bloggifiedmom · 6 years
For long, parents held diapers responsible for the dreadful baby rashes. But it may not be the only reason. We  are left wondering about how to prevent diaper rashes even after not using diapers. We are well aware that a baby’s skin is very delicate and needs proper care. It is thinner, more fragile and a lot sensitive than that of an adult. A baby’s skin is also very easily affected by…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
It is very true that books are our best friends, at any age. When we had no access to technology like kids now have, books were one of the main sources of entertainment and pleasure. I still remember devouring Enid Blyton books, the Famous Five series, Panchtantra books, and all those fascinating comic series. I used to get lost in those books for hours and hours together. So, when my daughter was born, one thing I was sure about was that she will have to love books! (please don’t judge). And to my pleasant surprise, she is as big a book lover as I am.
I introduced books to Siya when she was a year old. I followed some simple steps which made the whole process a lot easier and more enjoyable. First, let’s talk about what kinds of books you can introduce at the corresponding ages.
0 to 6 MONTHS – Since a baby’s vision is not clear during the initial months, you can buy books with big pictures and little text. There are many books available online which have inbuilt sound, puppets, mirrors, peepholes, and other such stuff. You can buy them also. Kids this small do not really understand the meaning of words. They are more interested in the sound of your voice and their time with you.
7 to 12 months – At this age, babies become more aware of their surroundings and are also able to grasp some words told to them. They also start connecting more to the words used more often like “Mumma”, “daddy”, “ball”, “bottle” etc. At this age, it is best to buy small board books which have a single picture connected to a word on each page. Point to the pictures while reading the word connected with it. You can also act out with your hands and voice. Children understand your tone more than they understand the meaning. It is also advisable to buy board books for kids in this age group which can withstand the rough handling.
13 to 24 months – Now kids can understand sentences with few words. So, it is advisable to buy books which have colorful pictures with a few sentences. It is very helpful if you can act out the sentences to them. Read the stories or poems with full sound effects. For example, if there is a train the story, make some noises which a train makes. Similarly, they can very easily learn animal sounds with this trick too. You can also ask  questions to the child like “what does the dog says”, “how does a tractor moves”. You can also introduce colors to her in the same way.
19 to 24 months – By this time, your little one must have got a hang of book-reading. They can also demand to read the same book over and over again. This is because they have become familiar with the sounds and effects that you create while reading the books. But there is absolutely no problem in it as it may eventually help in increasing their vocabulary. You can buy pop-up books, puppet books, sound books also for your kid.
1. Start slowly and steadily. It is OK if you read only for a few minutes every day. Small kids have less attention span and it is not necessary that you finish the whole book in one go. 2. Talk and talk and talk. The more you make the book reading sessions interesting, the more your child will enjoy the whole process. 3. Introduce by showing the cover page of the book first. It creates a curiosity in the child’s mind. 4. Let children turn the pages of the books if they are willing to do that. And also, it is perfectly fine to skip a few pages. 5. Point to the particular word which you read so that the child starts relating to it slowly and gradually. 6. Ask questions and also encourage the little ones to ask questions to you. 7. Weave stories together as you read a book. Helps in making the whole experience an interesting one. 8. Do some reading daily. It has multiple benefits. Most importantly, it helps in creating a screen-free environment for the child. As you do it daily, children start finding pleasure and a sense of peace in it.
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HOW TO INTRODUCE BOOKS TO YOUR CHILD? It is very true that books are our best friends, at any age. When we had no access to technology like kids now have, books were one of the main sources of entertainment and pleasure.
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
5 Tips to Achieve the Gatsby Look
5 Tips to Achieve the Gatsby Look
The 1920s was perhaps the most fashion-forward decade in history, and “The Great Gatsby” perfectly embodies the excitement and stylish nature of the Roaring Twenties. If you want to achieve a beautiful Gatsby look, these 5 components are a must have.
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
‘And She Quit Her Job’! What About You? 
When it comes to ‘writers creating a difference’, there are only a handful names in the Indian media industry whose work speaks volumes. Grasping one beat is easy, but holding a grip over varieties in content is a tough job. If we talk about the modern day writers, though thousands struggle to create a name for themselves every day, a few lead paths for…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
When it comes to baby products, we generally assume them to be safe. But even the slightest of doubt and our minds are thrown into a frenzy about what is right or wrong. Parents want the best when it comes to children. When my daughter was born, baby wipes were one of the few things which helped us immensely. It was extremely easy to use them to clean baby’s poop, cleaning the diaper area,…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
Watch my testimonial about the amazing activity boxes from Flintobox!!
