books-recommendation · 7 months
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Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back by Elinor Clain: Selena and Kenneth Powell novel
Synopsis of Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back by Elinor Clain
Title: Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back
Author: Elinor Clain
Main characters: Selena Powell and Kenneth Powell
Genre: Romance
Everyone said Selena was a leech who wanted to suck Kenneth dry, and Kenneth was of the same opinion.
Selena fought to make her marriage work.
But after Kenneth hurt her countless times, she finally reached her breaking point. She slapped a divorce agreement in his face and declared, "I'm done with this marriage. Split the wealth and let's go our separate ways!"
Kenneth was more than happy to sign it. He thought, "Good riddance to bad rubbish!"
Once she became single, Selena put her newfound wealth to good use. She invested in many businesses and built a strong empire in just a few years. Money knew her name, and so did many handsome men. They flocked around her like flies.
Kenneth could hardly believe his eyes. How did that submissive wife of his turn into a boss lady whom many people revered?
Soon, he began to pester her again. This didn't go down well with Selena at all.
When he cornered her one day, she blasted him. "Are you out of your damn mind, Kenneth?"
His unexpected response left her stunned. "Yes, I'm crazy. Let's get married again. We should have a kid together and merge our empires. When I pass away, all my riches will be yours."
Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back Chapter 1 Why Didn't He Care About Your Life
"Nobody picked up. Are we sure she's Kenneth's wife?"
"How could I mess that up? She's definitely married to Kenneth Powell. I'm certain of it!"
"I've called him multiple times and sent messages saying we have his wife. So, why no response?"
Selena Powell had been abducted.
She had gone out last night for a business meeting, thinking it was just about business. However, it turned out to be a setup.
A night had passed, and with the ransom deadline drawing closer, the kidnappers grew nervous.
"Why isn't Kenneth reacting? Doesn't he care about you?" one of the kidnappers snapped at Selena.
Trying to stay strong, Selena replied with a smirk on her bloodied lips, "Kenneth Powell is not the type to pick up any call. Give me my phone, and I'll call him. He'll answer it."
The kidnappers exchanged glances. Their goal was clear; they were after the money, and were not interested in actually harming anyone. So they decided to give Selena's idea a shot.
"Mr. Powell" was the name that topped Selena's contact list, meaning it was Kenneth.
With growing anxiety, she initiated the call.
It took three persistent attempts to call, but Kenneth eventually picked up.
"Mr. Powell, I've been kidnapped. Please help me." While Selena tried to sound composed, the quiver in her voice betrayed her mounting fear.
There was just a brief pause from Kenneth before he hung up on her without uttering a word.
The abrupt end to their conversation left Selena reeling.
Though accustomed to Kenneth's cold and distant demeanor, his blatant disregard for her predicament still left her deeply shaken.
"Damn, I should've known she'd be of no use!" One kidnapper seethed, his rage evident in his eyes. As he lifted his hand, poised to strike Selena, the other quickly intervened. "Wait! Isn't that Kenneth on the TV?"
Selena's eyes darted to the screen.
A sharply dressed man in a suit and polished leather shoes escorted a stunning woman into a restaurant. As she whispered something, he inclined his head, the epitome of tenderness.
Their marital bond spanned five years. Even though the TV only captured their silhouettes, Selena instantly recognized the man. It was her husband, the foremost heir of the Powell Group and Friesey's top magnate.
Selena was also all too acquainted with the woman beside him.
It was Giselle Adams, the true holder of Kenneth's heart.
Five years ago, Friesey's biggest business giant, the Owen Group crumbled overnight, leading to the tragic suicide of Mr. and Mrs. Owen. The Powell Group, a behemoth in the same sector, swiftly acquired the fallen Owen empire.
In a bid to project the Powells' righteousness, the patriarch, Joshua Powell, orchestrated a marriage between his eldest grandson, Kenneth, and the daughter of the Owen family, Selena.
This union drove a wedge between Kenneth and Giselle, condemning them to the agonizing fate of star-crossed lovers.
It became clear to everyone now that Kenneth's indifference towards Selena's plight was due to the fact that he was with his true sweetheart.
After recovering from the initial shock, a surge of bitterness welled up within Selena. Drawing a deep breath to steady herself, she stared straight at the kidnappers' eyes.
"Judging by the lengths you've gone to, kidnapping me must have taken considerable effort. If something happens to me, not only will you leave empty-handed, but all your efforts will be for naught. A real shame, truly. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to let me go. I have my own funds, after all."
Knowing her phone was still active, Selena was confident Joshua could trace her. She just needed to buy some time. Help would surely come.
"How much can you offer? It's easy to make claims now! It seems like only the woman on TV could truly make Kenneth part with a significant sum for her rescue."
"If Kenneth won't negotiate, perhaps we should take matters into our own hands. But before any rash decisions, maybe we should... enjoy our time with our beautiful captive. I wouldn't want to waste such a fine figure!"
Related books of Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back
Love After Divorce: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back, by Maure Ganeshanandam
My Broke Husband Is A Zillionaire?, by Yettie Kirchner
Love Unbreakable, by Bank Brook
Stuck With A Stubborn Wife, by Job Mocellin
Finding Love Again, by Thane Frankel
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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Nunca digas nunca novela de Gilbert Soysal: Hannah Moore y Declan Edwards novela
Sinopsis de Nunca digas nunca novela de Gilbert Soysal
Título: Nunca digas nunca
Autor: Gilbert Soysal
Protagonista: Hannah Moore y Declan Edwards
Género: Romance
Sólo hace falta un segundo para que el mundo de una persona se derrumbe.
Este fue el caso de Hannah. Durante cuatro años le entregó todo su amor a su marido, pero un día él le dijo fríamente: "Divorciémonos".
Hasta ahora se dio cuenta de que todos sus esfuerzos de los últimos años fueron en vano. Su marido no la amó.
Mientras ella procesaba la noticia, la voz indiferente continuó:
"Deja de fingir que estás sorprendida. Nunca dije que te amaba. Mi corazón siempre ha pertenecido a Eliana. Sólo me casé contigo para apaciguar a mis padres".
El corazón de Hannah se rompió en un millón de pedazos cuando firmó los papeles del divorcio, marcando el final de su reinado como esposa devota. La mujer fuerte que tenía dentro rápidamente se manifestó.
En ese momento, juró no volver a depender de un hombre nunca más.
Su aura era extraordinaria cuando se embarcó en el viaje por encontrarse a sí misma y dominar su propio destino.
Cuando regresó, había madurado mucho y era completamente diferente de la esposa dócil que todos conocieron.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí, Hannah? ¿Es tu truco para llamar mi atención?", preguntó su arrogante exmarido.
Antes de que pudiera responder, un CEO autoritario apareció de la nada y la tomó en sus brazos.
Él le sonrió y, en tono de amenaza, dijo: "Sólo para advertirle, señor, ella es mi amada esposa. ¡Aléjese de ella!".
El exmarido no podía creer lo que oía. Él pensó que ningún hombre se casaría jamás con Hannah, pero ella le demostró que estaba equivocado. Pensó que ella nunca lograría nada.
No sabía que habría aún más sorpresas por venir...
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Nunca digas nunca novela Capítulo 1 Divorcio
Un escueto par de delicadas hojas de papel marcaban la conclusión de un matrimonio de cuatro años.
Los delgados dedos de Hannah Moore rozaron el nombre entintado de su marido que figuraba en el documento. Al levantar los ojos para encontrarse con los de Declan Edwards, su mirada llorosa era inequívoca.
"¿No hay ninguna posibilidad para nosotros?", preguntó.
La voz le temblaba ligeramente, afectada por la emoción y el esfuerzo de las tareas domésticas. Las gotas de sudor se le pegaban a la frente y a las gruesas monturas de sus gafas negras, dándole un aspecto torpe y anodino.
