exd1000 · 7 hours
Day 5.
Extremely exhausted slept late (bc of more personal emotional stuff sigh) and woke up early to work out. Literally overworked myself to dehydration, got severe cramps, and had to leave early. I’ll try again tomorrow morning.
Today I still need to go over some code review and analysis (as per usual). I also just want to read more of anna karenina (I suck I cannot do a book club with all this) and the language god talks. Gonna do more of duolingo as well :)
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exd1000 · 17 hours
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exd1000 · 1 day
Day 3 (late) & day 4.
Was crazy sick and weak yesterday and barely got anything done. Will progress more today.
went over the ntx draft and i have some concerns but will probably discuss it sometime later
will probably check in with the usd and the course development sometime next week bc haven't heard back
need to go over code stuff (for everything).
put in a ticket because my laptop wont detect my hard drive for some reason
will need to look into more research stuff
i need to journal honestly
and i need to read (anna karenina and my other book) and study/go over the math math for my algorithms book.
I just do not have the time in the world for everything. But tomorrow at least I will wake up early to go to versa. I need to exercise more routinely. I know I barely got off routine bc this past weekend but it feels like everything went out of sync and I just really need to get back into it because it is the one thing that makes me feel good about myself.
Honestly I think chatgpt is the best learning tool created. It is like the google of google (which is so insane). We live in prosperous times and I am so blessed.
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exd1000 · 3 days
Day 2.
Currently in SD doing an animal study
Sent off my work analyses, emails, and research analyses
Heading back to lagree later
Need to go over the NTX draft and respond
Need to look over more code stuff later
Anddd that’s basically it right now!
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exd1000 · 4 days
Day 1.
Went in office today
Worked on work analyses
Printed and read the google deepmind article (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.05847)
Heading to lagree in a bit and then gonna finish up my work analyses to email off later tonight (or early tomorrow morning if anything). Seeing A later and then gotta drop Benji off at my parents after bc I need to be at an animal study tomorrow.
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exd1000 · 10 days
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exd1000 · 10 days
So gonna do another mini challenge just to keep my accountability and consistency. Just a short 5 day challenge to start though. I have been really exhausted lately and it's really eating into my productivity realllly badly. I have no idea why but it's been quite awhile already. I should probably go to the doctor.. Anyway, I don't think I can start it today but I'll consider these days as "pre-challenge days" since I have to go away this weekend and I don't think I'll have enough time to do everything I intend to do.
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exd1000 · 12 days
Day 10 (late or not??).
Okay totally couldnt even get through this 10 days challenge without losing track. But idk at least it’ll challenge me to stay consistent. Yesterday I don’t believe I did much besides code review but today I had versaclimbing at 7am. No lagree today so weird!! Had a meeting to go over the neural network analysis it was really helpful actually. Went through some code stuff and that was pretty much it. I have a meeting tomorrow to go over the data but thats pretty much it. I’m exhausted tbh so I’m gonna head to bed. I need to read through a NTX draft and send it out. Potentially have a call tomorrow. But just gotta get back into coding and practice and also look more into phd stuff. Goodnight world.
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exd1000 · 13 days
Day 9.
Okay its pretty hard. The weekend throws me off and I didnt finish all the python practice I was going to do yesterday and today I didn’t even attempt it as well. Last night was a late night bc of emotional things again (lingered over to tonight too ugh) so I didn’t really have the strife to do much. But I did look into more phd stuff today I consider that as a mini win. I am honestly exhausted though. I feel like my legs are getting so much bigger from lagree now (darn muscle growth under my fat) so I’m going to try to attempt versaclimbing and focus on fat loss. I do have lagree at 7 am tmr and I want to sleep early tonight. I’ll do more coding stuff tmr and review my codes. So my biggest priority for tomorrow would be coding. Have to get some groceries tomorrow but tbh idk what to cook this week so I have to look into that as well.
To do
Code (code review, python/pandas practice)
Print & read the research articles
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exd1000 · 15 days
Day 7 (late) & Day 8.
So yesterday I went so off road. It was hard because I kinda just kept ruminating in what I can do and where I can go but I worked on my neural network analysis for a bit so hopefully that progresses faster and I can get my freaking publication soon sigh. Have not been practicing my daily coding practice/study but I'll get back into that later today. I've been consumed with trying to look into this analysis as well as phd stuff (as well as dumb emotional stuff ugh).
Anyway, lagree today was good. Currently at my parents still doing the neural network analysis to try and understand how it learned. So now I have an undergrad and postdoc on the team to help me out. Hope it gets all worked out soon :) So I did the neural net analysis today and the postdoc and I are going to meet in person to discuss some more on Monday. I also did some of my freelance coding stuff (at least I made a few bucks lmao). I'm going to look into my python/pandas exercises/practice later and journal later too but it was a pretty relatively successful day. Just gotta go over my code later again.
