#phd life
pefkaes · 1 day
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23.04.2024 // some affect theory and writing on a fairly warm day. i'm taking it slow this week, mostly because i feel lazy and kind of...blah.
affect always escapes any attempt to explain or understand it because it lies outside of language or cognition. perhaps that explains why affect seems so vague and abstract. im trying to figure out if affect theory will be useful for my research but I won't pursue it if it continues to be beyond my grasp.
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alexistudies · 2 days
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monday, april 22nd 2024
happy earth day! this morning, i broke the ice on working on my first IRB form. i feel like this is such a big kid step in the PhD world, it's very exciting. hoping to get a good chunk of it done before friday and i'll probably need more help from my PI than i originally expected on it but that's okay :)
the past weekend was a great balancing act of adulting, relaxing, and academia. had a study date with a friend at the library for neural engineering, went to the pool, had date night w the boyf, and also went for a run with the pup. and i finished 2 library books (praise the LORD)
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penandpaper-love · 5 months
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November 30, 2023
Still feeling drained and tired. At least we have snow and it's incredibly beautiful...
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volchiitza · 8 months
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clearly trying to stop fixating on "productivity" has actually improved my focus
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legogradstudent · 1 month
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Collaborating on a project with several colleagues, the grad student is unable to identify exactly what he is contributing.
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foxscarf · 29 days
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it's time for one more big effort! I'm determined to get this all done now.
(and I'm in love with my vintage desk I bought second hand only last week; plus my gran's blanket is keeping me cosy. So I'm beginning to feel I'll be alright!)
37/100 days of productivity
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signals-and-soma · 3 months
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19/100 days of productivity | 19/01/2024
study break = trying the buns from home weekend special (tea and custard - yum)! found a cute little cafe to do some reading
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amnhnyc · 6 months
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Research alert! Imagine putting flippers on a 24-foot Komodo dragon. That’s how Amelia Zietlow, a Ph.D. student at the Museum’s Richard Gilder Graduate School, describes Jormungandr walhallaensis, a newly identified species of mosasaur that was named in part after a sea serpent in Norse mythology.
Living some 80 million years ago during the Cretaceous, this mosasaur is thought to represent a transitional period between other well-known species. In addition to flippers and a stumpy, shark-like tail, Jormungandr had a bony ridge on its skull that would have given it the appearance of having “angry eyebrows.”
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sleeplessant · 6 months
Hey Tolkien people and history buffs of Tumblr, I'm in need of your assistance. Does anybody know if there was an actual historical inspiration (or many) to the narrow, no rails, stone bridge of Khazad-dûm?
For context, I'm trying to use it as an example in my theoretical physics dissertation on the dynamics of pedestrians moving in a single line, but I've already met with some resistance from advisors with No Taste. All my google searches have conducted to analyses of the effectiveness of the Khazad-dûm scene in the book & movie, instead of an analysis of the actual "physical" bridge.
I know I could use other modern examples from construction scaffolds or bus and plane boarding/exiting schemes for single-line movement, but that's boring. Uninspired. Everyone does it. What I want is a badass illustration from The Lord of the Rings, and a JRR Tolkien quote on my very theoretical, so abstract that is basically useless, physics dissertation.
A physicist calls for aid.
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meg-megbanom-ezt · 2 months
Kis szakmai szőrszálhasogatás rovatunk bemutatja: a vaníliát
Láttam egy tusfürdőt, aminek a címkéje szerint orchidea- ÉS vaníliaillata van. Na most...
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A vanília IS orchidea! Szóval ez olyan, mintha azt mondanánk, hogy "láttam madarakat és gólyát" - végül is talán nem helytelen, "csak" értelemzavaró.
