bitchgonewild · 7 months
saying you support ace and aro people means all of them. ace people who have sex and aros who date and the aces and aros who are repulsed by that. aces who aren't aro and aros who aren't ace. aros who are loveless or heartless and people who are also aplatonic or anything else under the a-spectrum. you can't pick and choose who you support
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
neurotypicals will SWEAR they support you but the second you unmask they stare at you weirdly and question why you’re acting differently
thanks for supporting me! i feel so seen right now!! let me just put this back on…
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
One reason you might not be very "good" about a trans loved one's pronouns or the language you use for them might stem from memorizing what they want, rather than actually changing how you view them.
For instance, my trans friend came out rather late compared to me. However, since internalizing that I wasn't really correct about who she is, because she's a woman and I didn't know that, it was instantaneous to refer to her by her name, to use language that accurately reflects her instead of what I thought she was.
When you actually internalize that a loved one is actually this way instead of what you thought, it makes it so much easier to truly and actually change your perspective on them.
In short, are you memorizing who they are, or are you actually learning who they are?
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
This nonutnovember I want to have no nuts
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
polyamorous in theory but aromantic in practise
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
Kaali mata aka the og feminine rage girlie. The. holy. mother. is quite literally MOTHERING and we celebrate it as a festival for nine nights <3
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
made some very oddly specific aspec banners if u wanna use em
credit would be cool but at the end of the day this is a silly site. idm
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flags used: evil aro, arson aro, aplatonic, loveless aro
(also note that the second apl one is a wilbur soot reference so erm. if u don't watch him maybe don't use it unless you're ok with people thinking you do LMAO /silly)
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bitchgonewild · 7 months
The desi equivalent of Et tu, Brute? (You too,Brutus?) would beTu bhi,Kutte?
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bitchgonewild · 8 months
yknow I am afraid of dying alone, but not in a "I'm scared I'll never find a romantic partner :(" kind of way, but in a "I'm scared there'll come a situation where I'll need an outsider's help and there will be no one nearby to lend me a hand" kind of way
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
Why is it body positivity, especially male body positivity, always about fat people? I have seen triple XL sizes and even beyond (which is amazing don't get me wrong) but XS is so rare and double XS doesn't even exist? Like the smallest size available for shirts in India is S, which is 38 inches, sometimes 39. My scrawny ass has to buy from kids' sections for clothes that fit me, and even that of 13-14 year olds. And for pants it doesn't even come close. S is 30 inches, which can fit one and a half of me. Is body positivity and inclusiveness only for fat people?
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
Dialogue prompt
"Why the hell are you like this?"
"Childhood trauma and it's resulting responses mostly."
"What? You asked."
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
I hate hbo max. I hate Disney +. I hate Amazon prime. I hate streaming platforms that treat their staff and creators like donkey shit. I hate that they don’t compensate for rewatches or popularity and can’t even take out the fucking commercials. I hate our monthly fees for media that can just be put in the vault and written off as if it never existed. I hate our reliance on mega corporations for our daily serotonin. I want weekly shows where I can theorize with my friends. I want dvds to be popular again. I want no commercials and for my favorite creators to be paid to imagine a better world than this.
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
Oddly specific Pride month wishes: Aromantic edition.
Happy Pride to the Aromantics who craved love more than anything because they grew up in an environment where love was provided as a reward after an achievement instead of a basic human need and had their world shaken when they realised that they are Aromantic and are to date grieving about the loss of something they never had.
Happy Pride to the Aromantics who faked crushes their whole life because they felt that they were missing out on a major part of life.
Happy Pride to the Aromantics who feel like monsters because they are taught from childhood that love is the most important thing a person can offer and receive from others.
Happy Pride to the Aromantics who are actively annoyed by romantic plots in media when they tuned into it specifically wanting to see violence.
Happy Pride to Aromantics who are expert flirts. Really gatekeeping love from allos, huh?
Happy Pride to the Aromantics who are fed up with the amount of emphasis people put on "love" when chocolate is clearly the best thing that can happen to a person (coming from me, who has a chocolate allergy).
Happy Pride to the Loveless Aromantics. I can talk about this one for a whole day.
Happy Pride to Aegoromantics, Apothiromantics, Cupioromantics, Lithoromantics, Grayromantics, and Reciproromantics.
Happy Pride to Aromantic Allosexuals. You are not sluts or fuckboys or whatever people call people who only seek sex without a committed relationship.
Happy Pride to Oriented Aroaces/Angled Aroaces.
Happy Pride to Voidpunks.
Happy Pride to Bunny from Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. He was Allosexual Aromantic, I don't make the rules.
Happy, happy, happy Pride to all the Aromantics. Gods who aren't swayed by mortal flesh for real.
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
Oddly specific Pride month wishes: Asexual edition.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who grew up devouring romantic stories and expected to have a similar story for themselves but had their world shattered when they realised that they are Asexual; but later learned that there is a lot more to relationships than just sex and love and are now moderately confident about their sexuality but still doubt it at times because of Amatonormativity. I see you.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who randomly decided to read a book named Loveless and ended up having sexuality crisis followed by existential crisis, shortly followed by gender and romanticism crisis. I know who you are.
Happy Pride to my beloved triple A batteries (Asexual, Aromantic, Agender). You are powerful. (Batteries...? Power...? Too much?)
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who think they are broken because the society makes them think that they have lost a fundamental part of their humanity. You are valid.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who are constantly Allosplained to about love and sex. I feel the same hatred as you.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who are completely oblivious to the hidden sexual meanings behind things. You are not childish.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals with low libidos and to the ones with massive libidos. Sexual attraction has nothing to do libidos, don't forget that.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who mistook their aesthetic/platonic/sensual/romantic attraction as sexual attraction for the longest until it them like "Oh."
Happy Pride to the baby-Aces, the ones who just discovered the label and are learning more about it and learning to adapt to the world with their newly found identity.
Happy Pride to Alloromantic Asexuals.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who don't give a fuck. Literally.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who are whores (affectionate) in theory but not in practice.
Happy Pride to the Asexuals who put the sexual in Asexual, be it sexuals jokes or sexual activities.
Happy Pride to Aegosexuals, Apothisexuals, Cupirosexuals, Demisexuals, Lithosexuals, Graysexuals, and Reciprosexuals.
Separate mention to Dreamsexuals, a form of Asexuality where a person doesn't feel sexual attraction unless it is a dream (things you see while sleeping). I am sorry for what the kids on Twitter did to your sexuality.
Happy Pride to Georgia and Isaac in specific.
Lastly, massive screw you to aro/ace-phobic Asexuals. Yes, those exist. I have met one or two myself.
Happy, happy, happy Pride month to all the Asexuals. We might not be that visible in media but we exist. We are real. We are valid.
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bitchgonewild · 2 years
It's funny how whenever the topic transgender is brought up, it's almost always about trans women. Transphobes target trans women primarily and trans allies almost always talk about trans women first (countless "Trans women are women" posts, for example). What about my trans brothers? Why are trans men so underrepresented in media?
Is it orthodox masculinity (transphobes saying "trans women have forgotten their masculinity) or is it just dislike for masculinity where trans men are forgotten except when they are feminine? I am a trans woman myself, and from my personal experience, even inside trans circles, people focus mainly on trans women. There will be posts like "Feminine trans men are men, too!!!" Okay, of course they are. But what about masculine trans men? Why are they not talked about? They have almost the same issues as trans women, too.
And also, if you can, do remind yourself and others that adult trans men are men, not boys. There is a serious issue of trans people being infantalised, and only a few people actually address it.
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