Habiéndose anticipado a su regreso aquella noche, con la ilusión de hablar sobre su futuro, ella se había levantado temprano, había escogido cuidadosamente algunos alimentos frescos, había cocinado y había ordenado la casa. Pero sus esfuerzos le parecieron inútiles al enterarse de la desgarradora noticia.
"Nuestro matrimonio era esencialmente un acuerdo comercial", espetó Declan, sacudiendo la ceniza de su cigarrillo, "Además, Eliana volverá pronto".
Así que eso era todo.
Eliana Patel, la mujer que ocupaba el corazón de Declan, era la persona a la que nunca podría dejar marchar.
Con la lengua pegada al paladar, Hannah experimentó un escozor familiar. Inclinó la cabeza, con la mente algo ofuscada. Cada vez que Eliana aparecía, Declan abandonaba todo, incluso sus propios principios.
Ciertamente, el matrimonio entre ellos había sido por obligación. Y a lo largo de los años que pasaron juntos, él nunca olvidaba su devoción por Eliana.
Después de un silencio infinito, Declan miró a la mujer que tenía delante.
Hannah era indiscutiblemente hermosa, de piel tersa, nariz finamente perfilada y labios como pétalos de rosa. Incluso detrás de unas gruesas gafas, sus ojos chispeaban de cuando en cuando bajo la luz.
Sin embargo, era una mujer sencilla, casi aburrida.
Su conducta siempre era moderada, y la fachada de esposa obediente, que había mantenido durante tanto tiempo, era tan poco interesante como un vaso de agua.
Encajaba a la perfección en el papel de la señora Edwards, pero nunca podría ser la mujer que él realmente deseaba.
Declan apagó el cigarrillo y comenzó a decir:
"Tú una vez...".
Hizo una pausa y sus ojos se detuvieron en la expresión de Hannah. Ella mantenía la cabeza agachada, pareciendo ser agraviada.
Tras considerar mejor las palabras, él dijo con frialdad:
"Dados tus antecedentes, es posible que te resulte complicado encontrar trabajo en el futuro. Así que, además de los acuerdos de propiedad, recibirás tres chalés adicionales. También podrás quedarte con el Ferrari de serie limitada, y yo aportaré personalmente cincuenta millones de dólares".
En una ocasión, cuando Eliana se había trasladado al extranjero, Declan la había seguido por amor. El patriarca de los Edwards se indignó tanto que estuvo a punto de desheredarlo. Solo un acto dramático por parte de su madre, una amenaza de suicidio, había conseguido que Declan volviera al redil familiar.
Y para recuperar el favor de su familia, había aceptado casarse con Hannah, de quien se rumoreaba que acababa de salir de la cárcel.
Aunque no sentía nada por ella, estaba dispuesto a ofrecerle una generosa indemnización, reconociendo sus años de servicio y su excelente relación con la familia Edwards.
Aquello era como tener caballos por placer, pero a sabiendas de que había un coste.
Declan señaló el acuerdo con su largo dedo índice, dejando al descubierto aquel importante anillo que había permanecido en ese dedo durante cuatro años. A Hannah le ardieron los ojos.
"Tienes tres días para pensártelo. Pero no me hagas esperar, mi paciencia tiene un límite".
"No hace falta".
Hannah tomó un bolígrafo negro que había a su lado y firmó en la zona designada.
"Estoy con la mente despejada. Me mudaré hoy mismo y no te estorbaré más", añadió.
"Muy bien", respondió Declan, imperturbable.
Debía reconocer que, incluso ahora, Hannah se mantenía aplomada y sensata, sin causarle problemas en ningún momento. En realidad, como señora Edwards, era sin duda la esposa más adecuada entre la élite de la sociedad.
Desgraciadamente, el amor no era algo que pudiera dictarse.
Y cuando Declan estaba a punto de seguir hablando, la puerta se abrió de golpe. Sadie Edwards, su hermana menor, irrumpió y dijo:
"Declan, he oído que hoy te separas de la delincuente. ¿Te importa si me quedo con ese Ferrari de lujo?".
Su mirada se cruzó con la de Hannah, que se había girado para verla, y puso los ojos en blanco.
Contrariado, Declan dijo:
"¿Cuántas veces tengo que repetírtelo? Si estoy hablando de negocios, tienes que tocar la puerta antes de entrar. Tu comportamiento no es digno de una señorita de la alta sociedad".
Apoyada en la mesa, Sadie sonrió socarronamente.
"De acuerdo, lo entiendo. Ahora, dame las llaves del auto, ¿quieres? Tengo planes con mi amiga para dar una vuelta".
Siempre indulgente con su testaruda hermana, Declan asintió en dirección a Hannah.
"Dale las llaves".
Hannah bajó los ojos, y respondió con voz pausada:
"Creía que habías dicho que ese auto era mío".
Sus palabras seguían siendo tan suaves como siempre, pero Declan sintió un escalofrío.
Enfurecida, Sadie se abalanzó sobre Hannah y la empujó con fuerza.
"¿De qué demonios estás hablando? Todo lo que hay aquí pertenece a mi hermano. ¿Qué se supone que tienen que ver estas cosas contigo? ¡Entrégame las llaves!".
Durante todos sus años en la familia Edwards, Hannah siempre había mostrado un buen corazón hacia Sadie.
Sin embargo, la joven no era más que un imán para los problemas, y siempre acudía a su madre cuando las cosas se torcían.
En una ocasión, había provocado a la hija menor de la familia Mitchell y se había visto cautiva en lo alto de una torre por Bryson Mitchell, el tercer hijo y el patriarca de la familia. De no haber sido por la intervención de Hannah, Sadie podría haber quedado lisiada de por vida al caer desde aquella altura.
Sin embargo, como recompensa a su amabilidad, Sadie la tachaba de delincuente.
Hannah estaba decidida, clavando los ojos en Declan.
"Quiero el auto. Lo prometiste, Declan. Siempre has sido tan generoso. Al fin y al cabo, solo es un auto", añadió.
En ese momento, Declan comprendió que la mujer que tenía delante era una Hannah completamente distinta de la que había estado maltratando todo este tiempo.
Tomándose una breve pausa, se volvió hacia su hermana y dijo:
"Tenemos muchos autos en casa. Ve a mi garaje y elige uno para ti".
Sadie, sin embargo, era una joven mimada y obstinada. Salvo aquella vez que se había enfrentado a Bryson, nadie se atrevía a desafiarla, y menos una mujer con un historial delictivo como Hannah.
Señalándola con un dedo acusador, Sadie exclamó:
"Respóndeme, ¿me vas a dar el auto o no?".
"No... No lo haré".
Una bofetada mordaz aterrizó en la mejilla derecha de Hannah.
"Tienes agallas, comportándote de forma tan audaz por aquí. ¿Quién te crees que eres? Ni siquiera eres digna de servirme".
Los ojos de Declan centellearon por un instante antes de reasumir su expresión neutra.
"Sadie, cuida lo que dices".
Acunándose la mejilla afectada, Hannah miró de reojo a Sadie y dijo:
"Está clarísimo que nadie te ha enseñado modales".
La joven levantó la barbilla en señal de desafío.
"¿Y qué...? ¡Ah!".
Haciendo caso omiso de las flores que aún tenía dentro, Hannah tomó un jarrón cercano y vertió el agua que contenía sobre la cabeza de Sadie.
"Considéralo una lección de parte de alguien que se preocupa lo suficiente por ti como para instruirte".
