dark-door · 2 years
Question to Ulquihime fandom:
How do you guys feel when ppl say that it is an abusive/toxic ship?
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dark-door · 2 years
No: "It get's better, just believe in it."
Yes: "Once you're out of school you can actually choose with a lot more freedom who to surround yourself with, you have a lot more agency and rights and you have a much essier time to get out of or distance yourself from bad family situations. It doesn't get better by some miracle of belief, but because you are finally gaining rights and agency you should have had for your whole life but that have been withheld from you. This is an act of oppression."
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dark-door · 2 years
Hey Hinata fandom
Soooo...I've never liked Hinata that much, but now I'm interested to read fics about her, so if it's okay, can I get some recomendations?
Here are the things I'm not interested:
I'm not a Naruhina, Kibahina, Gaahina or Sasuhina fan, so any ship that doesn't include these
I'd also like it to still take place in the Naruto world, but soulmate or timetravel aus are very welcome
Also Sakura is one of my favourite characters, so a fic without Sakura bashing would be nice
Thanks in advance for any recs 💛
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dark-door · 3 years
My fictional crushes over the years
I have no idea who needs to see this, just thought it might be fun and a trip down memory lane for me 😅 please don’t judge too much
1. Age 6-7sih
Kisshu-Tokyo Mew Mew
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Just look at him! He was sexy and cute! I’ll never understand Ichigo...
2. Age 7ish
Leon Oswald-Kaleido Star
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The episode where he climbed up to bring Sora to the stage...I’m not the same since then...
4. Age 8
Koji- Digimons 3
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He’s just like some other characters on the list, maybe just a bit more sweet
4.Age 8-9
Hiei- Yuyu Hakusho
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He stole the show for me, and every time he wasn’t in the scene I got mad, so sexy...and that voice! ( but frankly didn’t know he could be shipped with Botan)
5. Age 10
Uchiha Sasuke-Naruto
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Well...after Hiei, it shouldn’t be surprising...
Sasuke was cool and sexy as hell for a 10 year old, but man, when I saw this:
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It was another sexual awakening...
6. Age 12
Haku-Spirited away
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Yeah, he was a strong contender then, how I wished to be Chihiro...
7.Age 14
Rem-Death Note
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I saw the movie first, before the anime, and also I watched in dub in my native language, where they essentially gave him the same sounding voice actor as for Haku and Sasuke...So...until like I was 20, I thought she was a he...still sexy though
8. Age 16
Ulquiorra Shiffer- Bleach
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Pretty much watched Bleach only for him...and I’m still having a hard time accepting that he’s dead
9. Age 17
Sanji-One Piece
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Man, I was in love with this man...to the point that my walls were covered in images of him
10. Age 17-18ish
Jem Cartsairs-Mortal Instruments
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First non anime character on the list...I didn’t and since then still don’t understand the hype about Will when there was Jem...
11.Age 23
I took a small brake from fandoms, but as it goes, people always go back
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He’s like everything...and I’m so glad the Gaasaku ship and fandom is so great, in cannon he was so great and in fannon even greater :D
And we caught up...No more crushes since the beginning of this year, since I also have to maintain these :D
I’d like to see other’s take on this!
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dark-door · 3 years
Kabusaku fic, new chapter is up 
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dark-door · 3 years
Work related things
when a cool old lady at work( who has skull earings, shawed head and flanel button down) talks to me in german, and I understand maybe 40%-of it, so just nod, smile and laugh as she does
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dark-door · 3 years
In need of a help of a beta reader for a Sakura centric, modern au, highschool au, time travel au
the idea is that 23 year old Sakura goes back to when she was 17, and she slowly starts to get deeper into the life of the popular bad kids at her school, and forms bonds with them, while questioning many things with her former life and choises. The possible pairing will be Deisaku
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dark-door · 3 years
Looking for a beta reader
looking for a beta reader for a Kabusaku canon divergence slowish burn fic
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dark-door · 3 years
I was meant to add this in the other question but I forgot 🙃 thank you for answering as well. But do you think if Ulquiorra was still alive that something was bound to happen between him and Orihime ? I think their reunion would’ve been really beautiful and touching. It actually kinda reminds me of Damon and Elena in a way.
