catpartyletsgo · 1 day
Cryptid: The Loveland Frogman
The Loveland Frogmen are bipedal frogs that have leathery skin and webbed hands and feet. The 3′ tall cryptids have frog-like heads with wrinkly skin on top of them. The Frogmen have the ability to use sticks like tools, and emit sparks from wand. This could mean that the frogs have an ability to control electricity in some way. In May of 1955, on the outskirts of a small town known as Loveland,…
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catpartyletsgo · 15 days
Smoky, the WWII Therapy Dog
American GI Ed Downey was in New Guinea moving a Jeep out of some mud when he heard a whimper from a nearby foxhole & found a tiny 4lb fully grown Yorkie which he named Smoky. He sold Smoky to Cpl. William Wynne for 2 Aus pounds, the equivalent of $6.44, around $109 in today’s dollars. Wynne kept and trained Smoky, helping her survive for 18 months in the worst war conditions. Smoky learned more…
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catpartyletsgo · 29 days
Jessie Tarbox Beals & Her Cat Photography
ie Tarbox Beals is considered one of the first published female photojournalists as well as one of the first female night photographers. And she also had a love for cats and cat photography. Jessie Tarbox Beals Antique Cat Photography After winning a cheap prize camera through a magazine when she started her first teaching job in 1888, Beals found her passion for photography. By 1899, Beals…
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catpartyletsgo · 2 months
Balto the Sled Dog Hero
In 1925 a potentially deadly diphtheria epidemic was poised to sweep through the people of Nome, Alaska. The only serum that could stop the outbreak was in Anchorage, Alaska. With the one airplane they had frozen solid, officials decided their only choice was to use sled dogs to transport the antitoxin. It was COLD! The mushers were facing a blizzard with below freezing temperatures and insanely…
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catpartyletsgo · 3 months
Beautiful Jim Key
William Key, a former slave, Tennessee businessman, and self-taught veterinarian, bought an Arabian mare named Lauretta, a mistreated circus horse who was very neglected. William nursed her back to health while peddling Keystone Liniment (a horse medicine). Lauretta foaled a colt and William Key originally intended to give the colt a biblical name, but the foal was so homely and clumsy that he…
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catpartyletsgo · 4 months
Cryptid: Cactus Cat
The cactus cat is a legendary “fearsome critter” of the American Southwest. The cactus cat was generally described being a bobcat-like creature, covered in hair-like thorns, with particularly long spines extending from the legs and its armored, branching tail. It is said to use its spines to slash cacti at night, allowing juice to run from the plants, returning later after the sap has fermented…
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catpartyletsgo · 5 months
Herman the Coast Guard Cat
The WWII Coast Guard at the port of Baltimore decided they needed a mouser aboard their navy vessel, and soon found Herman, known as an “expert mouser” and hired him to keep the ship free of mice and rats. Herman then officially became a member of the U.S. Armed Forces at eight months old. “It is a good thing to get rid of rats in general,” Col. Richard P. Strong, Medical Corps, United States…
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catpartyletsgo · 8 months
The Fresno Nightcrawler
The Fresno Nightcrawler aka the Fresno Alien has been witnessed multiple times in California. Once in Fresno, once in Yosemite with video evidence, but supposedly he was also sighted in Poland and Billings, Montana as well. But let’s be real, he’s a Cali dude. Fresno nightcrawlers are about 5′ tall, with most of their height being made up of their legs. They are thin, white humanoid creatures…
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catpartyletsgo · 8 months
Fumika Koda
Fumika Koda is a Japanese artist that focuses her art primarily on her rescue cats. Koda took in stray cats throughout her life, and soon began to depict their individual personalities in soft and intimate silk paintings. Koda graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design and was a winner of the 2008 President’s Award at the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. Her art has been shown in Japan,…
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catpartyletsgo · 9 months
Jimmy the Raven
Jimmy the Raven (often referred to as Jimmy the Crow) was an expertly trained raven that starred in some of the most famous films of all time. Jimmy belonged to animal trainer Curley Twiford, and was “discovered” while Jimmy was riding on Twiford’s bulldog, Squeezit, along with two parakeets. Twiford once said training corvids were the easiest, and (of course) training cats were the most…
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catpartyletsgo · 11 months
Snowball, the Crime Solving Cat
This story is for my true crime-heads and cat lovers. TW for murder. In 1994, the RCMP found the body of Shirley Duguay, a mother of 5, buried in a shallow grave in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Right off the bat, the primary suspect was her husband Douglas Beamish. The only known photo of Snowball Investigators found a blood-soaked leather jacket buried with Shirley’s body. The blood belonged…
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catpartyletsgo · 11 months
'Bud' the First Dog to Travel Across the US by Automobile
In 1903, Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson decided that he would become the first man to drive across the US in the newly invented automobile. Jackson had been looking for a small dog to accompany him on his trip across the US, and in Idaho, due to happenstance, he got his dog. Jackson & his partner left Caldwell, ID early on the morning of June 12, but soon Jackson realized he had left his coat at the…
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catpartyletsgo · 1 year
Pyewacket, the beautiful siamese seal point that became the star of 1958’s ‘Bell, Book and Candle’ with talented actress Kim Novak, really made a lasting impression in the film and with Novak herself. Kim Novak & Pyewacket In ‘Bell, Book and Candle’, Gillian Holroyd (Kim Novak) is a witch that uses her powers and her familiar, a Siamese cat named Pyewacket, to bewitch Shepherd Henderson (Jimmy…
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catpartyletsgo · 1 year
Sergeant Stubby
A brindle-patterned dog was found wandering Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut in 1917, while members of the 102nd Infantry were training. He hung around and watched the men do their drills, and one soldier in particular, Corporal James Robert Conroy, developed a fondness for him. Conroy named him Stubby, and smuggled him on their ship set out for France for WWI. Stubby learned the…
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catpartyletsgo · 1 year
Grip the Raven
Way back in 1839, a little raven was hatched and soon found a home with Charles Dickens, who named him Grip. The earliest mention of Grip was in a letter from Dickens to his friend Daniel Maclise in 1840 in which he joked, “I love nobody here but the Raven, and I only love him because he seems to have no feeling in common with anybody”. Grip was treated as a family pet, and had free reign of the…
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catpartyletsgo · 1 year
Oregon Cryptids!
Colossal Claude Colossal Claude is a monster initially spotted by the crew of Columbia Lightship in 1934. A crew member said he was a 40′ long serpent with an 8-foot neck, round body, “a mean looking tail” and “an evil, snaky look to its head.” Claude was spotted again in 1937 by a fishing boat who reported a “long, hairy tan-colored creature, with the head of an overgrown horse”. Claude hasn’t…
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catpartyletsgo · 1 year
Crows vs Ravens
Let’s talk about the differences between crows and ravens so you can wow your friends with this corvid knowledge. Out of all 810 North American bird species, our little goth friends, crows and ravens, are the ONLY fully black birds. They’re also wickedly smart, tricky and petty. Crows have always been known as incredibly intelligent birds with an intricate memory. Crows recognize faces and…
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