dumb-alek · 9 days
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dumb-alek · 1 month
I saw a poll about superior breakfast foods and this poll was so American i decided to make my own but Polish (if it's too regional or too personal I'm sorry in advance) so it's just as incomprehensible and unrelatable to people from other cultures as American-centric polls usually are to me LETS GO
A couple of disclaimers :
Disclaimer 1: most of these are elements of breakfast not full breakfast meals. Meats and eggs are usually paired with sourdough bread or rolls, and vegetables: most often fresh or pickled cucumbers, chives or green onion, radish, and tomatoes (usually in summer cause in winter they taste like cardboard).
Disclaimer 2: These are the foods me and my girlfriend from kinda poor families in the South of Poland remember eating growing up in early 2000s. So if your experiences of Polish breakfast are different uhhh I'm sorry?
Disclaimer 3: Never trust articles in English about Polish breakfast foods because they're either complete bullshit or just Polish dishes that would fit an American idea of breakfast: pancakes and potato pancakes or apple fritters are dinner foods here. So are zapiekanki, any kinds of soups (excluding zupa mleczna which was too weird for me to include cause no one ate it out of free will) and stews.
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dumb-alek · 2 months
What's really starting to annoy me is that going through different fandom tags, people completely lost track of what a 'canon ship' is, as if they don't understand what 'canon' means in general.
A 'canon' ship doesn't mean they got together, or stayed together. It only means that it was legitimised in-fiction.
I feel like an old man yelling at cloud about this but in years of queer coding and tuen queer baiting saying that a relationship is canon had a particular function, and it was acknowledging that what the writers are putting out, and what the readers/viewers are picking up on is not imaginary.
Maybe it's just ages of being gaslighted by media when it comes to queer romance talking through me, but sometimes character don't need to like. Get together officially for their relationship to be considered legitimised in-text. It actually strikes me as a little juvenile to think they do, not to mention the entitlement i start to see in fandom spaces more and more.
It worries me to see the audience acting like writers 'owe us' showing a relationship we like in a way that we like, without giving the text some autonomy to develop it the way they want. Of course, there's bad writing out there, or writing choices that miss out on the potential the story could have had. What I usually see though, is people evaluating narrative choices not on their own merit, but through the lense of 'did they do exactly what i wanted to happen' or even worse 'did they do what we decided would happen as fanon'.
And that sucks. We could get invested in a relationship and then the writers decide to go in a different direction with it. I can expect disappointment - sure, cause of course you'd be disappointed if something you got invested in happened in a different way than you expected. What I don't vibe with is acting like it's some sort of a betrayal or not keeping someone's part of the deal, where there was, in fact, no deal to begin with.
This changed from one rant to another but what I mean is: there are other ways for a (romantic) relationship to be legitimised other than the characters getting together and having their happily ever after.
You can have a character confess and get rejected. You can get a confirmation of one sided feelings. Or mutual feelings, but a relationship doomed by circumstances. You can have exes. You can have characters get together briefly, but break up. You can have characters falling in and out of love.
All of these relationships would be legitimised by the text, therefore canon.
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dumb-alek · 2 months
Like I enjoy the aesthetics but I just don't commit to the culture
As far as being a woman goes I think I'm just a poser
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dumb-alek · 2 months
As far as being a woman goes I think I'm just a poser
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dumb-alek · 2 months
"I cant draw" then do it bad who gives a fuck.....
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dumb-alek · 3 months
Me neither and I know this post - but my gripe with it is that it's not entirely accurate, and aphantasia as I understand it is much more complicated.
I have a problem with imagining things but it's not like I can see a sketch in my mind (which was last but one stage in that post), but if i were let's say, told to imagine a picture with a house and a tree and a swing:
I would try to picture it and in my brain I put a placement marker that there is a house and a tree and a swing and maybe where they would be in the composition. Maybe the sky is blue and cloudy and the grass is green and it's summer.
But if someone asked me what the house looks like I would have to imagine it again. Not remember what I saw (because what I saw is an approximate - my idea of what a house is) I'd think of house shapes i know and I could conjure them in my mind. I think I'd be able to do it pretty accurately cause I can think about houses I've seen. Similarly with the pattern of walls, or the rooftop.
