enolathesly · 3 months
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by Gurumustuk Singh
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enolathesly · 8 months
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Soft Sugar Cookies (paleo, grain-free, refined sugar-free)
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enolathesly · 2 years
I didn't know I needed these until just now. <3
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Jellycat Amuseable Plants
(from left to right, top to bottom: Amuseable Hyacinth, Amuseable Crocus, Amuseable Orchid, Amuseable Bluebell, Amuseable Aloe Vera, Amuseable Snowdrop, Amuseable Tulip, Amuseable Daffodil, Amuseable Dragon Tree and Amuseable Snake Plant)
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enolathesly · 2 years
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Pink mushrooms
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enolathesly · 2 years
Shop for fantastic holiday gifts at my #etsy shop: The Eye of Demeter #pagan #witch #goddess #handmade #crystal https://etsy.me/3rhqBgc
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enolathesly · 3 years
Why do witches like always wanna fatten kids up before they eat them?? fat is like the grossest part of meat
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enolathesly · 3 years
Preparing for EarthFest Augusta 2021
Hey witchy peeps,
Just checking in and keeping everyone up to date on what is happening in the world of Enola's Den. My first ever vending, EarthFest Augusta is coming up on the 12th of November, and I am busy fleshing out inventory and setting up my Square system.
If you are in the local area, Augusta GA, USA, I'd definitely stop by this event and get a look at all the local CSRA businesses. I've seen quite a few vendors I'm wanting to drop by and visit myself. We have a besom maker, in particular, that wows me with her work, so I'm looking forward to that.
Today is oil and incense day, as I have been aging my oils for this event. So they will be going into their vials and getting their labels. If you haven't visited the shop yet, please do! (enolasden.etsy.com) Give me a favorite for sales and new items info, and you can find my links in the bio. I have Instagram, FB, and Tumblr, TikTok, as well as Pinterest. I hop from one to the other and sometimes make special sales for each. So following me on these different platforms could get you coupons that you normally wouldn't have.
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enolathesly · 3 years
reposting because it is fantastic.
Today’s advice from your Goth Auntie
Unclench your jaw, have a snack, take your meds. 
No one is well-rested right now. You’re not failing.
The Cursed Object is trying to get its friend in the walls to come out so I can finally meet it. 
❤️ Auntie Jilli
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enolathesly · 3 years
Hestia has a place in my home too.
This is a Hestia appreciation post.
I love her.
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enolathesly · 3 years
More Ghostly Happenings- La Llorona pt. 2
So, I had been introduced to La Llorona that night, and was properly educated on what you do and don't do, by my gf's brujeria practicing mom.
I was the token white girl, so I was taken under their wing and learned plenty about their superstitions and practices. It was very educational, and really my first experience into any sort of magick practicing community at all.
A year or so later, C and I were still together, but living mostly at my mother's house. We sort of split our time between the two houses to keep both moms happy, but my house had more freedom, whereas her house had better food options and cleaner upkeep. (We were teenagers with part time jobs in the early 2000's.)
We planned to go drinking at a friend's house a few blocks down and spend the night there partying, so we packed a bag and set out after dark to hike the few streets down. Quiet neighborhood, not far from her mother's house. We all lived pretty close together, so short walks made underage drinking and mischief super easy. haha
We had walked 2 houses down from mine, not a soul in sight, passing a soccer mom van to our right, when out of nowhere, the very same crying and wailing started AGAIN. I immediately filled with adrenaline and stopped dead, turning around in terror, C following suit. We KNEW there was no one outside. But we hadn't heard anything prior to this wailing and there were no open windows or anything. Not even a dog in a yard. I have the duffel bag on my shoulder, and everything in me screams GTFO. C on the other hand would die 5 minutes into any horror movie, because she wants to go investigate the death screams coming from behind the van mere feet from us. My legs have already carried me a couple feet backwards without my permission, before I realize that C is not with me and heading in the opposite direction, so I kick into gear and run after her, grabbing her arm and dragging her away to 'save' her from the ghostie on the the other side of the van.
Because fuck me, I loved her. And I knew C was not even close to the athletic type, whereas I grew up running through darkened woods and climbing boulders and things like a wild person, so me hauling ass down a flat texas street would have been nothing. Even with a 20lb duffel bag full of girl clothes and too many pairs of shoes.