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
My daughter, Siya, is currently 3 years 6 months old and she started school after her 2nd birthday. This was a mutual decision of me and my husband as we wanted to give her some exposure. We felt that being the only child she does not know the idea of friends, sharing, sitting together with other kids etc. So, we selected a Play Group near our house after taking into consideration all the factors.
A lot of people were taken aback when they got to know that she is going to school at that age. They told us that she is too young; “Puri life to mehnat karegi hi, to abhi se kyu” and all those regular stuff. But we went ahead with it without giving any counter-arguments because that would have been a waste of time.
First Day at school!! Though she looks grumpy but she was just trying to contain her excitement..:)
Siya started her preschool on a very high note. We were very skeptical of how she will react because she does not readily get along with everyone. But to our surprise, she just went inside without even looking at us twice. No crying, no tantrums, no drama, no clinging! It was such a boost to us too. She has always been an active learner who understands things quite easily and remembers them well too. I observed quite a few changes in her during her preschool year.
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Boat making!
Hand Prints (That face though!)
Team work
Dressed as an apple!
1. She learned how to get along with other kids. After the initial resistance to sit in the class except with her teacher, she learned how all of them are sailing together in the school. Siya started to mingle with other kids and even shared her lunch with a few of them.
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Tree Making
Magic Show at school!
Group Activity
So engrossed!
2. Her routine fell into place. Though I always made a point to adhere her to a particular routine, it became more streamlined once she started school. Waking up, getting ready, going to school, coming back, eating lunch, taking a nap, going to the park in the evening and everything else became structured. This also reduced unwanted screen time a lot.
3. Her energy was invested in the right direction. Earlier, we used to keep thinking of ways to keep her busy and very often she would get cranky or irritated when things were not done according to her wishes. But while she was in school for 2.5-3 hours, she was kept engaged in all the constructive activities and playtime.
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Happy Face at school
Performing at Sports Day
4. Siya learned a lot about festivals and occasions too. For example, I do not think she would have really known what Eid is if she was not going to a school where all the festivals are celebrated with equal enthusiasm. She now knows about Republic Day and Independence Day too and even performed on patriotic songs. Though she may not have understood the meanings of those songs, she definitely knows the feeling behind them. She enthusiastically sings the national anthem at school and at home too.
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Republic Day
Republic Day
Flower Day
Children’s Day
5. Siya has become a risk-taker in all sense. She is ready to explore new things without any doubts in her mind. I guess being at school without her parents or known people has increased her self-confidence. Her ability to do thing son her own has also shot up. She insists on wearing her shoes on her own and eating her food.
Si, it is a win-win situation for all of us and I am definitely looking forward to what new things she learns in Nursery!! Stay hooked.
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HOW PRESCHOOL HELPED IN MY CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT My daughter, Siya, is currently 3 years 6 months old and she started school after her 2nd birthday.
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
Euphorbia box is a monthly beauty subscription box in India. It is very affordable and comes in four different subscription packages –
1-month plan for INR 309
3 months plan for INR 299/month
6 months plan for INR 289/month
12 months plan for INR 259/month
Every month you will receive 4-5 beauty and skin care products at your doorstep. Since we are always confused about what to buy when it comes to trying new cosmetic products, beauty subscription boxes are a great way to explore such options without having to invest a lot of time in choosing the products. I subscribed to their three months plan.
  Elenblu Power Kohl Kajal – Rs. 249
Good Soap Eye serum – Rs. 1,199
Seven seas Long Crazy Matte Pen Lipstick – Rs. 299
A pair of Earrings – Rs. 150
Color Dose Nail Lacquer – Rs. 119
  Elenblu Power Kohl Kajal –
The packaging of this product was really good. It is manufactured in Germany. The net weight is 0.35 g and it was manufactured in 2016 with an expiry date of 2019. The product is free from any preservatives and is also dermatologically tested. There has been no animal testing in its manufacturing. Though it is not mentioned on the packaging whether it is waterproof or not. The Kajal gives a good pigmentation with a single stripe. The shelf life is 30 months so you can use it for quite long. On the package, it is mentioned that it lasts up to 8 hours but you have to reapply it in between as per my own experience.