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Libros relacionados de Nunca digas nunca novela
Secuestrada por un error, de Maricelb98
Una Muñeca para el Jefe, de yumyp1901
La secretaria fea del millonario, de Naulis machado
Mi dulce rebeldía, de Kea Cami
Papi mafioso y la dulce niñera, de Paula Tekila
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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The Alpha King's Breeder by ID Johnson: Isla and Maddox novel
Synopsis of The Alpha King's Breeder by ID Johnson
Title: The Alpha King's Breeder
Author: ID Johnson
Main characters: Isla and Maddox
Genre: Werewolf
Alpha King Maddox nips at my ear. “Do you like that, little flower?” I moan an answer as his other hand slides my nightgown down off of my shoulder so his mouth comes down on me, his tongue lapping at my sensitive skin.
I''m just his breeder, traded for a debt. But can I convince King Maddox I could be more--so much more? *Isla* When my pack Alpha takes me to the castle to see the king, I have no idea he's trading me for a personal debt. Scared and alone, I contemplate what might happen to me and miss my family. But then I meet King Maddox. His reputation for being cruel is a contrast to the care I see deep in his eyes. Is it possible he could develop feelings for me? A poor girl brought to the castle to complete a task? I am just a tool to him after all. Or am I?
After my wife died, I had no intention of ever falling in love again, but I need an heir. A simple solution presents itself in the form of a beautiful girl, given to me in exchange for a debt. But the more I get to know Isla, the more drawn to her I am. Is it possible she's just the one to make me forget the tragic night my wife died... a night I must take full responsibility for?
With pressure from other Alphas to marry one of their daughters, and rumors that Isla isn't who she seems to be, my decision will not be easy. But then, I'm the Alpha King. My decisions are never easy. I just hope I make the right one. Because Isla is really starting to get under my skin--and I want to be on top of hers.
The Alpha King's Breeder Chapter 1 When It Rains, It Pours
Rain pounds my back as I follow Alpha Ernest up the wide marble steps to a home I never expect to see in real life. I look around quickly, but he is walking fast, and I don’t have much time to see the outside of the mansion. I only know it resembles a castle. The dreary sky seems fitting, considering my bleak outlook.
Likewise, this castle is fitting for an Alpha King.
Under the wide porch, there is a bit of shelter from the wind. I pull my thin cloak around my shoulders. When Alpha Ernest’s fist pounds on the door, I jumped. Everything about this day is unexpected and has me on edge.
The door opens a bit and a man with a thin, long nose gapes out at us. He is wearing a butler’s suit, and I relax only slightly.
Not that I expected the cruel king to open his own door, but I am thankful not to be faced with him right away.
“Greetings! Greetings!” Alpha Ernest says in his jovial, exceedingly loud voice. He laughs in the back of his throat, his gruff tone as raspy as the thunder in the distance. “It is I, Alpha Ernest of Willow pack! His Majesty is expecting me.”
The butler looks him over and then his eyes fall on me for a moment as if he isn’t sure whether or not the rotund, sweaty man in the white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows could possibly be an actual Alpha. The detail of Omegas that are hanging out in the car that brought us the two hours make it more convincing.
“Come in,” the butler says, pulling the heavy wooden door open.
“Thank you, thank you,” my Alpha says, and I follow him inside, absently wondering why he must say everything twice.
My happiness at being let in from the rain only lasts a moment as I follow along behind the two men who walk quickly down a long corridor. The inside of the house doesn’t resemble the castle in the sense that the floors are not made of stone—they are wood—and the walls are covered in drywall. But it is a huge building, and it is lavishly decorated with fine furnishings, all kinds of pieces of art from paintings to sculptures to ancient vases, and I try to keep up with our guide while my eyes roam over objects that are worth a hundred times more than what my parents make in a year—a thousand times more.
The sale of just one of these objects would have been plenty to pay off my parents’ debts. If I’d had just one painting to sell, I wouldn’t be here now.
I can’t think of that at the moment. My fate is sealed. I grasp my small bag in my hands and struggle to keep up. It doesn’t help that I haven’t eaten much of anything in the past week. I feel lightheaded.
We turn down a few corridors, and it’s clear to me that we are now in the part of the building that is for work instead of show. Artwork still hangs on the walls, but it’s not as elaborate. The doors we are passing seem to be offices, not libraries or parlors.
“Wait here,” the butler says, pausing outside of a closed door. He knocks, and I hear a low gravelly voice call him in.
I feel my heart begin to thump in my chest. I’m still not quite clear what Alpha Ernest has in mind for me. When I came to him for help earlier in the day, he asked me a few personal questions, a smile split his face, and then he told me to go home and pack all of my most prized possessions. He said to tell my family goodbye, if I was serious about paying off my family’s debts, and to be back in his office in one hour.
Then, we’d gotten in the car and driven here. I hadn’t asked any questions other than for him to put it in writing.
“John and Mary Moon are no longer in debt to Alpha Ernest Rock if their daughter, Isla Moon, follows through with the agreement made with said Alpha on this day….” Dated, signed by both parties, and here I am.
Still not sure what that agreement is.
Alpha Ernest goes inside of the office, and I am tempted to strain to see inside, too, but I don’t. I’ve never seen him before, the Alpha King, the head of all of the Alphas and all of the territories in our region, for thousands and thousands of miles. I’ve heard lots of stories about him, though.
Presently, I am hoping that most of them are not true.
I would like to see his face, to know if the rumors of his attractiveness are accurate.
But I’d rather not see him at all, if I had a choice. Word of his cruelty proceeds him, and it is said that he is just as brutal as he is handsome.
“You may sit,” the butler says, gesturing to a chair near the door that has closed behind Alpha Ernest.
I nod, but I am not capable of thanking him verbally right now, not when my teeth are near chattering with fear.
I sit down, still grasping my bag in my hands. I wish I had put on more than the thin cloak my mother had given me last winter. Cloaks were cheaper than coats, so that’s what I had.
I wouldn’t hide the trembling that was beginning to ravage my body, though.
Doing my best to ignore the shaking, I tried to focus in on the faint voices I could hear coming from behind the thick wooden door. I didn’t expect to be able to hear because the door looked sturdy, but Alpha Ernest is loud.
And Alpha Maddox…. Well, he just sounded agitated.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” Alpha Ernest was saying.
When Alpha Maddox replied, it was harder to hear. He wasn’t as loud. “I don’t know why you’re here unless it’s to pay me the money you owe me.” At least, that’s what I think he is saying.
“Unfortunately, sir, I don’t have the money—not exactly,” the other man replies. I hear Alpha Maddox grumble in response. “But I have something else to offer you instead. Something better.”
“Something better than the one and a half million dollars you owe me?”
My heart catches in my throat and I nearly choke. One and a half million dollars? Did I hear that correctly? What in the world could Alpha Ernest have that is worth that kind of money?
“Oh, yes!” Alpha Ernest says. “Please, sir, hear me out. I have a bargain for you. One that will allow me to settle our debt and help you with a certain… problem you have.”
Problem? What problem could Alpha Maddox possibly have—other than the fact that he might have killed all of the people that he wanted to yell at.
I sit with my feet flat on the floor, my eyes focusing on the eggshell wall across from me, listening, not believing what I am hearing.
“Ernest,” Alpha Maddox says, “you are the last person on earth I would turn to to help me solve a problem, not that I even know what you’re referring to.”
“Let me enlighten you, sir, if you don’t mind?”
Alpha Maddox growls again. If he says anything else, I don’t hear it.
Alpha Ernest continues. “You have just turned twenty-nine last month, yes?” I assume Alpha Maddox confirms this because my pack Alpha continues. “Everyone knows that the Alpha King is expected to have an heir by the age of thirty.”
“Alpha Ernest—” the king says.
