eldritchsardine · 5 years
Hello Everyone!
BBRae week is going Live this May!
Our Yearly tribute to the shipping of Beast Boy and Raven is going to be on Reddit, Discord, and here on Tumblr! We are excited to have you all.
We need themes suggested, so go post them here or the Discord channel #suggestions
Reddit: r/BBRae2019/
Discord: BBRaeWeek19
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eldritchsardine · 5 years
Hello Everyone!
BBRae week is going Live this May!
Our Yearly tribute to the shipping of Beast Boy and Raven is going to be on Reddit, Discord, and here on Tumblr! We are excited to have you all.
We need themes suggested, so go post them here or the Discord channel #suggestions
Reddit: r/BBRae2019/
Discord: BBRaeWeek19
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
@netasraven Why are you here? No one asked for your opinion on a different ship (which is complete trash, btw) on this post. This is about BBRae. You obviously don’t like that, so why are you even in those tags, let alone on this blog? Are you seriously just looking for BBRae posts to disagree with to start shit? And you have the audacity to tell her to shut the fuck up on her own post just because you don’t like her ship? Are you kidding me!? How immature, close-minded, and pathetic can you get? Lol. Oh right, but us BBRae fans are the toxic ones. Good one.
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Beast Boy symbolizes hope for Raven. 
Got to talking about this on discord, and how Raven is drawn to Beast Boy because he is full of positive emotions. It’s canon fact Rae cannot stand being around anger or volatile people. It’s why she often flees battles in NTT, and how she ends up losing control/giving in to Trigon.
Gar is the first person she falls in love with that isn’t entirely damaging to her character. This is it. This is why. 
And that’s not even going into the other thing she says here; how she’s hurting being near him but also can’t bring herself to leave (with tears).
Painfully in character. She wants to be selfish, but she’s terrified, because her past experiences with the emotion have been…chaotic, to say the least. 
She’s touch starved, craves affection, knows he’s capable of giving it to her and then some, but she’s used to tormenting herself and being deprived of true happiness. 
So, she suffers in silence. She pushes him away, and you know, he tries to move on. He dates other women. He tries to forget her.
But he can’t.
He loves her, he won’t give up on her, he’s always consistently believed in her.
The fact these two find their way back to each other every time, it means something.
They’re iconic. They’re a pair. You don’t have one and not the other. They just…belong together.  
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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Beast Boy symbolizes hope for Raven. 
Got to talking about this on discord, and how Raven is drawn to Beast Boy because he is full of positive emotions. It’s canon fact Rae cannot stand being around anger or volatile people. It’s why she often flees battles in NTT, and how she ends up losing control/giving in to Trigon.
Gar is the first person she falls in love with that isn’t entirely damaging to her character. This is it. This is why. 
And that’s not even going into the other thing she says here; how she’s hurting being near him but also can’t bring herself to leave (with tears).
Painfully in character. She wants to be selfish, but she’s terrified, because her past experiences with the emotion have been…chaotic, to say the least. 
She’s touch starved, craves affection, knows he’s capable of giving it to her and then some, but she’s used to tormenting herself and being deprived of true happiness. 
So, she suffers in silence. She pushes him away, and you know, he tries to move on. He dates other women. He tries to forget her.
But he can’t.
He loves her, he won’t give up on her, he’s always consistently believed in her.
The fact these two find their way back to each other every time, it means something.
They’re iconic. They’re a pair. You don’t have one and not the other. They just…belong together.  
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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Something I love about these two is how tactile their relationship enables both of them to be. Raven pretty much hates physical contact when it isn’t on her terms or when she isn’t inviting someone in, but so far Robin is the only person who can touch her this often and her be all right with it. He’s also the only one of her friends who she doesn’t fuss about opening her door or entering her room, because he has only been shown doing this one time each, and under a particular circumstance. 1. When she was under attack from Malchior he kicked her door down to get to her, and 2. when everyone was investigating the Mark of Scath and he manually opened her door, only after announcing himself. He understands her, is not afraid of her, respects her privacy and therefore, Raven knows if he puts his hand on her, he means no harm and never intends to invade her personal space. For the most part, him touching her comes from a place of protectiveness and comfort. He is also the one to ask if she’s okay most often, frequently checking on her out of care as opposed to being nosy.
