camilledusk1800s · 23 hours
See, there are people who think that Daemon was like Viserys and that he didn't really want a son and that he wanted to have one because it was what every man was supposed to do...but when he had one his thoughts were oh well here you are ...I don't give a shit, my favorite is still Baela, I have already fulfilled my obligations to society I will continue to be just a girldad and a great stepfather, I have fathered you, I have already fulfilled as a father with you, now I am going to give attention and affection to those who truly matter to me and to those who I did not have to fulfill what people expected of me, but because I wanted it that way...seriously, people have the craziest interpretations of a text written black on white. It always surprises me that team black defends Rhaenyra and Daemon as good parents, but when it comes to Aegon and Viserys, they consciously or unconsciously make them look like shitty parents who little more than ignored them and whose birth was a mere formality that did not it meant nothing 😅 it's something to think about 🤷🏼‍♀️
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camilledusk1800s · 3 days
Había visto muchos headcanon disparatados, pero decir que Jacaerys se parecía a Baelon...Jacaerys ! El cual era un clon de Harwin! el cual no estaba relacionado con Baelon de ninguna de las maneras, seguramente ninguno de sus nietos (los hijos e hijas tanto de Viserys como de Daemon) se parecían más a Baelon que Jacaerys... También he visto a gente decir que se parecía a Aemon xd del que ni siquiera era bisnieto aunque finjan que sí...En fin los niveles de delulu llegan lejos, recomiendo que lean las descripciones de Aegon y Viserys ahí encontrarán el parecido con Baelon y Aemon ✌🏼
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camilledusk1800s · 5 days
Los supuestos entendidos en el personaje de daemon que piensan que dejaría que el legado de su casa quedara reducido a la nada casando a sus hijos ( herederos suyos y también del nombre Targaryen) con cualquier dama random de Westeros porque Baela iba a casarse con Jacaerys ( que era ilegítimo y cuyo reclamo se sustentaba en una mentira muy mala), no entienden cómo funcionaba un hombre medieval (que es lo que era Daemon). Pero bueno no me sorprende, lo que la mayor parte del team black espera de Aegon y de Viserys es que se callen y se sacrifiquen, por derecho ... según ellos no son candidatos ni a heredar la espada de su padre 🤣 mucho menos el trono, asi que si ...la fortaleza roja, las dos espadas de acero valyrio de su familia y el control sobre los dragones lo tendría un falso velaryon, cuyos herederos serían velaryon, todo porque su hija según ellos favorita sería reina consorte, una reina consorte a la que otorgan cualidades de Alysanne ...cuando claramente no podían ser más diferentes, todo porque esta gente se empeña en que Aegon y Viserys sean los únicos que no pueden reclamar sus derechos, porque los equivocados serían ellos! Cuanta hipocresía y que manera de echar la culpa a quien no la tendría en escenarios hipotéticos...Porque lo siento, y sé que molesta, pero Aegon estaría en todo su derecho de decirle a su medio hermano que se levantará de SU silla, aquí no es Aegon o Viserys el rebelde...es otro que se ha creído una excepción a varias reglas.
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camilledusk1800s · 7 days
Thank you 🩷😘
I took time this weekend to make this sketch of Ares and Aphrodite, I am quite happy with the result, maybe in the future I will color it, I already have several drawings waiting to be colored because it is the part that takes the most work and it is difficult for me to be happy with the result, but well everything comes 🤣
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camilledusk1800s · 7 days
I took time this weekend to make this sketch of Ares and Aphrodite, I am quite happy with the result, maybe in the future I will color it, I already have several drawings waiting to be colored because it is the part that takes the most work and it is difficult for me to be happy with the result, but well everything comes 🤣
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camilledusk1800s · 7 days
It surprises me to see people saying that they can't imagining Viserys II being a dragon rider even in an AU... when it would be the most logical thing in the world... then they put characters much less Targaryen than him as great riders worthy of a dragon...I don't understand anything
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camilledusk1800s · 12 days
Lately I'm seeing a lot of people talking about a fancast for shiera seastar but none of them convince me 🥲 So I bring you my fancast! It always fascinates me how differently people visualize the characters we read about.
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The beautiful French actress Nora Arnezeder!
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camilledusk1800s · 13 days
Solo quiero que llegue el jueves por la tarde para hacer el examen de toxicología ...voy a volverme loca estudiando las mil maneras de morir por la toma de fármacos, de venenos, de drogas 🥲 y sus respectivos antídotos.