I just knew that whatever was on the other side of that van was not for me, and I would make sure it didn't eat my girlfriend. haha
After about a block, we didn't hear it anymore. But the experience still sits with me. And even now, going back to that town periodically for family visits, with my husband and children in tow, there are nights where the silence is broken by the howling of dogs and the wailing of an unseen woman. Usually, it's just me on the porch at night, everyone else safely inside, and I will sit for a moment and listen before firmly shutting the door behind me and locking it tight. Now that I have children, I'm doubly cautious of them going out after dark in that area, simply because I KNOW that she is out there, and I feel that not only have I come face to face with her, but that I may have pushed my luck by encountering her twice. No thanks.
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enolathesly · 3 years
More Ghostly Happenings- La Llorona pt. 1
So, I wrote about some of my non-human spirit interactions a bit back, and today I would like to share some of my Texas experiences from my time there.
We moved when I was 15, on Halloween believe it or not, to a small town just north of Corpus Christi Tx, called Ingleside. It's about a 5-minute drive from Aransas Pass, was once a Naval base, and is a popular spot for Spring Break.
Anywho- during the off-season, there is NOTHING to do there but live your normal everyday life. Which I did. But, there were a couple things that I encountered that freaked me the hell out and fully made me believe in some of the Hispanic superstitions that people have around there.
So, at the time I was dating a girl (C) and we had been together for a little over a year at the time. Her mother was into Brujeria, and I spent a large amount of time over there, kind of escaping from my own personal hell that was my family home.
In this case, we will be talking about La Llorona. The Crying Lady. The White Lady. The one that was jealous and murdered her kids or whatever, and now walks the earth calling out for her children. I have encountered this thing twice. Let me explain.
The first time, C and I were not living together yet, and I was maybe 17 years old. We were sitting out on the back patio of her home on a cool fall night, clear skies, IN THE MIDDLE OF A CUL DE SAC. These houses are quite close together if anyone knows what military towns look like. They fit as many of you into cookie-cutter neighborhoods as possible. No fences. Clear view. Absolutely no obstructions of any kind, not even a flower bed. Just grass.
Anyway! There we were, smoking cigarettes and talking about whatever we were talking about in the silence of the night when all the dogs in the neighborhood start howling. Just going off their rockers. Of course, C had a saying "The dogs are barking, the devils are out." Which she immediately commented and I nodded. So, staring at the stars, everything goes quiet again as doggos are ushered indoors. The stars really shine out there, since it is a small town and the light pollution is lower.
Then we heard it. Footsteps in the grass, like someone was walking slowly across the yard. You would have expected someone to come into view but there was nothing. And like I said, no obstructions. At this point, I'm looking around for a person, and no one is visible. Just crunching on grass. The footsteps get closer. Still nothing. The footsteps walk right in front of me and STOP. There is no one standing there, and C and I are staring in silent horror. And then the wailing starts. Like there is a lady in absolute pain and THERE IS NOTHING THE FUCK THERE.
We scream and bolt inside the back door maybe 6 feet behind us. C's mother heard it and starts freaking out. She closes and locks the doors. She runs window checks. She lines every nook and cranny with salt and tells us to open nothing for anyone. We spent the night camped out in the living room. And that was my introduction to La Llorona.
I'll post pt. 2 soon!
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enolathesly · 3 years
Sale on Etsy!
Starting today, there is a sale in the shop for 35% off on purchases 40.00+ USD. So if there is something that you have been wanting to stock up on or have had an eye on, this is the sale for you.
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enolathesly · 3 years
Had to share because this is was a good post.
Fighting Consumerism in Magic
aka, little things to distance your craft from capitalism
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Let’s all just admit that buying stuff is fun. That said, there’s a big issue of consumerism within the witchy/pagan scene. As magic work and the pagan “aesthetic” becomes more of a commodity in the mainstream, there’s a mounting attitude of needing All The Items in the highest quality (even if we’re not certain we’ll use them,) and big corporations mass-producing cheap stuff to make a buck off of a growing trend. Here’s some things you can do to help detach your practice from that and support other people in the craft:
Go outside. Check your backyard or local park for local plant life, waters, roots, etc. If your work involves things from nature at all, you can probably find a lot of your supplies… in nature. It takes a little more time, but it’s free and then you’ve gathered stuff yourself! 
Make stuff. This one is pretty straightforward. There may be key items to your practice that you can make yourself instead of buying it! That said, I know sometimes spending money is inevitable so I won’t dwell too much on this… let’s talk more about shopping:
Shop mindfully. The price of a lot of items will skyrocket once it has a pentacle or other symbol engraved on it. For example, little mortars and pestles can be very pricey in witchy shops, but you could probably get a bigger one that’s actually food safe for less at a nice grocery store. Antique stores and international markets are now your new best friends.
Support small businesses! Things are cheaper on Amazon, but the extra money goes to support real people, likely other practitioners. If you can, supporting small, local, independent shopkeepers and crafters does a ton of good. It also helps build and sustain a local community. 