I’m not here to bash BBRae, but in the panel above where Raven’s hood is up and Robin is helping her off the ground, it should be noted that Beast Boy had literally just touched her moments beforehand, caringly, and she still snapped at him, saying “Don’t touch me.” But when Robin offers to help her up, she accepts. Again, not meant to bash, but it is interesting and even a little funny.
Even when they first met (as shown in a panel from the episode “Go!”), Robin placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, and she didn’t take offense. 
There are instances with the other Titans, such as Cyborg and yes, even Beast Boy where she doesn’t protest their contact, but it’s seemingly less common or exaggerated when it’s Robin. They have a very tender and intimate relationship built on trust, mutual understanding, and gentleness that is seen both in comics and in the show.
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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I was wasting time again on instagram lol
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
Pathetic lmao
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thats cute because i swear your ship needs our art to survive, so losing content for bbrae seems like shooting yourself in the foot.
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whatever will you edit if no one draws bbrae?
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
I honestly don’t get people who hate Beast Boy. Even for shipping reasons. You mean to tell me that this guy:
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Out of all the villains in the show… deserves to be hated?
THIS guy?
This guy who loves animals so much he doesn’t eat meat?
This boy, who treated Terra with respect and comforted her when she needed it? 
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Who loves Terra as a friend even after she betrayed the Titans because he’s the kind of person who knows how to forgive?
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This hero who knows his limits and sometimes knows he’s in over his head, but tries anyways, because it’s the right thing to do?
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This capable leader who saved so many captive Titans through a nigh-impregnable forterss by leading a bunch of second-stringers? 
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The guy who is so good at getting people to open up and be comfortable around him that he broke through RAVEN, OF ALL PEOPLE?! 
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Are you SURE that this boy…
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…is the one…
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…who deserves your hate?
Sorry, no.
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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Raven, listening to her favorite kind of music..
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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Inktober day #3 - BBRae
Man, you have no idea how much I love these two. I love them still even after all these years and I will love them forever even after live action movies and cheap cash in shows try to ruin them. Here’s hoping the real animated Teen Titans come back strong! Q_Q
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
1. Sour S’ghetti. Look em up, they’re amazing
2. Nyarlathotep. Dunno if it counts but it does now
3. Uhhhh, sure
Halloween asks, tag 5 people
Reblog with your favorite candy, favorite monster, whether or not you expect to die a violent death
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
Since we have some haters out tonight, let’s spread some love to this prefect angel! Reblog to give Garfield Logan a hug!
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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lol so I’ve finalyl released my designs for the next gen. I hope they’re nice to look at v///v; Reblog to support me if you’d like. I just want to know if they are cool lmfaooooo XD; Click on the pictures to expand them and read a little more info. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST-REBLOG INSTEAD!! :)  
I like theseeeee so much x////x; I would love to see them drawn in others’ styles. vuv~ 
Hex-  Nathan West. Height: 5 ft 1 in. Age: 15 The Love Child of Kid Flash and Jinx-He is a constant reminder that redemption of evil is possible. His mother being an ex-villain gives him lots of insights on how the criminal mind works. He may look like his mother, but he mostly acts like his father. He is fairly confident and has a bright disposition and positive outlook on life. His superpowers include flashes of light and beams of energy like his mother, but sometimes he can run really fast like his father in very short bursts. He cannot sustain that running skill for very long. He can transform into flashes of light if he runs really fast. His favorite color is pink and will always tell you that it is a manly color.