  Good Soap Eye Serum –
This is the “ Star product” of this month. It is the Rosehip and Almond Insta Natural Triple Correction Eye Serum. The description says that it firm the delicate skin around the eyes, smooth out fine lines and add instant brightness. The ingredients are Rosehip seed oil, sweet almond, Vit E, green tea extracts, and lemon. The rosehip seed oil has smoothing and anti-aging effects on the skin. It has no fragrance at all and is very light. It gets absorbed very quickly in the skin. I will try this on myself for 2-3 weeks and let you all know the detailed review.
  Seven Seas Long Crazy Matte Pen Lipstick-
This is a nude color and the shade number is 637. This will be the same in all the bags. The expiry date is June 2021. The shade is quite nice and totally matte. Just one issue that it Is not quite lasting, so you may have to reapply it after 2-3 hours.
Color Dose Nail Lacquer –
This is the complimentary product for this month. I got a black color nail paint in my bag. It is glossy and its net weight is 9.5 ml.
  A pair of earrings –
I absolutely loved the silver and blue color tassel earings in this month’s bag. They look heavy but are extremely light-weighted. They are apt to be used in the upcoming festive season.
  Overall, the box is a steal deal. Rs 2,016 by just paying Rs 299. Wow !! So you can get yours at  https://euphorbiabox.com/
  * This is not a sponsored post. I purchased the box from my own money and the views are my own.
        EUPHORBIA BOX-AUGUST 2018-REVIEW Euphorbia box is a monthly beauty subscription box in India. It is very affordable and comes in four different subscription packages -
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
Last week, I got a chance to be one of the 82 mums from all over India who were invited to be a part of the unprecedented journey of transformation in one of the oldest brands in baby care – Johnson’s Baby. I was invited as a part of the Babychakra team to witness the launch.
For those of you who don’t know, Babychakra is India’s largest parenting community and a discovery platform that connects mothers and dads to the best services and products in the city. It is based on genuine recommendations from mothers, has a distinguished panel of experts to guide content and believes in strong social integration.
The Baby Chakra Team!!
  We received a digital invite days ahead of the actual launch to join the Johnsons team for the 1st and exclusive experience of the NEW Johnson’s Baby.
  DAY 1 – Lucknow to Mumbai
  So, I flew to the city of dreams Mumbai a day in advance to be a part of the event to be held the next day. Our stay was arranged in the same hotel were the event was to take place – ITC Maratha. It is a magnificent property and I felt no less than a celebrity when a private chauffeur came to pick me up at the airport and dropped me at the hotel. I also got a personalized invitation card right after I landed.  The Johnson’s team was already present there to guide us and we were allotted our rooms on a twin sharing basis.
Splendid interiors of the Hotel
The beautiful dining area
Our room!
Our room!
  I was completely in awe of the gigantic hotel and the deluxe rooms. In the evening, an evening high tea and dinner get together was organized for the mums staying at the hotel. During the high tea, we also played some games like Rhymes antakshari and storytelling. It was an enjoyable get-together where we also got a glimpse of the NEW Johnson’s branding. The day ended with a sumptuous dinner and lots of meaningful conversations with the fellow bloggers.
At the high tea and dinner!!
  Our day started early and we all got ready by 9:30 am to witness the mega-launch. The ballroom at the hotel was impeccably decorated with the colors of Johnson’s baby for the event. There was even a small baby room set-up right there at the venue, complete with a cradle and a rocking chair. We all happily posed for pictures and then proceeded for the main event inside the ballroom.
The baby room at the venue!
  The décor of the hall was on marvelous. There was a big stage in front of us with some huge structures hidden behind the curtains. Round tables and chairs were laid for us. All of us who represented the Babychakra team took a table and settled down.
  Then the Senior Product Manager at Johnson and Johnson, Deepali Agarwal, gave us an introduction about the newly launched products. About what is new and what makes the NEW Johnson’s baby gentler and better. Then the big names of the Johnsons Group who came from as far as Singapore unveiled the new product line on stage by pulling down the curtains on the giant cut-outs of the new products. There was also a spectacular video show depicting all that is new in the “NEW Johnson’s range”.
Lamp lighting
The new range
Babychakra team with the new products
The experts from Johnson’s team told us the science that goes behind the making of the baby products. It was a really interactive session and many of our doubts were cleared. Then we took a short break for lunch.