Okay... You are pushing me dangerously close to watching Vampire Diaries. I mean first there are all the sexy gifs on the internet, now you're comparing Damon and Elena to ulquihime... I need more free time.
Anyway, what happens if Ulquiorra lives?
Something, that's for sure. The thing that would determine the kind of the relationship between him and Orihime would be the same thing that has one of the greatest effects on any relationship: timing.
(long, rambling explanation under the cut)
If he came back quickly, like before the final arc or even during the time before We Do Knot Always Love You, I feel like it would have strong potential to turn romantic. The earlier he returns, the better the likelihood of success of Ulquihime being a real thing. Why? Well, part of it boils down to Ichigo.
Ichigo is the kind of boy who really has no time for girls. He has no mental energy to waste a thought on them. Sure, he cares for Orihime and has a special place in his heart for her, and he probably has urges and all the natural inclinations of boys who are interested in girls, but he leaves it there. He is busy getting other things done and proving himself to... himself. His kneejerk reaction is to push any concrete thoughts of romance or attraction as far away from his attention as possible.
In an interview in the JET artbook, Kubo mentions that Orihime and Ichigo did not start officially dating until after he graduated from university. I think ichihime is a very sweet and gentle ship, and once Ichigo makes his move at the end of We Do Know Always Love You, Orihime is kind of locked in on him. So Ulquiorra has until then to make his move.
So that explains Ulquiorra's window of opportunity. Now I want to talk about Orihime, prefacing this by making it clear that I really do believe that Orihime loves Ichigo in a real and pure way. Even if nothing romantic ever came to fruition between them, she would still love him. She would just adjust her expectations to be satisfied with whatever he was willing to offer her. If that means all he was ever willing to offer her was friendship, she would take it and take the necessary steps to adjust her expectations to conform to his boundaries. That's just part of growing up.
What we haven't talked about is how Orihime would change based on different circumstances than those set forth in canon.
So imagine, Orihime is quietly biding her time, patiently waiting for Ichigo to realize what his dick is for, and otherwise building stronger friendships between herself, him, and their supercool sidekicks. She's strengthening her powers, learning a lot about herself, and gaining self-confidence. She's having fun and saving the world. Her plate is pretty full.
Despite all this fulfilling growth, Orihime still faces a deep, overwhelming struggle with loneliness. She has grown up abused and neglected. Her darkest traumas have less to do with hollows and more to do with knowing her parents never loved her. She will always have anxiety gnawing at her, which won't be blunted until she feels like she has the kind of love that lasts forever.
Now, of course, she has her hopes pinned on good ol' Kurosaki-kun for this purpose, but that doesn't mean that no one could ever take his place. Also, I don't for one minute believe that Orihime is so pure of heart and innocent of mind that she doesn't think about sex and love (which she sees as two inseparable sides of the same coin insofar as it relates to her) any less than a typical teenager. To the contrary, I think she is probably more curious about it than most of her peers, in large part because of her trauma.
However, Orihime has not gotten to where she is - top three in her class, healthy, and maintaining her own household as a teenager on a small budget - if she wasn't mature and world-wise for her age. She doesn't always come across that way, but she knows how to manage her needs and wants. She also knows how to keep a healthy distance between herself and those who might want to take advantage of her, because, let's face it, she could be a very easy target.
This is why, in Bleach canon, no one ever got between her and Ichigo. Because although she had a lot of admirers, none of them were worth her consideration. None of them had history with her. None of them understood her special powers. None of them knew her weaknesses and traumas. Only her small circle of supernatural besties knew her well enough and had enough of her trust to consider a relationship with, and of those three boys, Orihime was only attracted to Ichigo. Besides, Ishida and Chad would never think to get in between Orihime and Ichigo.
But Ulquiorra would.
If he returned, he would need her. He would provide her with the attention she craves and the fascination that gives her the confidence she would need to turn her attention away from Ichigo. She would not be able to deny that she and Ulquiorra share a strength of connection on par with that of her and her nakama.