“Give me only a few moments of your time, Alpha,” Ernest says, and I can imagine his hands up in front of him. “You need someone who can bear you a child, someone with no complicated relationship involved, someone who is beautiful, with good, healthy genes. A strapping mother who has born many children and proven herself to be from good stock.”
With every word he speaks, my heart leaps higher into my throat, even though my brain still doesn’t want to compute what he is saying.
“What are you proposing, Ernest?” Alpha Maddox says. “I don’t have any problem picking up women. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, yes, of course!” Alpha Ernest says. “But women at court are complicated. They have expectations. I know you don’t intend to marry again. So… what you need is a willing, compliant, beautiful girl who is eager to spread her legs to earn money, bear you a child—or two or three—and then fade away. And I have just the girl for you.”
I take a deep breath and hold it. Surely, Alpha Maddox will not agree to this. Why would he agree to this?
Why have I agreed to this?
Did I agree to this?
“Let me see if I understand you correctly, Alpha Ernest,” I hear Alpha Maddox say, and I can’t tell if he’s angry, offended… or intrigued. “Are you proposing I take some girl you’ve brought with you into my home for the sole purpose of having a child?”
“That’s right, Your Majesty,” Ernest says. “I’m proposing you take on… a breeder.”
Related books of The Alpha King's Breeder
Sold as the Alpha King's Breeder, by Alice Knightsky
The Cursed Alpha's Mate, by Moon_Flood
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan, by Kellie Brown
The Alpha's Curse: The Enemy Within, by Best Writes
The Alpha Triplets and the Rogue, by supernovel
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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O caminho para seu coração livro de Bobby Witschi: Romance de Sabrina Chavez e Tyrone Blakely
Sinopse de O caminho para seu coração livro por Bobby Witschi
Título: O caminho para seu coração
Autor: Bobby Witschi
Personagens principais: Sabrina Chavez e Tyrone Blakely
Gênero: Romance
Três anos inteiros se passou e Sabrina Chavez finalmente percebeu que seu marido, Tyrone Blakely, era o homem mais frio do mundo. Ele nunca sorriu para ela, muito menos a tratou como sua esposa.
Para piorar a situação, o retorno do primeiro amor do homem não trouxe a Sabrina nada além dos papéis do divórcio.
Esperando que ainda houvesse uma chance de salvar o casamento, ela perguntou: "Tyrone, se eu lhe dissesse que estou grávida, você ainda se divorciaria de mim?"
"Sim!", ele respondeu.
Sabrina finalmente desistiu, ciente de que ela não significava nada para ele. Deitada na cama do hospital, ela assinou os papéis do divórcio com o coração partido.
No entanto, esse não foi o fim para o casal. Após o divórcio, o homem que antes fora tão frio implorou: "Sabrina, cometi um grande erro. Por favor, não se divorcie de mim. Prometo que vou mudar."
O que aconteceu com ele? Sabrina sorriu fracamente, sem saber o que fazer…
O caminho para seu coração livro Capítulo 1 O bebê deles
"Senhora, nossos exames indicam que a parede uterina está incrivelmente fina, o que torna a situação do feto bastante delicada. É crucial que você se alimente bem e faça atividades físicas", explicou o médico, estendendo um pedaço de papel para Sabrina Chavez. "Aqui, pegue isso e compre o medicamento."
"Entendido, doutor", ela respondeu, cuidadosamente pegando a receita do médico.
O médico enfatizou: "Por favor, assegure-se de cuidar bem de si mesma. Isso é uma questão muito séria. Uma parede uterina fina pode aumentar o risco de aborto espontâneo, e muitas mulheres que passaram por isso enfrentam dificuldades para conceber novamente, o que é lamentável."
"Obrigada, doutor. Vou me cuidar bem", Sabrina assegurou, com um sorriso decidido em seus lábios.
Durante os três anos de casamento, ela vinha esperando ansiosamente por esse bebê e estava determinada a fazer tudo que estivesse ao seu alcance para protegê-lo.
Depois de sair do consultório, Sabrina pegou o medicamento e entrou em seu carro.
O motorista deu partida no carro e olhou para ela através do retrovisor. "Senhora, o voo do senhor Blakely está previsto para chegar às três da tarde. Ainda temos vinte minutos. Devemos seguir para o aeroporto agora?"
"Sim, vamos."
A ideia de se reunir com seu marido em poucos minutos aqueceu seu coração, provocando um sorriso.
Seu marido, Tyrone Blakely, estava ausente em uma viagem de negócios por quase um mês e ela vinha sentindo sua falta terrivelmente.
Durante a viagem de carro, ela se pegou revisando constantemente o relatório de gravidez, acariciando suavemente sua barriga.
Em apenas oito meses, ela e Tyrone dariam as boas-vindas ao precioso bebê deles neste mundo.
Ela mal podia esperar para compartilhar a notícia maravilhosa com ele.
Assim que chegaram ao aeroporto, o motorista estacionou o carro estrategicamente. "A senhora vai ligar para o senhor Blakely agora?"
Sabrina olhou a hora em seu relógio e ligou para o marido, mas ele não atendeu.
"O voo dele deve estar atrasado. Vamos esperar um pouco mais", ela sugeriu.
No entanto, após uma longa espera, Tyrone ainda não apareceu.
Sabrina ligou novamente, mas mais uma vez, não obteve resposta.
"Vamos continuar esperando."
Atrasos de voo eram comuns e, às vezes, podiam se estender por algumas horas.
Duas horas depois, ela ligou de novo. O celular foi atendido rapidamente. "Tyrone, você já pousou?"
Houve uma pausa inesperada, seguida por uma voz feminina desconhecida: "Desculpe, Tyrone está no banheiro. Ele ligará para você mais tarde."
Antes que Sabrina pudesse responder, a ligação foi abruptamente encerrada.
Ela olhou confusa para o celular.
Até onde ela sabia, Tyrone não tinha uma assistente o acompanhando nessa viagem.
Sabrina aguardou ansiosamente a ligação dele, olhando fixamente para a tela em branco do aparelho.
Dez minutos se passaram sem que Tyronne retornasse a ligação.
Depois de esperar por mais cinco minutos, Sabrina ligou mais uma vez.
Após uma longa espera, o celular finalmente foi atendido por uma voz masculina familiar: "Sabrina?"
"Tyrone, onde você está? Estamos te esperando no aeroporto."
Houve uma pausa do outro lado da linha. "Desculpe, esqueci de ligar meu celular depois de pousar. Já saí do aeroporto."
A alegria de Sabrina desapareceu instantaneamente. "Então... Vou te esperar em casa. Preciso conversar com você sobre uma coisa."
"Eu também tenho algo para conversar."
"Tudo bem, vou pedir ao cozinheiro para preparar sua refeição favorita para o jantar."
"Jante sem mim. Tenho outros compromissos e voltarei para casa mais tarde."
Tentando esconder sua decepção, Sabrina apenas concordou.
Enquanto ela estava prestes a desligar a chamada, a voz da mulher pôde ser ouvida novamente: "Tyrone, me desculpe. Esqueci de te dizer que Sabrina ligou."
O coração de Sabrina disparou e uma ruga de preocupação apareceu em sua testa. Justo quando ela estava prestes a perguntar a Tyrone sobre a mulher ao celular, a ligação foi encerrada.
Olhando para a tela do celular, Sabrina franziu os lábios, desapontada. Ela se virou para o motorista e pediu que ele a levasse para casa.
O motorista notou o desconforto da patroa e fez o que ela pediu.
Apesar da turbulência emocional, Sabrina se obrigou a comer pelo bem de seu bebê que estava por vir.
A TV estava ligada na sala de estar.
Sentada no sofá com uma almofada em seus braços, ela frequentemente checava o relógio, sem nenhuma disposição para assistir à televisão.