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camilledusk1800s · 15 days
Certain team black fans saying that Aegon III was not meant to inherit... and that having a king's name is not special... I guess George having him as Rhaenyra's heir before having in mind her first (illegitimate) children he added god knows why it's not being destined to be king... it was always like that but he was not destined, the white cloak awaits him...Aegon was created as a character to be king...he doesn't owe his position to anyone, one way or another that was going to happen 🤷🏼‍♀️ adding characters late in the development of the story does not change that, It was literally always Aegon who was destined to be king, and initially the only son Rhaenyra would have, since Viserys II was initially thinking of being Aegon's son and not his brother.
my reaction every time I see someone sparing Aegon's life for ending up inheriting the throne:
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camilledusk1800s · 15 days
Victorian cameos of Ares and Aphrodite 🩷
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camilledusk1800s · 15 days
Que difícil es ser fan de Aegon III el pobre recibe odio de ambos bandos. O lo menosprecian y consideran que cualquiera podría haberlo hecho mejor que él después de la danza (sin pruebas) y que se tiene que sentir culpable por ser rey a consta de la muerte de otros (el autor también le negó su derecho de ser el primer hijo de su madre, cosa que era así en un principio y por lo tanto su heredero) , o que es un mal hijo por no reconocer a Rhaenyra como reina, también lo culpan de matar a los dragones, he visto insinuaciones de que mató a Morning y a Silverwing 😒. Consideran que su ascenso al trono no es una victoria porque es "solo" un niño deprimido que odia a los dragones y que murió en sus 30. En fin...la empatía por Aegon está en la fosa de las marianas en este fandom, además me da mucha rabia como el propio autor lo trató, ya que después de lo que pasó dejó que su línea continuará solo a través de lo Fuegoscuro, cuando debería de haber unido su línea y la de Viserys y que los Targaryen descendieran de ambos! El único nieto que tenían en común (bueno reconocido como tal porque Viserys Plum...) y que era el epítome de ser un Targaryen lo hizo ilegítimo. Supongo que no tenía suficiente con hacer que se viera privado de su derecho de nacimiento, viera a su madre ser devorada viva, que su dragón muriera en su primer vuelo, traumático por no haber podido subir a Viserys a lomos de Stormcloud y en el que pasó tanto miedo que llegó orinado a Rocadragón, pensar que se había quedado prácticamente solo en el mundo, ser amenazado con mutilarlo o matarlo, tener que soportar a gente que fue en contra de su familia en la guerra a su alrededor por el bien de la paz y la concordia, y por último hacerlo morir a los 36 años de una tisis pulmonar no pudiendo ver a sus hijos crecer...George se pasó con la carga que le puso a este chico, pocos personajes más trágicos se me ocurren y no hizo nada para merecerlo.
Aegon es mucho más que un hombre triste y evolucionó mucho en su vida intentando sobrellevar la mierda de situación que le habían dejado de la mejor forma posible.
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camilledusk1800s · 16 days
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Ares and Aphrodite 🗡️🛡️ 🩷 🌊🐚 (and their son, Eros)
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camilledusk1800s · 16 days
I have a question, why is there a tendency to think that the maesters lie about Syrax's color in the books and that her scales were actually gold? I don't see any problem with her being yellow, it's a pretty color and one that no dragon has had before. The golden dragon was Sunfyre and I find it ridiculous to want to sell that Syrax was golden...Let's leave her with her individuality being yellow 😂.
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camilledusk1800s · 17 days
Princess Daena Targaryen and her son Daemon Blackfyre 🫶🏻 I know red isn't the color she's usually described wearing, but I think it looked good for a court portrait! So here I leave you this portrait of The Defiant and the future Black Dragon ✌🏼
PD: See you in 500 years when I find time again to draw the portrait of Septa Rhaena 🥲
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camilledusk1800s · 18 days
I'm done with the reaction of this fandom when someone says that Daemon's favorite child is Aegon or Viserys, in short that he is a boys-dad, claiming the moral superiority that it is wrong to have favorites, with which I agree, but that same logic does not apply to say that his favorite is Baela or one of his stepsons whom he has to love as his own because it fits into their crystal generation brain, people filter all their complexes in their comments. I suppose they want to apply the thinking of 4 people to a large majority where it is natural to love their own children more! And if all of Fire and Blood is propaganda, including the long-awaited son thing, I don't know why they bother reading it. I guess since it doesn't suit them in their headcanon, they assume it's an invention. And honestly, when they make them vomit, reading the four people who say that Daemon was a boys-dad and not a girls-dad or a stepsons-dad...we see the level. We already know that Aegon and Viserys offend with their existence, and that they only deserve the crumbs of everything, including the love of their parents, it is okay to ignore them, do it to the rest of children and they will call you bastardphobic ( or any new word they invent) or misogynist, I'm tired of hypocrisy, I guess they are legitimatephobic or children born from the first romantic choice -phobic. In the end, if you don't say the politically correct thing, everything is wrong with you, what a boring world!
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camilledusk1800s · 19 days
Part two of things I don't understand about Daemon as a father in this fandom, why is there more art of him with his stepsons/grandnephews than with his own sons? Another mystery of life.
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camilledusk1800s · 20 days
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