Agent- Samson Stone. Height: 6 ft 0 in. Age: 16 Samson is an adopted son to Cyborg. Cyborg could not have children, but decided to adopt Samson after deeply connecting with him after a mission. Samson is very level-headed and mellow. He is very much like a gentle giant. He enjoys technology and music and frequently has earbuds in his ears. He is fully human-but wears a tech suit his Father and him have built. His arms have the classic Sonic canon that cyborg wields-But also can push out blades from the side for slashing. His censor is built into his visor-He can read heat signatures and pull up GPS in front of his eyes. Samson has a habit of saying “booyah!” He enjoys children and loves to play videogames. He can fly with jets and he builds robots in his spare time. Starshine- Kara Grayson. Height: 5 ft 6 in. Age: 19 The team leader, she has a level-head and speaks eloquently. Inheriting her father’s leadership skills, and her mother’s cheerful disposition, Starshine is the most compassionate of the group. Starshine makes hard decisions at times, which her teammates respect her for. She has super agility and has all the powers her mother had before her-and she absolutely loves visits home to planet Tamaran. She talks like a normal, average earth teen, unlike her mother, and is the only other person besides Starfire to see her father’s face without his mask. She is good at keeping secrets and her teammates often confide in her. Beastia- Rora Logan. Height: 5 ft. 3 in. Age: 17 The first child to Beastboy and Raven, Beastia had a dramatic first encounter in the world. She takes after her father the most, and uses her powers to shapeshift into shadows and animals alike, sometimes morphing into a combination of the two. She can shadow jump from shadow to shadow and phase through objects. She doesn’t have much skill in telekinesis like her mother or brother, nor can she fly unless she is transformed into an animal that can achieve flight. Beastia has minor healing abilities and some foresight into the future. She is mostly withdrawn, and is very hard on herself unfortunately. She enjoys being support, and doesn’t like the limelight or being a leader. She deeply loves her family. Entity- Galen Logan. Height: 5 ft. 0 in. Age: 15 Entity is the second child born to Beastboy and Raven, and is much more powerful than his older sister. He can shapeshift, but he chooses to mostly use magic. He does not have healing abilities, but can fly and teleport and shadow jump. However, his morphing abilities do not stop there. He can immitate voices and people and can even transform into different people with a combination of magic and his shapeshifting for a short amount of time. He is very strong but weak to peer pressure and temptation. He is the most emotional of the group and can have a hot head. He enjoys videogames and plays them often with Agent. He doesn’t understand sarcasm and it goes right over his head. Entity likes to improve his magic and will get stronger by any means…
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
OC Oneshot: Done Running
Alright, got another oneshot using another person’s OCs, this time the excellent author @loubuggins. Check her out for more info on the characters (or if you just want to read some awesome fics), otherwise enjoy!
Janet was breathing heavily, sweat pouring off of her form as she wove through trees and bushes, vaulting over roots and ducking beneath branches an instant before collision, doing all she could to simply keep her target in sight. As she caught another flash of his form speeding through the trees, the last moments of their argument replayed themselves in her mind.
"Mark, everyone misses you. Everyone thought you were dead! There's been talk about a god damn funeral for you!" She shouted.
"Doesn't sound too bad to me," he said, voice devoid of emotion and rough as sandpaper from years of disuse. "At least then I could see mom again."
She went silent, frozen. "You don't mean that," she told him quietly. "Please tell me you don't mean that." This time it was a request, a plea.
A shrug. "Doesn't really matter. I'm not going back. This is where I live now. This is my home."
"A home is more than just a place you lie your stubborn ass down at the end of the day!" She exclaimed. "Now come on, and let's go home. To your family.”
She went to grab him, but instantly he was gone, and in his place was a light green cheetah. It immediately turned and sped off, out of the clearing and disappearing into the trees, followed moments later by the speedstress.
In most scenarios she would be much faster than the bright green cheetah ahead of her, but in the dense jungles of Upper Lambada, Africa, his form was far better suited for the surroundings and terrain.
Just as the thought crossed her mind and as if to prove her point, she slipped on a dense patch of mud on the ground, sending her tumbling forwards with a cry and colliding with a tree, several unpleasant crunching and cracking sounds indicating that something was injured, likely broken.
She groaned in pain and frustration, knowing that by now he was long gone, and she had no hope of tracking him further. The thought brought with it a feeling of sorrow and loss far more intense than what she was expecting, and tears began to fall unbidden. She wiped at them angrily, telling herself that he had left long ago, she couldn't lose someone that was already lost, but even she knew that trying to fight her own heart was as hopeless a struggle as any.