Por volta das dez horas, a fadiga tomou conta e ela adormeceu.
De repente, ela se sentiu sendo carregada.
Semiconsciente, ela detectou um cheiro conhecido misturado com um leve cheiro de álcool.
"Tyrone?" Ela murmurou.
Livros relacionados de O caminho para seu coração
Comprada Pelo Senhor Mourett, de Camila Nuness
A Noiva Perfeita, de Louvid
Vendida para o Don, de Edilaine Beckert
Esposa Comprada - Reconquistando minha Ex, de Yana _ Shadow
Noiva Indesejada Cura Meu Coração, de Graciliane
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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Love Unbreakable novel by Bank Brook: Raegan Hayes and Mitchel Dixon novel
Synopsis of Love Unbreakable novel by Bank Brook
Title: Love Unbreakable novel
Author: Bank Brook
Main characters: Raegan Hayes and Mitchel Dixon
Genre: Romance
There was only one man in Raegan Hayes's heart, and it was Mitchel Dixon. In the second year of her marriage to him, she got pregnant.
Raegan's joy knew no bounds. But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love.
After an accident, Raegan lay in the pool of her own blood and called out to Mitchel for help. Unfortunately, he left with his first love in his arms.
Raegan escaped death by the whiskers. Afterward, she decided to get her life back on track. Her name was everywhere years later.
Mitchel became very uncomfortable. For some reason, he began to miss her. His heart ached when he saw her all smiles with another man.
He crashed her wedding and fell to his knees while she was at the altar.
With bloodshot eyes, he queried, "I thought you said your love for me is unbreakable? How come you are getting married to someone else? Come back to me!"
Love Unbreakable novel Chapter 1 Ex-girlfriend Returns
Raegan Hayes was a little absent-minded at the moment.
All she could think of since this afternoon was the doctor's words. "Congratulations! You are pregnant."
Suddenly, Mitchel Dixon pinched her arm hard. His low voice came the next second. "Come back to earth. What are you thinking about?"
Before she could respond to that, Mitchel kissed Raegan hard after holding the back of her head lovingly.
He then went into the bathroom.
Raegan lay motionless in the massive bed. Damp strands of her hair stuck to her temples and cheeks. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes brimming with tears. Her naked body was aching slightly.
After a while, she took out the pregnancy test report from the nightstand drawer.
Raegan had gone to the hospital because of an incessant stomachache. After a urine test, the doctor broke the news to her. She was almost five weeks pregnant!
It came as a shock to her. She and Mitchel had always used protection whenever they had sex.
After racking her brain, she traced the time of conception. It turned out to be last month after a party. Mitchel had driven her home and suddenly asked her at the door if she was in her safe period.
Now, it dawned on her that the period was far from safe!
The pattering sound of water came from the bathroom. Mitchel was her husband. They had been married secretly for two years. He was her superior at work, the president of the Dixon Group.
Everything had happened so fast. She was newly employed in the company when they accidentally had sex for the first time after a party.
Days later, Mitchel's grandfather fell seriously ill. It was then he proposed a fake marriage just to fulfill his grandfather's dying wish.
They signed a prenup, agreeing to hide their marriage from the public. Their union could be terminated at any time.
It was an unconventional thing to do. However, Raegan only considered herself lucky at that time.
Never in a million years did she think she would ever get married to the man she had a crush on for eight years. She delightfully agreed.
After their marriage, Mitchel was very busy. He spent most of his time working.
Raegan wished she could spend more time with him at home. However, she was rest assured because there hadn't been any rumors or scandals about him with women in the past two years.
Except for his mild indifference, Mitchel was a perfect husband.
Raegan had mixed feelings as she stared at the pregnancy test result.
In the end, she decided to tell Mitchel the truth.
She also wanted to tell him that she hadn't learned about him for the first time two years ago and that she had been crushing on him for many years before then.
The shower in the bathroom finally went off.
As soon as Mitchel came out, his phone rang. He went to the balcony with only a bath towel and answered the phone.
Raegan checked the time and found that it was already midnight.
She felt a little uneasy. Who would call Mitchel at this ungodly hour?
Mitchel spent a few minutes on the balcony. Thereafter, he returned to the room and stripped away the bath towel.
His figure was a sight to behold. The packs on his belly were bulky. His buttocks were hard and his legs were long and muscular. This man was a catch!
It wasn't the first time Raegan was seeing him naked. Nonetheless, she still blushed and her heart began to race at this time.
Mitchel, oblivious to the wandering eyes on him, picked up his shirt and suit pants from the bed. He put them on and then knotted the tie with his slender fingers. His handsome face which had a clear outline made him look more dignified tonight.
He was something to see now.
"Don't wait up for me. Good night," he said finally.
What? He was on his way out? At this hour?
Raegan's grip on the pregnancy test result tightened as she stared at him in disappointment. Unconsciously, she withdrew slightly. After thinking for a while, she blurted out, "It's already so late."
Mitchel's fingers froze on his tie. With a faint smile, he pinched her earlobe and asked, "Are you still horny? Want me to make you cum again?"
Hearing this, Raegan blushed to the roots of her hair. Her heart thumped against her chest. She was about to say something when Mitchel let go of her and said, "Be good, okay? There's something I have to do. Don't wait up."
With that, he headed for the door.
Raegan quickly ran and caught up with him.
Mitchel turned around and looked at her seriously.
"What's the matter?"
There was a tinge of coldness to his voice. An icy cloud hung over them as they stared at each other.
A little distressed, Raegan asked in a low voice, "I would like to visit my grandma tomorrow. Can you accompany me there?"
Frail and ill, her grandmother always wanted to see her. As a result, Raegan wanted to take Mitchel there to assure her grandma they were happy.
"Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Without agreeing or declining, Mitchel left in a hurry.
Several thoughts were threading Raegan's mind as she took a shower and got back to bed. She couldn't sleep a wink.
After tossing and turning for a long time, she got out of bed and made herself a warm glass of milk.
A few notifications from some online blogs came into her phone.
However, she wasn't interested in them. She was about to swipe them away when one of them caught her attention. The familiar name made her click on it.
The news read, "Famous designer, Lauren Murray was spotted at the airport with her mysterious boyfriend earlier today."
Lauren was wearing a bucket hat. The man's figure was vague, but the outline of his body was enough to show that he was dashing.
Raegan zoomed in on the picture. The next second, her heart dropped.
Mitchel was the man in the picture!
So, he canceled the afternoon meeting just to go pick up his ex-girlfriend from the airport?
This realization settled like a boulder in Raegan's gut, rendering her flustered.
Her hands trembled. Subconsciously, she dialed Mitchel's number.
The dial tone brought her back to her senses. Just as she was about to hang up, the line connected, and a voice came from the other end.
It was a particularly gentle woman's voice.
Raegan froze for a second and then threw the phone away.
She suddenly felt sick in her stomach. Bile rose to her throat.
Covering her mouth, she ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet bowl.
The next morning, Raegan went to work on time.
Mitchel had tried to get her to stop working after they got married. Stubbornly, she insisted on making her own money.
Mitchel didn't kick against her decision, but he asked her to work as his assistant, helping him with the daily chores.
The head assistant, Matteo Jenkins was left to take care of the major affairs Mitchel had.
Matteo was the only Dixon Group employee who knew about their marriage.
Since inception, only male assistants were hired for the president's office. Reagan was the first and only female. Her employment broke the protocol. As a result, other workers couldn't help but wonder if she was involved with Mitchel.
It took a while before they realized that Mitchel never gave Raegan special treatment. Strangely, this made them despise her even more.
After all, no one would last long in anything while taking advantage of her appearance. So, it was strange Raegan kept her job for this long.
