eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Doing readings for optional tips/donations this week (May 15th-19th).
One or three card pulls. Send me your name and card # preference. Inbox messages will be posted publicly while messenger messages will be private.
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Doing readings for optional tips/donations this week (May 15th-19th).
One or three card pulls. Send me your name and card # preference. Inbox messages will be posted publicly while messenger messages will be private.
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Doing readings for optional tips/donations this week (May 15th-19th).
One or three card pulls. Send me your name and card # preference. Inbox messages will be posted publicly while messenger messages will be private.
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Sometimes I see things like this and want to try my own hand at making wallpapers but then by the time I'm no longer busy I've forgotten 🙃 😅
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
A Witch’s Ingredients: Sand
Sand is an abundant resource that can be found across the world including along the coasts, through deserts and even in many people’s yards and gardens. Sand is rather easy to obtain and natural making it ideal for witchcraft. Though some types of sand may be harder to obtain, and more costly, than others, let this post be a guide on how to utilize it for its magical properties.
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Types of Sand & Their Correspondences
Beach/Coastal Sand: calming, grounding, cleansing, connecting to the sea, self-love, protection and warding, motivation, memory, spiritual clarity, purification of the heart, easing pain, physical and spiritual strength, can represent both the elements of earth and water
Ocean Sand (from the ocean floor/deep sea): primordial energy, banishing negative emotions and energy, grounding, mental clarity, psychic clarity and strengthening, divination, guidance, ancient wisdom and power, connections to the sea and primordial waters, birth, creation, can represent both the elements of earth and water
Desert Sand: curses and removing energy from others, weakening, draining, banishing, grounding, mental clarity, physical health, enduring hardships, “drying up” love and past emotions, healing heartbreak, burying the past, often related to burial ceremonies
Volcanic Sand: destruction, intense energy, strength, death, rebirth, banishing, secrets or hidden messages, warding, baneful magic, offensive magic, often represents both earth and fire at once
River Sand/Silt: fertility, procreation, movement, flowing energy, travels, change
Lake/Pond Sand: the present, calmness, serenity, inner focus, self-reflection and meditation
Swamp/Wetland Sand: mystery, secret keeping, silencing lies and rumors, binding, curses related to becoming lost or emotional heaviness, often represents both water and earth at once, often related to animal magic specifically those that live in swamp land
Unearthed/Buried Sand: grounding, hidden power, addressing past issues and mistakes, overcoming controversy, self-discovery, introspection, emotional healing, moving on from past scars
Biogenic Sand/Bone Sand/Shell Sand: healing, moving on emotionally, remembrance but letting go of the pain and loss, honoring those lost (often at or to the sea), close connections to necromancy
Black Sand: protection, warding, banishing, relates to necromancy and spirit work
Pink Sand: love, beauty, youth, harmony, adjusting to change, remembering the past and lost loved ones, rebirth, emotional and mental healing, forgiveness of self and others
Red Sand: strength, courage, valor, relates to fire rather than earth
Yellow Sand: divination, focus, improving memory and skills, mental health, grounding and centering, represents both earth and air elements sometimes both at once
White Sand: purity, cleansing, protection, wisdom, preparing for change, physical and emotional balance, harmonizes all aspects of oneself
Combinations of Sand and Other Ingredients
Sand and Soil: grounding, balance, cleansing, protection of loved ones and family
Sand and Salt: change, growing power, dreams, purification, warding, protection, longevity
Sand and Ash: remembrance, the past, divination
Sand and Clay: change, mental fortitude
Sand and Kelp/Seaweed: beauty, youth, birth, fertility, the ocean
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The History
Not much history on the use of sand in magic from what I can find that is a reliable source, but I was able to find some bits about its use.
Sand has been used in connections to rituals for the dead and in burial practices in many different cultures to a varying degree. In some sand was used for burying the deceased such as very early Ancient Egypt for its mummification properties before better mummification methods were invented and utilized. Placing sand into graves or coffins of the deceased somethings as a means to connect them to their homelands if that person was traveling into foreign lands or countries. Some stories speak about mixing the ashes of the dead with sand to be kept in the home. Other stories tell of people mixes ashes from fires or the hearth with sand and casting it out into the sea for lost sailors who could not be brought home. 
