fangpie · 3 months
Period pains - Dean Winchester
Warnings: none really. Poorly written (it's currently 4 am and i wrote this in like 10 minutes) not proofread. Dean calls reader darling and sweetheart, does include crying, mention of a pad
Genre: fluff
Word count: 652
You, Dean and Sam were working a case in a small town in the middle of nowhere, it was supposed to be a quick salt-and-burn though it was being dragged out due to the ghost being cremated; you guys couldn't find the object it was tied to. All of you decide to turn in to the hotel for the night, Dean saying something about how 'sleeping it off’ will help. You and Sam were sitting in Baby while Dean checked you guys in. A few minutes went by of you and Sam talking about the case, before you saw Dean walk outside with a sour look on his face. When he got in the car, he turned to look at you and Sam before speaking
“They only had two rooms available, and both of them are single beds, so someone's gonna have to share” he explained. Sam sighed, disliking the idea of sharing a bed with someone, especially his brother.
You all decided that you and Dean would share, and went to your respective rooms. Once inside, you sat your bags down before going to take a hot shower to alleviate your tense muscles. Leaving the bathroom, you saw Dean sitting on the floor on a few blankets watching old western movies on tv.
“Dean, what are you doing?” you ask, looking at him confusedly
“watching tv?” he replied, confused
“not that, I meant why are you on the floor?”
“so you can have the bed” he said casually, not removing his eyes from the television
“you realize we can both sleep on the bed, right?”
After a few minutes of arguing, and him trying to prove his point of how it's the ‘’gentlemanly thing to do”, you finally give up, and collapse onto the mattress. You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, exhaustion making you slip into a dreamless sleep.
You wake up a few hours later to a sharp pain in your stomach. Sitting up, you bring your knees to your chest, and cuddle against your legs, hoping maybe that would be enough to make the pain stop. You manage to make it to the bathroom, to put a pad on, before wobbling back to bed, stumbling when you begin to feel lightheaded.
You try to find a way to lull yourself back to sleep, though nothing is helping, and you keep tossing and turning. Sitting back up, you can't help the tears that start pouring out of your eyes. You put a hand on your mouth, trying to stifle the sounds your uneven breathing, as you don't want to alarm Dean.
‘*Dean’* you thought, and you mindlessly crawled to the floor next to him, resting your forehead again his back as you continue to silently cry. He stirs, and turns around, still half asleep, he opens one eye to look at you
“what’re you doing” he asks, his voice laced with sleep “wait, are you crying? What's wrong darlin’?” he sits up pulling you up with him. He sees you clutching your stomach, and realizes what's wrong. He pulls you into his chest, and cradles the back of your head.
“do you wanna try to lay back down on the bed?” he asks, and you nod. He stands up, before offering you a hand. Guiding you to the bed, with a hand on your lower back, he helps you sit down, before walking to the other side of the bed, and getting under the covers.
“c’mere, lay down ” he says, and you lay your head on his chest. “shh, it's okay, I'm right here, sweetheart” he says as your tears finally stop. He begins drawing light patterns between your shoulder blades, as you listen to his heartbeat; his steady breathing paired with his warmth, and comforting scent lulled you back to sleep
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fangpie · 3 months
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9x06 | Heaven Can’t Wait
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fangpie · 3 months
i'm on season 12 and i know what fucking happens at the end of this season and even still knowing my heart fucking hurts... fuck Lucifer honestly and genuinely fuck that guy. for all of it.
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fangpie · 4 months
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fangpie · 5 months
Crowley could never allow himself to have a real moment of human connection with Team Free Will, because lurking behind all that suppressed affection would have been the terrible knowledge of “fuck, the monstrous things I did to these people I now care about” and lurking behind that would have been the terrible knowledge of “fuck, the monstrous things I’ve done over the past three centuries what have I done what have I done what have I done”, and from there, it would have been nothing but an endless spiral of guilt and shame and eventually madness, so no – when Dean said “thank you” for saving Cas’ life, Crowley couldn’t just say “you’re welcome”.
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fangpie · 5 months
i love rowena shes just built different and she mystifies me and i love my witch wife
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fangpie · 5 months
i watched a couple episodes of spn the animation and guys if this shit was fully fucking fleshed out and had several seasons with jensen and jared just VAing for their lives!! could die happy idk my silly little anime dweeb loving self would just be content <3
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fangpie · 5 months
i love how supernatural is just an accidental yaoi
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fangpie · 5 months
on season 10 bitches and WHEW i'm gonna be honest and say demon dean owns a piece of my lil heart and i don't know why... you deserved more time being your silly self pookie <3 im not ready for the later half of this season but mark of cain dean is top tier for me. also someone hug castiel please god i can't stand looking at him and SAM give him some good fucking news dudes stressed.
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fangpie · 7 months
sam felt so ooc season 8 with all that goofy nonsense about dean being missing and him just going "yeah... well ya know thats cool ! don't know if this mans is dead or not oh well." 😐 like girl thats bad fuckin WRITING TAKE IT BACK IT STINKS and castiel missing too along side him like what
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fangpie · 7 months
season 8 is angsty as all fuck brother, i'm kind of being spun around and taken piece by piece. I WANT PEACE BITCH! sorry for yelling but um,, at my wits end. dean needs to stop being a bitch and just fuck sam up please cuz its only gonna continue to bottle up frend 🫶🏻. i have my hateful little heart out for sam hes making me 😡, mf commit to something holy shit !
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fangpie · 7 months
hi, i wanna fight sam,, again.
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fangpie · 7 months
i just started season 7 and i can already pretty much tell this is gonna be one of my least favorite seasons, the brothers and bobby fucked up with cas so bad. huge fuckin hypocrites considering they would end the world for each other and then castiel was trying to save it for THEM pretty much solely with them in mind. i wanted to shank them cuz where the fuck have they been ? punishing castiel for shit you would do in a heart beat for one single man, dean ? deserved their asses beat i do not care.
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fangpie · 7 months
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why the fuck was he so twinky this episode? season 1 sam was different and so very boyish 😭also the look he gave dean.,, ahahah 🫡🫦 like whats up with that frend! he looks like a fucking puppy i hate him.
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fangpie · 7 months
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#The destiel confession scene but it's just text posts from this day because I still can't believe this was real
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fangpie · 7 months
dad's on a cunting trip and he hasn't been hoe in a few days
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fangpie · 7 months
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Sam and Dean both have their stories. But I always say that it’s about them coming together, because the story is really not about one or the other; it’s about the bond between them. The two of them being one unit is for us really what the story is about. - Eric Kripke
We’re all a bunch of misfits. The relationship between Sam and Dean, we connect with it. Everyone wants a Dean to their Sam. - Jared Padalecki
It was the love story of two brothers, to be honest. - Jensen Ackles
for @wincestwednesdays prompt: reputation
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