At this time, one of Raegan's colleagues handed her a document and ordered her to take it to Mitchel's office.
Mitchel didn't return home last night. Raegan was so worried that she didn't sleep at all.
All she kept thinking about was the woman who answered his phone when she called. Did Mitchel spend the night with that woman?
Raegan already knew the answer to that, but she was still in denial.
It was difficult for her to come to terms with that fact.
Raegan tried to remain calm now. She reasoned that no matter what happened, she deserved a result that would be rewarding for all the years she spent loving Mitchel. This couldn't be all for nothing, right?
She pressed the elevator button calmly and went up to the president's office. Before she walked out of the elevator, she smoothed her hair to make sure she looked good.
She had arrived at the office, only to see that the door was ajar. A man's voice came. She halted instantly.
"Come on, man! Do you have any feelings for Raegan or not?"
The voice belonged to Luis Stevens, a childhood friend of Mitchel's.
"What do you mean exactly?" Mitchel asked in a cold voice.
"You know exactly what I mean!" Luis clicked his tongue impatiently and added, "I think Raegan is a good girl. Isn't she your type?"
"Do you want me to hand her over to you?" Mitchel asked carelessly.
"You know what, forget it!"
The scornful laughter of Luis sounded particularly harsh in Raegan's ears.
They were talking about her as if she were an object.
Raegan took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the document.
Soon, Luis's voice was heard again.
"By the way, I saw the gossip news about Lauren's mysterious boyfriend this morning. That was you, right?"
"Well, well, well! That woman still has you wrapped around her little finger. You always want to please her."
Luis sighed and continued to tease Mitchel. "You two spent the night together. As the old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Tell me, did you two..."
Their conversation was like a thunder exploding over Raegan's head.
Her face turned pale and her body was as cold as ice.
Lauren and Mitchel spent the night together!
Absence made the heart grow fonder!
Every word drove a knife into her heart.
Several whispering voices filled her head at this time. She suddenly felt light-headed. Her vision became blurry.
She held the wall and took a step backward. Suddenly, the door was opened from inside.
Related books of Love Unbreakable novel
A Husband And Wife, by Miraeee
The Beautiful Billionaire, by Gia Hunter
His Burning Obsession, by Daisy Springs
Just Sex With My Billionaire Daddy, by M.E Julie
The Lycan's Rejected Mate, by Sunshine Princess
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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Desamor y amor novela de Randy Vitkosky: Millie Brown y Marcus Thomas novela
Sinopsis de Desamor y amor novela de Randy Vitkosky
Título: Desamor y amor novela
Autor: Randy Vitkosky
Protagonista: Millie Brown y Marcus Thomas
Género: Romance
"El amor te encuentra en los lugares más extraños".
El matrimonio no estaba en la agenda de Marcus Thomas. Disfrutaba de la vida como el soltero más codiciado hasta que su familia comenzó a presionarlo.
Después de un tiempo, no tuvo más remedio que casarse con una mujer que ni siquiera conocía. Su amigo bromeó: "¡Eres un cabrón con suerte! Tu esposa debe ser hermosa".
Cuando Marcus pensó en la mujer que dormía con una máscara en su cama, le hirvió la sangre. ¿Su esposa era hermosa? ¡Bah!
"Será mejor que pares. ¡Una palabra más y la haré tuya!", él maldijo.
Marcus pensó que iba a ser un hombre casado miserable. Sin embargo, se llevó una sorpresa cuando su vida matrimonial resultó ser exactamente lo contrario.
La curiosidad mató a quienes lo rodeaban después de un tiempo. Su amigo volvió a preguntar: "Sé que no te gusta hablar de tu esposa. Pero, ¿puedes describirme cómo es exactamente? ¿Por qué siempre lleva una máscara?".
Esta vez, los labios de Marcus se curvaron en una sonrisa. "Mi amada es hermosa y adorable. Baja la mirada cada vez que la veas. Si te pillo mirándola, te haré quedar ciego".
Todos se quedaron boquiabiertos cuando escucharon eso. Lo miraron como si estuviera loco.
Un día, la esposa de Marcus de repente hizo su maleta y declaró: "Ya no puedo hacer esto. Ya tuve suficiente de tu humillación. ¡Por favor, dame el divorcio!".
Esas palabras golpearon a Marcus como un rayo inesperado. Cuando vio que ella hablaba muy en serio, la abrazó con ambas manos y le suplicó: "Cariño, por favor no me dejes. Prometo tratarte mejor. Si quieres, puedo darte el mundo entero. ¡Quédate conmigo!".
Y así comenzó una nueva etapa para la pareja.
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Desamor y amor novela Capítulo 1 Casarse con la mujer más fea
Nadie habría pensado que la familia Thomas, el clan más poderoso de Preagend, se dejaría engañar de esa manera.
En una amplia y lujosa habitación, un hombre alto y bien vestido agarró del cuello a la mujer del magnífico vestido de novia en un arrebato de ira.
"¡Tú no eres Mia! ¿Cómo se atreven tú y tu familia a engañarme para que me case contigo? Debes de estar cansada de vivir", gruñó él.
Ella se vio obligada a inclinar la cabeza hacia atrás, pero su esbelto y atractivo cuello no consiguió despertar ninguna simpatía en él.
"Suelta... Suéltame...".
La mitad de los rasgos de ella estaban cubiertos por una máscara blanca, que solo dejaba ver sus ojos sorprendentemente hermosos, que ahora empezaban a humedecerse.
"No... Suéltame...".
Sus mejillas se sonrojaron y balbuceó angustiada.
Él tiró a la mujer, Millie Brown, al suelo de un manotazo y la miró con condescendencia.
Ella sintió un breve respingo de ansiedad al darse cuenta de que su máscara se había soltado por un lado. De inmediato se la ajustó.
El hombre abrió la puerta de golpe y salió a grandes zancadas.
La criada, que había visto todo lo ocurrido, se apresuró a ayudarla a levantarse del suelo.
"Señora, ¿se encuentra bien? Déjeme ayudarla", le dijo.
"Gracias", contestó Millie.
Cuando la mujer por fin se levantó, se frotó el cuello enrojecido, donde la habían agarrado con fuerza, y parpadeó con los ojos enrojecidos y confusos hacia la puerta abierta.
"¿Ese hombre es Marcus?".
La criada, que ahora le estaba alisando el vestido de novia, respondió: "Sí. Es el señor de la casa y su marido".
Millie frunció el ceño. Creía que Marcus Thomas era discapacitado, como decían los rumores. Su hermanastra, Mia Brown, había llorado mucho para evitar casarse con un discapacitado, luego la obligó a Millie a casarse con él en su lugar.
Resultó que las piernas de Marcus funcionaban perfectamente y podía caminar sin problemas.
Millie esbozó una sonrisa de satisfacción. Porque, sin duda, Mia se iba a arrepentir de su decisión si descubría que Marcus no era el supuesto discapacitado, sino un hombre atractivo con un físico de modelo.
La mujer arrastró su vestido de novia hasta la cama donde se suponía que Marcus y ella iban a pasar su noche de bodas, y se sentó. Ella se aclaró la garganta y preguntó: "Bueno, ¿no es hora ya de cenar?".
Había pasado todo el día sin comer y ahora se estaba muriendo de hambre.
La criada se quedó sorprendida. Las lágrimas que antes corrían por las mejillas de Millie mientras Marcus casi la asfixiaba habían desaparecido, y ahora actuaba como si nada hubiera pasado.
Cuando vio que Millie la miraba fijamente, salió rápidamente de sus pensamientos. Después agachó la cabeza y balbuceó: "En realidad, señora, usted es la única que aún no ha cenado; los demás ya lo han hecho".
Por un breve segundo, Millie se quedó muda.