She glanced down at her chest, gingerly feeling about for any broken bones with a bleeding arm, likely cut on a branch while running or during her fall that she hadn't noticed. Thankfully, she was still in one piece and her injuries were at worst a handful of broken, not completely shattered, ribs. She heaved a sigh of relief, hissing in pain as the action magnified the pain of her bruises. A handful of broken ribs, while definitely not the worst she had been through, still had the capacity to hurt like hell.
However, as she let her arm fall back down to recover, a soft, wet, and warm surface came into contact with it and she jumped, glancing down to see a light green cheetah lapping at the cut caringly, the sight freezing her with unwanted hope.
She reached out an arm uncertainly, almost afraid he would evaporate in her touch, but finally her hand reached its destination of his unruly and wild hair, proof of his years of isolation, as somewhere between then and when she had begun the motion he had shifted back to his original form.
"Are you okay?" His voice was still as rough from being unused for so long, as it had been before their argument which lead to the chase, but something in it contained a new warmth, hidden and pushed aside as it might be.
She grmiaced in response. "A few are broken, but I'll live."
"Good." He rose up to stand in front of her, glancing first down at her again, and then around the forest, and back down, as though debating something. "How far away is your ship?"
"A couple miles."
Mark pursed his lips, thinking. Finally, he reached down and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, making her shiver at the contact. He hoisted her up, but as soon as she was standing and went to put weight on her feet, she cried out in pain and would have collapsed to the ground again if he hadn't caught her. "Alright, leg's broken too."
He cursed under his breath, something previously uncharacteristic of him. She raised an eyebrow, already prepared to rib him for it as she used to, but stopped after realizing that he could be an entirely different person by now and she would have no idea. He could be a complete stranger.
The changeling groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation, before meeting her eyes once again. "How long will it take you to heal with your speedforce and get outta here?"
"About a day, maybe a little longer," she shrugged. "Though if you really want me gone you could always help heal me yourself," she added, smirking up at him.
He didn't bother answering, choosing instead to gingerly pick her up bridal style, hands hesitant as if wary that she would burn him, or maybe they would break her. Or both.
Whatever the case, Janet took the position to her advantage and burrowed into his broad chest (was he this muscular before he left?) comfortably, enjoying how he tensed as she did so.
"You're still leaving as soon as you're healed, and I'm still not coming with you," he muttered, though she deigned to ignore him and instead listen to the steady, strong beat of his heart through his clothes.
By the time that they reached the abandoned safe house he had made his home for the past years, the sun was setting in the sky and her broken bones were producing a constant ache that made every motion painful, now that her adrenaline had worn off completely.
Mark turned and pushed the door open with his back, before striding inside and making his way over to a messy, unmade bed in a corner of the small 3-room building. He knelt down and laid Janet upon it gently, disappointing her at the lost contact with him. He turned and took a seat on a chair across the room, picked up a book, and immediately became almost as still as a statue as he began to read.
The sight of the changeling with his nose buried in a book was so familiar, even with the unkempt hair, ripped clothing, and untidy, alien room, that she felt pangs of heartache and regret at the lost time between them and shoot through her chest, even more painful than her injuries. "Even now, you still love your books, huh?" She poked at him fondly in a futile attempt to ignore the emotions welling up.
He huffed in frustration, lowering the book to glare at her. "Well, the internet connection over here isn't too great, and in case you haven't noticed, there's a significant lack of electricity, so as much as I'd like it, Gamestation isn't much of an option. There aren't many people to talk to other than the meta traffickers we just took down, and that leaves me with books."
She paused, thinking over his response as silence once again descended. "Thanks, by the way. For, you know, helping me with those guys."
"Well what did you expect me to do?" He asked. "Just leave you to them and let you not only fail the mission you came here for, but also possibly be hurt or abducted yourself?"
A smile broke out over her expression. "Aww, so you do care!" She teased. "My hero!"