Lagree tomorrow at 10. Then I think I might go to the library open up a library card and work there for a bit. Need to go review some things for work work Monday too. I have a meeting Tuesday to go over some things. I feel like going to lagree daily is making me either gain muscle or is getting me fatter and so I want to stop eating lmao. Also I believe my period is coming up soon so I feel fat but still. Okay I'm done for now gonna chill with benji for a bit then journal and then do some coding exercises.
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exd1000 · 17 days
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NeuroTechX (NTX) is a global, non-profit organization. Maybe you've seen some of our work out there *hint hint wink wink*. We work with all sorts of academics and professionals from all fields coming together in the name of neurotech.
Get involved with the Content Lab and publish your own work, experiences, and thoughts on the field.
Message me if you have any questions or concerns! It never hurts to reach out and just put yourself out there! This is definitely your year.
Hope to hear back from you guys!
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exd1000 · 17 days
Day 6.
So I woke up this morning to my application getting rejected. I figured but it still stings ofc lmao. But I'm here still looking around for something that aligns with my research interests (more so now at least). I think my way of going about it prior was more so out of desperation than anything else. Just trying to get into a phd program to get my phd rather than finding something that truly aligned. I was forcing myself to find some connection than allowing it to be authentic alignment. I'm changing my mindset because I really put a lot into those applications and I really put a lot of myself into that and when I got rejected I felt so bad about myself not being good enough not being competent enough not whatever it was. I kept telling myself that you know what even if it's not exactly what I want to do I'll bear it out for a few years and that is actually really sad. I should be working at it because it's something I genuinely am interested in. And yes while I do want my phd and would "bear it out" it shouldn't be that way because I shouldn't just do it "for a phd" but more so for my interests. And honestly it's so hard to find alignment because I'm just so confused on it.
I've spent the entire morning looking at phd admissions coaching and my god are they expensive and literally don't guarantee anything. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I think my CV is relatively pretty decent. Idk back onto that phd search! :)
Almost time for lagree. I spent the entire day mostly trying to figure out what to do for my phd and where to go about next. So apparently everyone is telling me I fucked up my undergrad and despite my "accomplishments" after the schools I applied to are crazy competitive and insane so I need to "lower my expectations".
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exd1000 · 18 days
Day 5.
Midway through my 10 day productivity goal. Still feeling incompetent ofc. Doing the absolute bare minimum for work. I don't anticipate hearing back any great news for my application since they're still doing interviews this week (bummed). Made chocolate fruit today so now I know what works and what does not work (nts: do not bake chocolate chips in the oven just use the crock pot lmao). Went for a morning jog with benji. Finished up my nachos. You know I say that I want to eat less that's crazy haha it's so hard! But I'm here trying to practice my code and it really is so difficult struggling and not knowing what to do. Honestly how did I even get a 4.0 in my masters program? Honestly leetcode problems are so challenging for me (or I am just incompetent idk). Overall today was a productive day though. I feel incompetent but I still tried my best and I will keep doing that.
Things I learned:
np.where() takes a condition [np.where(condition,[x,y])] where if it is true x will occur and if it is false y will occur. This happened because I couldn't filter the dataframe itself and ofc I can't just use if/else logic in pandas.
Need more practice with/be more mindful of:
lambda functions
graph theory
numpy (lmao)
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exd1000 · 19 days
Day 4
Okay so just went for a ~3 mile jog with Benj. I feel good need to do more cardio to lose fat because apparently lagree is just making me stronger haha. Emailed about my application status this morning and just got a response now that they rescheduled some interviews with other candidates and will make the decision this week lmao. I felt so brave and proud of myself initially for inquiring regardless of rejection and I mean I still feel that way but let me just take some time to take in the response. Nothing negative I'm sure I'll be fine regardless just taking the information in. Gonna do some work work (an hour on the timer) before my meeting today and also asking for the 24th off to go to Houston with W to help her with her work. Excited because that'll be nice to go (even though it's to work haha)!
Additionally, to take my physical health more seriously and because I want to be more intentional about being fit and getting my "dream body" I'm going to have to start being more mindful about my eating habits. I will start breakfast with a protein bar, banana/apple/etc, cereal/oatmeal/yogurt, smoothie, eggs/bread/avocado for at least 200 calories then eat a decent size lunch and just skip dinner because I think for the most part I'm fine after lagree. But I will need to get more little snacks like fruits/veggies throughout the day if anything. I also need to prioritize getting enough sleep more as well. Need to figure that out somehow. But that is it for now!
