dsiela · 3 years
Ok physically I'm here, but mentally I'm in a studio filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the summers wind stirs amidst the trees of the garden, there comes through the open door the heavy sent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.
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dsiela · 3 years
If past lives are real, and time is an illusion, i wonder who my soul is right now.
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dsiela · 4 years
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The Forest by Nikita Gill
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dsiela · 4 years
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don’t worry if you’re afraid to follow your dreams, 
just tuck them into your pocket 
they’ll find a bit of soil 
and bloom gently on their own 
so when you’re ready to jump into the unknown
they’ll be there for you 
growing out of your pockets 
reminding you what dreams are  
and asking to be planted in a bigger garden 
- z.m.
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dsiela · 4 years
If you loved Xena warrior princess as a kid now your either gay or a radical feminist
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dsiela · 4 years
I wonder which things I’ve experienced are all part of being human, and which are things that shouldn’t have ever happened to me. I wonder which things I should share and which things I should put in a diary or keep in memories so abstract they never become thoughts at all.
I wonder how many memories I can hold and whether I’ll burst and at what point of growing up did so much of thinking become finding places to store what I can’t speak but which I can’t swallow.
When I was 8 I swallowed a loose tooth in my sleep. A story I can tell. 13 and using a flat iron on my hair at a slumber party. 17 and laughing so hard in class I got sent to stand in the hallway.
All hung out on a clothesline where the neighbors can see, drying in the soft and steady breeze of gentle retellings, of “remember that time?”
When I was 12 I noticed grown men looking at me for the first time. I was walking home in my school uniform, and I looked young for my age.
I don’t know where that goes.
I bury it in a pile of dirty laundry, old blouses and a pleated skirt.
My room has always been the messiest in the house.
When I was 7 I cried so hard I threw up. I told my parents I was just sad and didn’t know why.
I put that under the bed with my summer clothes that don’t fit anymore.
I never learned how to sort things out,
I don’t know how to choose what to keep and what to give away.
The fire when I was 16, and the 9 PM September sky glowing red, but I couldn’t run the two blocks to see it, to know exactly what it looked like when my childhood evaporated into the sky like so much smoke.
I don’t think I have room for that.
I don’t know if I can split it up to fit into different spaces.
The house.
The fire.
My Dad, still inside.
Sock drawers and makeup bags and backpacks and the back corner of the bottom shelf of my least-browsed bookcase.
Can someone else make space for it?
Should I tell someone? Could they help me carry it, keep it?
My friends’ childhood bedrooms were always so clean growing up.
Maybe they have room for something of mine.
Can I give it away?
Will they take it?
Where do they put it all?
I think everyone else must’ve learned something I missed.
I’m only 27, and I’m already out of space.
Where do we put it all?
The years pile up.
Where do we put it all.
–a small experimental poem on unpacking and processing trauma & grief
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dsiela · 4 years
I think I finally understand why all those jane austen heroines and shakespeare characters fall in love after one meeting now. I'm so touch/people starved you could say anything to me and we'd be married by next week.
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dsiela · 4 years
Please don't tell me anything you like about me or my personality. If you do I'll start doing those things to impress others instead of just being me. And honestly it boosts my self-esteem way too much, so please don't.
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dsiela · 4 years
I don't mind that crook in my neck that I get from staring down at books in my lap
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dsiela · 4 years
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dsiela · 5 years
Why Ghost Hunt Is Great And Everyone Should Watch It: A Summary
It’s basically all of those ghost investigation shows only good.
The writers do their research into parapsychology and occult history and phenomena. They don’t just make shit up like pretty much every other supernatural horror series does.
Multiple religions and cultures are portrayed very earnestly and tastefully, with very little relying on stereotype. The Buddhist Monk, Shinto Preistess, and Catholtic Preist characters are all treated with respect and authority to their beliefs.
The main character gets called out and schooled on having had an Imperalist Japanese education. The tense history between China, Japan and particularly Hong Kong is brought up and not shied away from.
On that note all the main characters are shown to have their flaws and faults and short-comings.
When the main character discovers she has supernatural ability, she is automatically aware of the responsibilities and consequences these powers come with. She is regularly taken to task for using her powers when she doesn’t fully understand them. A character that could have been a ‘sue is instead given depth and development. It’s a lot like Pretear that way.
There are some great twists on old horror tropes– the reasons and explainations that come up for a lot of the hauntings are unique and unexpected (again, because the writers do their research.)
The Nightmare Fuel is counterpointed with some genuinely sweet, funny and heartwarming moments.
The writers are totally cool with letting side characters steal the spotlight or the scene.
There’s a lot of social commentary throughout the series that other series would shy away from. The main characters argue and disagree in some pretty horrendous ways because of this, and it’s handled fantastically.
Please watch Ghost Hunt, you’ll thank me.
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dsiela · 5 years
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Reblog if you are in the Ghost Hunt fandom.
I’m actually curious to see how many of us there are.
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dsiela · 6 years
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