She would hesitate for a only a moment before deciding to do whatever she could to assist Ulquiorra in adjusting to his new life. It would be a very significant reunion, initially, but then reality would creep in.
Ulquiorra requires work to find a place in his new reality. Orihime is not afraid of hard work, but undertaking Ulquiorra's rehabilitation would not be all sunshine and roses. He doesn't just follow her advice like some kind of lost puppy, either. He can be stubborn and confrontational. She would be forced to examine and explain things she takes for granted.
This process would make her question much of her previous beliefs, just as he questioned his beliefs about the heart when they were together in Hueco Mundo. He would make her feel like she had value in her ability to teach him things about the world.
Although he would not bicker or put her down for sport, he would frustrate and challenge her. He would make her assert herself. It would reignite the chemistry between them that she was too terrified in Hueco Mundo to recognize.
Orihime would focus on Ulquiorra so much that she would not notice her attention drifting away from Ichigo until it was too late. By that time, she would realize that Ichigo is not the be-all-end-all romantic target she had previously thought.
When she eventually realizes she is attracted to Ulquiorra, it would not be a spark, it would be spontaneous combustion. They wouldn't spend a lot of time being cute and flirting and wooing one another. She would realize that she wants him, and it would happen pretty fast. I feel like either she would make a first tentative move and he would reciprocate, or it would just be like a mutual realization and he would make a move and she would just melt into it and match his energy.
I think both Orihime and Ulquiorra don't really have a clear idea of love and sex as separate concepts. She would conflate the two as one thing, and he really doesn't conceptualize either of them, rather just experiences them and then later accepts them as a singular expression. Their relationship would be very, very physical. Over time they would both start to appreciate the more delicate and complex flavors of both love and sex, and would begin to enjoy just being affectionate and quiet companionship and all the other lovely parts of being in a relationship.
I think that if they were able to reproduce, they would find themselves relatively young parents, because they can't keep their hands to themselves and would let passion carry them away in the heat of the moment. Ulquiorra would be obnoxiously proud to have successfully made a new life with "the woman".
I could go on and on and on about these two. I'll stop here for now, but feel free to ask anything else!
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dark-door · 3 years
Ulquiorra and Orihime had far more chemistry in one arc than Ichigo and Orihime ever did in the entire Bleach series.
Change my mind.
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dark-door · 3 years
I just discovered today that my 15 year old brother reads Percy Jackson fanfictions, what can I say? I’m soooo proud 😁
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dark-door · 3 years
the naruto fandom sucks.
it’s really a shame how toxic the western naruto fandom is. mainstream fans completely disregard the messages and morals of the anime/manga. did y’all even watch the anime?? naruto shows the dark side of humanity and how much it affects children and entire communities. even so, the development surrounding most characters are centered around seeing the good in the world, trying to make a positive change, and appreciating the people around you that truly love and care for you. it’s about change. it’s about letting go of your hatred and anger. naruto, the main character, repeats this over and over. he approaches his “enemies” with understanding and words. he constantly repeats how he wants to end this cycle of hatred. he wants to bring peace to the world. he wants to see everyone come together, understand each other, forgive each other, etc. yet, this fandom spews hatred. hating on characters for the smallest of reasons, making fun of characters for their mistakes, pasts, and even their fucking bodies. constantly throwing insults and literal slurs at each other. arguing over nothing, hating anyone who disagrees with you, and the list just goes on and on. it’s disappointing. It’s really like the only scenes watchers paid any attention to, are the fight scenes. all they can care about is how strong a character is. they literally measure a characters worth and usefulness by their strength.
the hypocrisy in this fandom is beyond me. people literally pick a character to hate on and talks shit about literally anything the character does. they do this, whilst completely disregarding the fact that other characters to the same things. what’s more enraging is the fact that other characters get PRAISED for doing the same things the ones they hate on does.
don’t even get me started on the misogyny and ship wars. oh yes, and how the majority of fans deny literal facts and purposely try to misinterpret important scenes.
listen, even kishimoto said he feels english readers don’t understand his story. that’s embarrassing.
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dark-door · 3 years
Anti UH/pro IH in the ulquihime tag again? Crosstaggers. Sigh.
