ceruelo · 9 years
Some Artist Tips you May or May Not Know
Just from personal experience.
1: Never try to draw on an empty stomach. You’ll make mistakes and be uncomfortable. (But don’t stuff yourself till you’re sick either.)
2: If you have to go to the bathroom, go. A full bladder or otherwise does serious damage to the attention and patience spans. Plus it gives you time to stretch your legs.
3: Before you ink it, leave it alone. Come back later (a few hours, a day?) and check for major anatomy mistakes. Work on something else while you’re waiting.
4: Stay hydrated! The brain and fine motor skills work better when properly circulated.
5: Do not have an excessive amount of sugar before sitting down to work. You’ll get jittery and impatient. Same goes for immense amounts of caffeine.
6: If you’re stuck, take a break to stand and stretch. Walk around the room. But don’t THINK of it as a break. Just take time to really focus on your body. Loosen it up, get a goooood long stretch and some deep breaths. (but don’t pass out!) It’ll jolt the mind awake and let you really relax a moment.
7: Keep. All. Your. Old. Art. I don’t care what it is. Keep it. Date it if it’s in your computer folders. Make a suitcase filled with it. (I personally have ALL my old art in a thick work folder.)
8: Keep your sketchbooks together, used and unused. If there’s a good sale on sketchbooks, get two or three! You won’t regret it later. There’s no such thing as too many. (I currently have about ten spankin’ new sketchbooks and I know I’ll need/use every single one of them.)
9: Date your sketchbooks. Put a start and finish date on them.
10: I’m afraid I don’t practice this one: date your drawings. You’ll be happy about it later. You don’t need to SIGN every drawing, but do date them. At least date pages.
11: ART BLOCK HAPPENS. Art block is pretty much a CONSTANT state of mind for artists. You’re never out of art block totally. But sometimes you get bursts of inspiration that make it feel like you’re out. So instead of feeling like you’re ill if you suddenly have artblock, remind yourself that this happens all the time, and you get out of it eventually, every time. c:>
12: If you’re REALLY stuck on some bad art block, do what I do.
Draw a brain barf. This is where you take a blank sheet of paper, and you just LET your hand be A.D.D. Draw whatever comes to mind, as it comes to mind. in the middle of drawing a hippo in a top hat but you think of a jolly rancher riding a unicycle? Switch immediately.
Let your brain just vomit all over the page. You’ll be surprised what comes up and what art block this can get you out of. It’s gotten me out of it various times.
13: Take advice from more experienced artists. But do NOT take everything as Gospel. Some people are just wrong.
14: HAND SHYNESS/ ART ENVY/ SELF CONSCIOUSNESS/ AND SKILL IMPATIENCE WILL EAT YOU ALIVE like a Titan. Do not let yourself get shy after looking at ‘better art’, do not let yourself think your art is worthless or your skills are worthless, and do not let yourself get frustrated that you cannot be at a higher skill level RIGHT NOW. Your brain will try to do this. All the time. Keep yourself in check. If you keep going at it, and keep working, you will get better. This is why you keep your old art. Look at it to remind you how far you’ve come.
15: Draw what you like. This is so important. (This does not apply for exploitative art. :l That’s just wrong. So long as you’re not targeting someone harmfully, I guess you’re fine.)
But don’t let people’s preferences dictate what you can and can’t draw. Draw whatever the heck you like. Accept that no matter WHAT there will be someone out there that hates it. Always. This is just a fact of life. But don’t let it get you down. I would have stopped being an artist at day one if I had.
16: You never. Stop. Learning. Ever. You will be old and grey and still be learning new things. That’s okay. That’s the nature of art. Even the ‘pros’ don’t know everything.