Az orchideafélék - vagyis magyarul (az ellenség megtévesztésére) a kosborfélék - családjába (Orchidaceae) tartozik a vanília nemzetség (Vanilla), itt az egyes fajokat magyarul már nem különböztetik meg (amennyire ez a Wikiről lejön), elsősorban a Vanilla planifolia nevű fajt használják fel fűszertermesztésre. Ez a faj Mexikóban őshonos és egyetlen, szintén ott őshonos méhfaj képes csak beporozni - úgyhogy amíg Edmond Albius ki nem dolgozta a mesterséges megtermékenyítés módszerét, csak az őshazájából tudták exportálni és hát ezért volt kheczi drága az igazi fűszervanília. Na jó, valójában ma is kheczi drága, mert hiába tudják már máshol is termeszteni, a kézi megtermékenyítés továbbra is fáradságos munka. Vannak nagyon jó leírások, hogyan is csinálni, sőt természetesen videók is, ide be is vágok egyet:
Persze ez gyakorlatilag önbeporz(at)ás - az a kis bigyó, amit itt csak flapnek neveznek (de a fenti linkekben a rendes nevén), amit hátra kell hajtani, hogy lenyomhasd a porzót a bibéhez, az a rostellum (magyarul csőr), ami pont az önbeporzást hivatott megakadályozni és egyébként ő maga is egy módosult, meddő bibe. Ez utóbbihoz nincs linkem, de bro, just trust me. Ja, várjál, van (Ctrl+F, meg hát angolul, de na)! ;) De ebből is látszik, hogy a kosborfélék virágának milyen lenyűgözően bonyolult a felépítése (amivel remekül lehet szopatni a BSc-s diákokat, de persze én nem vagyok olyan...). A vanília tokterméséből lesz végül a fűszer.
A vaníliának még egy érdekessége, hogy kúszónövény. Gyűjtöttem is pár nagyszerű képet az inaturalistról* (kép 1, kép 2 és 3), hogy lássátok vadon, de van még, ahonnan ez jött (csak olyanokat linkeltem direkt, ahol engedélyezték a képmegosztást).
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*(egy igen nagyszerű közösségi oldal és adatbázis, ahová bárki feltöltheti a megfigyeléseit állatokról, növényekről, gombákról stb. és szakértők segítenek meghatározni (nem, ez nem fizetett hirdetés, őszintén imádom))
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archaealice · 5 months
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Had a workshop in Athens with my lab and got to visit the Akropolis on our last day
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pefkaes · 3 days
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20.04.2024-21.04.2024 // it is strange how time functions. each day feels so long and then i look back and realise that months have passed. research work is picking up steam but I've been adamant about carving out social time for myself. perhaps, i'm not being as productive as i could be. but i cannot let my research/work consume me; un/non-productive time is as productive.
a snapshot of my days – studying during the day and chill time post-dinner.
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honeesblog · 4 months
a lot of people in my program really only do their studies and to my other PHD's I urge you: make sure you have other things going on! I have a near endless list of weird hobbies and sports and other interests and I just want you to know that you don't need to eat, sleep, and breathe only your topic and subject! Read a fiction book for fun, paint something badly, find a nice shop to browse in, go for a walk in a green area, take a break and don't rush through it. Pleasure and relaxation are valuable and worth your time. The point of a PhD/Masters is not to work in a hard and unsustainable way until you are done but instead to learn how to be an academic, what type of academic you are, and how you want to live your life/balance your academics and everything else!
When you are studying/working, don't be afraid of being wrong or doing things messily or poorly. On hard days, give yourself leeway, add an extra scoop of sugar to your coffee or tea, and listen to the rocky theme!
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penandpaper-love · 2 months
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February 11th, 2024
I still feel exhausted and it's so hard to bring myself to do anything for work. There's a few things I should get done but I just can't. Luckily I have a week off. I'll have to work a few days but there'll also be time to relax.
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I’m posting this so I have evidence and can’t feel guilty later:
If you’re a grad student and you need to take your weekend off, fucking do it.
Especially,,,, for my colleagues in a goddamn Phd program, like, what a hell scape, please take the weekend off. I told myself for the longest time that I had to just keep working because I couldn’t NOT work over the weekend or I would burst into flames - oh my fucking god !?!?!?!? If you’re looking for a signal that you should just say ‘fuck it’ and take the day for yourself, then fucking do it. PLEASE.
The truth about being in an English PhD program: Everything is awful, no one gives a shit what you do, just ask for an extension, like for the love of GOD, just ask for an extension. Please take the full weekend and go for a long walk in the snow and pet a dog.
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legogradstudent · 9 months
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Repairing his run-down laptop, the grad student is tempted to obliterate the anxiety-ridden piece of junk instead.
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