He rolled his eyes, before pretending to puke in disgust to the side, making retching sounds behind a hand before smirking along with her, and for a second it was like old times. But then her laughter came too hard, and the ache in her ribs evolved into a sharp stabs of agony and she choked into silence, grasping at her abdomen and screwing her eyes shut.
Mark's eyes darkened, as though remembering their situation, and he stood up, striding over to the bedside and growling at her angrily. "Just lay still and focus on healing."
She sighed. "You're really that eager to have me gone, aren't you?"
The changeling merely stared at her emotionlessly for a handful of seconds, before jerking his hands up to place them over her stomach, and she let her head fall back as his healing magic flowed into her, soothing the injuries and relaxing her body.
"It also makes me feel... closer to her," he mumbled, as though he had read her mind. Her head shot back up to meet his gaze, and the sorrow there nearly broke her heart.
She reached a hand up to cup his cheek, but he shied away. "Mark," she murmured softly. "I know it hurts. I lost Justin, and-," she paused, voice breaking slightly as memories washed over her. "And Raven was basically my own family too. But you can't just run away from it all."
"But I did already," he replied. "I ran when she died, I kept running when I got here, I ran from you earlier, and I'll keep running all my life. I guess it's just what I do," his voice was weary, empty, shoulders slumped as he spoke, as if knowing himself how futile what he was saying was.
"And what'd it get you?" She pursued. "Isolation, unsolved issues, an injured friend, and a face that really could use a shave."
A scoff. "Even now you need to make fun of me, huh?"
"I'm pretty sure that's my job," Janet chuckled lightly, as to not trigger her injuries. She hadn't missed his obvious misdirection if the conversation from it's more serious topic, but chose not to pursue it.
"You should get some sleep," he sighed. "It'll help you heal, and then get on your way."
"Where are you going to sleep?" She questioned, glancing about the room and secretly praying that he didn't have another bed to use.
He shrugged and turned to walk away. "The floor I guess."
Immediately her hand was filled with a bright pink energy. "Oh, no you don't. My body is going to be focusing it's energy on healing itself, which means I'm going to get cold, especially if I'm not moving. Now, you are going to get in this bed to warm me up right now or I will bring this whole building down. I don't need my chest or leg to use magic."
Mark turned about to stare at her incredulously. "Are you insane? I'm not sleeping with you!"
Janet returned the look with a challenge of her own. "If you hadn't run away when I tried to talk you into coming back I wouldn't be injured in the first place, so technically this is your fault. You owe me," she countered, smirking at him.
Mark sputtered incoherently for several seconds, before finding his voice. "Well you're the one who tried talking me into coming back! That's on you!"
"Oh yea, so sorry for actually caring about you," she bit back sarcastically. "I forgot that wasn't allowed after Raven-," she cut herself off abruptly as his eyes flashed dangerously, almost regretful of what she had been about to say.
However, as their eyes remained locked in silence, his seemed to almost melt, though whether it was a softening of his spirit or loss of a will to fight anymore, she couldn't tell.
But when he let out a whispered, "Fine," and trudged back over to the bed to slip in behind her, she quickly decided she didn't care. His arms wrapped about her waist and once again began to glow slightly as his healing power accelerated her recovery, and pulled her against him in a way she had thought for years would only- could only- be a dream.
"I hope you know that the only way I'm leaving is with you," she said quietly, knowing he would easily hear her with his enhanced senses.
His arms tightened. "I do."
"So you're done running from Raven?" She pressed, hope and happiness welling up inside her.
"I don't know."
She nodded, only one question left. "Are you done running from me?"
Janet smiled in relief and contentment, and she let out a sigh as silence fell between them. This time, however, it was a silence of mutual understanding, and caring. Soon after, her eyes fell closed and she passed into sleep, held in the arms of the man she was irrevocably in love with.
And true to his word, Mark remained where he was, arms wrapped about the heroine as he gazed at her features, mind distracted by thoughts too important to let him sleep. However, there was one thing he knew by now. He could run all he wanted, but she would always catch up. After all, she was a speedstress.
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
Reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft, my favorite author. Awesome!
