heard you talk, and to be quite frank he’d let you boss him around if it meant you’d keep talking to him. He was unhappy about the fact of him becoming quite fond of your voice. It sounded nice, soothing even. A little raspy from barely being used, but lovely nonetheless.
He watches you fidget on the spot- seemingly building up the courage to talk again, when he realises the issue. You need to get back up there. And he just toppled over your makeshift ladder.
“Here let me-“
You squeak at being lifted in the air, a hand wrapped around your waist as your face flushes with heat at his close proximity. You can smell him, fighting the urge to fully indulge in his scent as your face to face with the box of wires again- clearing your throat at your thoughts your fingers go back to work as Miguel holds you up, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s doable; plus it’s working just fine.
The pair of you ignore each other, but you also need to work together here. Miguel a thousand miles away as he stares at your focussed expression; it was cute. You are cute. He will admit that- coming back to life as you wave a shy hand in his face to get his attention. An apologetic smile on your lips as you quietly speak
“I…just need you to reach all the way back for me…please”
He does as told, but realising he doesn’t know what to reach for
“What do you want me to get?”
“Oh yeah! Uhm….the blue wire please”
Your politeness is threatening for indecent fantasies in Miguels head. You are a colleague. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just a silly Mechanic. Engineer. Whatever you were. That’s it.
He wasn’t going to do all of this again. He couldn’t.
Sighing as he passes you the blue cord. A sound you mistakenly take as an indication that he’s annoyed, angry or thinking of firing you for taking up his time away from doing important things. Although you would argue it’s not entirely your fault. You avoid looking at him again as you finish up the job, tapping his shoulder to whisper that you were done.
Closing your eyes when Miguel brings the pair of you back to the ground. You’d never been a fan of heights, but it always seemed to come with the job. No matter where you were.
You tidy away your tools, picking up your bag as you quietly thank him “Thanks Miguel” before darting past him without saying anything more. Creating as much distance between you as your little human body could make.
Miguel watches you with a heavy and full heart. He wants so badly to chase after you; and he might. Just not yet. He’ll wait until it’s dark where he gets to lurk in the shadows and watch you do your mundane things as he pictures what it’d be like to let himself live a life full of you. He’d love nothing more to-
“Tick tockk~ anomaly detected in another Dimensionn Boss~!”
Miguel swats away the sing song AI as she flickers all around his peripheral. Sighing in frustration when he takes one last look at where you had gone, finding the space void. Empty- just like him. Jerking his head back in annoyance when he thwips his way back to his Spiderly duties. Not thinking about the anomalies he has to obtain but thinking of you instead. Always you
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Feel free to send a message if you want :) Hope you enjoyed
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