When we returned after relishing the delectable food, we found a big Johnson’s package on our chairs. Inside it was a big Johnsons box with a magnetic photo frame, a pen, a tear-drop shaped pen drive and an information booklet with all the details about the products. We then conducted some fun experiments and also played Bingo in which our team stood as the winners and we got a Neutrogena hamper each. Didn’t I tell you, the event was beyond our expectations and we really felt special!
The New range
Neutrogena Hamper which we won as a team
Friends like family!
There was also an “Ask Johnson’s” session with the experts which was an eye-opener. All our questions were answered very patiently, and it was ensured that we had all our doubts cleared. The day ended with photo ops and content shot.
Ask Johnson’s Session
The New product Range
Photo ops
After the event, my roommate, who is also my very good friend, and I went out to shop a little for our folks back at home. It was quite an eventful day I must say.
  I stayed back as the event ended in the evening and flew back to my city the next day. My daughter was ecstatic on seeing me after a gap of two days and we showered kisses and hugs on each other. What an end to such a wonderful trip.
  The new range of products is in many ways better than the old ones. To start with, they are: ✅Parabens free ✅Sulfates free ✅Dyes free ✅Phthalates free
They are transparent and visibly pure!!👍
They meet the highest IFRA (international fragrance standard) Fragrance standards!!🙋🏻‍♀️⭐️💫
The new products have been tested with 5.5 lakh people globally. Also, 8000 clinical assessments have also been done on these products globally. They also pass 4 skin allergy tests.
Like earlier, all the new products are also “Clinically proven mild”.👶🏻👍💫
The packaging has also changed. There is a safety lock now and you can easily open and use the bottles with one hand. The teardrop shape makes them easy to hold.🙋🏻
The products are also pH balanced and hypoallergenic. 👍
So, now you have many more reasons to use and trust the most loved brand in the baby care industry.
THE NEW JOHNSONS BABY LAUNCH #CHOOSEGENTLE Last week, I got a chance to be one of the 82 mums from all over India who were invited to be a part of the unprecedented journey of transformation in one of the oldest brands in baby care – Johnson’s Baby.
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
We all have used wipes for our babies – be it to clean the diaper area or to clean the mouth or hands after a messy meal or playtime. But have we ever thought about what are these wipes made up of? Most of the baby wipes are not made up of tissue paper like we think and are not easily degradable. In fact, most wet wipes are made up of plastic resins like tissue paper or polypropylene. Thus, they…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
About the Box  –
Euphorbia box is a monthly beauty subscription box in India. It is very affordable and comes in four different subscription packages –
1-month plan for INR 309
3 months plan for INR 299/month
6 months plan for INR 289/month
12 months plan for INR 259/month
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
I feel that watching movies is one of the best things to do when one has time. Movies not only serve as a time pass rather they leave a deep impact on us and give us a number of memories and thrilling experiences. They also motivate us, make us fall in love and bring to us the old figments of imagination.
There are a number of movies and to narrow down to some of the best movies ever made is a…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
One of my very good friend, Abhishek Anand, wrote a beautiful post about what he has learned from his mother and why he idolizes her. So, I thought I will share this beautiful piece on my blog. After all, our mothers deserve this kind of love and affection and I am sure this will resonate with most of you. Read on –
“They say that there is no love better than mothers love and they say it right.…
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bloggifiedmom · 6 years
Hi, My name is Siya and I am a three-year-old “typhoon” toddler. Since I am on my summer vacations these days, I thought why not share my day with you. I told my mother to write down what I do all day long without any amendments. Hope you all can relate to the tough life that I lead.
9:30 am – I wake up at around this time. In fact, I can wake up whenever I like because I am the boss of the house. And I have strictly mentioned that nobody should even attempt to wake me up before this else they will be responsible for the consequences.
10:30 am – After half an hour of cuddling with my pillow after I wake up and demanding that the lights be switched off once again, my mother finally manages to convince me to brush my teeth so that I could kill the insects in my mouth from last night’s pastry treat.
10:45 am – My mother takes approximately 15 minutes to clean my teeth. There is also a lot of action in between like stories about the dentist, splashing water on the bathroom mirror, wondering how can I spit the toothpaste foam on the tap, and throwing tantrums about not washing my face. After I have brushed, I insist that I keep wearing the night suit as I really like the shark print on it. It takes another 10 minutes or so. But choices have to be made and I really can’t help it!