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Hooked Figure
design from scrapped book/zine project
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
OC Oneshot: Training Day
This is a oneshot I wrote for the awesome and incredibly talented artist @shock777 using her OCs from her Teen Titans expanded universe, the latest of which, Arianna Lilltih, was just created recently in a discord. Some of the dialogue and scenarios in this also were inspired by said server. Enjoy!
"Six minutes and twenty-seven seconds, new record!"
Arianna slid to a stop, breathing heavily as applause, a few whoops, and single 'Booyah!' rang out from those watching. She glanced behind her at the large time clock mounted next to the training course to confirm that she had actually broken its current record, before smiling in satisfaction after seeing it was true, she had done so by over ten whole seconds. Her eyes found Galen's, as they so often seemed to, consciously or not, and she smirked, raising her chin in unspoken challenge. He raised a single brow and strode confidently to the starting line. "Reset the clock," he called out to Starshine in the control box.
"Oh c'mon Entity," Hex called down. "You're not gonna congratulate your girl on her new record?"
Galen scoffed. "Sure I will, later. But right now I think I'll just set a new record myself instead."
Arianna shook her head, spilt between fondness and annoyance. He always was so competitive, especially where she was concerned. She assumed it was due to some people need he felt to impress her or something, moronic as it was.
Beside Hex, Raven and Beast Boy seemed to have similar feelings, if their expressions were anything to judge by. However, as if she could feel the younger woman's gaze on her, Raven turned and met her eyes, before inclining her head slightly in approval. Arianna swelled with pride and happiness, ecstatic to have impressed the older hero and, if all went well, future mother-in-law.
The ringing from the course time clock broke the sorceress out of her thoughts and brought her gaze back to Galen as he took off, feet leaving the ground as he flew forwards at breakneck speeds. He reached the first obstacle, a maze of stone walls that he was unable to break or fly over due to the rules of the course. Instead, he merely teleported through each wall without hardly slowing, making a straight line through the maze without regard for its intended purpose.
In seconds he was out, time already far ahead of her own as the second obstacle activated; several turrets firing dummy rounds rising from the ground to take aim at him. The young hero almost immediately dissolved into shadow and jumped towards the closest turret, before taking the form of a gorilla and, with a loud roar and crash, bringing his fists down to crush it.
After employing a similar strategy to neutralize each other turret, it was on to the third obstacle, and Arianna was getting worried. She had just set the record, and in front of her boyfriends parents too! She couldn't let him immediately outdo her in front of them, especially not on the very next run! Not only were bragging rights on the line, but so was the approval of two veteran titans of the founding team, and her boyfriends parents!
Now, Arianna was not a cruel person at heart, but when the stakes were high enough, as they were now, sometimes certain... measures had to be taken. If Galen continued to make such good time, she decided she might be forced to take things into her own hands. For now, however, she merely returned to spectating.
Galen had almost never felt as good as he did at the moment, pure adrenaline and confidence coursing his veins as he shot past every since obstacle before him, positive he was well ahead of his girlfriends time. So confident, in fact, that he chanced a look at the clock mid flight, showing he was nearly a full minute ahead of the previous record.
He actually let out a small laugh at the thought of the looks on his team's and parents faces after he set a second record of the day, basking in the thought as he continued, until he reached the next obstacle, a large series of laser tripwires shooting every direction and zigzagging between each other to leave hardly any space to flip through.
He paused for a moment, mapping out his the path he would take in his head, before taking the form of a hummingbird and shooting forwards. He wasn't a huge fan ofshapeshifting when he could instead use his magic, but sometimes it did have its advantages.
As he already had memorized the various twists and turns he would need to execute to get through the lasers, he chanced another glance at the clock to ensure he was still ahead, when a flash of skin caught his attention.
His eyes seemed magnetically drawn to the person standing beside the large time clock as she sent him a sultry look. However, he hardly noticed it as his gaze was instead directed further down to take in her the fact that the only piece of clothing she was wearing was a replica of his flowing white cloak fastened around her neck.
His mind went blank as he lost both his concentration and animal form, reappearing in his human body mid flustered sputter, before flipping over and falling to the ground, landing on his back and passing through several lasers on the way there.