Shop based on need. Don’t get something “just in case” (unless it’s banishing or hex breaking stuff; those are decent to have on hand.) It’s tempting to impulse-buy a ton of niche items and ingredients, but unless you have a reasonable idea what you’re going to use them for in the near future, it’ll probably just create clutter for you to deal with later.
Prioritize effectiveness over aesthetic. Ultimately your practice has to work for you, not just look good. I think making your work aesthetically pleasing to yourself can be an important part of really connecting with what you’re doing, but don’t make that desire burn a hole in your wallet and distract you from what brought you to this path in the first place. Altar envy is a real thing. 
Recycle/Upcycle. Use old clothing fabric for an altar cloth. That old trinket dish makes a great offering dish. Enchant jewelry you already own. That jar of strawberry jelly you just finished off will work just fine for that spell. Things can be re-purposed and made into new things.
Analyze your offerings. Special occasion wine isn’t a special occasion if you do it every time. Not every offering needs to be a grand gesture, regular maintenance is more important generally.
Organize trades. Have any pals that also practice? See if you can help each other! You could trade different goods (that old mini cauldron you bought and never used for that abandoned tarot deck, maybe?) but also services. A protection spell for a luck charm. A reading for a reading. You help them with the laundry and they cook you a meal one day. 
As always, the goal is to foster a local community of individuals doing honest work, and shedding the consumerist mindset society taught us to make us spend more money. Take up the idea that you can do magic completely on your own with what you already around you, and if you do want to spend money, see if you can do it in a way that helps the world a tiny bit.  :) 
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enolathesly · 3 years
Non-human spirit interactions- pt. 2
.... So, yes, there are nature spirits that were not, have not ever been, and cannot be human.
There are others though. Not demons. That's a very Christian feeling thing in my opinion, that comes with all the doom and gloom of church-led guilt and threats of eternal fiery damnation.
But there are spirits that are inhuman, not necessarily linked to any one location that can tend to cause chaos if not dealt with appropriately. I have had an issue with these before. Not often. But a few times. Things will go missing or break, or in some cases show up in places where they shouldn't be. Accidents will happen that normally wouldn't. If there are fairies, then I truly feel that this would be them in a nutshell.
For instance, when I was 8 years old, we lived in a house that was old and poorly maintained by our landlord, and honestly wouldn't have done well in an evaluation, but that is what my single mother of two kids in a small town could afford. And shelter is shelter, even if grass grows through the floors in the summer or raccoons fall through the ceiling every other Fall.
At this point, I had already started to "see" things and had a lot of questions and worries and occasionally fears. And one afternoon in the summer, my brother and I, along with a couple of his friends, stomped into our home after a walk across town doing unsupervised kid stuff. (they were all teens around 8 years older than I) And walking down the main hallway between my bedroom and the living area, baby doll in hand, I was stopped dead by a dark... thing. I had seen this thing before and ignored it like my mother told me, but there it was, standing directly in front of me, eyes burning into mine, and I was frozen in fear. I couldn't walk around it this time. I screamed and my brother and his friends ran behind me and snatched me away. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
This thing was of course a resident of our house for as long as I could remember, since moving in a couple years before, and I had never seen it so aggressive in my whole existence. What followed I can't say for certain. My memory pops in and out. I became sick with a fever for a few days, but I distinctly remember my brother and his friends chanting something in the hallway, and later him sitting by my side while I was in and out of consciousness. Back then, he still cared.
Eventually, they called in a local shaman to come cleanse the house. This was really weird for me, because it wasn't something that I, a child, was used to seeing or being included in. He walked the house, asked me some questions, and came to the conclusion that just below our bathroom floor was something ominous that emanated the negative energy this thing was fueled by, and that we would do well to look into it.
We didn't really.
Until our 2 hound puppies went missing. (Mine was named Daisy.)
There was a space under our home, used to access plumbing and such, and in that space there turned out to be an old empty well. Surprise surprise. And that is where the puppies disappeared, unfortunately. I was beyond sad and angry that this thing might have taken them.
After this, another cleansing took place, this time with the well, and I didn't have another interaction with this thing after that.
Looking into it now, resources suggest that it was an angry House Wight. Which seems to make the most sense. How long it had been there, I have no idea, but I doubt we had ever done anything to appease or honor it, and so it took from me, an easy target bursting with energy that I hadn't learned to control. Whoever did what they did to piss it off owes me like 6 years' worth of therapy.
