Everything I ever wanted
So much stuff has been happening recently. 
I have this podcast that I’m absolutely in love with making. I feel genuinely happy whenever I get to record it and it has been such a matter of the heart. 
I recently won a price for it and I was absolutely ecstatic! But I feel like the elevated mood has been shifting and going downhill. 
With this prize, the public recognition and it having an audience, I feel immense pressure to perform perfectly, to make it bigger and better and it’s just getting a lot. 
I don’t want to complain though, because this has really been a dream come true for me. I wanted to do radio when I was a little child, have my own show and when Podcasts came around I always dreamed of doing that but I was always too scared. 
I guess I’ll just have to get used to how this all works in the meantime I’ll enjoy recording the second and third season. 
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About this Blog
I once had a Blog on here before but it seems to have been deleted so I decided to start a new one. 
On here I’ll share my thoughts, brain dumps, stories about life and everything that’s just currently relevant to me, in hopes that someone can relate to it and get something out of it. 
I hope you’re having a great day and a great weekend. 
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