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Headed to my dick appointment like "Oh, I'm just casually pressed against this wall with my skirt up, ass out." #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #thirstythursday #bunhead (at I Feel Pretty)
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So. I have a law degree & would really like to practice law one day (when I can financially afford to take the bar again, ugh). All this SESTA & FOSTA shit has made me nervous about my future ability to practice law, even though there is nothing illegal about sugaring. I have been brainstorming other avenues of sex work & I've come across @niteflirt & the concept of selling access to my Snapchat (for dirty pics, duh). Has anyone else had success with either one of these? I know I'll have to put in the time & effort & won't strike gold right away, but is it worth it to even start hustling there? I have been developing a character in my mind & I think it could be really fun to market my persona in that way. Lemme know what you all think! 馃憞 #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #snapchat #nudes #camgirl #niteflirt #phonesex (at What Are You Wearing)
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Come find me on Switter @/charleybrown Sex worker friendly Twitter. Just Google switter & the first option will show you how to get on. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #switter (at Switter)
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CW:: suicidal ideation & mental illness:: For the record, I really dislike vague, "hippy" kinds of posts talking about the importance of self-care. I find them to be generally disingenuous, useless, & a babble of nonsense for the most part. Self-care for me looks like vaping cannabis daily & lounging in my bed with cats. I often feel like a lazy, useless lump when I indulge in my self-care because smoking weed & watching Netflix is seen as the opitome of "Lazy Stoner." I hate being judged as a lazy stoner. But as someone who struggles with mental illness, & mental disorders, I find that my self-care rituals are often the only way I can stop myself from plunging into dangerous, black depths. Two of my most difficult struggles are dealing with symptoms of ADHD & C-PTSD, mostly because the diagnosis' are relatively new & I'm still figuring out how to cope mindfully. Without cannabis to help I panic & become fully absorbed by ADHD hyperactivity & then depressed by my inability to be still & content. I act in very compulsive, destructive ways in order to still my brain & heart. I lash out in cruelly & dismiss my ability to empathize with others. With cannabis I can slow down that panic & I can stop the descent into depression. I can be mindful & present. I can look at the past & future without hopeless helplessness. I can see past any suicidal ideation. I can focus on the things important to me & love what I love without guilt or shame (like my beautiful lover cat, pictured here with me). I can care again. So I guess the point of this post was to say that whatever your form of self-care is, it is valid & important. You love what you love for a reason, & you should be able to do whatever you need to do in order to love it fully. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #cannabis #cats #selfcare #mentalillness #mentalhealth #ADHD #CPTSD #edrecovery (at Cannabis For Life)
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I don't gotta censor these tittays!!!! Don't worry, there are much smaller real boobs underneath the shirt still. Nipples & all. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #slutshaming #tiddies #circlecircledotdot (at Free The Nipple Campaign SRQ)
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Pay attention to me now, please. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #booty馃崙 #givemeattention #givememoney (at White Butte)
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Tissue walrus 脿 la Rachel Green. #nothingtodowithsugaring #Friends #allergies (at LePoo)
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Screenshot of a text conversation between my younger sister & I. My sister is navigating this shitty dating world & often comes to me about her fuckboy woes. This exchange happened after she texted a guy about how she likes to change her hairstyle a lot & he responded with "I want to see you naked." Cue #fuckboyeyeroll. Intersectional feminism, sex work, mindfulness, & the full-on acceptance of misandry has enlightened me in ways I could never have predicted. It's empowering & validating to realize I can use men as I see fit, just as they do to literally everything & everyone in existence. I love sharing in man hate with my sis. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sugarbowl #sexpositivity #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #mutuallybeneficialrelationships #vanillalife #vanilladating #fuckboy #menaretrash #fuckthepatriarchy #usemen (at Use & Abuse)
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CW:: explicit sexual descriptions:: Sex ed for me consisted of religious abstinence-only information & catchy phrases like "Don't heat up the pan if you're not going to cook," & "6 inches for Jesus." The only information about sex that was relevant to me was that boys are horny & it was my job to help them (& myself by extension) stay pure until marriage. I knew about STDs/STIs & unintended pregnancies, but I was taught those were only inevitable if I had sex before marriage. The first time I had sex was a disaster & I resent the way it happened. I resent it because it could have easily been prevented if only I had been taught the BASICS of human sexuality & pleasure. The next sexual partner I had did not bathe frequently enough & he gave me my first UTI from rubbing my clit w/ his dirty hands. I had no idea I could get a UTI from sexual activity & didn't understand why I was in so much pain. I suffered w/ it for 2 weeks thinking I only had a yeast infection (I didn't know what that was either) until I finally went to the emergency room & got treated for a bladder infection. The treating doctor told me I was only a few days away from a kidney infection. For the next 3 years I got a UTI at least once a month from his filthy body. I didn't understand the connection. I didn't know to pee after sex, or to not go back & forth between vaginal & anal sex, or to use extra lubrication to prevent tearing. I know better now, but only after way too much trial & error & suffering. I am 28 & am still discovering pieces that I missed from sex ed. This last week was a particularly sexy week for my vanilla boyf & I & we engaged in a lot of yummy, rough, vaginal sex. & now I'm suffering from "friction blisters." For some reason the boyf decided to shave some of his pubes so when we were fucking it felt like I was riding a sandpaper dick. Afterwards my labia & vulva were completely red & inflamed & felt like they were on fire. I tried to take a few days break to heal, but then we ended up having sex again & now I have a blister from hell. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX MY VAG. I DIDN'T KNOW THIS PROBLEM COULD OCCUR. Is there medicine for this? Can a doctor even do anything? Help! (at Complete Sex Education)