And then you ask me about the tree and I have to think again. And again about a swing. So I would be able to describe all the properties of these things and overwrite them on the image in my head but they'd still be placeholders. Cause even after thinking about them, I'm not able to see the full image. It's like it's shifting all the time depending on what I zoom in. Unrendered, maybe a couple of splotches on a canvas with a sticky note describing what it should look like.
And that's what I mean when I say I don't believe in the reverse of aphantasia. Not a staunch disbeliever - just haven't seen anyone prove convincingly that they can truly see images in their mind (and I'm very open to being convinced). Because as someone who draws I'm always confronted with the fact that what I 'imagine' in my head is a lousy approximate and I start to bring the real image to life when I put it on paper.
And when you draw, it's not like your hand can't follow your brain (maybe partially, cause your motor skills are still important for technique), like what I thought when I was a kid, when i didn't understand the process. It's just that the image in your brain is a collection of concepts and mental references that you can interpret when saying you imagine something. Even when you're using a reference, the image gets filtered through your brain, which warps it. Learning to draw, to me, is literally schooling your brain to interpret these patterns and bringing it into the outside world in a form that makes sense.
So yeah if anyone disagrees (especially other people who draw) I'd be very interested in hearing what you think. I think I either have aphantasia which I guess could slightly disable my ability to produce visual art, or most people are not able to see images in their heads as well as they think but don't realise it. Or I'm completely wrong about all of this and it's something else.
I'm wondering - there's a lot of talk about aphantasia lately.
To it's hard to imagine the opposite, as in being able to 'see' images in your head. It must be an exaggeration?
But then I think about the fact that when I read fanfiction and the dialogues are good at following characters' speech patterns I can hear their voices in my head very clearly. And now I'm wondering if it is in any way connected to aphantasia or lack thereof.
This isn't scientific research, just a tumblr poll so don't sweat it too much. I'll let you decide what 'clearly' means to you in this context cause it's hard to measure that objectively. Personally, I think that if you're able to see a full image with different details and you don't need to 'focus in' on a specific element of the picture to come up with what it looks like, it counts.
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dumb-alek · 3 months
I'm wondering - there's a lot of talk about aphantasia lately.
To it's hard to imagine the opposite, as in being able to 'see' images in your head. It must be an exaggeration?
But then I think about the fact that when I read fanfiction and the dialogues are good at following characters' speech patterns I can hear their voices in my head very clearly. And now I'm wondering if it is in any way connected to aphantasia or lack thereof.
This isn't scientific research, just a tumblr poll so don't sweat it too much. I'll let you decide what 'clearly' means to you in this context cause it's hard to measure that objectively. Personally, I think that if you're able to see a full image with different details and you don't need to 'focus in' on a specific element of the picture to come up with what it looks like, it counts.
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dumb-alek · 3 months
In light of tumblr being a motherfucker I logged into my pillowfort account to seei f it still stands. It does! The username is simply : Alek because yes I signed up so long ago it was available.
If any of you have pillowfort accounts to follow let me know!
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dumb-alek · 3 months
I just found this quiz and it’s, phenomenal
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dumb-alek · 3 months
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Behind the veil
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dumb-alek · 3 months
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Here's something I forgot to brag about - I've heard many people looking at our pride stuff say they'd get it, but they are not out/wouldn't feel comfortable with their pride flags so out in the open.
I think it's okay to not be out and proud for many reasons, so i feel strongly about it. Because I myself live in a conservative country and I wouldn't feel safe wearing my own designs in public. So I was thinking about it and came up with these ~subtle~ pride designs.
It's not all I'd like to do but these are all I had ideas for. You can get in on our Etsy, if you'd like. I'm really pleased with how they came out (haha)
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dumb-alek · 3 months
you will find me interesting
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dumb-alek · 3 months
I feel a bit silly posting this but I'm trying to track my progress with singing and I'm pleased with this one
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dumb-alek · 3 months
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Whenever Will is all bloodied and he looks at Hannibal lovingly... Yeah
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dumb-alek · 3 months
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dumb-alek · 4 months
Please reblog if you can, I'd like to get as many different results as possible!
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