He wheezed as the breath was knocked from his body, mind in a haze as he lay motionless, staring up into the sky blankly. Eventually his head cleared enough to register the sounds of hilarious laughter coming from behind him, and without looking knew that it was coming from Hex and Agent. He sat up slowly, shaking his head to clear it, and glanced back. As expected, his two male teammates were rolling on the ground with tears streaming from their eyes. His embarrassment was only furthered when he saw that his father had almost joined them. Raven merely was looking at him expressionlessly. Rora and Starshine were calling out in concern, and beside them all stood Arianna. She was smiling at him innocently, fully clothed once again, as if nothing had happened.
A look at the clock showed that the incident had cost him over 2 full minutes, as every laser he touched cost an additional time penalty as well. Groaning at the thought of facing his team after the failure, and knowing that he could never tell them the true reason for it, he stood slowly and trudged to the finish line, a tone from the control box signifying his completion.
She thought her plan had worked perfectly, and it was all she could do not to join the guys on her team on the ground as Rora ran past to meet her brother, checking him over worriedly and asking if he was hurt. However, as the rest of the heroes were distracted she felt a soft prod on the back of her head, and turned to see Raven staring back at her. She folded her arms and lifted an eyebrow, expression otherwise betraying no emotion, and Arianna immediately knew that the empath had seen it too, as the veteran hero always did have the ability to see past her illusions as well.
Before Arianna could think of what to say or do, Galen was walking over and she was forced to return her attention to him. She quickly adopted a concerned expression and began fussing over him similar to Rora. "Are you okay Gale? Nothing's hurt? You're sure? Maybe we should get you to the med bay just in case, that didn't look good," she said, while he stood still and silent as a statue, one eye twitching as he stared at her.
"Alright let's go baby," she cooed, winking at him after ensuring no one else could see. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and made a show of helping him back towards the Tower, waving off the rest of the team to ensure them that she could handle it.
After entering she withdrew her arm and started strolling casually towards the med bay, Galen trailing still wordlessly. Upon entering, she guided him with a gossamer hand on his back to a cot and sat him down. She took a seat beside him and smiled innocently, gazing at him through half-lidded eyes.
"Alright, it's time for your examination," she began. "Tell me, what hurts?"
Finally he spoke up loudly, fuming. "You know what-," before sputtering into silence as she flashed her powers once again, revealing a significant lack of clothing briefly before returning to her standard attire.
"Does it hurt here?" She asked sweetly, running her hand down an arm. "What about here?" She continued, trailing it lightly along his thigh as he choked for words.
"Hm, maybe we should start with a physical," she muttered, as if to herself.
He gulped, ears twitching, before finding his voice once again. "What does that mean?"
"Well, I need to examine you of course," she explained, still maintaining an innocent face and tone. She placed a hand on his throat. "Turn your head and cough please."
He raised an eyebrow. "Really? That isn't what I was expecting." Nonetheless, he complied, allowing her to feel his neck as he did so.
"What?" She asked. "Your medical chart is poorly maintained, Gale. Mama is worried her stallion won't make the winning time at the races."
His only response was a strange look, so she continued, fingers falling almost absentmindfully down to his chest. "Any food allergies?"
"You already know that. W-why is that a question?" He demanded, face reddening as her fingers continued their slow decent.
However, the door slid open before she reached her destination, and she pulled her hand back quickly, turning and flooding with panic as Raven walked in, stopped in the entrance to regard them with hood hiding most of her features. Galen, too, turned to his mother, though his expression was more hopeful and pleading.
Finally, the half demon broke the silence, looking at Arianna. "I like you, and so does he. But please, try not to break him," she deadpanned, before turning and gliding away, leaving them alone once again.
Arianna stared after her briefly before looking back to Galen, who in turn began to panic himself, fear reflected in his eyes as he turned to her, only to let out something almost akin to a squeal as he realized that she had changed her clothing once again, this time to a.... rather revealing nurses outfit.
"Now then, time to finish up our examination," she said, smirking evilly and returning to where she had left off.
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eldritchsardine · 6 years
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you look fine to me
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