So that person said that IH is “sooo healthier” than UH.
I already mentioned before, that in HM arc VL Ichigo almost killed Orihime 2 times (thank Ishida and Ulquiorra for the rescue btw, not Ichigo).
And now I present you the the third time when Orihime was almost killed by Ichigo:
Ichigo didn’t give a damn about enemy that could actually gouge Hime’s eye out.
Ichigo used the attack that he uses as his main attack -
Getsuga freaking Tenshou
- against such enemies as Grimmjow, Ulquiorra etc against Loly who was holding Hime. 
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Even if GT looks like single-target attack in the beginning it always ends up being a powerful AOE upon release. You think Orihime could’ve survived something like this?! She was also in no position to get her shield up. Getsuga would’ve killed both Loly and Orihime.
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And look who actually saves Orihime?
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Just name any other female character in Bleach manga who Ichigo tried to “save” by attacking/physically hurting. You won’t. And even if I take Dark Rukia from a movie as an example, the power levels between Rukia andf Orihime are completely different.  Hate Ulquiorra and UH all you like, but Ulquiorra never has been such a threat to Orihime as Ichigo has become. Ichigo got Hime almost killed 3 times, people. 3.  And every time she was saved either by Ulquiorra or by Ishida. Ichigo came to “save” Orihime my ass, he admits later that he came to: - Save Rukia - Fight, because he enjoys fighting Never ever Ichigo regrets or says sorry to Orihime after HM. I see Ichigo counting days since Rukia’s left. I see Orihime crying and suffering because of her one-sided love every damn time. IH isn’t that good as you think, and the closer you look at it, the worse it gets. Imagine hiding the truth from your son that you almost killed his mother 3 times in one arc?.. I swear, that the last chapter and post ending happen in parallel universe. P.S. Ants still continue to call UH abusive while completely ignoring all the facts,  posts and metas about Aizen being the mastermind, who was behind the psychological cage and torture for Orihime… and they still blame Ulquiorra who actually gave up his life to save Ichigo, Ishida and Orihime… J f c.  P.S.S. As I said, hate all you want, but for that use anti tag, do not crosstag.
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dark-door · 3 years
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Ottessa Moshfegh, What Forms of Art, Activism, and Literature Can Speak Authentically Today?
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dark-door · 3 years
Do you ever find yourself?
Do you ever find yourself loving a writer’s works so much, that you find yourself contemplating on reading their other works, from completely different fandoms and ships that you don’t know shit about?  
I don’t know anything about Yu yu Hakusho or Hiei X Botan
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dark-door · 3 years
"Studio Pierrot trampled over and shat on in so many different ways, such as making Sakura play favorites with Sasuke so often" you kidding me right ? sakura blushed towards naruto like twice in the manga and SP made her blush over him like 30 times in their fillers eps, they turned the sakura looking at moon scene and the NH scenes from storm revolution into NS scenes in the anime and they even went to the point of making sakura say she "used to love sasuke"
(my response wasn’t posting so I’m screenshotting it because I’m not about to retype all of that)
I don’t recall denying crap fillers but there are also sasusaku fillers which fucked up Sakura’s character as well. The fillers in general fucked her up.
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Then at least 80% of these scenes where Sakura beats the crap out of Naruto is FILLER (this leads to so many people calling Sakura “abusive” saying that she beats him up over “every little thing” even though it’s not like that in the manga)
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And this added filler after Sakura feels guilt for calling naruto annoying:
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When he runs off(none of this happened in the manga need I remind you):
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Once again not showing the equality of the team
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and then they show bs nh fillers sexualizing her
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(putting her in clothes she would never feel comfortable in in canon)
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creating fillers to bodyshame sakura
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Even though
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This sexism and bias for hinata’s breasts have caused the nh fandom to make disgusting shit like this
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Since you also said in another message “ sasusaku and naruhina are happily married and whatever you like it or not naruto loves hinata and sakura loves sasuke “. Sakura always loved Sasuke, sure. But Naruto didn’t always love Hinata and his feelings for Sakura weren’t fake, unlike the movie tries to imply. It was ALWAYS LIKE THIS
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Hinata (infatuated) < Naruto (loves) < Sakura (loves) < Sasuke.
