cylentcorvoid · 10 months
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Cylent! My spooky guy! He's still undergoing refinements but this is what i had for Artfight! They are my main sona. They a a crow/dragon/void creature - crow skull, keeled sternum and crow limbs, dragon wings (sometimes partially feathered), dragon horns, belly and tail, and void eyes and a void in their chest (they store some things in there, and their aroace heart). It doesn't talk but will make clicking sounds or clack their beak. He can come off as imposing or intimidating and can't express emotions facially cause of bone face but they're really a big softie who gets excited about lots of little things like rocks, bugs, games, and animations. But it will express with its hands, flapping them when its happy, flexing claws when angry or frustrated or otherwise just be dramatic with them. Sometimes he will stick things like blush lines or star eyes to his face for extra flair. When at rest they tend to keep their arms up in raptor position.
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cylentcorvoid · 2 years
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
The Train Documentaries
These are MKV files so you'll have to download Kodi/VLC etc to watch them.
These are FLACs and should run with any music software
Youtube playlists of officially released OST and rips.
Youtube Video Archive (Deleted videos from CN channel)
The archive isn't by me, found them on r/infinitytrain. Contains the pilot as well. Also the youtube playlists of rips + official OSTs aren't by me either.
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cylentcorvoid · 3 years
Sounds like you’ve got the ultimate showdown of ulitimate destiny going on
My gender is Gandalf the Grey And Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight And Benito Mussolini And the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis And Jambi the Genie Robocop The Terminator Captain Kirk And Darth Vader Lo Pan Superman Every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston And Theodore Logan Spock The Rock Doc Ock And Hulk Hogan
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