There was another incident with a Wight, where I learned what a Wight is, with my own daughter. She was about 3, and we were living in an entirely different state in a different home on different land. And the "Owl Man" became a thing. A darkened figure, in the corners of rooms with giant eyes that watched her. At first, I thought it was nightmares or something she may have caught on tv. But it persisted, and things started to go weird, like cabinets being open, oppressiveness, yadda yadda. I'm not big on poltergeists, but I was deep into the internet trying to figure it out when I came upon Wights, and the description fit like a glove. The land that we lived on was once old farming land before being turned into communities, and the residents were once pretty Old World. The answer? Beer. Good dark beer. I started leaving it out in bowls and soon things cleared up. My tiny garden blossomed. Weird smells went away. All for some beer and a simple hello and thank you.
There are other things that I could write about, and maybe sometime I will. I haven't shared much on this topic with anyone really. So why not here?
Anywho, if you have made it this far, thank you for your attention. I hope you will give me a follow and maybe click a <3 so that I know that you are there and listening.
Have a wonderful day/evening. Blessings to you.
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enolathesly · 3 years
Non-human spirit interactions- pt 1
I'm not one to have some sort of weird delusions of grandeur. There are a lot of people who like to work themselves up with mystical abilities to make themselves feel superior or included. That isn't what this is about.
Growing up, the place that I lived literally glittered with quartz. It was in everything, on everything. In fact, I still carry around a large cluster of Quartz that I once sprained my ankle on in the middle of the woods, because duh, it obviously needed my attention, right?
It was the belief of my family growing up that heavy quartz areas tended to attract spiritual activity, as a type of conductor, I suppose. And I do have to say, there was a lot of childhood metaphysical trauma that I feel had a lot to do with the area that I lived in for that time.
I would see things, feel things, hear things. And no, I don't have a mental illness beyond what it seems like every millennial has these days. It is comforted with Zoloft and meditation. I'm not the type. And I wasn't then either.
But I was free and open to communication in a way that I am not now, due to learning to shut down and shield when I need to. I was not taught that as a child, and it wasn't until years later, picking up literature in a non-bible belt area, that I actually learned what that was.
So, like I said, I was VERY open and prone to picking up "clingers" or accidental communications. With time, I found that spirit work and divination were fairly easy to pick up, though like I said, shielding was not my forte.
Living in a heavily forested area, a lot of my childhood was spent in the woods. The smell, the feel, the cooling shade, the not as silent as you would think nights- if there is a heaven or afterlife beyond, that would be mine. With running rivers as clear as glass and light breezes.
So, this gave me a more than usual occasion to come in contact with non-human-type spirits. Nature spirits. Not fairies, per se. I don't mean little winged Victorian creations with glitter or flower petal dresses. I mean things that have never been human and have never looked human, and try though they might, will never feel human things. They may mimic, but they can't. Because they are not.
Some people will feel the hair rise on their necks. But the reality is that these things have existed since before time has been time, and we tend to fear what we cannot understand. because we also are not.
They are not inherently bad or evil or dark or brooding or out for blood. They want or need certain things and just like any being, will go about getting them in the usual way. If they do communicate with you, it is usually to ask what the hell you are doing in their area or to leave shit alone or ask for a thing that you have. and by ask, I mean to assume that it is theirs because you brought it into their space so now it is their thing.
Some witches believe that you can, in honoring, these beings, create a type of pact or contract with them for things such as protection or fertility or abundance or an extra boost of energy as needed. Some may use them as watchers on their land or in their communities in case there comes a day where something unwelcome might come to visit.
But I would like to stress, again, that these spirits, though vocal and interacting, are NOT HUMAN, and therefore your contract or pact or what have you is really all just in your mind and to their entertainment or gain. You cannot use them as tools and certainly not manipulate them. Because they are not yours to control. If anything, they control you. So, in honoring them, really all you are doing is appeasing them and asking not to be fucked with and hoping that it works for a while.
I do a lot of foraging for myself and for things that I put in my shop- so naturally, I want to make an offering or two when I go into the woods in trade. Sure, it may just be a hand full of fallen tree branches or some reeds or a stone or two that have caught my eye, but it is a literal part of them and their place, so I try to trade like for like. I'll usually bring some fruit or something sweet. I'll bring water or juice. and on occasion, I leave some homemade bread. I've also spread wildflower seeds. (That's one that I like to do with the kids.) I'll sit for a minute or two and just listen to my surroundings, see if I have their attention, and leave my gifts in a place where humans are not going to find them immediately. I'll say a bit of thank yous, tell them that their space is beautiful and wonderful and that I appreciate it, and then I make my exit.
........ Part 2 is on the way......
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enolathesly · 3 years
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enolathesly · 3 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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