Y se imaginó que se debía probablemente a que nunca había sido aceptada por la familia Thomas. Celeste Thomas, la madre de Marcus, tenía fama de ser muy estricta con las normas. Y a Millie ya le negaban la comida, a pesar de que acababa de incorporarse a la familia. Era obvio que era un intento de imponer su autoridad y asustar a la nueva nuera.
"Entonces, tráeme la comida", le ordenó Millie.
La expresión de la criada se tornó preocupada.
"Si te preguntan por qué me has traído la comida, les dices que llevo tres días sin comer y que, si no como, me moriré de hambre en casa de ellos. Además, diles que ya antes me he desmayado de hambre", le sugirió Millie.
"Pero... ¿De verdad va a funcionar?", le preguntó tímidamente la sirvienta.
Millie le guiñó un ojo de forma tranquilizadora y dijo: "Va a funcionar. Créeme".
En el salón, Marcus estaba sentado en el extravagante sofá de cuero, y sujetaba un vaso con tanta fuerza que parecía que lo iba a romper.
Su ayudante se le acercó con una pila de documentos. "Señor Thomas, tras una minuciosa investigación, podemos confirmar que la mujer con la que se casó no es Mia, sino Millie, otra hija de los Brown conocida por su rostro desfigurado. La familia Brown nos ha engañado".
Marcus frunció el ceño y soltó el vaso, y lo dejó caer al suelo.
Su ayudante había sacado dos fotos y las colocó delante de él.
Había una diferencia notable en ambas fotos. Mia tenía rasgos finos y un aspecto etéreo. Por el contrario, Millie tenía una horrible cicatriz en el lado derecho de la cara. Parecía como si un ciempiés se arrastrara por su cara.
El hombre soltó una risita siniestra. "¿Cómo se atrevieron a engañarme para que me casara con esa mujer? ¿De verdad creen que se pueden salir con la suya?".
Celeste, bien vestida y de pie junto a Marcus, agarró las fotos. Cuanto más las miraba, más enojada se sentía.
"¡Qué desvergüenza! Creían que mi hijo era un discapacitado, ¡por eso hicieron que esta mujer horrible se casara con él!", exclamó.
Hace cinco años, Marcus tuvo un accidente de auto y, desde entonces, circulaban rumores de que había quedado paralizado. Cuando Celeste quiso desmentir esas afirmaciones, Marcus la detuvo.
Rhea Evans, que estaba sentada junto a Celeste, sintió que la invadía un gran alivio. En su corazón, era ella la que debía ser la esposa de Marcus, y parecía que así seguía siendo la más adecuada. Después de todo, era imposible que él se enamorara de esa mujer tan fea.
"Señora Brown, por favor, tranquilícese. Déjeme darle un masaje", le dijo Rhea.
La unión entre ambas familias no se anunció al público, sino que se llevó a cabo con discreción.
La familia Thomas estaba decidida a elegir una chica de buena reputación, y habían pasado por varias rondas de entrevistas y reuniones con posibles candidatas antes de decidirse por Mia.
El día de la boda, la familia Thomas envió un auto a recoger a la novia a la casa de los Brown, y la ceremonia fue extremadamente sencilla. Era bien sabido que casarse con la familia Thomas elevaría la posición social de los Brown.
No obstante, nadie se imaginó que los Brown tendrían el valor de cambiar a la novia sin que los Thomas lo supieran, logrando engañarlos con éxito.
Marcus, que ya había visto a Mia, no se dio cuenta de que se había casado con otra persona hasta que llegó a casa del trabajo y vio la cara de Millie cubierta con una máscara.
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Libros relacionados de Desamor y amor novela
Curvas para el CEO, de Federica Navarro
Casada por accidente con el CEO, de Edi Carg
Contrato de Matrimonio con un paralítico, de Naulis machado
LA MUJER EN MI, de Briss_M
Obsesión y deseo, de LauraC
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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Finding Love Again novel by Thane Frankel: Declan Harrison and Gemma Davis novel
Synopsis of Finding Love Again novel by Thane Frankel
Title: Finding Love Again
Author: Thane Frankel
Main characters: Declan Harrison and Gemma Davis
Genre: Modern
My whole world came crashing down when I caught my wife cheating on me. Our three-year marriage turned out to be one big joke. I couldn't stay with a cheater, so I divorced her.
"Women are scum!" I said and decided to give up on love.
But as fate would have it, a woman came crashing into my wrecked life. A car accident brought the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her name was Gemma. And she was such a sweetheart. She made me feel like the only man in the world.
Holding her hand, I made a solemn vow. "Now, it's my turn to take care of you. I'm willing to dedicate my life and give my all for this."
Unfortunately, several people threatened our love. Will our love stand the test of time? Why don't you come with me to find out?
Finding Love Again novel Chapter 1 The Unfaithful Wife
"Baby, keep it down. My husband's home."
In a luxurious villa, Declan Harrison paused by the bedroom door and caught hushed voices from inside the room.
The voice was unmistakable to him. It was Khloe Harrison, his wife.
"And what's a man in his condition going to do even if he hears? Don't worry about him, sweetheart," an unfamiliar voice replied.
As Declan stood there, supported by his crutch, a wave of emotion washed over him.
Fury clouded his judgment.
A resounding crash echoed in the villa. Declan had used his crutch to force the door open.
Inside the room, a man and Khloe were making out.
"Khloe, how could you?!" Declan asked in anguish, his hands balled into fists.
Khloe raised an eyebrow and coldly said, "Remember, you're just an orphan my grandfather took pity on, and you're living off my family's fortune. You can't even find a job. Had Grandpa not insisted, why would I have married a worthless person like you, considering you're a cripple?"
"I crippled my leg saving you!" Declan shouted at Khloe, his eyes brimming with tears.
"You, trash, consider yourself lucky. That leg was a small price for my life!" Khloe spat out with pure disdain.
Standing aside, Austin Watson smirked and chimed in, "How dare you use a favor like that to demand something from Khloe? If you talk back again, you'll be hopping on no legs."
"Always the big-hearted billionaire, Austin. Only asking for a leg from this nobody," Khloe quipped, playing to his ego.
Austin chuckled heartily. "Of course."
Khloe turned her attention back to Declan and demanded with utter derision, "Get out of my room, you loser."
Her expression was that of undisguised superiority. To her, Declan was like nothing more than a pest.
"While Austin is sealing deals with powerhouses like the Davis family from Lorphis, you're just clinging to the coattails of my family's name."
"Why bother telling him that? He probably doesn't even know how important the Davis family in Lorphis is," Austin remarked contemptuously.
Although Declan was not deeply entrenched in business affairs, the wealth and influence of the Davis family were common knowledge. They were worth trillions.
"Stay away from my wife!" Declan demanded, fury blazing in his eyes.
"You dare meddle in my affairs? What's a crippled man like you gonna do?" Austin retorted with a sneer.
Declan said nothing. However, he was visibly shaking from anger, and his hands were balled into fists.
Austin furrowed his brow and questioned, "What are you gonna do?"
"I'll fight you!" Declan lunged and brandished his crutch at Austin.
The latter, quick on his feet, evaded Declan's attack and landed a powerful punch on his jaw, sending him crashing down.
"You think you, a cripple, can stand up to me?" Austin scoffed, pointing and laughing at Declan's plight.
"Damn you!" Declan swung his crutch and managed to strike Austin's leg, which ignited his temper.
"You cripple, How dare you hit me? I'll fucking kill you!" Austin stomped on Declan's crutch, breaking it, and then spat on Declan's face.
"Get lost!"
That evening, Declan was thrown out of the gates of the Scott family's residence.
At this moment, he struggled to his feet and stared at the closed gates with his fists clenched.
