create-a-character · 3 days
i love love love when artists put a bunch of effort into like human anatomy and facial features and light rendering and drawing fabric folds and shadows and texture and then when they draw a gun they do this
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create-a-character · 3 days
Genuinely 90% of historical fiction would be so much better if more writers could get more comfortable with the fact that to create a good story set in a different time period you do actually have to give the characters beliefs & values which reflect that time period
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create-a-character · 4 days
Do we have anything good on gnome fashion? :)
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gnome clothing
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create-a-character · 4 days
Free resource for artists and designers!!
I made a website where artists and designers can get color palette inspo from fire hydrants I've 3D scanned all over the US
Some of my favorites:
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There are about 100 hydrants so far and I'm continuing to add more all the time
Public infrastructure is sexy, baby!!!!!! Pass it on!!
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create-a-character · 7 days
Yeah… I’ll take a shield, thanks!
Patreon - YouTube
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create-a-character · 7 days
What I really love about the Daydream Hour art is that it really shows that the characters in Dungeon Meshi aren’t just characters in a story, but they’re Ryoko Kui’s ocs. And sure maybe this is a perk that’s granted to mangakas that release on a monthly schedule opposed to weekly IDK but there’s just some about getting to see different interpretations of the characters and peeks into what she draws in her free time outside the story.
Like look Marcille likes to dance
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And here’s the characters in Halloween costumes
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Taking Covid precautions
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And like I just love how casually she draws and depicts the characters in her personal work. There’s something for quite literally all the characters and like I said maybe other mangakas don’t have or can’t find the time to do so or choose to not release their personal work like she does but I think these pieces just make the characters feel more alive. Like she’s an oc artist through and through lol
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create-a-character · 7 days
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Dungeon Meshi - Magic Intoxication
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create-a-character · 10 days
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Important ideas to consider when creating characters who are black and indigenous people of color. (x)
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create-a-character · 11 days
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They also have an animal one that I linked a whole back on the same site !
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create-a-character · 13 days
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Despite its name, the owlbear is in fact neither owl nor bear - it is a large species of rodent whose external incisors resemble a curved "beak." The enamel of these incisors is colored brown because of iron compounds. This hard substance wears down at a slower rate than the regular tooth, thus producing a sharp edge at the tooth tip.
It is thought that owlbears are evolved from smaller burrowing rodents who made use of their external teeth as digging implements. Their ancestors lacked external pinnae, but the modern owlbear's fur grows in an owl-like facial disk to direct sound -- a case of convergent evolution.
Or, what if dnd owlbears were just big mole rats.
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create-a-character · 14 days
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So I’m in a new bi-weekly campaign! Unlike most of the campaigns I’ve been a part of, this one is set in Eberron, so I get to be a Changeling!!! Their name is Kyne (or Kyne-with-bright-eyes) and they spend most of their time as Kyne Wainwright, an apprentice weaponsmith and general sunshine girl. Until the fact she’s a changeling comes out, she is Definitely a Perfectly Normal Human Woman, and until we hit level 3 she’s a sprightly fighter who ranged or finesse weapons! Once we get specializations though I get to be a gunslinger and I’m so friggin’ jazzed you guys I’ve wanted to play some flavor of gunpowder gal since I started playing tabletop games. <3 <3 <3
Also they have a strength of 8, which is hilarious and going to end great, I can’t wait. >:D
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create-a-character · 15 days
ime the biggest obstacle to writing well about class is that most people absolutely do not want to see their own position clearly. if you can't be honest with yourself about how the system serves you or how others see your role in it, you can't even begin to understand how it affects other people. you have to be brutally fucking honest with yourself before you can see past the end of your own nose.
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create-a-character · 18 days
Avatar, but it’s Azula and her “friends” in place of Zuko and Iroh.
In this timeline, Ozai realized that he can use Zuko’s desire to be accepted to mold him into a perfect puppet. He becomes Ozai’s favorite child while the more independent and domineering Azula gets banished.
Iroh offers to escort her like he did Zuko in the canon timeline, but she rejects him because she considers him weak. She takes her two lackeys from school Ty Lee and Mai instead.
She’s less concerned with hunting down the Avatar like her father ordered to, realizing he gave her an impossible task on purpose. Instead, she tries to “prove her worth” and stick it to Ozai by carving out her own little empire and winning the war on her own.
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create-a-character · 18 days
Art advice question - I've been trying to draw more dynamic head/face shapes, but they always look so disproportionate next to each other. Do you have any tips on how to make dimensions look right for that sort of thing? (you do it so well!!)
A lot of it is just making sure the SCALE of the size of the heads are similar to one another! Example, If a character has a really Wide weird head, maybe another character has a head that is just as Tall as that wide-headed character is wide. Does that make sense? It's mostly about the relative size of everyone's head, and making sure everyone's head/body ratios are in proportion to one-another.