I hope these help someone out there~
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ceruelo · 9 years
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hello everyone! i know some of you will be going back to school soon, so i decided to make a huge masterpost that will hopefully help some of you out!
how to take pretty notes
notetaking from a textbook
how to make mindmaps
different types of notes
99 mindmapping resources
tips for taking efficient notes
effective notetaking
staying organized
organization tips
get organized in high school
ten tips for staying organized
colour coding organization
tips for keeping your desk clean
form your habits
study and revision planner (2)
student planner
daily and essay planners
poetry terms chart
exam studying pack
loads of printables
2015 calender
chalkboard style to do list
free online library
read free classics
what should i read next?
test taking guide
how to make a study guide (2, 3, 4, 5)
study tips (2, 3, 4)
study techniques
how to get straight a’s
how to study
making study schedules (2, 3, 4)
preparing for an exam (2, 3)
the basics of efficient studying
how to be an efficient test taker
how to review in less time
things NOT to do when studying
on test anxiety (2, 3)
study skills assessment
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love that aesthetic
space race
sunday morning
bullet journal setup (2, 3, 4, 5)
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bullet journal in a binder
pages to start
health tracker
how to use a chronodex
diy school supplies (2, 3, 4)
back to school supplies haul (2, 3, 4, 5)
finals survival guide
top secret study tips
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journaling 101
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100 sketchbook ideas
119 journal prompts
50 art journal prompts
lists to make
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art journaling 101
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convert just about anything
198K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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Hello! A lot of you have been asking me where and how I’ve learn multiple languages and well, after a few hours of digging through my browser history and bookmarks, I was able to collect all of these resources. I have personally used all of these, so I can assure you they are useful! If there is something wrong with a website or a link, please let me know. Also, if you have any questions or if you want a learning buddy, my ask box is open. (I speak English and Spanish. I’m learning Korean, German, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, and Esperanto)
Note: Learning a new language requires a lot of dedication, more than you actually think! Especially if you’re learning multiple languages at the same time. It isn’t impossible, but it will take time. And by time I mean months and/or years! So please, be patient. Take your time. Don’t rush. Keep in mind that you will mess up and that’s okay. Practice as much as you can. Practice out loud. Talk to yourself if you can. It doesn’t matter if people think you’re crazy. They won’t be thinking the same when you become a polyglot, so don’t mind them. This is for you and your future.
Get started:
Everything listed below is FREE! Some sites do require you to sign up, but that’s for you to keep track of your own process.
Tips to get you started
Language Hacking tips (blog)
More language hacking tips (blog)
The Polyglot Project (Library with foreign books that lets you translate while reading)
How to Learn Any Language
Effective Language Learning
Ankidroid (flashcard maker)
Multiple languages, one website
Duolingo (Latin American Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian (Bokmål), Ukrainian, and Esperanto)
BBC Languages (40 languages)
Learn A Language (18 languages)
Conjuguemos (French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish)
L-lingo (21 languages)
101languages (167 languages)
Languagepod101 (31 languages)
Foreign Services Institute (44 languages)
My Languages (95 languages)
Surface Languages (43 languages)
Lingualia (Spanish)
Linguanaut (16 languages)
OmniGlot (All languages [basic info for some of them])
Memrise (Various languages) (flashcard system)
Livemocha (Various languages)
Interpals (specify in your profile you only look for language exchange because there can be some creeps in this one)
Specific Languages
Learn to read Korean in 15 minutes! - Really helpful as well
Learnkoreanlp - Focuses on grammar
korean-flashcards - Focuses on vocabulary
Korean.go.kr/ - Focuses on pronunciation
Lang-8 - Community to correct your entries
Dongsa - Conjugations for verbs
Howtostudykorean- EXTREMELY helpful when it comes to learning hangul and writing structure!
hangulpractice - This blog has some useful posts.
Talktomeinkorea (YouTube channel)
seoulistic - For culture lessons
Korean Word Game
English-Korean Vocabulary Quizzes
Hangul Keyboard - This is also EXTREMELY helpful with Hangul/romanization. It also converts any romanized syllables into hangul
Korean - Reddit threat
Chinese-tools - Pretty helpful with pronunciation.
Chinese Open courseware
Chinese Language - Reddit threat
Chinese Textbook
Learn Mandarin
Chinese Hacks
How can I learn Chinese
Why is Chinese so damn hard?
Learn Japanese I / II - YouTube
Free Japanese lesson
Erin’s Challenge!
Marugoto - Includes culture lessons
Kana Invaders - Fun game for learning Kana
Another great masterpost for Japanese - So many resources!!!
Note: I did a research and supposedly Esperanto is an easy-to-learn language that helps you with other languages.