His nails dug into his flesh, which resulted in bleeding palms.
However, Declan seemed oblivious to the pain. His heart was consumed with a seething desire to charge back into the house and exact revenge on the two.
But the fire in him slowly dimmed. His grip loosened, and a vacant look replaced the anger in his eyes.
"I'm just a cripple. I can't even beat Austin. What can I do?" Declan said to himself.
Lost in thought, he limped his way to the street.
Suddenly, the sharp sound of a car horn pierced the air.
Declan turned and saw a high-end car barreling toward him.
It was a Maserati, a luxury ride with a starting price of $200, 000.
With a violent crash, Declan was hurled a distance, and his cherished ring was smeared with his blood.
This ring, a memento from his parents, now pulsed with a captivating red glow upon contact with his blood and seamlessly fused into Declan's being.
Related books of Finding Love Again novel
The Mafia's Substitute Bride, by PageSlayer
One Weekend with the Billionaire, by ID Johnson
The CEO's Proposition (Sebastian Brothers), by Margarette Grey
Mafia Desire (Erotica), by inspiredwriter
Imperfect Marriage : A Billionaire's Love Scandal, by Aurorae25
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books-recommendation · 7 months
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Enamorarse lleva tiempo novela de Symon Diller: Rosalynn Fuller y Brian Hughes novela
Sinopsis de Enamorarse lleva tiempo novela de Symon Diller
Título: Enamorarse lleva tiempo
Autor: Symon Diller
Protagonista: Rosalynn Fuller y Brian Hughes
Género: Romance
Durante su matrimonio de dos años, Brian Hughes ignoró a su esposa, Rosalynn Fuller, por completo; la consideraba una mujer fea.
Él la evitó como si fuera la peste. Para colmo, su nombre adornaba las portadas de los tabloides numerosas veces por salir con diferentes mujeres.
Harta de ese matrimonio que nunca había funcionado, Rosalynn pidió el divorcio y se fue con determinación.
Sin embargo, todo cambió en solo unos días.
Brian se interesó en una estilista que trabajaba para su compañía de forma anónima. Con un simple vistazo sabía que Cupido le había tirado la flecha y había acertado: no podía resistirse al encanto irresistible de la muchacha.
Hizo todo lo posible para descubrir su verdadera identidad. Poco sabía que recibiría el mayor shock de su vida.
Brian se arrepintió mucho al recordar el trato que le había dado a su exesposa.
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Enamorarse lleva tiempo novela Capítulo 1 Ella quiere el divorcio
En una tranquila noche de verano en Wragos, Rosalynn Fuller se encontraba sentada en el sofá de su hogar echándole un vistazo a las noticias en su teléfono.
"Brian Hughes, el CEO del Grupo Hughes, asistió a un evento social con la famosa actriz Eleanor Hilton. Más tarde se retiraron a un hotel y se dice que pasaron la noche juntos. A continuación, les mostramos imágenes exclusivas de la pareja...".
Ese artículo en particular estaba en tendencia, por lo que rápidamente se había extendido por todos los rincones de internet.
Allí, Rosalynn se ajustó sus lentes y chequeó con atención las fotos publicadas.
Si bien las imágenes se veían un poco borrosas, se podía distinguir las siluetas de un hombre y una mujer besándose junto a una ventana.
El sujeto era Brian Hughes, su esposo, el heredero de una de las familias más ricas e influyentes de la ciudad.
Brian era un tipo muy poderoso que tenía el control sobre las actividades económicas de toda la ciudad, y por ridículo que sonara para la mayoría de la gente, nunca había puesto un pie en su casa desde que se casaron dos años atrás.
De hecho, ni siquiera se había presentado cuando se registró su matrimonio.
En cambio, envió a su abogado para que completara el proceso por él.
Por supuesto, Rosalynn desde el principio sabía que Brian estaba en contra de su unión, y que la única razón por la que había cedido era por su abuela, Debora Hughes.
Resultó que, por cosas de la vida, el abuelo de Rosalynn había salvado una vez a Debora, de modo que cuando ella expresó su deseo de devolverle el favor, él le pidió casar a sus nietos con la intención de darle una vida cómoda y sin preocupaciones a la propia Rosalynn.
Al inicio la chica había albergado la esperanza de que su matrimonio fuera armonioso.
No obstante, durante los últimos dos años, había visto a Brian salir de forma constante con varias actrices, acto que era más que suficiente para decepcionarla y hacer añicos sus ingenuas ilusiones.
Tras terminar de leer el artículo, la joven llamó por primera vez a Brian desde que estaban casados.
"Hola, soy Rosalynn".
"¿Rosalynn? ¿Cuál Rosalynn?", preguntó él con su profunda voz. A pesar de que su tono era inequívocamente frío, escucharlo era una experiencia bastante agradable.
Claro, el contenido de sus palabras era otro asunto... Esbozando una sonrisa irónica, Rosalynn apretó los dedos con fuerza alrededor de su teléfono.
¡Brian ni siquiera recordaba el nombre de su esposa!
"Tu esposa, al menos en papel".
"Ahh... ¿Qué quieres?", escupió el chico con indiferencia.
"Quiero el divorcio", respondió ella con determinación.
Después de unos segundos de silencio, él consultó: "¿Esa es tu decisión?".
"Bien, ¿cuánto quieres como compensación? Te daré la cantidad que desees".
"No hay necesidad de eso, no me importa tu dinero, así como tampoco me importa compartirte con otras mujeres. Ya he preparado y firmado el acuerdo de divorcio, me voy sin nada", soltó Rosalynn sin detenerse a respirar, e inmediatamente colgó la llamada.
Ciertamente, estaban unidos por la ley, pero eran como extraños, así que con una simple firma ya no tendrían nada que ver el uno con el otro.
Con eso en mente, la bella Rosalynn subió las escaleras para empacar sus pertenencias en una sola maleta, dejó el acuerdo de divorcio sobre la mesa, y salió de la villa sin mirar atrás.
Mientras tanto, en la oficina del director ejecutivo del Grupo Hughes, Brian se recostó en su silla mirando el teléfono con desdén.
Por fin, su supuesta esposa no pudo soportar más su ausencia y ella misma le propuso el divorcio.
En ese momento, alguien llamó a la puerta, y su asistente, Edwin Byrd, entró.
"Señor Hughes, es casi la hora de su cita con el señor Foster".
Asintiendo, Brian se puso de pie, agarrando la chaqueta de su traje que estaba en el respaldo de la silla.
"Edwin, deshazte de todos los artículos que encuentres relacionados conmigo en internet, y pídele a mi abogado que vaya a buscar el documento de divorcio que mi esposa dejó en la villa".
Edwin se entusiasmó al escuchar esas órdenes, pues él sabía mejor que nadie que su jefe realmente no había salido con ninguna mujer en todo ese tiempo. De hecho, los escándalos que lo involucraban habían sido inventados para desacreditarlo y obligar a su esposa a pedirle el divorcio, y parecía que había logrado su objetivo.
Por su parte, Rosalynn tomó un taxi hasta el apartamento que se había comprado.
El lugar estaba ubicado en un punto privilegiado del centro de la ciudad; este tenía tres dormitorios, una amplia sala, y además estaba amueblado y contaba con el sistema de seguridad más avanzado.
Al llegar, la chica guardó su maleta y se acercó al ventanal para observar las brillantes luces de la ciudad. Acto seguido, llamó a su mejor amiga.
"Karina, me he divorciado".
"¿Qué? ¿En serio? ¡Vaya, querida, esas son buenas noticias! ¡Felicidades por tu soltería! ¡Deberíamos salir a celebrar tu libertad!".
"Claro, ¿por qué no?", respondió Rosalynn.
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