corvuscw · 1 year
Today the Washington Post tracked down my little brother’s personal cell phone number because my mom is the president of an organization that supports families of transgender kids.
Yesterday (Feb 9 2023) my home state, Missouri, announced a government investigation into organizations providing care and support for transgender kids.
This is after an administrator at Washington University’s Pediatric Transgender Center came out in a now-viral article about how the Transgender Center was “rushing” trans kids into care and “mutilating” us. She gave away the personal information of many of my trans loved ones who, like me, received care from the center, and she described our bodies as horrifying. Everything she said was a lie.
No goddamn trans person is “rushed” into medical care, especially not trans minors in states controlled by far-right politicians. No one gets medical care for funsies in the only industrialized country without free healthcare.
I received care through this transgender center as a minor and it took over a year and countless doctor’s notes and visits to begin any sort of medical treatment. You can hear this same story from any trans person, especially — AGAIN — minors in Republican-controlled states. I had to see fertility doctors at 16 years old who tried to convince me not to go on T.
My mom, because she’s amazing, joined a support group when I came out. She is now the president. She had to alert the police yesterday after journalists kept coming TO HER HOUSE.
I finally got a call from a Washington Post journalist today to interview me, an actual trans person who received care from the Pediatric Transgender Center. She spoke with me for only 20 minutes and didn’t know the most basic facts about being trans. No doubt my words will be published in a ridiculous thought piece that only adds to the oppression of trans minors.
My medical transition has brought me nothing but joy. I was simply lucky to begin it at 17.
I am so scared. Trans people will be eliminated in the US as this progresses. This is not just a “red state” issue, either. Please extend compassion to your trans siblings and keep up with the trans eliminationist legislation and actions throughout the US.
Transphobes do not touch this post.
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corvuscw · 2 years
my d&d character is a Slut (affectionate) and also dresses more fantastically slutty the shittier they feel, and they do NOT FEEL GREAT RN.
They are femme presenting and tend to drift more to sunset colors and cream tones.
They're also a bard
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corvuscw · 3 years
its that time again.
time for me to miss my ex and want to apologize to them again over things that happened nearly two years ago.
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corvuscw · 4 years
why is the music in the Tangled Series always like just missing the mark of being great?
Like there's a couple really really good songs in there, but so many of them seem forced and out of place, and in places where there should logically be songs there's nothing.
You'd think they'd follow the whole musical recipe that made the disney renaissance so good - when emotions get too much for speaking, sing, and when they get too much for singing, dance - but they just don't and they miss a lot of really great potential for musically intense and memorablr moments.
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corvuscw · 4 years
corvidcore, hell yeah. coming from someone whose name is literally Crow I am so down for this change
Idiots on tumblr: GOBLIN CORE! I’m a goblin I protect,,, shinies… I am disgusting… WANT SHINIES
My Jewish ass:
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corvuscw · 4 years
Hi just a little psa-
That concludes the psa thank you for your time.
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corvuscw · 4 years
Interrupting my unnecessary shit posting for something that is actually important
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George Floyd, Rekia Boyd, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Jordan Edwards.....These are just a few of the beautiful angels, whose lives were stolen from them and their families, MURDERED by police. It shatters my heart to know that there are so many other beautiful cherubs who have been killed, all of them innocent. When the people who were supposed to protect the innocent are killing them (especially CHILDREN), we know hatred and hostility is poisoning whatever humanity is left in this horrible, twisted society.
Do not look away. Do not close your eyes or stick your head in the sand. Remember them and tell their stories. NOT ALL LIVES MATTER UNTIL BLACK LIVES MATTER
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corvuscw · 4 years
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Benny Harlem, an aspiring singer, songwriter, and model, holds the Guinness Book of World Records’ title for tallest high top afro at 52.07 cm (20.5 inches). Photos with his daughter Jaxyn have taken social media by storm.
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corvuscw · 4 years
The soundtrack for Kipo has no right to be as good as it is
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corvuscw · 4 years
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corvuscw · 4 years
How to have a conversation about a topic you’re not interested in or don’t know anything about:
Listen to what the other person has to say about the topic.
Ask a question about what they said. Asking them to clarify or explain something you don’t understand is great, but any question will do. All else fails, ask them to explain what they like about some part of the topic.
Listen to their responses and go back to step 2.
Do this until 5-15 minutes has passed, then change the subject to a topic of your interest, unless you are actually interested in learning more on this subject, in which case, go on for as long as you like.
Sometimes, they will say something like “I’m sorry to blather on about [topic].” This is an attempt at a conversational dismount. You can either say “no, it was fascinating, thanks” and then bring up your own topic, or you can say “no, it’s fascinating, please keep going” if you want to keep hearing about their topic. Note the tense difference (past -> moving on, present -> keep going).
I just thought I’d write a script for this, because someone who can’t / won’t do this came up in a Captain Awkward column, and listening about topics you have no interest in is a really useful skill to have and not often explicitly taught, particularly to boys and men.
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corvuscw · 4 years
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don’t forget on pride month
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corvuscw · 4 years
I just feel the need to ask a question, make sure my head is still slightly on properly...
Has any other nonbinary person (or any other trans person) just felt the need to reject anything relating to their AGAB? Just because they’re tired of being forced into a box by family and society and other people but end up shoving themselves into another box as a way of protest? And due to the self-induced protest, you start questioning whether you’re nonbinary or binary transgender or gnc cisgender even though you think you know exactly how you feel? And you keep circling yourself with the same questions each and every night and lose sleep because you’re up at all hours thinking about how you would like to identify and present and come off to other people? And you want to be able to explore what truly makes you happy but you’re too stubborn and anytime you try, you’re forced into the box again and you just wanna sit in the corner and never leave?
lol, haha, cause same!!! (i really need somebody to talk to)
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corvuscw · 4 years
Who/what transed your gender?
That is, who/what was pivotal in you realizing you were cisn’t?
Use as a tag meme or just answer it as you please. I caren’t
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corvuscw · 4 years
I'm only saying this here because no one that knows me personally sees my tumblr and I don't have a therapist so I gotta say this somewhere-
but why does admitting to the idea that I might be nonbinary feel like a failure?
Like I failed at being female, I failed at being male, now I have to come to terms with the fact that I was and never will be either and it feels like I failed some big quest even though my life has barely even begun.
This is bullshit.
I'm so tired.
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corvuscw · 4 years
Let's play a game called: Dysphoria or Dysmorphia!
Alternate title: Why's My Face So Janky
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corvuscw · 4 years
can chest dysphoria fuck off???? Like seriously this is the fucking worst.
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