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For example, look at the cast of characters from our Great God Grove demo. They all have different heights and different head shapes- but the SCALE of those heads, and the relative scale of how the facial parts are spaced out are similar. I took benadryl and am Sleepy from it so hope this still makes sense lol
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create-a-character · 1 month
AITA for initiating pvp in my d&d game?
[tw: fictional cannibalism]
so, this is kind of about something that i ALMOST did but backed out of, but i regret not doing it because i think it couldve been good both strategically and for roleplay fodder, but the reason i backed out was because i was worried it would be an asshole move. there's been other similar stuff that i did actually commit to, so i'll talk about that too.
for context, I'm playing Curse of Strahd with an internet group who i dont really know very well outside of dnd. ive played with all the people in the group before, but just in oneshots. we dont really chat much outside the game.
my character is a dhampir barabarian who is chaotic evil because she. uh. well she eats people. she's the only evil PC in the party, and i've been very conscious of that fact because i dont want to be That Player that completely ruins everyone else's fun by being a rampaging murderhobo. (for those who dont know CoS is a horror campaign that has a lot of fucked up violent stuff in it, so this is not extremely out of place for the setting. one of the other party members is also undead, but hes good-aligned.)
some of the stuff that has actually happened has included my character sneaking away from the party to feed on a random villager (she was followed by another party member) and also trying to eat the corpse of a guy we let die in order to save ourselves. i dont think this was assholey of me because the "pvp" in those situations amounted to slapfights and ic arguing, which i think was good roleplay. i also recently attacked a party member during combat, because my character was raging (heightened emotional state) and he basically triggered her while they were fighting side by side so she lashed out at him. the attack was a bite (potential max damage of like 6) rather than with her weapon (potential max damage of 14) but it missed anyway.
which brings me to the thing i didnt do, but wish i did.
basically, we were fighting some vampire spawn and it wasnt looking good for us. our frontline fighters (myself included) were low on hp, our cleric was being menaced by Strahd himself, and our warlock was unconscious. iirc there were two spawn left to kill when i realized i could do something beneficial to myself with no MECHANICAL cost to the party, but i was worried (ooc) that doing this would have unexpected consequences or make the other players not want to play with me anymore.
our unconscious warlock had been stabilized with Spare the Dying, so he was unconscious but not making death saving throws. being a dhampir, my character has the ability to bite a humanoid and regain hp equal to the damage caused. i hadnt been able to use this ability on these enemies, because it doesnt work on undead. but our warlock is laid out all unconscious and looking like a snack... if i had bitten him, it would have automatically been a critical hit and done double damage, therefore also healing me more, and although it would have caused him to lose two death saving throws, he was technically stable at that point. idk. the dm might have ruled that taking new damage would have restarted death saving throws, but i dont know that for sure. it seemed like a very slim chance that doing this would have resulted in the character's death, but i didnt want to take the chance because i KNOW that would have for sure made me the asshole.
tell me, tumblr. did i do the right thing by choosing not to attack my fallen camrade even though it would have healed my character? would i have been the asshole for initiating that kind of pvp without asking the other player first?
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create-a-character · 1 month
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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create-a-character · 1 month
I'm trying to improve my writing and feel confused and worry over my punctation. Especially when it comes to dialogue tags and the use of semi-colons. They've always confused me. Is it alright to use a simile after a diagloue tag? So for example: "Of course I like ice-cream," he replies, like the answer was obvious.
Worried About Punctuation
Don't stress too much about punctuation. The whole reason we edit, polish, and have proof readers and editors is because being a writer doesn't necessarily mean you have a flawless grasp on punctuation.
Things you can do to improve your punctuation as you write:
-- use built-in punctuation checker in your writing program -- stop and Google the rule you're not sure about -- highlight/note the rule you're not sure about and check later -- ask someone who might know
Things you can do to improve your punctuation after writing:
-- Google things you're not sure about as you self-edit -- Use Strunk & White's or other punctuation book for help -- Use program like Grammarly or Pro-Writing Aid to edit -- Ask an eagle-eyed/educated friend to proofread for you -- Hire a proofreader or editor
Things you can do to learn better punctuation:
-- Google rules you're not sure about and fix yourself -- Read a punctuation guide like the one at Grammarly -- Purchase a punctuation book or workbook -- Watch punctuation explanation videos on YouTube
One last thing... just so you know, "like the answer was obvious" is not a simile. A simile is not any sentence containing "like" but rather a sentence comparing two seemingly unalike things using the words "like" or "as."
In the sentence "like the answer was obvious," nothing is being compared to something else. Rather, the sentence is saying "as though the answer was obvious."
Examples of a simile:
-- Her cheeks were like red tomatoes. -- His gaze was cold as ice. -- He was like a king peering out at his waiting subjects. -- The tension was thick as Aunt Betty's day-old brownies.
Having said that, yes, you can absolutely follow a dialogue tag with a simile:
-- "Of course I like ice-cream," he replies, his gaze cold as the scoop of mint chocolate chip on his cone.
And, you can also follow a dialogue tag with anything relevant to the dialogue:
-- "Of course I like ice-cream," he replies, like the answer was obvious.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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