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This is part of a conversation my vanilla boyfriend & I had today about opening up our relationship. I wanted to share it because it's relevant to the balance I try to strike between my vanilla & sugar life. We met online & discussed having an open relationship since before we even met, but have been practically monogamous so far. I have tried doing open relationships in the past, but they never worked out for various reasons (one reason was that my partner at the time wanted to "keep score" & would sleep with people to try & hurt me). Right now my side of the relationship is "open" in that I'm looking for a SD, but he'd like to open up his side to some traditional romantic & sexual experiences with other women. Our relationship & sex life has given him confidence & he wants to be able to enjoy that on different levels & that makes me feel great. His past relationships have left him very ashamed of his sexual desires, so it makes me happy knowing he feels safe enough in our relationship to honestly explore those things. He says he might not ever have tried to open up the relationship on his end if I wasn't looking for a SD on my end, so I think that's another cool benefit to sugaring: genuine honesty in your vanilla life. (Full disclosure: I'm 28 & this is the first romantic & sexual relationship I have been in that is not abusive, toxic, or unhealthy in some way. I am in no way trying to "show off" my relationship or brag, I am just trying to show what a vanilla/sugar balance can look like.) #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #vanilladating #sexlife #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #polyam #safesex (at Ethical Practice)
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Gum Cuzzler. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #sexmagic #oralsex (at Guzzle)
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What you doing on SA, salt daddy? You say you make $500k yearly, but I guess shelling out $2k a month is just asking too much. #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #seekingarrangement #mutuallybeneficialrelationships #saltdaddy #fuckboy #menareuseless (at The Salt Mine)
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Overnight shift + boredom + extremely feeling myself = crawling around on the floor taking pictures. Enjoy. (My location tag was trying to be a Flight of the Conchords joke: "You could be a part time model, but you'd probably have to keep your normal job. Part time model!") #charleybrown_sugar #sugarbabylife #sugarbaby #sugardaddy #sugaring #sugarbowl #sugarsupport #sugarsisters #sexpositivity #sexpositive #bodypositivity #intersectionalfeminism #sexworkisrealwork #supportsexworkers #INeedMeADaddy #flightoftheconchords (at Part-Time MODEL Agency)
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Getting that bar exam paid for, baby. Methuselah is gonna take care of things. (at The Bar Exam)
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Screenshot of the text conversation between Methuselah & I about our coffee date tomorrow. I didn't include all of my responses because I just wanted to show how cute this guy is being. I'm slowly getting into my groove & figuring out the kind of connections I'm comfortable making with POTs & SDs. I'm working out what kinds of chemistry I'm looking for. I'm also realizing that for my introverted personality, a daytime coffee date is perfect for a first time meeting. Maybe it's because I've got a soft spot for skinny nerds, but I'm feeling good about Methuselah. I found him on Tinder so I have been pleasantly surprised to see that he respects my boundaries, sees my worth, & doesn't try to exploit or manipulate me. We've had a difficult time syncing our schedules & I had to reschedule our last date due to sudden food poisoning (oh yeah, that was real fun), so tomorrow will be our first date. I'm really encouraged by the fact that he is flexible & seems fine with the fact that I'm a flawed human being & not a sex bot on call for him whenever he wants. I'm interested to try dressing up in all this latex shit he's into, it sounds fun. I'm actually excited for this POT date. Also, sidenote: do my fellow sugar sisters use dental dams or condoms when giving blow jobs to SD's? I know that's what they are there for, but I've only ever used a condom for penetrative sex so any tips would be appreciated. (at Catwoman Closet)
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From Jolene (@zaddy_longlegs69)'s zine: "We need another & a wiser & perhaps a more mystical concept of [sex workers]. Remote from universal nature, & living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge & sees thereby a feather magnified & the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. & therein we err, & greatly err. For the [sex worker] shall not be measured by man. In a world older & more complete than ours they move finished & complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear...they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life & time, fellow prisoners of the splendor & travail of the earth." You can purchase a copy of "Splendor & Travail" from the link in @zaddy_longlegs69's bio. I HIGHLY recommend this brilliant & beautiful work of labor & art. (at Au Travail)
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A conversation between my vanilla bf & I. He is sweet to me. (at VapeLife)
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