11:00 am to 12:00 pm – I step out of my room (OK, my parent’s room) and go and wish my grandpa Good morning. I can’t really understand these rituals of adults but have to follow them anyway. I like to spend my morning time in my grandpa’s room as it is there where all my toys are. I order him to switch on the TV so that I could watch my favorite cartoons. While he does
Doing some household work!
My favorites!
that, I begin to shuffle my toy cupboard in order to find my favorite toys. Meanwhile, my mother asks our cook to give me some snacks to start my mornings with. I always prefer chips but it seldom gets approved. So, I have to make do with bread and butter or besan chilla or Slurrpfarm millet dosa. For the next one hour, I am with my grandpa, playing with my toys and eating with the television playing in the background. I keep checking on my parents in between just to make sure that they are reminded of my presence in the house and not get used to the silence.
12:00 to 12:30 pm – My mother gives me a bath which I absolutely enjoy. It takes half an hour for the whole thing to get finished. So, after the bath, I feel so clean that my energy level boosts up and I am ready to take on the house again! But my mom insists that I have my lunch first which is either vegetable dalia with paneer or roti with lady-finger vegetable (I love this) or roti with pumpkin vegetable or khichdi with curd. So, I hurriedly finish my lunch while watching rhymes and head over to my play zone again which everyone says is my grandpa’s room, but I believe he just sleeps in my play area.
12:30 – 2:00 pm – This is the time when I raid my toy cupboard and play to my heart’s content. My cook cum babysitter is often a part of this. We do all sorts of things together like painting, making blocks, reading books,jumping on the bed, making a tunnel out of my play mat, cooking pizza in my kitchen, insisting that grandpa sits outside the room etc.
2:00 – 2:30 pm – I eat something again because I have recently quit my bottle and formula milk which I loved. I am still in the rehabilitation phase because it takes a lot to be de-addicted from such an old habit. My mom is
trying her level best to make me drink a new kind of milk from a glass, but I really don’t think it is worth all the efforts. How can a cow produce something which came in a box earlier? I fail to understand this and am not going to drink anything which I doubt. Self-defense you see!
2:30 to 3:00 pm – I read my story books with my mom as I am tired by all the running and jumping. I love reading books and know most of the words in my books by now. Though I enjoy this time with my mom I think this is also her strategy to make me feel sleepy.
3:00 – 5:30 pm – This is my nap time and I sleep with my grandpa in the afternoon. My mom loves this time because she finally gets time to do her own stuff most of which I don’t understand. Before sleeping, I make my grandpa tell me at least three different variants of the same story. Most of these stories have the neighborhood boy (whom I absolutely hate) in the negative character with me saving the world and most importantly, my chocolates from him.
5:30 – 6:30 pm – I wake up at around this time and demand to see my mom immediately. This is in order to be sure that she has not left the house without me. The next one hour is spent with my mom where I also get to eat some chips and banana and talk about how are we going to trouble daddy when he comes back home from the office.
6:30 – 7:30 pm – I head to the park with my babysitter. There I enjoy the slides the most and have demanded that I get one at home too. I do not like talking to a lot of people so most of the time it is me and my didi. This is my favorite time of the day. My mom again gets some me-time of which there is no mention in my dictionary.
7:30 – 9:00 pm – I come back home and my mom changes my clothes after giving me a mini-bath. She says I am always full of mud and sand when I come from the park, but I don’t mind that. In fact, I love playing with the mud and building sand castles. Now, I eat my evening snacks which are two boiled eggs and watch some rhymes on YouTube or color my books or stick sticker son my mom’s face. After all this, I head to my play area again and shuffle some more toys. Then, it is time for my daddy to be home and I get very excited on seeing him (or the pastries).
9:00 to 10:30 pm – The adults eat while I jump around the house or smear rice on my face or spill daal on the mat or demand that I am given chilled water to drink. In short, my main aim is to make their dinner time miserable. I also eat my own dinner in between all this.
10:30 to 11:30 pm – I am pushed inside the room, changed into my night-clothes and forced to lie down on the bed. But I give full company to my parents in their conversations and order daddy to tell me Peppa Pig stories. My mom seems to be quite happy that I am giving her a break and eating Daddy’s head instead. I don’t know how but I think the adults play some trick and make me sleep in the middle of the storytelling sessions.
So, this is how I am spending my vacations. My routine when my school starts is quite different and will share that with you soon. Bye!!
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