If Naruto and Hinata getting together was all I was mad about I wouldn’t be ranting. I’m normally open minded when it comes to ships and I’m actually a multishipper myself, BUT when it’s at the expense of the canon I grew up with, tHAT’s when I have an issue.
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I’m not even denying that the series has a lot of unnecessary NaruSaku fillers as well. In fact, I’m pissed that they build up so much bait with that instead of sticking to the way it was in the manga. My issue is with Studio Pierrot in general. I hate how they fucked over what NaruSaku was in the manga, how they fucked over SasuSaku, how they fucked over Sakura’s character, how they fucked over Naruto’s character, how they fucked over Sasuke’s character(considering they gave him literally 6 seconds of screentime in the movie and barely any time in any of the movies and some people from Studio Pierrot don’t like Sasuke, so their bias has really showed through), and how they did this all in favor of Hinata and fucking NaruHina.
This is the Naruto I remember
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NH couldn’t come up with anything new so they stole everything from other dynamics.
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Sasuke was Naruto’s best friend, but everything about their dynamic got ruined by NaruHina, and Sasuke had, again only 6 seconds of screentime in a movie that was supposed to be the end to Naruto, while Sakura’s only lines were to further NaruHina. Naruto was never meant to be a romance, it was a battle manga, but everything in The Last, the entire story felt like some crap Shoujo cliche bs. 
Girl has god like powers but has to be saved over and over again by the hero.
Girl is a recluse that hero barely notices until an asspull flashback is revealed for the guy to realize he “loves” her, even though he shouldn’t have been able to get caught in an illusion in the first place due to being a perfect Jinchuriki and being able to break genjutsu, especially if it was a genjutsu that Sakura was able to break just by using Kai.
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Girl gets thrown in cage to wait(like princess peach) for her prince in shining armor to save her.
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Guy gets left behind by her because she doesn’t want to get him hurt (much like what Orihime did in the Hueco Mundo arc). He gets so depressed he stops being himself. (Despite dealing with rejection his entire life, and despite that Hanabi is still in danger. He stops being a shinobi over something he dealt with his entire childhood.)
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He rescues her
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He discards his mother’s scarf because it apparently isn’t that important, all for a scarf that had more screentime and focus than Sasuke or many of the other characters.
after that they kiss
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after hinata says the same damn line she’s said through the majority of the 40 pages of content she had in the manga, “naruto-kun”
THIS WHOLE SCENE AND MOVIE WAS CRINGE AS HELL. NOBODY KISSED IN THE MANGA. oh but suddenly they’re gonna change it for her heiness. Hinata was never so glorified in the manga. 
She was just an average looking girl. She wasn’t intended to be sexualized or beautified, but Studio Pierrot doesn’t give a fuck about that or about Team 7 they only care about fucking hinata and naruhina.,
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So yeah, if you think my issue is NaruHina alone, you really need to reevalue my message. My issue is Studio Pierrot’s NaruHina, Studio Pierrot’s Hinata, and Studio Pierrot in general for the way they portrayed Sakura.
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dark-door · 3 years
Naruto fanDUMB double standards:
Sakura: simps for Sasuke and ignores Naruto Naruto: simps for Sakura and ignores Hinata and only one is hated Sakura: hits naruto Naruto: hits konohamaru/younger kids and only one is hated. Sakura: says Naruto is lucky to not have anyone to boss him around, and acknowledges her mistake right away. Naruto: makes fun of Sasuke’s dead clan and only one is hated Sakura: fights ino about Sasuke Naruto: fights Sasuke about Sakura and only one is hated Sakura: shows courage even though not being strong enough to try and fight her enemies Naruto: shows courage even though not being strong enough to try and fight his enemies and only one is hated Sakura: is emotional Naruto: is emotional and irrational. and only one is hated. Sakura: forgives Sasuke for trying to kill her in self defense Naruto: forgives Sasuke for trying to kill him for being jealous of him and only one is hated Sakura: is a girl Naruto: is a boy and only one is hated.
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