Sand was also used historical in some types of spell jars and vessels. In some places sand was put into jars and bottles and given to sailors to keep them connected to home even when sailing. Others said carrying sand could protect one from being lost at sea or from disaster, likely where the history of sand being used for protection properties came from. It has also been used in witch’s bottles and for burying spells for varying purposes. Some cultures would bury offerings to deities into the sand of beaches or deserts.
Modern Use
Sand is still a common ingredient for many sea witches and worshipers of ocean related deities to utilize in their craft and in their altars. Deities commonly related to sand are Poseidon, Aphrodite, Psamathe, Thalassa, Aegir, Neptune and Veles. Sand is also often used in altars to represent either earth or water when representing the cardinal directions or the 4 elements. Some will use sand to represent both in cases of smaller altars.
Modernly, sand is often used in spell jars and bottles when used in spellwork or as a vessel to charge, cleanse and bury objects or tools such as crystals, poppets, amulets and trinkets. Sea witches or witches with accesses to large amount of sand will often use it for grounding and circle casting. Some will use it for runes and sigils as well.
Storing Sand
For those wishing to store and use collected sand ensure that there is nothing undesirable in it - garbage, sharp bits of glass, decomposing fish or animals, insects etc. Shift it thoroughly to ensure anything that could be potentially dangerous is removed and if needed properly disposed of. Once the sand has been shifted ensure it is dry before you seal it into anything.
Wet sand can house bacteria and mold - which can also smell quite foul when the container is opened again. You can use the sun to dry it or indoor heaters at a safe distance. Spread it out thin and flat to help ensure it is thoroughly dried if it is damp or wet.
Once dried the best way to store sand is inside of glass or ceramic vessels. Jars and bottles are the most ideal. Ensure that they are sealed tightly to ensure no spillage or condensation can get inside.
**this post was personally researched, compiled and directly from my personal grimoire. Please do not repost**
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Doing readings for optional tips/donations this week (May 15th-19th).
One or three card pulls. Send me your name and card # preference. Inbox messages will be posted publicly while messenger messages will be private.
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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Lux Interior
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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I found this and chuckled because, if my spirit guide hasn’t started drinking by now its a win!
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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Trying out animated illustration!
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Air Spread
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How to keep your motivation
What you can do to keep your head clear
What can aid you in your creative path
What basics you need to be creative
If you use my spreads, feel free to tag me! I´d love to see your readings! :)
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Tough as a Nail, Sharp as a Thorn Protection Spell
This is a spell to help protect you from physical or emotional harm.
Storm water
Rose thorns
Herbs for protection and strength (I used black pepper, ginger, basil, and oregano)
A jar
Optional: paper and something to write with, if you don’t want to say the spell out loud
Add protective herbs to your jar.
Add storm water to about halfway up the jar.  While you add it, say “Strong as lightning, thunder, and rain, all attempts to harm me will be in vain.”  If you can’t say the spell out loud, write it down on a piece of paper and add that into the jar.
Add the thorns and nails into the jar and say “Tough as a nail, sharp as a thorn, though this spell new strength will be born.”  If you can’t say the spell out loud, write it down on a piece of paper and add that into the jar.
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
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✞ 666 ✞
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eternalwitchcraft · 1 year
Herbalism 101: Dill
EP. 5
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Fun fact! "Dill" comes from an old English word that means "to lull" because it was often used to soothe colicky babies.
Associations: Money, luck
Uses in the kitchen
Most commonly used in Eastern European, Russian, and Middle Eastern cuisines, dill is used in a wide array of food. You most likely think of pickles, which uses the top part of the plant. The leaves or "aerial" part of the plant is used most of the time in cooking. It goes great in acidic and savory foods, as well as with food like salmon and eggs.
Uses in healing
I tend to used the seeds more frequently when it comes to herbalism. I will often chew on a seed or two to help with bad breath. Some people also use the seeds in a tea to help with period cramps.
Uses in witchcraft
Carrying seeds in a small pouch or your pocket will attract luck and money. Similarly, using the herb in cooking with intention will attract the same. Because you can buy it dried for the kitchen, I love using it in spell jars.
Tips for growing at home
Dill is resilient and can grow in most climates in summer. An outdoor pot or garden is best though, because it can get tall. It is a great companion plant for cabbage but not carrots!
One of my favorite family recipes is super simple and tasty. Dill dip is something we always have at family functions.
You need:
2 part sour cream
1.5 part cream cheese
1/4 part dried dill
1/4 part garlic powder
Mix and enjoy with Hawaiian rolls !
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