bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
One of my neighbors are smoking so much weed that it is not only loud in the hallway(I'm talking there is sometimes a visual haze) but it seeps into other people's apartments. And it's not an every once in a while thing, I'm putting ductape around my door 3-5 days a week because I don't want to know the affect it may give my pets. And I thought I was lucky to get a building(when we first moved here) where people who smoked tobacco at least did it outside or were kind enough to make sure it didn't affect the hallway.
I hope to god they get some kind of intervention or find a better way to smoke because 1) I don't think the whole building wants their HOME to smell like skunk 2) the police are absolute hard asses around here and 3) there are pets and children in this building.
I am a believer of do what you want as long as it doesn't affect others and this is very much affecting others.
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
What psychological damage would I be giving my cats if I read Goosefeather's Curse outloud to them? I'm pretty sure the little one is already experiencing some kind of damage(nonrelated).
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
Can someone help me explain to my cat that she can't just keep sitting directly behind me? I keep stepping or tripping on her every time I turn or step away from the counter. It's worse when I'm in the kitchen!
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
There are tons of issues in have with my apartment but one positive thing is that maintenance won't snitch. I have candles bother for religion and leasure, only half of my pets are registered on the lease, I have friends stay over more than 3 days at a time and more than 2 weeks total in a year, I have curtains and flags hanging up (not attached to or damaging the walls), and I have a hidden bird feeder. One of them even felt comfortable to share that they think the new land lord is a little too strict, too.
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
Assuming someone is going to gas light you just for disagreeing is not a healthy mentality. Get therapy.
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
I just finished paying off my last car payment. What do you mean I have to take it back in? I'm already mad that it took 3 tries for the mechanic to find the actual problem and I still have to pay for the "fix" that didnt help.
I hate being responsible for car maintenance. What I would give to have reliable public transportation like other first world countries. But noooo we have to rely in individuals to own their own cars or you can go suffer with limited accessibility to your immediate surroundings.
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bunnycreamsicle · 1 year
I hate being responsible for car maintenance. What I would give to have reliable public transportation like other first world countries. But noooo we have to rely in individuals to own their own cars or you can go suffer with limited accessibility to your immediate surroundings.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
That weird space of experiencing angry and stress in a high capacity but also unaware of a way to express it safely and in a way that helps without hurting other people either because talking about it isn't helping, hasn't helped, and it's such a niche thing that shouldnt be niche.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
I've been a good boy for a while. I may emotional eat as my mode of self destruction.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
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Yall mind if I can with out any of the proper equipment?
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
My monthly dose of staying up all night convincing myself to not move several states away in the morning just because I'm gayly in love.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
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The girl! The lady! My trash kitty! She's been doing okay; it's been 8 hours since the incident have been resolved.
I do not deserve to have pets.
My cat decided she wanted to taste onions forcing me to make her puke it up. She was very upset and clawed me like crazy but thankfully she did puke. Not wanting to upset her anymore by getting in her space, I asked the roommate to feed her(since, you know, the poor baby puked).
Well, she just had her nightly zoomies and I expected her to either join the roommate or sleep in her cat tree. Not sure why I left my door open since I was so sure. Nope, she decided to curl up in the bed of my leg, do her 40 minute groom session and sleep with me.
I do not deserve this honor after making her suffer, even if it's for her good health.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
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I no longer wish to be gay. My eyes cry too much just thinking about men and h*lding h*nds and the fact that they exist should be illegal.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
I do not deserve to have pets.
My cat decided she wanted to taste onions forcing me to make her puke it up. She was very upset and clawed me like crazy but thankfully she did puke. Not wanting to upset her anymore by getting in her space, I asked the roommate to feed her(since, you know, the poor baby puked).
Well, she just had her nightly zoomies and I expected her to either join the roommate or sleep in her cat tree. Not sure why I left my door open since I was so sure. Nope, she decided to curl up in the bed of my leg, do her 40 minute groom session and sleep with me.
I do not deserve this honor after making her suffer, even if it's for her good health.
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
Another coworker confirmed he is in fact flirting with me. He's putting in more effort than his usual personality and had been caught complaining that I am not responding back to him.
But the catch is he already have a girlfriend AND had cheated on her a while back.
I swear I'm still not going to act on it but stupid feelings won't go away even after I've come to know all of this.
I'm currently on my way to bleach my heart. Why do I need to develop a crush on a straight guy that probably think jeans and a tshirt is a good date outfit? His work ethic is awful and he drives my work friend up the wall(they work the same department). I'm trying so hard to not over think if he's actually flirting with me or this is just how he treats everyone.
But then again he asked for help for something that could have easily been done by himself. And like an idiot even though I was busy, I was a sucker to spend time for him. Granted at the time I haven't realized it (literally maybe two hours ago as I was getting ready for bed I came to this realization). On top of that I misheard him what I thought he asked was "what are you doing after work?" when his lips didn't align with what I heard. His lips read "what are we doing after work" and now I want to strangle myself for not catching it and casually complaining about the roommates current picky diet and how it's a struggle to cook
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
Guess what, I'm still a °~•lil mess•~°♡. I swear to god someone please make him stop talking. I just want to finish my shift. My head hurts with so much jealousy that I don't get to work with him that he has to leave. I'm in physical pain over some stupid guy. I want to rip out my intestines I'm so pathetic.
I'm currently on my way to bleach my heart. Why do I need to develop a crush on a straight guy that probably think jeans and a tshirt is a good date outfit? His work ethic is awful and he drives my work friend up the wall(they work the same department). I'm trying so hard to not over think if he's actually flirting with me or this is just how he treats everyone.
But then again he asked for help for something that could have easily been done by himself. And like an idiot even though I was busy, I was a sucker to spend time for him. Granted at the time I haven't realized it (literally maybe two hours ago as I was getting ready for bed I came to this realization). On top of that I misheard him what I thought he asked was "what are you doing after work?" when his lips didn't align with what I heard. His lips read "what are we doing after work" and now I want to strangle myself for not catching it and casually complaining about the roommates current picky diet and how it's a struggle to cook
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bunnycreamsicle · 2 years
I'm currently on my way to bleach my heart. Why do I need to develop a crush on a straight guy that probably think jeans and a tshirt is a good date outfit? His work ethic is awful and he drives my work friend up the wall(they work the same department). I'm trying so hard to not over think if he's actually flirting with me or this is just how he treats everyone.
But then again he asked for help for something that could have easily been done by himself. And like an idiot even though I was busy, I was a sucker to spend time for him. Granted at the time I haven't realized it (literally maybe two hours ago as I was getting ready for bed I came to this realization). On top of that I misheard him what I thought he asked was "what are you doing after work?" when his lips didn't align with what I heard. His lips read "what are we doing after work" and now I want to strangle myself for not catching it and casually complaining about the roommates current picky diet and how it's a struggle to cook
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