courtneywendleton · 2 years
I suck at keeping up with a blog. I haven’t written on here in a long time, I have tried to keep up with it off and on but always fall off. Sorry. A few weeks ago, I decided to create a podcast. So far, I have been able to keep up with at least one post a week. I don’t know why it is easier for me to keep up with a podcast than it is to keep up with a blog, but it is. It can be found on Audible,…
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courtneywendleton · 2 years
New #Podcast
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: My Book Reviews https://anchor.fm/courtney-wendleton/episodes/My-Book-Reviews-e1b7j2n
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courtneywendleton · 2 years
#Book #Anniversary: Finding Santa
#Book #Anniversary: Finding Santa
Finding Santa is now 2 years old! Even though it is really short, it took around five years to write and then the Lifetime or Hallmark came out with a movie with the same name and close to the same plot! I think mine has a little more magic to it. 🙂 Description: What if Santa Claus wasn’t a man but a title that was passed down from father to son? What if Santa had a daughter? Candy is the…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Book #Anniversary: The Beta and Me
#Book #Anniversary: The Beta and Me
That was a fast first year for The Beta and Me. Cheers to many more! Description: Lana Honeycomb lives a quiet life with her Uncle Christian, until an unwanted guest arrives on her doorstep. An incident with a towel forces her life to change in a big way and now she is stuck with the Beta of her pack teaching her a new way of life.
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Book #Anniversary: Revealed (Legend Series Bk 2)
#Book #Anniversary: Revealed (Legend Series Bk 2)
Seven years later and I have yet to finish the third installment of the Legend Series. Revealed, itself, took a while because I wasn’t sure where I wanted it to go and now I’m not sure how to wrap up the twins’ story. Description: Alexa-Jordyn just found out she is a Bean Sidhee, but what does that mean? Things get even stranger as her best friend comes to her rescue in the form of a bird,…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#FindingSanta Audiobook
Finding Santa is now an Audiobook! I never thought I would do this book in any form other than ebook, mainly because it is so short. However a friend of mine requested this one specifically and I decided to make it for him. What if Santa Claus wasn’t a man but a title that was passed down from father to son? What if Santa had a daughter? Candy is the daughter of the current Saint Nickolas and…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#AAR is Now An #Audiobook
#AAR is Now An #Audiobook
An Author’s Romance is about J essabel is a writer that has been experiencing one bad event after another, until she wins a writing contest after drinking her sorrows the night before. Along with her sister, she takes her free trip to Scotland and end up in 1501 Scotland. Not the exact trip she had planned.  She has no idea how to get home, stop her sister from falling in love, or save their…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#BookReview: Saved by His Submissive by Angel Payne 2/5 Stars
#BookReview: Saved by His Submissive by Angel Payne 2/5 Stars
First off, the wet dream opener went from nice to long and then way too long. I survived it.Second issue came when the MMC and his buddy were chatting. The conversation was so stilted and heavy handed I almost  quit reading. Nobody talks like that unless they were in a poorly written cop show. It was horrible.My third issue is the girl we thought dead is still alive. Now this is a problem because…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#BookReview: Forever Lies by Jill Ramsower 4/5 Stars
#BookReview: Forever Lies by Jill Ramsower 4/5 Stars
I can already tell this is going to be a long one.The first whole page is dedicated to the MFC complaining about Mondays. I get it, everybody hates Mondays, but you know what? If Monday didn’t exist, Tuesday would be the knew Monday. Hating the day just because of where it falls is stupid. My aunt loves Monday, but hates Thursday. Why? Because her work week starts on Thursday, it is her…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Book #Anniversary: Naturally Luna
#Book #Anniversary: Naturally Luna
My bestseller, Naturally Luna, is now six years old. Where did the time go? I’ve been going back and forth on this one for a while, but there maybe a sequel coming…not sure yet though. Description: Amily Trisdent is 17, looking forward to graduation but has a problem. Her whole family are wolves…except her. For some reason she has not been able to shift, but she has all the other abilities of a…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#BookReview: Very Bad Things (Briarwood Academy Book 1) by Ilsa Madden-Mills 1/5 Stars
#BookReview: Very Bad Things (Briarwood Academy Book 1) by Ilsa Madden-Mills 1/5 Stars
Ok, so I haven’t disliked a book this bad since  I went off on the Paranormal University series. I will not be reading the sequels to this one ever.Let’s catch you up as I’m halfway through when I started this.The MFC has gone mental after her crush had a one night stand with her. And I don’t mean the normal crazy girls are often said to do when they have been wronged. I mean certifiably insane.…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Book #Anniversary: Love and Drugs
#Book #Anniversary: Love and Drugs
If any of my books were going to get me in trouble with friends and family it would be Love and Drugs. I did not think to change a name or two before I hit publish, so at least one character I based off a friend is still given her irl name. It has been six years, so maybe she hasn’t noticed… Description: Magdalene is a senior in college, preparing for a trip to Europe and finally got the girl of…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Book #Anniversary: A Ninja in Time
#Book #Anniversary: A Ninja in Time
I feel like A Ninja in Time has been out for longer than two years. It was my favorite, so far, to write. I dug into a lot of history books and the Japanese culture as a whole to make it. Loved every minute of it. Fair warning, there is no Happily Ever After. Was never meant to be with this book. Description: Wysteria Sakimoto-Johnston has been trained according to the Bushido code her whole…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#WIPs Chosen as Next Full-Time Projects
#WIPs Chosen as Next Full-Time Projects
While I am still having a blah feeling, it is picking up. I have narrowed my list of 100+ projects down to two. They are both still a long way from being finished, but they are going to be the next ones done. Don’t Let Go First is about a girl who falls in love with a Marine. This project has been in the works for three or four years now. I have the beginning and a lot of the middle done, but…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#Blah Feeling
Yay, I published my first audiobook back in February! Since then I’m just feeling blah. I do write, a little, but no clear focus on what will be my next full project. Many in the works, but none that strike my attention. I don’t know if I want to go back and record the already published books or if I want to work on a revision of Touchdown Interruption instead of new work. If I work on old…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
#BookReview: The Carneys Collection by Sophie Austin 2/5 Stars After Read: Just a review for Rake
#BookReview: The Carneys Collection by Sophie Austin 2/5 Stars After Read: Just a review for Rake
Can she be an employee if she’s never stepped foot on the company’s property? Would she be qualified to orginaize a worker’s union for that company if she hasn’t actually worked there? She wouldn’t have 1st hand experience and the knowledge she gains 2nd hand could be exaggerated or not the full picture.The opening page is just confusing. Figured out, no she is not an employee but sounds like…
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courtneywendleton · 3 years
2020 GoodReads Challenge Completed 101/100 Pt. 2
2020 GoodReads Challenge Completed 101/100 Pt. 2
Guilty as Sin by Rosalind James 3/5 StarsThe Runaway Breeder by Alana Dyer 4/5 StarsNot Rejected Just Unwanted by Hayboo2017 3/5 StarsThe Scarlet Bride by Tricia Jean 3/5 Stars Somethings didn’t make since, but it was nice.Cinders and Ashes by X. Aratare 4/5 StarsThe Omega’s Gamble by Colbie Dunbar 2/5 Stars The Beta and Me by Courtney Wendleton 5/5 StarsSecrets by Althea Romig 4/5 Stars A Swan…
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