To do:
Data analysis for work manuscript
Graphwalk analysis
Python (& pandas) practice
Go over data structures and their methods
Look into phd stuff
It's currently 10pm right now and I am exhausted. Lagree was good. I ate a lot today made ground beef nachos with greek yogurt today (that was nice/fun to make on the spot) also had my avocado cilantro lime salad earlier this morning. Anyway, need to continue doing more data analysis stuff for work as well as for the graphwalk project. I was just working on python/pandas stuff and I've been skipping over reading the lessons and just jumping into problem solving but reading the lessons really help haha. I also found an article that I'm really intrigued am interested in so need to read that tomorrow.
Things I learned:
Today I learned that |= means merge ('|')and update ('|=') for dictionaries so that's cool. It's essentially like the .update() method and takes the values() of the second dictionary.
Data analysis for work (extract visually understandable figures)
Graphwalk analysis
Read the research article
Python (&pandas) practice
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exd1000 · 20 days
Day 2 (late) & Day 3
Day 2:
I haven't gotten around to posting yesterday because it was pretty hectic (or so that's what I'm saying because I still don't feel like it was anything crazy). Had lagree at 10am and then had my hair appointment at 4:30pm. Went back to my apartment a bit after to pick up my delivery because I just did not want to leave it out and then headed north to see A and by the time I got back it was like 12am.
I did some coding exercises but I've been getting stuck more often and having to look things up so I guess it's a good thing because I'm at where I need to be to learn but it's a bit more challenging for me (I'm such a loser because it's literally not even considered hard lmao but hey at least I'm trying!). I spent most of my time reading Anna Karenina actually (at the hair appointment). I did read a bit of the graph theory chapter they just went over breadth first search and depth first search and it's more so review for me but it's always a good refresher. Sent out emails for NTX and that was it for the most part I believe?
Day 3:
Had lagree at 7am today that was crazy because I barely had sleep from last night. But it was a great workout definitely killed it (or did it kill me). My body is getting a bit more sore from lagree now since it stopped but doing it 7 days a week/no breaks is giving me that soreness back! Hopefully I don't overwork my body or get all bulky because of it but nevertheless I guess when I'm doing something I tend to go all in or nothing right (ie with my studies previously and how badly I damaged myself yikes). Today's mother's day and I'm going to head out with my mother and brothers to my grandparents in a bit while my dad stays home because of his condition. Planning on bringing my ipad down to read (and hopefully finish) the graph theory chapter. I have to discuss it with the undergrad this Thursday. I'll get back afterwards and do some coding exercises but what I REALLY REALLY need to do is do some work for Monday. After all that I'll look into more phd stuff because that's what is really important and what I really need to be doing tbh.
Things I learned:
Similarly to the 'or' and '|' operator the 'not' and '~' operator are both used for negation ('not' for logical operations and '~' for bitwise/element-wise operators). Also I forgot about the ~ operation and what it meant so now I'm getting exposure to it again!
Need more practice with/be more mindful of:
Data structures and their methods
Data manipulations
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exd1000 · 21 days
Pro tip if you keep getting distracted by your phone while studying just send a risky text then throw your phone away you'll never wanna look at it ever again <3
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exd1000 · 22 days
Day 1.
Today started off well. I've been averaging <7 hrs of sleep a night and that's crazy to me because ofc I need sleep to heal/take care of myself/feel good but I'm really trying and it's so rare I get 8 hrs of sleep!! But woke up this morning did a quick little jog with Benji, went to lagree, made a taco salad for lunch, did laundry, changed my sheets, tidied up the apartment, and headed to my parents.
I worked on a python exercise and did the 30 day of pandas on leetcode. Read some of the graph theory chapter. Emailed about my course with usd (got a response that they'll get back to me next week!).
I read somewhere that to feel good about yourself you should focus on at least one physical thing, one mental thing, and one spiritual thing a day and I mean I technically took a nap to a meditation today so that kinda checks all boxes (lmao I actually also listened to my self-help/growth podcast so yeah it really does) but I still don't feel like I'm productive enough/doing enough in terms of productivity. Maybe because I don't really do anything/have anything for work? Maybe because I don't feel like I'm spending as much time as I would in terms of my productive stuff/studies? I guess it's hard because keeping a balance between all 3 is what I intend to do to focus on my health but prior I disregarded everything else and SOLELY focused on my studies/productivity (which was very damaging hence why) but I just feel like it's not good enough. I guess I have to rewire that mindset but also maybe spend more time doing "productive" things.
Things I learned:
Although 'or' and '|' operators both indicate OR the 'or' operator is used for boolean logical expressions (True/False) while '|' operator is a bitwise OR operator that can be used with integers and other bitwise operations as well as element-wise operations between boolean arrays/series like in pandas and numpy. Something to further practice/understand. 😊
Need more practice with/be more mindful of:
Counters +=
Filtering dataframes
Lagree in the morning
Haircut in the afternoon
Draft an email about the NTX pitch
Continue reading the graph theory chapter
Continue doing my python and pandas exercises
Look into the manuscript/stats/data for work for Monday
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