Esperanto “library”
Esperanto Grammar
Esperanto (Duolingo)
Learn German Online
German Language Guide
Mission Berlin - Mystery adventure game
Basic German
Deutsch Lernen
Slow German
Kids’ Games - For vocabulary
MIT Open Courseware
Italian Language Guide
Italian Grammar
Italian For Beginners - YouTube
Some Latin grammar
Latin Course - YouTube
Ta Falado
Portuguese (Duolingo)
Learn French Guide
Coffee Break French
University of Texas: Francais interactif
French Language Guide
Le Journal en français facile
News in Slow French
Cliffs Notes
Native French Speech
French Podcast
Spanish - About.com
Study Spanish
Cliffs Notes
One Minute Spanish
One Minute Spanish (Latin America focused)
Learn Thai Podcast
Woman Learn Thai
Let’s Talk Thai
Thai 101
Books to Learn Arabic
Mandinah Arabic
Arabic Verbs (PDF)
Arabic Pronouns (PDF)
Arabic Alphabet / Also Here / And Here!
Arabic For Language Exchange
Peace Corps
A Door Into Hindi
Learning Hindi
NYU Hindi Course
Quillpad - Great for typing
Namaste Dosti
SU Hindi Course
Hindi Script
Survival Phrases
Learn Vietnamese Online
Some Greek Grammar (New Testament)
One Minute Romanian
Say Something in Welsh
Welsh Vocab
Learn Dutch
Speak Russian
Russian Alphabet
Taste of Russian
Master Russian
Russian Open Courseware
Russian Handwriting
Survival Phrases
That’s it. That’s all I have right now. I’ll try to search for more and will keep updating this list! If you have a request for a specific language, just send me an ask. Have fun and good luck! 
210K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
actual stages of shipping
stage 1: aww hey theyd be cute together mannn what if they kissed that would be so rad ///u///
stage 2: what if they..... maDE OUT. what if they FUCKED
stage 4: ok but what if they talked about their feelings? what if one of them got hurt and the other one got worried and THEN they fucked wouldn't that be grand
stage 5: aw shit can u imagine them getting married aw shit good shit gOOD SHIT
stage 6: kill them. kill one of them. kill the other one. give one of them permanent amnesia. make one have to kill the other. have them fuck and then feel horrible about it. have them ONLY fuck and nothing else. give one of them alzheimer's. muRD E R TH EM
stage 7: wouldnt *sniff* wouldnt it be nice to *snuffle* to see them *blows into a tissue* see them h a p p y
122K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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A full list of my guides to college success!
How to get your best grades in college (x)
The ultimate guide to college organization (x)
How to write the perfect college essay (x)
The ultimate guide to packing for college (x)
How to stay calm and reduce stress during college (x)
45 tips for staying organized in college (x)
How to prepare for college over the summer (x)
5 best apps for college students (x)
How to make a study plan for finals (x)
College is not “one size fits all” (and that’s a good thing) (x)
86K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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Renato Nicolodi
2K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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Van Gogh’s Paintings Get Tilt-Shifted by Serena Malyon
Serena Malyon, a 3rd-year student at art school, took some of van Gogh’s most beautiful paintings and altered them in Photoshop to achieved this amazing tilt-shift effect.
258K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
Esurance Super Bowl Ad
5K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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oh fuck it’s in my eyes! it’s everywhere!
772 notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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Have some flower crown Team Avatar to cheer you up after that last season of Korra!
Here’s my second print to go with my chocobo one… I didn’t get as much done this summer as I thought I would, but I think the stuff I did get to came out really well!
102K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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The Final Chapter.
28K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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My Lotad coaster that I made in ceramics!
28K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 9 years
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Évolution inversée
“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” ― Pablo Picasso
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ceruelo · 10 years
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I was looking for a short story idea through one of those idea generators. Ironically, this one popped up. I wonder where they got that from....
1 note · View note
ceruelo · 11 years
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43K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 11 years
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Oh no Leonard is late to Anime Starfleet Academy!
(the thing in his mouth is a flask omg I’m sorry)
1K notes · View notes
ceruelo · 11 years
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This is Fluffurnicus. We got him from a family in Colorado that were moving out-of-country, and they couldn’t take him with them. We were looking for a cat that was hypoallergenic and despite all his fur, he is! He weighs 35 pounds (he’s not fat, just very big!) and likes to lay in our hallway. 
599 notes · View notes